Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 147
Evaluate your fields during harvest DE KALB, II With harvest approaching, not is the time to get out the record book to evaluate hybrid performance, specific weed problems, pesticide performance and other crop production factors that will assist you in making better management decisions for 7V 2 % down Hi FARM lANS World s Most Complete Lme o* Gram Drye s NO PAYMENTS ’TIL ’B5 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EXAMPLE: The Model AB-8B Farm Fans Grain dryer pictured above dries 210 bu. per hour, offers manfree operation, and is designed for maximum energy efficiency *649 Leases a dryer for this year's harvest with no additional payments due until 1985. MODEL AB-128 310 BPH THESE AND OTHER FARM FANS DRYERS NOW AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS! I would like more information about | your great offer on Farm Fans Grain | Dryers. NAME ADDRESS _ CITY TELEPHONE A Tam Agri Representative wH| call but there is no obligation. the next growing season, ac cording to Clifton Parker, regional agronomist, DeKalb-Pfizer Genetics. From the cab of the combine an operator can jot down information that will be valuable as management inputs are finalized on Farm Fans Grain Dryers in many popular sizes! STATE y | i MODEL AB-180A 280 BPH MODEL CMS-320-J 6908 PH lam RDI Mountain Rd., Dillsl after harvest. It is important to have your planting records in the cab with you as you proceed with harvest. Review your planting book before you start harvest in each field to make sure you are evaluating the correct hybrid or variety. Check c: r '' s \ U L vi: ■lf\ ''ls i| >£iiSi *5: Z.h> -iS: m<cs burg, Pa. 717-432-9738 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984—D19 for standability is it stalk lodging or root lodging 9 When a stalk is broken below the ear, it is, classified as stalk lodging. When a plant is leaning greater than forty five degrees from vertical, it is classified as root lodging. Standability You should develop a system for comparing hybrid standability. At DeKalb- i- |U h? b„>S * * I*s «'., i t Pfizer Genetics, stalk strength is rated on a 1 to 9 scale, with 1 being best. This system may not work for you while harvesting because of a tune crunch. However, a 1 to 4 rating system could be used as follows; 1-erect; 2-leaning less than 45 degrees; 3-root lodged and 4-stalk lodged. At the end of the harvesting season hybrids can be evaluated objectively based on this rating. You may want to record whether lodging is due to corn borer, stalk rot or some other reason. Yield Will you eyeball and estimate from the combine hopper or will you weigh? To accurately determine yield, the product must be weighed. Some hybrids may not withstand the eyeball test in the combine hopper because they have heavy test weight, and grain takes up less space than lighter weight hybrids. Take the time to weigh each different hybrid and compare. Check moisture, ease of harvesting and other factors that are im portant to you as evaluations of each hybrid are made. You can apply a rating system to each factor you are evaluating and let the numbers aid you in making management decisions. Weeds The silent robbers of yield must be controlled. What are the specific problem weeds in each field 7 It is important to note and record location of weed areas for treatment next year. Shattercane, johnsongrass, velvetleaf and others should be treated timely to limit or stop their spread in a field. Do not spread weed seed or con taminate clean field. Avoid run- Large Quantities Of Sawdust Available 10 cents per cubic foot loaded on your truck. Kondor Lumber Co. York, PA 717-755-6841 SUGAR VALLEY WELDING SHOP LOGANTON. PA 17747 PH: (717) 725-3882 Between 7 AM And 7:30 AM Only Replacement pickup beds, installed, 6’6” wide x 8’ long. All treated lumber on truck bed. Guaranteed 30 years. Swing down endgate. Bumper, lights & trailer hitch included & in stalled. New utility trailers w/ or w/o lights, any size up to 18’, single or tandem axle, larger sizes by order. • Used heavy duty B’xl6’ tandem axle trailer w/5’ beaver tail and pintle hook • Custom-built truck beds w/ hydraulic dump, racks or side boards, metal or wood floors and sides (Turn to Page D2O)