Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 144
Pl6—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday ( September 15,1984 OLEY The 38th annual Oley Valley Community Fair, spon sored by the Oley Valley Com munity Fair Association will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday on the Oley Fire Com pany grounds. On Tuesday and Wednesday, exhibits can be entered in all departments from 4 to 8 p.m. Due to the avian flu situation, poultry will not be exhibited this year. However, a record number of dairy cows is expected. Fair en trants are limited to the residents «fUSK»TOU« FARM EXCAVATING MHOS SCSEK GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 212 Norrsitown, PA 215-275-0440 Sales Rei Clayton Renshaw 717/768-3400 Earl Renshaw 717/768-8409 Reynold Todd 215/948-9604 NEW HOLLAND FARMERS FAIR OCTOBER 3,4, 5,6 Send this coupon for entry number to ENTRY CLERK 361 Valley View Drive New Holland, Pa. 17557 Entry numbers can be picked up on Oct. 2 from 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. at A.B.C. Groff's in lieu of sending for one. Farmer Fair premium books may be picked up at New Holland Stores n ■ Name I I Address To Enter All Exhibits Must Be Listed in the Fair Book. I L I Oley Fair opens on Thursday of the adjoining townships of Oley, which are Alsace, Amity, Earl, Exeter, Pike, Rockland and Ruscombmanor plus the husbands and wives of employees of the Oley Valley School District provided the employees’ name and school ad dress are given. Judging will begin promptly at 8 a.m. on Thursday, in all depart ments. Buildings will be open when the judging is completed. The buildings will close at 11 p.m. Following the judging of exhibits on Thursday, a lamb trimming and Home Phones blocking contest will be held at the livestock barn. An apple peeling contest will be held at 5 p.m. Because of the construction of a pavilion adjacent to the stage, evening entertainment can now be held rain or shine. Entertainment Thursday evening will be the Fox Brothers, a Nashville, Term. Gospel group who have appeared on national TV and LET SEAL CRETE DRESS UP YOUR CHURCH IN ITS “SUNDAY BEST 9 OUR SPECIALITIES ARE: • Steeple Painting • Restoration & Repointing of Stone & Bricl • Clear Waterproorings • Roof Coatings • Stucco & Plaster Walls, Painting & Water; • Sandblasting & Pressure Washing • Concrete Repairs INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Don't Forget To Coll On Us For Your Other Pointing & Waterproofing Needs, AGRICULTURE - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - CHURCHES For FREE Estimate CALL radio and who have recorded five albums. On Friday, Sept. 21, the farm youth vocational agricultute judging contest will be held at 10 a.m. followed by the 16th annual farm tractor pulling contest at noon. A log sawing contest is also scheduled for this day with time to be announced. The popular local country- Seal Crete Ine. PAINTING & WATERPROOFING RD 2, Box 417, Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-859-1127 western group, East Side Dave and the Pine Ridge Mountain Boys, will entertain Friday at 7 p.m. Events on Saturday will begin with the 14th annual antique auto show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and a bale throwing contest at 10 a.m. The 11th annual garden tractor pulling contest will take place at noon and a pie eating contest will be held at 3 p.m. *o* THf Poultry Buildings Barns - Disinfecting Fly Spraying Dairy Whitewashing 6 & 6 HIGH PRESSURE (AGRICULTURAL HIGH PRESSURE WASHING) Barry Garber 367-3649 We Are The Fussy One's A? * reliable thorough largest equipment no road charge