Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 08, 1984, Image 2
A2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 8,1984 Livestock market and auction news Some Monday markets not covered by USDA & PDA due to holiday _ Lancaster Market Monday, Sept. 3 Report Supplied By USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 885 78 1302 516 Last Monday 1362 182 924 636 Last Year 982 88 1580 450 Monday’s Auction 784 83 1286 629 Last Monday’s Auction 1256 209 813 678 Auction Not Reported As USDA Office Closed For Labor Day Holiday. Vintage Auction Tuesday, Sept. 4 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 899 857 14 1 Last Tuesday 1095 949 26 0 Last Year 1125 894 10 2 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers mostly steady; slaughter heifers steady; cows 1.00 lower, instances 2.00 lower; bullocks scarce; bulls fully steady. Supply included 51 percent slaughter steers and 44 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few high Choice and Prime 3-4 1200- 1425 lb. 69.75-71.50, couple head 71.75-72.25; Good and Choice 1-2 1100-1400 lb. 69.50-71.00, five head 72.25-72.85, couple 73.00-73.10; Choice 24 1100-1400 lb. 66.00-69.35, few 69.25-70.25, few 1025-1100 lb. 64.00- high Good and low Choice 2-3 970-1375 lb. 63.2566.00; Good 2-3 1000-1200 lb. 57.5063.50; Good and Choice 1270-1470 lb. Holsteins 51.25-54.60; Standard 1050-1220 lb. 47.2549.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple Choice 2-3 895-1020 lb. 58.25- 59.00, individual Choice 2 1305 lb. 64.75; couple Good 2-3 940-1025 lb. 54.00- 24 hours a day ■ 365 days a year* (717)394-26111 AUCTIONS MONDAY Slaughter Bulls, Heifers, Steers, Cows Veal Calves, Lambs, Hogs TUESDAY 10:00 A.M. Slaughter Hogs 1:00 P.M. Feeder Pigs 9:00 AM- 11:00 A.M WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. Slaughter Hogs 10:00 A.M.— Slaughter Bulls, Heifers, Steers, Cows Veal Calves, Lambs, Hogs Slaughter Sale Load Lot (5 or more) FRIDAY Stocker at 11:00 A.M 12 NOON - A.M 11:00 8:00 A.M | GRADED FEEDER CATTLE SALE * FRIDAY, SEPT. 14th J LANCASTER SfOCKYARDST INC." " ■ 1147 Lititz Pike Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 ® Serving The Community For 87 Years I cocker am. SATURDAY Slaughter Hogs COWS; Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 40.75-42.50, few 43.00-44.00; Cutter and Boning Utility 38.00-41.25, few 41.25-42.25; Canner and low Cutter 33.50-38.50. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1300-1930 ib. 49.50-50.75, three head 54.75- 56.75; yield grade 2 1000-1600 lb. 46.7549.25. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady, instances 5.00 higher on small supply of Choice and Prime. Supply included 577 in graded sale of which 67 percent sold to return to farm. VEALERS: Couple Prime special fed 325-360 lb. 91.00-97.00; Choice 140-250 lb. 74.00-78.00, couple 84.00-90.00; high Good and low Choice 160-260 57.00-72.00, 120- 160 lb. 44.0060.00, 80-110 lb. 32.00- 41.00, few 41.0047.00,55-80 lb 20.00- 30.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 30 head 100-115 lb. Holstein heifers 78.00- 83.00, 25 head 85-95 lb. 44.0047.00; 175 head 100-125 lb. Holstein bulls 79.00-84.50, 50 head 90-95 lb. 75.50- 77.00; 15 head 110-125 lb. small frame 67.00-73.50,75 head 90-105 lb. 43.5046.50. SHEEP; Insufficient volume for a market test, few Choice 70-100 lb. spring lambs 62.00-68.00. GOAT: Individual 14.00. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, September 5 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 389 35 912 70 Last Wednesday 259 40 624 0 Last Year 253 20 769 10 Wednesday’s Auction 193 37 854 0 Last Wednesday’s Auction CATTLE: Insufficient volume of any one class for a market test. Supply included 65 percent slaughter steers and 21 percent cows. id Feeder Cattle SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 1050-1300 lb. 65.00-66.50, couple 67.50; high Good and low Choice 2-3 960-1300 lb. 63.25-65.00. COWS: Couple Breaking Utility and Commercial 24 42.0044.75; Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 38.00 40.50; Canner and low Cutter 34.00 38.00. BULLOCKS: Couple Choice 1050 1275 lb. 54.00-60.50; Couple Good 1050-1200 lb. 50.00-54.00, 900-975 lb. 44.0048.00. VEAL CALVES: Insufficient volume to fully test market. Few high Good and low Choice 80-115 lb. vealers 30.0045.00; few 95-115 lb. Holstein bulls return to farm at 50.0060.00. SHEEP: None. New Holland Livestock Thursday, Sept. 6,1984 Report Supplied by USDA CATTLE: 1513. Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers firm to 50 higher; slaughter heifers not tested; cows weak to 1.00 lower; bullocks 1.00-2.00 higher; bulls 1.00- higher. Supply included 64 percent slaughter steers and 29 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1170-1450 lb. 68.00- few head 67.35-68.00; Choice 24 1050-1350 lb. 65.0067.50, few 67.50-68.60, couple lots Choice 2-3 1000-1100 lb. 63.75-65.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 995-1225 lb. 62.5065.50; good 2-3 58.0063.00; Good and Choice 1065-1325 lb. Holsteins 53.25-56.25, couple Choice 58.7560.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Couple Choice 2 1050-1150 lb. 63.75- 64.00, couple Choice 3 57.0062.75. COWS; Breaking Utility and Commercial 24 38.7542.75, couple 43.0044.00; Cutter and boning Utility 1-3 36.0040.00, few 41.00- 44.00; Canner and low Cutter 33.75- 36.50. BULLOCKS: Good 1050-1300 lb. 54.5060.00, couple Choice 1100-1300 lb. 61.2563.00. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1250-2000 lb. 49.50-52.00, couple 54.85-57.00; yield grade 2 1000-1450 lb. 45.75- 50.75. 39 573 VEAL CALVES: 773. Vealers fully steady, instances 5.00 higher. Demand good for Holstein bulls to return to farm. VEALERS: Prime special fed 290-350 lb. 108.00-113.00; Choice 160- LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg aiding Route 22 PHONE: JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1 30 P M starting with feeder cattle and pigs Also Hay Sale every Tuesday at 12 30 'T*.; HAY, STRAW & CORN MR) SALE yjtzj Every Friday at 12 Noon ' GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION RD No. 4 Ephrata, Pa. 717-738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyer* - Cash or Certified Chech Only. r: CATTLE n | RDI. Marietta. PA I I 17547 I I Office Phone X I (717)653-8164 | | Specializing In f c Stockers & X f Feeders I | JOHN BOWMAN I I Ph (717)653 5728 I z RON RANCK J I Ph (717)656 9849 i ' -v-m ’Xi.-s 'S 350 lb. 77.0099.00; high Good and low Choice 140-350 lb. 55.0079.00, 120150 lb. 46.0060.00, 80115 lb; 38.0045.00, few 6065 lb. & 30.00 39.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90120 lb. Holstein bulls 65.0063.00, couple 85.0091.00; several 80100 lb. 45.0060.00. SHEEP; 148. Spring lambs 5.00 8.00 higher; few slaughter ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS: Choice and Prime 80110 lb. 70.0076.00, few buck lambs 78.0090.00, couple 40 lb. 94.00108.00; G00d6090 lb. 50.00 68.00, few 45-55 lb. 69.0075.00. SLAUGHTER EWES; Few Utility and Good 17.0027.00. GOATS: 19. All goats sold by the head, mainly 19.0030.00, couple 35.0039.00, individual 47.00. Lancaster County Weekly Friday, Sept. 7,1984 Cattle Calves This Week 4300 1750 Last Week 4519 1928 Last Year 4240 1635 CATTLE: Slaughter steers mostly steady, instances .50 higher than last week’s close; slaughter heifers steady; cows 1.00 lower; bulls and bullocks 1.00-2.00 higher. Supply included 46 per cent slaughter steers, 4 per cent slaughter heifers, 23 per cent cows, 5 per cent bulls, balance feeders many held for Friday’s auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 341170-1450 lbs. 68.00-70.10, few head 70.50-71.50; Good 1-21100-1400 lbs. 69.50-71.00,5 head 72.25-73.10; Choice 24 1050- 1400 lbs. 65.0068.00, few 68.00- 69.35; couple lots Choice 2-3 1000- 1100 lbs. 63.75-65.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 970-1375 lbs. 62.50- 65.50; Good 2-3 10001250 lbs. 57.50- 63.50; Good and Choice holsteins 1065-1470 lbs. 51.2566.25; Standard 1050-1220 lbs. 47.2549.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 26 895-1020 lbs. 57.0069.00; few Choice 2 1050-1305 lbs. 62.75- 64.75; couple Good 2-3 940-1025 lbs. 54.0067.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 24 40.0042.75, few 43.0044.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 36.0041.00, few 41.0044.00, Canner and low Cutter 33.50-38.50. BULLOCKS: Few Choice 1100- 1300 lbs. 60.00-63.00; Good 1050-1300 lbs. 50.00-57.00, few 900-975 lbs. 44.0048.00. BULLS; Yield Grade 1 1200-2000 lbs. 49.50-52.00, few 54.75-57.00; Yield Grade 2 1000-1600 lbs. 45.75- 50.75. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady, instances 5.00 higher. Demand good for Holstein bulls to return to farm. Sale Every Tuesday 10:30 A.M. Slaughter Cattle Auction - Stoors. Bulla. Hoifors, Cows, Feeder Cattle. Get calves in early. We start to grade and weigh at 2:00. Sole Every Saturday 9 A.M. Hog Sale Business Phene 717-768-8204 Heme Phene 215-458-8518 L. Robert Frame, Manager Box 100 Paradise, PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 VEALERS: Prime special fed 290-350 lbs. 97.00-113.00; Choice 140- 350 lbs. 74.00-99.00; high Good and low Choice 140-350 lbs. 55.00-79.00, 120-160 lbs. 44.00-60.00, 80-115 lbs. 38.00- few uncertified 32.00- 38.00, 60-85 lbs. 30.00-39.00, un certified 20.00-30.00. RETURNED TO FARM; Few 100-115 lb. holstein heifers 78.00- 83.00; bulk 90-120 lbs. holstein bulls 65.00- few 85.00-91.00, several 80-100 lbs. mostly small frame 43.5065.00. CATTLE: Compared to last week, slaughter steers and heifers steady to 25 cents higher. Trading marked by good demand for both steers and heifers, especially those promising relatively large per centage choice grade. Dressed carcass beef prices remained steady with last week’s closing levels. Slaughter cows 50-1.00 lower. Slaughter bulls steady. Estimated 4 day receipts this holiday shortened week 6,100; Actuals last week 7,004; Year ago 5,921. Steers comprised 44 pet of this week, heifers 40 pet., cows 12 pet., feeders 2 pet. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Closing sales scattered loads and lots choice 2-4 1050-1200 lbs. 64.50-66.00. Mixed good and choice 2-31050-1150 lbs. 63.00-64.50. Few good 60.00- 63.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Scattered loads and small lots choice 2-4 950-1100 lbs. 62.50-64.25. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 61.00-62.50. Few good 56.00- 61.00. Average of LS-214, quotations for choice 900-1100 lb. steers this week 64.50; 1100-1300 lbs. 65.75. Average cost steers this week 64.73, average weight 1125 lbs. as compared to 63.38 and 1129 lbs. last week. Average cost heifers this week 62.31, average weight 989 lbs. as compared to 61.95 and 1007 lbs. last week. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking utility, few commercial 2-3 38.00- 41.50. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 35.00-39.00, few high dressing to 40.50. Canner and low cutter 31.00- 36.00. SLAUGHTER BULLS: 1-2 1200- 1900 lbs. 44.0048.50. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Omaha Weekly Thursday, Sept. 6,1984 Report Supplied by USDA A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Phone: 717-3943047 or 717-626-1164