Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 01, 1984, Image 137

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    Partitioning of nutrients
(Continued from Page D 8)
require some 70 to 80 percent of
their nitrogen source in the form of
ammonia (NH 3 ) for maximal
growth. They can get this am
monia either by breaking down
feed proteins or from NPN sour
ces. Some NPN, in the form of
urea, comes into the rumen via the
blood and saliva, since the cow
does produce urea in the liver.
However, this internally
produced urea will supply only a
small amount of the microbial
requirement in the lactating cow.
The major portion of NPN must be
delivered through the feed. All
feeds, including roughages, con
tain some NPN, but it may not be
enough or readily available to
supply microbial needs.
The added NPN in Maxi-Tech 40
maintains a source of NPN
(ammonia) and the right pH
(alkaline/acidity balance) in the
rumen for maximal microbial
growth and fermentation and thus,
a better balance of nutrients from
digestion for use by the cow.
As chart 1 clearly shows, urea
has a strong positive effect on both
rumen function and fiber
digestibility in these super-energy
rations. A higher pH and greater
amounts of volatile fatty acids
mean better fiber digestion.
Rumen Function
Super Energy Ration
•0” Urea
6 01 6 22
116 129
This is certainly the case as seen
in chart 2. The balance including
For Ni
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the addition of urea resulted in
much greater digestion of both
crude fiber and acid detergent
fiber from all feeds being fed. This
means maximum energy and a
better nutrient balance available
from the feeds.
Chart 2
% Digestibility of Fiber
Super Energy Ration
Crude Tiber
Better Nutrient
A total balance of all sources and
types of nutrients is needed for
maximum performance and
production by the lactating cow.
This is very much like a chain,
which is only as good as its
weakest link. Similarly, the right
amount of each kind of nutrient
(total nutrient balance) is required
for optimum performance and
production by the dairy cow. We’ve
already noted the need for and
benefits of maximum fiber
digestion maximum energy
available to the cow and the right
mix of volatile fatty acids (high
acetate primarily) to promote
maximum milk fat production.
The lactating cow also requires
large quantities and the right types
of protein in order to partition
energy and protein to the right
purposes milk production and
the maintenance of body tissues.
Part of this protein is supplied
from feed protein which has
escaped degradation in the rumen
(by-pass protein), and is digested
and absorbed into the blood from
the lower gut. Part of the protein
comes from the microbes which
have grown in the rumen and are
digested in the lower gul so mat
this protein is available and can be
used by the cow. Proteij? froi n both ,
sources (by-pass feed protein and
microbial protein) is required if we
are going to have maximum
digestion and optimum par
titioning of nutrients and per
formance by the cow.
Some proteins in all feeds
grains, concentrates, complete
milking rations and forages will
escape rumen degradation. The
key is to get the right balance of
proteins along with the NPN or
ammonia which is used by the
microbes to make protein. This is
what Purina’s Maxi-Tech 40, for
example, accomplishes sup
plying the right balance of by-pass
proteins and NPN. It is this
balance of energy, protein or
nitrogen sources which results in
better digestion, nutrient par
titioning and performance by the
high producing cow, and this
means higher milk production,
maintenance of fat test and
reduced weight loss.
Based on feeding trials and milk
production studies conducted at
the Purina Dairy Research Center
in Gray Summit, Mo., when
compared with another high
energy feed in an 18 percent grind
and mix ration, cows eating Maxi-
Tech 40 increased their milk
production from 67.6 pounds to 68.5
pounds, but did not vary their daily
intake. That extra pound of milk
each day during peak production
equals about 220 pounds over the
entire lactation period.
Butterfat content showed a slight
increase as well, while the
bodyweight loss during early
lactation was reduced from 1.25
pounds per day on the control
versus .33 pound per day on the
Maxi-Tech ration (almost one
pound per day less weight loss).
“O" Urea With
27 0 34 9
29 7 37 7
the tillage
\ Owns
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 1,1984—P9
Urea received a bad name in the
dairy industry several years ago,
and many dairymen are still
hesitant about using it in their
feeding program. Primarily, at
that time, urea was used only for
economy purposes too much
urea was being fed, and most
rations containing urea were lower
in energy. The result was un
palatable rations and lower milk
If urea was being used the same
way today, it would cause the same
problems. However, research over
the past 8 to 10 years has shown
conclusively that controlled
amounts of urea will not cause
palatability proW° r ''» j Tirep in
Sire Power open
Sire Power Open House will be
held next Saturday, Sept. 8 from
10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sire
Power Headquarters in
Outstanding sire proofs, new
personnel, and Sire Power staff
speakers will be among the ac
tivities scheduled for Open House.
Highlighting the afternoon
program will be the presentation of
the “Distinguished Service to A.l.
Award”. William “Bill” Schaefer
will be honored as the recipient of
this award, and his picture will be
placed in the Sire Power Board
Bill is no stranger to the A.l.
industry and was instrumental in
fact, will result in unproved
digestion of high energy diets,
providing a decided performance
Milk production potential of
dairy cows continues to increase
through improved breeding
programs. A key to profitability in
the dairy industry is the ability to
take advantage of that genetic
potential through improved
feeding programs. How can we do
this? By developing and using
feeds and feeding programs that
will give maximum digestion and
the right balance of the right type
of nutrients for most efficient milk
the organization and development
to the present Sire Power as we
know it today. Bill retired in 1974
following a career that spanned
more than 30 years in the A.I.
industry. His association with the
industry dates back to 1943 when it
was named Manager of the
Southeastern Pennsylvania Ar
tificial Breeding Cooperative. In
1944, he was appointed Manager of
NEPA where he made numerous
innovations, therefore establishing
the organization as an early leader
in the A.I. industry. Bill also held
other managerial positions, and
retired from the position of NEBA
Sales and Service Superintendent.
Tickets are available from
technicians or direct herd
salesmen at $l.OO per person and
pre-school children are free. An ox
roast will be served this year.
Bus tours will be going to Valley
View Complex from headquarters
every few minutes, beginning 10
a.m. until noon. Sire Power urges
cooperation on riding the buses to
tour the facilities and discourages
individual cars going to the Valley
View Complex.
Fast, Efficient,