C6—Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, August 18,1984 Manure management tour slated Aug. 30 WEST CHESTER A manure management and manure facilities tour for Southeastern Pa. farmers is set for Thursday, Aug. 30, according to David Swartz, Dairy Agent for Chester County Extension Service. The tour will include visits to four manure holding facilities of differing designs. Manure han dling equipment will be demon strated. Dan Myer, Penn State Agricultural Engineering Specialist, will provide comments and answer questions regarding livestock waste management, housing facilities and the costs and benefits of the various designs. Assisting in the planning are Cheryl Fairbairn, County Agricultural Agent, Livestock; Keith Zanzinger, County Agricultural Agent, horticulture; and Marshall Haws, Exec. Cons., Chester County Conservation District. “The tour will be especially helpful to livestock owners who are considering the construction of manure management facilities,” Swartz said. “The four locations will provide the opportunity to observe the advantages and disadvantages of each system.” “Manure analysis and balancing of nutrients applied to crops is a vital part of the livestock waste management program” Zanzinger emphasized. “The analysis is used to prepare a nutrient oaiance sheet. The nutrient ra • Liquid Manure Pumps IjiJlljllllL.H • electromix • Barn Cleaner Chains ■■■ Smm • Bedding Choppers ■HUS • Silage Carts • Manure Tanks Free Stalls • Self-Locking Panels • Comfort Stalls Available From • Gutter Grates OTT BROS. (717) 485-4114 Also See Ad On Pages 824 & 25 balance sheet tells the user how much commercial fertilizer is needed to balance the manure application for most economical crop production.” “Some farmers use more nitrogen and other nutrients than is needed to grow the crop. The excess nitrogen can be lost by leaching, volitization and denitrification. This increases costs and reduces profits,” Zan zinger said. Those livestock owners who already have storage facilities are encouraged to attend,” Fairbairn urged. “Those users will be able to compare their planning of their nutrient management with the information presented.” Fairbairn said that information on each facility will include; number of acres the manure is spread on, what equipment is used and the time of year preferred for spreading. Capital investment of a facility will be discussed. Owners will have the opportunity to answer (Turn to Page C 8) Some Talk About Shooting The "WELL, WE CAN TALK ABOUT This Is THE ANSWER TO LOW COST SILAGE STORAGE • Less Spoilage Than Earth Bunkers • Fast & Economical Installation • Low Maintenance WITH OR WITHOUT CANVAS COVER • Installation & Maintenance of Concrete Bunker Silos • Stone Wall Repairs • PreCast Gunite Lined Water or Manure Storage Tanks Let Our People Come Talk With You About SHOTCRETE BUNKER SILOS $o Please Give Us A Be 'B / Berks County Children and Youth Services Needs single and married adults to care for children in their homes. Be the special helper in a child’s life. Call the Foster Home Finder - BCCYS 372-8961 *73 A.M. only • Dam, Reservoir & Spillway Repair • Slatted Floor Systems • Silo Repairs