Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 04, 1984, Image 92
Daryl Grumbine won reserve grand champion Duroc at the 1983 Lebanon Fair. NFO names Blobaum public relations director CORNING, lowa Roger Blobaum, an agricultural con sultant, has been named Director of Public Relations of the National Farmers Organization. His ap pointment was announced by NFO President DeVon Woodland. For the last 13 years Blobaum has operated an agricultural consulting firm with offices in lowa and Washington, D.C. It has provided research, management and editorial services to regional and national institutions and organizations, including NFO. Blobaum will work out of NFO’s home office in Coming and its legislative office in Washington. He will supervise NFO publications, provide editorial services to NFO’s national commodity departments and assist the Washington staff in its work on Capitol Hill. He grew up on a crop and livestock farm in Union County in Southern lowa, is an agriculture graduate of lowa State University, and has an M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. WHOLESALE it RETAIL Certified WHEAT Tyler Ruler Hart Titan Logan Potomac Roland Red Coat Certified BARLKY ALFALFA TOP DRESSING 0-14-42 """"""rye""" aEWlfa"""" Boyds 84 VWA P Boyds 78 AT Boyds Wot Foot Saranac AR and others ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Baler Twine - Fertilizer Scenes from 1983 Lebanon Fair *vW f/ Kirby and Sheryl Horst, Newmanstown, are congratulated by Lebanon County Dairy Princess Ann Burkholder for their 1983 Lebanon Fair Holstein reserve grand champion honors. 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR HEADQUARTERS INTERCOURSE PA The new 84 pto horsepower VERSATILE 256. Powered by Cummins, featuring hill four wheel drive with the power and traction to meet any field challenge head on, it leaves the competition spinning their wheels in comparison. A heavy duty transmission and bidirectional design for unlimited adaptability. And famous Versatile quality and value. SOIL CONDITIONS □2 WD 2WD *W/M |4WD- W/SINGLES " W/DUALS HfWD H 4 EQUAL SIZE TIRES Versatile 4WD outperforms 2WD and MFWD every time! Results vary with soil types and soil conditions. k •, r > - ' V ft 4 ** '* ‘tjr*’ ,v ’ ■s Versatility Is Here % w EEL SLIP PERCENTAGE