Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 04, 1984, Image 60

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    ALEXANDRIA, Va. - John D.
Kline, Myerstown, was recently
honored by the Future Farmers of
America as one of the
organization’s four Regional Star
American Farmers of 1984.
Kline and three others were
selected from nearly 700 candiates
for the American Farmer degree.
The National FFA officers and
board of directors selected the
winners based on their leadership
achievements and involvement in
agricultural production.
Kline’s use of current technology
in the dairy industry earned him
his title of Eastern Region Star
The 21-year-old son of Norman
and Verna Kline, John uses
computers and the newest in dairy
breeding technology on his
family’s 123-acre dairy farm in
John got his start in dairying
during his freshman year in
vocational agriculture at Eastern
Lebanon County High School. He
Duane Harr travels to formany
with FFA program
HERSHEY Duane Herr, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herr of
R 1 Hershey, will participate in the
FFA Work Experience Abroad
program beginning in August. The
program is an international
educational exchange between the
Future Farmers of America and
rural youth organizations in other
Duane chose West Germany as
his host county where he will ex
perience living with a farm family
and be part erf their life style as
well as see important places of
historic and cultural significance.
Duane was able to receive a
scholarship from the WEA
program to pay for his three
month trip.
Before leaving for West Ger
many Duane will travel to
Washington D.C. to meet with the ■*
FFA WEA coordinator. Here he
will have a two-day orientation
session to learn about his chosen
county. Before arriving in Ger
many, Duane will take a tour of
Europe with other FFA exchange
Duane Herr graduated from
Lower Dauphin Senior High School
in 1963. While in the FFA, he
received his Keystone Fanner
Degree, served two years as
chapter president and one year as
CDP Area FFA President, was
awarded Chapter Star
John Kline named Regional Star American Farmer
began with only one Holstein heifer
and four veal calves as his first
Supervised Occupational Ex
perience, and has built his herd to
59 Holstein heifers. In addition, he
raises 70 acres of com and 35 acres
of alfalfa.
“He is forever hard at work on
ways to improve the quality of his
dairy herd,” says Kline’s
vocational agriculture instructor
Gerald Strickler. “He has used the
new embryo transfer method of
breeding several times in the past
two years. He is also using com
puters today to analyze the correct
feeding rations for his dairy herd.”
John reports that the com
puterization has boosted his
production levels and the health of
his cows right after calving. In
addition, it has allowed him to
breed the cows back more quickly.
He has been using the embryo
transplanting method with his
better cows. From the offspring,
the bulls are sold as artificial in
semination studs and the heifers
Duane Herr
Agribusinessman, participated
four years on the parliamentary
procedure team which included a
state championship, and won a
gold medal in the state
salesmanship contest.
This past year Duane served as
the state South Central Region vice
president and worked part time as
assistant manager at Hanoverdale
Agway Store. His future plans
upon returning from West Ger
many, include continuing working
at Agway and possibly attending
Penn State University for animal
are raised to milk. This has im
porved the young replacement
stock in his herd.
Recently, John has taken over
the entire family farm’s operation
through a buy-sell agreement with
his parents.
John has been active in FFA for
a number of years, serving as
chapter reporter and vice
president for his local chapter. He
was also active in numerous ac
tivities and judging contests. In
1982 he was honored as the Eastern
Regional Dairy Production,
Proficiency award winner of the
national organization.
“The organization has provided
me with opportunities I most likely
would never have had the chance
to experienc on my own,” John
says. “I highly recommend the
FFA to any student pursuing the
ideals and purposes for which the
organization stands.”
Others honored with this award
were Marie A. McKay of St Paul,
Ore.; Larry 0. Nielson, of Tulare,
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Each winer will receive $l,OOO
from the national FFA Foun
dation, Inc. at the 57th National
FFA Convention, November 8-10,
in Kansas City, Mo. During the
convention one of the regional
winners will be named Star Far
mer of America and will receive an
additional $l,OOO.
In competing for this top honor,
Call Now To Place Your
Ph: 717-394-3047 or 717-636-1164
the regional winners own in
volvement in agricultural
production will be evaluated. They
will be judged on their use of good
farm management skills,
knowledge and use of good
business practices and return on
investments made through their
productive enterprises. Emphasis
will also be placed on the growth of
their enterprises from the time of
their enrollment in vocational
agriculture through the present.
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