Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 04, 1984, Image 165
AUCTION 37 ACHES REAL ESTATE 37 ACRES SUNDAY. AUGUST 12,1914 At 2:00 P.M LOCATION: Proctor Star Route, Plunketts Creek Township, Montoursville School District. DIRECTIONS: From Barbours to Proctor at stop sign “T" in Proctor LR 4iudi, turn right, go 1 mile, house on left, sign in yard. Watch for auction arrows. PROPERTY CONSISTS OF: 7 rooms, 2 story, aluminum siding, built in 1953, approx. 37 acres, house having living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath, 2 car garage, basement, well water, septic, 200 amp electric, baseboard electric heat, approx, cost of heat $765.00, taxes $452.66. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids on the real estate, but they definitely want it sold, this is a great opportunity for the right person. This property is located in the heart of hunting, fishing and recreational country. This also would make a great hunting lodge at a very affordable price. Deposit of 5% at time of knock down. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, August 5,1984 from 2 to 4 p.m. Also day of auction from 12:00 P.M. to sale time. For further information contact the auc tioneers. Bob, Chuck & Rich Roan, Inc. Licensed & Bonded Auctioneers Box 118 R.D. #3 Cogan Station, Pa. 17728 Phone 717-494-0170 Pa. Lie. #AU-000777-L and AU-000775-L SATURDAY, AUGUST ifUM - Starting at 10A.M Loc. - Danville R.D. 6 off Sunbury Rd. on Ave. G towards Snydertown (6 mi.) Pass Rothermel Meats go 2.3 miles to the former Larence Farm (Follow auction signs) Real Estate - Household - Tools ROBERT & PATRICA FOLK are re locatingand selling the following. Upright Admiral freezer, Acne combination stove-ref.-sink, cheese boxes, wood feed box, tents, sleeping bags, cherry kitchen cabinets, gas grill, new out-door light, canning jars. 250 gal. fuel tank w/pump, fence charger, cattle PLATFORM SCALE, cement mixer w/motor, Cub tractor w/plows, cultivators, sickle bar mower, belly mower, Ford LGT 100 garden tractor w/mower & trailer, saw horses, steel gate, Crossman Rifle, Crossman pistol, 20 ga. Stevens shot gun (sng.), bag truck, NEW STEEL HEAD GATE SELF CATCHER, 40’ alum. ext. ladder, pig feeders, cedar & walnut logs, fence posts, log chains, scaffold jacks, insulation rolls, chain saw, crock, wheel barrows, barn doors, steel shelving, horse saddle, assorted pipe & fittings, barb wire, flat angle iron, cut walnut & pine app. 10’ long on 2 piles 4’x4’, app. 20 oak planks 20’ x 2” xl6’ x 6”, manure spreader, Century fiber glass field sprayer, Troy Bilt rototiller, Sears shop Vac., 3 hp. portable pump, meyers (well) pump, alum soffet, Ig. & sml. alum, porch canopies, alum, storm windows, molding, etc. plus many household & farm items not listed. Real Estate to be offered at 1 P.M. Located in Rush Twp. Northumberland County, a two story double plank home, completely renovated offering, kitchen, den, Ig. living room w/fireplace, family room, greenhouse porch, Mt bath on first level. 4 bedrooms & 2 baths on second floor, full attic and cellar, Lg. plank bam, 2 story summer kitchen & several out bldgs., Inground pool, app. 80 tillable acres, 3 wells, lg. pond. Home has oil fired hot air heat. Truly a beauty, must be seen. Previews on real estate will be Sun days July 29 & Aug. 5 from 1 P.M. till 4 P.M. Terms - Personal property - Cash. Real Estate $20,000 down balance in forty five days. Buyer pays all transfer taxes. Settlements made day of auction take precidences over previously written material. Owner financing available to qualified buyer. Sellers ROBERT & PATRICA FOLK Auctioneers John Autotore 784-3506(717) AU-000031-L John Jr. 784-0381 717] Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday. 500 P M of each week s publication SAT AUGUST 18 9 AM Public Sale of Real Estate, fine antiques, household goods and tools Located along Maple Shade Rd. village of Kirkwood, Col eram Twp , Lane Co , PA (take Rt 472 south of Ouarryville at village of PUBLIC SALE OF 6 ACRE FARMETTE, 2 TRACTS OF WOOD LAND, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SOME ANTIQUES SATURDAY, AUG. 18,1984 Along Peiffers Hill Road About 2 Miles N.E. Of Reamstown Lane. Co., PA. Turn Off Of N. Main St., at Kramers Mill Road To Peiffers Hill Road also About 2 Mile From Turn Pike Entrance. REAL ESTATE consists of 6 3/4 acres with double peiffers hill road frontage, BRICK RANCH TYPE 4 room dwelling, and bath, full basement, oil fired hot water, well water; 20 x 50 frame hip roof barn extra good cond. this is a very fine farmette and good location buildings in good cond. Also 2 tracts of wood land situated along GEHMANS SCHOOL ROAD and ORCHARD ROAD leading from route 897 to BOWMAN SVILLE. TRACT #1 consists of 24 acres and 100 perches. TRACT #2 consists of 9 acres and 9 perches, with heavy timber also household goods and antiques, consisting 2 modem bed room suites, g.e. color t.v. set, 30 in. elec, stove, hot point elec., refrigerator with top freezer; 12 fiddle back chairs; blanket chests; oak roll top desk, and lot of other house items, also rubber tire wheel, wheel barrow; platform scales; 40 ft. wooden ext. ladder; stnckler and other axes; and other barn items; also 1967 cheveriket 4 door sedan in running cond. Sale At 10 A.M. Real Estate At 1 P M All Real Estate Will Be Ottered At or on the premises along Peifters Hill Road Sale Ordered By EUGENE W. HALDEMAN t PATRICIA NICHOLS Executors pf The CLOYDL HALDEMAN ESTATE H H. LEID AUCTION SERVICE, LIC. AUH000535-L FRY AND SENSENIG CLERKS, CHARLES V. SNYDER JR ATTY LARGE TWO DAY SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT at our place of business located six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile east of Marion, just east off Rte. 81 at Marion Exit No. 4 along Rte. 914 on THURSDAY, AUGUST 9,1984 FRIDAY, AUGUST 10,1984 Sales at 8:30 A.M. Each Day SELLING THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 Usual run of tractors inc. John Deere, In ternational, Massey Ferguson, Fords, Case, Oliver, A.C., M-M and others, several with loaders. Some Ind. equipment expected, trucks, trailers, lawn and garden tractors, posts, chain saws, tires, pipe and usual run of misc. items. SELLING FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 Pickers, Harvesters, Blowers, Balers, Haybines, Rakes, Mowers, Combines, Flail Choppers, Forage and other wagons, Elevators, Loaders, Sprayers, Grinder-Mixers, Spreaders, Planters, Drills, Plows, Packers, Disc Harrows, Chisel Plows, New and used Rotary Mowers, Blades, Post Diggers and usual run of equipt., bal. of small items. FARMERS & DEALERS - Bring in your equipt. for this sale. No etjuipt. with liens or financed accepted unless we are notified in advance. Please secure all P.T.O. shafts to machine. No equipt. removed until settled for. Next Sale September 6,19 M Open Daily 8 A.M. til 5 P.M. - Saturday until 3 P.M. - Closed Sundays Terms: Cash or Good Cheek Breakfast and Lunch at Sale Ralph W. Horst, Manager License No. AU-000437L Marion, Pa. 17235 Phone: 717-375-2824 Rentzel, Wolgemuth, Upperman, Bohrer, Speicher, Harry, Gossert, Auctioneers Kirkwood turn right onto Maple Shade Rd to sale Watch for signs) Mary L Howett Estate, Owner Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst, Auctioneers SAT AUGUST 18 9AM Public Auction of a Poultry and Fruit Farm, Ti actors, Machinery, Or chard Equipment, Etc Located off Green Valley Rd , North Codorus Twp , York Co along Spangler Rd midway between Jef ferson and Seven Valley’s From Rt 30, take 616 to Seven Valleys Proceed on Green Valley Rd Michael H & Donna W Lecrone, Owners C C Miller & Sons, Auctioneers SAT AUGUST 18 Public Auction of Sawmill, Horse Drawn Machinery, Farm Related Items, Some Household and Antiques Located in Snyder Co 2 miles west of Meiserville Sam M Troyer, Sr, Owner Brian B Imes, Auctioneer SAT AUGUST 18 10 30 AM Public Auction of Clean Farm Machinery and Registered Angus Located on Sutton Rd , 1 mile south of Califon, NJ, 9 miles N W of Oldwick, NJ Use Interstate Rt 78 to Oldwick Exit, take Rt 517 north about 6 miles to blinker light Take Rt 512 west to Guinea Hollow Rd to Sutton Rd to farm 1726 Farm, Owner Col Fred R Daniel, Auctioneers SAT AUGUST 18 - 10 AM Public Auction of 6 Acre Farmette, 2 Tracts of Woodland, Household Goods and some Anti- ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1984 Village of HEPLER, Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pa.; V* mile South of Agway Store; 6 miles East of Klingerstown; 2 miles West of Rt. 125, turn West on Purple Pump Cafe. STORM WINDOWS & DOORS BATH, HOT WATER HEAT COAL STOKER. USED 3 YEARS GARAGE, STORAGE SHEDS & WORKSHOP, SMALL POND, FRUIT TREES This lovely country property is ideal for a family truck farm! It also offers hook-up facilities for a beauty shop. Investigate the many features this property has to offer. Arrange your financing and be prepared to bid and buy at the auction. FOR INSPECTION CALL; (717) 648-5053 or 365-3758. TERMS; 10% down the day of sale, further terms and conditions to be announced when real estate is offered at 12 Noon. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Kenmore 30” Gas Range; Frigidaire Refrigerator; Frigidaire Automatic Washer; Dinette w/6 Chairs; Living Room Suites; Recliner; Stands; Lamps; QUASAR PORTABLE COLOR TV; Metal China Cabinet; Utility Cabinets; Beds; Chest of Drawers; Wardrobe; Dishes & Cooking Utensils including Guardian Service Roaster, etc.; Jars, Window Fan; Clothes Tree; Pictures; Lawn Furniture; Folding Cot; Luggage; Picnic Table & Benches, etc. (2) Oak Washstands; Oak Dresser; Flour Chest; Oak High Chairs; Organ Stool; Brass Bed; Kitchen Cabinet Top; Kerosene Lights; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; Copper Canteen; Miner’s Hat; LINOEL TOY TRAIN SET, 6 Cars & No. 2055 Engine; Butcher Fork & Ladle; Iron Skillet; Slaw Cutter; Jugs; Crocks; Wooden Pulleys; Huckster Scale; etc. COINS including: (2) Silver Dollars; (7) Walking Liberty Halves; 1908 Half; 1847 Lg. Cent; etc. GUNS including: Remington 12 Ga. Pump; H & R 12 Ga. Single; Mass Arms Co. 12 Ga. Single; Springfield Model 1898,3(M0 Rifle; Savage Model 1904, 22 Rifle (2) Stevens Pump 22 Cal. Rifles; Stevens Pump Gallery No. 80,22 Cal. Rifle. Farmall Super C Tractor, Fast Hitch & Wide Front End; Fast Hitch 2-Row Cultivator; F.H. 2-Bottom Plow; F.H. Harrow; CUB CADET 70 GARDEN TRACTOR with mower; 9-Hoe Ontario Grain Drill; Scorer; McCormick Grass Mower; Cultipacker; 3-Section Harrow; (2) Small Farm Trailers; Homemade Irrigation System w/4-cyl. Gas Engine; Lot Plastic Pipe in various sizes; Barrel Sprayer; Small Air Compressor; Wall-type Drill Press; Bench Grinder; Cant Hook; CARPENTER & MECHANIC TOOLS; Pipe Wrenches; Electric Fencer; Brooder Stove; Range Shelters; Ex tension Ladder; Stepladder; Ladder Jacks; Tractor Chains; Garden Hose & Reel; Garden Tools; Single Row Cultivator; Chicken Nests & Feeders; Fruit Baskets & Boxes; many other items not listed. 1972 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2-DR SEDAN UM GMC WALK-IN TRUCK Sales will start with Tools & Farm Equipment Lunch Available Gary Heim, Esp. Mike, Auctioneer AU-001599-L (717) 425-3313 George, Realtor & Auctioneer AU-000209-L EIBERT Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 4,1984—029 ques Located along Pat ters Hill Rd about 2 miles N E of Reamstown, Lane Co, PA Turn off North Mam St at Kramers Mill Rd to Peifters Hill Rd Also about 2 miles from turnpike entrance Eugene W Haldemanand Patricia Nichols, Ex ecutors Cloyd L Haldeman Estate H H Leid Auction Service, Auc tioneers SAT AUGUST 18 10 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Household & Tools Located on Danville R D 6 off Sunbury Rd on Ave G towards Snyder town (6 miles) Pass Rothermel Meats Go 2 3 miles to the former Larence Farm Robert & Patnca Folk, Owners John Autotore & John, Jr Auctioneers SAT AUG 18 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Located 1 mile south east of Seven Valleys off of the Yellow Church Road Mr & Mrs Emmert Sweitzer, Owners Charles L Wehr ly & Son, Auctioneers SAT AUG 18 - 9 30 AM Public Auction of Anti ques, Personal Property and Household Goods Located 2 miles sooth of the village of Bowmansville along Center Church Rd, in at 10:00 A.M ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FARM EQUIPMENT * TOOLS ESTATE OF SAMUEL R. SMITN Shirley Welker & Charles S. Smith, Administrators Bncknock Twp, Lane Co , PA Directions 1 mile south of Bowmansville, turn off Rt 625 onto Spook Lane, go to stop sign Turn left onto Center Church Rd Willis and Lucy Zimmerman Owners Leßoy S Horst & Paul W Horst, Auc tioneers SAT AUG 18 -12 Noon Public Auction of the Chesapeake Classic Cat fie Sale Located in Tolchester, MD Held at the Kent Co Ag Center, eastern shore of Maryland 10 miles south of Chester town on Rt 20 to Rt 21 A Doty Remsburg, John Merryman, Dave Younger, & Ray McEnrow, 111, Auctioneers SAT AUGUST 18 12 Noon Public Auction of the sth Annual Prince Plaudit Production Sale of Appaloosa Horses Located in Strattanville, PA Rim Wolk Farm, Dave Stahlman, Owner Davis & Templeton, Auctioneers SAT AUGUST 18 9AM Public Auction of the 16th Annual Community Sale Selling Farm Equipment, Household & Antiques Located at Leesport Auc tion Grounds, Rt 61 N of Reading, PA Sponsored by the Berks Co Ponoma Grange 7Auctioneers 5 ACRES (more or less) 8-ROQM DWELLING ALUMINUM SIDING