Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 04, 1984, Image 160
D24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 4,1984 mailbox market For Sale 1950 Ford 4 door Sedan w/two other cars for parts, 950 00, Gravlet walk behind w/30” rotary mower 400 00,717 672-2021 For Sale 1969 V* ton Ford 4WD needs paint $2500 or best offer Flarford Co, Md (301) 836-1722 For Sale Stihl sprayer S G 17 w/motor to carry on back Lane Co Samuel E Beiler Box 286-A Rt 3 Quarryville, Pa 17566 For Sale Cauliflower plants three Aug (We pull), Bern S Stoltzfus 344 Fless Rd , Leola, 2 mi south of Bareville, Pa For Sale 550 lb cap platform scale $25 00, coal oil stove 3 burner $25 00, corn sheller 2 holes $25 00, 717-354 0616 Wanted - 3 row narrow corn head for Ml Um system harvester Reasonable, 814-371 6044 Notice For Rent in Remholds 3 bay service station w/lift good location, state inspection approved, 814-274-7952 For Sale AC #904 mower-cond , Oliver #B2 semi-mounted mower Both in good running cond , Shen Co , Va 703 459-3583 For Sale 32 acres in Tenn 40 miles south of Nashville, level, 2400 frontage $lOOO per acre , 201 938-5534 Notice - Married couple w/3 children want job on dairy farm or horse farm, we're both experienced, 717-647 2438 leave ph no For Sale - Jersey calves, bred heifers, bulls, Lane Co 717-548-2312 For Sale - 45 Inter baler for parts or baling Col Co, Orangeville, Pa (717)-683 5931 For Sale Inter track l‘/j yd Dratt bucket loader 6 cyl diesel rebuilt engine new seat battery radiator, 201-398-1322 TOBACCO CUSTOM SPRAYING Two high clearance tractor sprayers equipped especially for tobacco - 3 fan tips per row to insure maximum leaf area coverage. We are ready for any spraying needs as they arise in Lancaster County's tobacco crop. Call us for field inspections and line up your spraying needs. Leafhopper pressure is still with us. Spray after third cutting. Call for professional application service. - COVER CROP - We are taking orders now for cover crop rye and wheat. SUCKER-STUFF AND PRIME + 1 Gal. Per Acre Order Now & SAVE! J [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA J 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, Pa. Phone:7l7-397-5152 Summer Weekdays 7:30 - 4:00 Hours; Closed Saturdays July and August MAILBOX MARKET I°P Q<P. a lty u^ ay ’i „n r3w For Sale Yorkshire, large Oats, Steer hay 140 per w hites & Hampshire ton and up mulch hay boars, Open gilts & bred Call before 7am or after gilts Brucellosis and 7 P Pseudorabies free Will 2°l oocf 08, dayS 201 deliver 717 292-4634 735 8865 .<ll For Sale Rope halters for For Sale-1600 gal fuel oil ca ttle, made to order, a " k bo £ y 215 345 717 898-7020 Lane Co. 1909 after 7, Bucks Co p a For Sale- All size silo roofs wanted New or used !l!£ duce^ C o onn-Pi’ 687 storm front market 6672 or 768-3095 Lane wagon, and/or spring Co wagon, state price and Wanted to Rent- Far condition, all replies mland in Berks, Lehigh or answered, T Holliday, Rt surrounding area Top 4, Box 244, Waynesboro, prices paid, 215 756 TN 38485 6269 Sale Reports A Public Auction of sandblaster, trucks and tools was held July 21 by David Counts, 2 miles south of Avondale, Pa. on Penn Green Road. A large crowd attended from New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pa. Some prices received were: Rockwell 7” x 12” band saw $425,5 ton hyd jack $9O, sprayer $475, welder $l5OO, Miller welder $lO5O, air compressor $350, truck w/sand blaster $2700, all sand (6ton) $260, Dodge truck $B5O, trailer bed $275, 1970 White tractor $5OO, box grinder $l4O, Y-J grinder $75, ham mer drill $65, set truck wrenches $BO, jacks $4O ea., Steel (lot) $4OO and bench grinder $65. Harry W. Whiteside & Associates conducted the sale. Articles sold at the auction for Joseph Cassel on July 30, 1984 included; International 766, $9,000; In ternational 674 with - ALFALFA - MAILBOX MARKET loader; $7,350; New Holland 782 Harvester, $5,575; New Holland 310 Baler, $2,800; New Holland Spreader, $1,625; White transport disc, $1,225; Hay Wagons, $9OO and $1,370. 182 registered buyers. Auctioneers for the sale were Paul E. Martin and John D. Stauffer. A Public Auction of real estate and antiques was held July 27 and 28 by Pearl N. Smith and Mrs. William H. Miller estate on Route 26 at McAlevys Fort, Pa. between State College and Huntingdon. The double lot with a 2 story brick dwelling, frame barn and small brick building was sold for $29,500. Other outstanding prices were: Princess Feather quilt $2000,2 pc. secretary $2300, corner washstandsl6so, walnut moon dial grandfather clock $3200, small pull toy train set $5OO, dated coverlet $575, drysink $B5O, Eh Terry clock ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. $6OO (needed repairs), German Bisque doll $4OO, high chest of drawers $2OOO, bundle post cards $BO, Limoges minature basket $lO5, marble top bedroom suite $875, wicker rocker $325, oak hallrack $350, Bisque face doll $450, Win chester Model 12 16 gauge gun $4OO, framed sampler $925, wicker baby carriage w/um brella $550, small boys suit $95 and child’s rocking horse $lOO. Mark Glick and Dale Gibboney were the auctioneers. XXX A Public Sale of real estate was held July 27 by Mrs. Charles Hart on Rt. 333 between East Salem and Thomp sontown, Pa. The 34 acres with ap proximately 20 acres tillable was sold for $32,900. Other prices were: J.D. 2510 tractor $3575, Dixiewood mower $6lO, grain bins $675 & $5OO and J.D. trail type mower $3OO. Long’s Auctioneer Service conducted the sale. A Public Auction of antiques and fur nishings was held July 28 by Mrs. Roberta Segar and Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Finch for merly of Church Hill, Md. The sale was held at the St. Dennis Center, Et. 213, Galena, Maryland. Some outstanding prices were: slant top maple desk $2950, pine corner cupboard $750, Chippendale graduated chest $l4OO, 8 Queen Anne diningroom chairs $240 each, Chippendale mirror $l4OO, maple framed sampler $425, curly maple 4 poster bed $4400, Chippendale walnut chest on chest PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY, 3 TRACTORS, DAIRY EQUIP., 93 HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE, ETC. on Franklin Readier farm 10 miles NW of Bloomsburg, Pa. 1 mile N of Jerseytown off Rt. 254. (Col. Co.). THURSDAY. AUGUST 30 starting 10 A.M Brief listing follows: 3 tractors: IH 706 D & 400 G, JD 3020 D, JD 24 skid steer loader; plows; tillage equip.; IH510drill; NH479haybine; NH 276 baler; JD 1240 planter; NH Super 717 chopper- 2 heads; 3 SU & 3 thrower rack wagons; 42’ elevator; 25,000 watt generator; 1600 bu wire corn crib; Big Rhino blade; other full line farm machinery; etc Mueller 1000 gal. bulk tank w/washer; Surge 250’ SS 2” pipeline complete * w/washer, 4 mini-cup units, receiving panel, vacuum line, elec, pulsation, for 49 stalls; Surge Alamo 75 plus pump; Patz 250’ (clockwise) gutter cleaner; 100’ long trench of Ist cutting alfalfa; 93 Holstein Dairy Cattle 93. 15 Registered-78 Hi-Gradcs Herd consists of 52 milking age including 301st & 2nd calf, 5 fresh last month, 7 due Aug., 14 due Sept., Oct., Nov. bal. various stages. 10 bred heifers due Aug., Sept. 30 from calfhood to breeding age. 9 mth old Reg. Bull. 10 sell w/Records from 18,000 to 24.000 M. 14 on July test milking from 65 to 88.5 lbs. per day. 6-84 DHIA RHA 14.972 M 3.8% 564 F 90% calfhood Vacc. & Home-raised, health charts, DHIA records, preg. checked. Watch for more detailed list of this complete dispersal. Owners, DANIELS ALOIS WALK Conducted by Fraley Auction Co. (717) 546-6907 AUOOII94L $BOOO, Hepplewhite bow front chest $2400, Chippendale chest of drawers $2OOO, Hep plewhite bowfront chest $3500 and Chippendale chest $3400. Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc. conducted the sale. A Public Auction of welding equipment and trucks was held July 28 by Marian Phillips Route 30 and 12th Ave. in rear, Coatesville, Pa. Some prices were: 1976 3/4 ton GMC pickup truck $5BOO, 1975 GMC pickup truck $3700,1973 C*MC pickup truck $3lOO, 1971 GMC pickup truck $3300, Big 40 welders $3OOO, $2400, $2150 & $l3OO, 10 ton hydraulic jack $330, drill press $l6O and large shop air com pressor $lOO. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. conducted the sale. A Public Auction of an outstanding 62 acre Lancaster Co. farm was held July 26 by Paul K. Bowman, R.D. 2, Willow Street, Pa. This is 6 miles south of Lan caster in Pequea Township. The farm was sold for $221,875 to Harold Landis, Conestoga, Pa. and included a 2M> story frame house, summer house, frame bank bam, tobacco shed, hen house, 40 unit sow farrowing gestation barn plus an egg packing room. The auction was conducted by J. Omar Landis Auction Service and Jay M. Witman. A Public Sale of real estate was held July 24 by John S. and Florence Stoltzfus, 1 mile west of Sadsbury ville on Wilmington Rd., Chester Co., Pa. The approximately 4 acres property was sold for $42,000 and included a 2V Z story stone house with a stone fireplace and hardwood floors. Alvin Horning was the auctioneer. XXX A large 3 day Antique Auction was held July 25, 26, and 27 by Joe Herman at Troxelville Antiques in Troxelville, Pa. Some prices included: 3 piece oak bedroom suite $750, odd chairs up to $7O each, chests of drawers up to $3OO, washstands up to $l5O, dressers up to $2OO, dry sinks up to $475, 1854 half California gold coin $305 and 1849 one dollar Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication AUG SATURDAY AUG 4 Public Auction of Anti ques, Guns, Collectibles, Currency and Personal Property Located at 66 Prospect Rd , Elizabethtown, PA Bnnser B Heistand, Owner Long & Wolgemuth, Auctioneers SATURDAY AUG 4 Con signment Auction of new and used farm tractors and machinery at Goodrich Auction Service, Inc Rte 38 and 388, Newark Valley, NY SATURDAY AUG 4 9 AM Public Auction of Valuable Antiques, over 50 Wall and Mantle Clocks, Guns, Model Steam Engines and Whistles, 1931 Model A Ford w/slant window, and Outstanding Selection of BERR’S Bloomsburg, PA 17815 % 784-5413 ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & FARM EQUIPMENT Follow Auction Signs off Route 42 & 44 By Pass at Exit 34 of I - 80. SATURDAY, AUG. 1L1984 10:00 A.M. Farm Equipment will be offered at 12:00 Noon Dry Sink Cupboard, Butter Chums, Copper Wash Boiler w/Lid, Crocks, Jugs, Copper Washer, Log Stove, Pitcher Pump, Sausage Grinders, Lard Presses, Floor Model Radio, Straw Rake, Milk Cans of all Sizes, Cast Iron Pots & Pans, Hand & Garden Tools, Insolators, Slaw Cutter, Kerosene Lamps, Butter Bowl & Ladle, Butter Molds, Old Scales, Wooden Barrels, Room Stove, Footed Bath Tub, Car nival & Depression Ware, Egg, Chicken & apple Crates, Rockers, Projector & Screen, Circular Saw, Shop Vac, Pioneer Cham Saw, Electric Motors, Electric Water Heater, Garden Tractor Trailer & Cultivators, Columbian Oak Stove, Paloron 20” Snow Blower, Cream Seperator. Oliver Super 77 w/S. L.H. Good Rubber w/Loader, Set of Bobs, Fanning Mill, John Deere Ground Driven Spreader, Oliver Semi mounted Mower, J.D. 2 Bottom 14” Trailer Plows, T.B. Hammer Mill, Chicken Feeders & Nests, Bag Trunk w/Bagger, J.D. Grain Drill, Walking Plow, Scrap Iron, 4 Can Milk Cooler, 2 Row Com Planter, Side Delivery Rake, Mc- Cormick Deering 52 R. Combine w/Motor, Harvest Handler 24 Ft. Grain Elevator, But cher Kettles, Round Gas Drum W/Pump. 26 Ft. Wooden Ext. Ladder, Flat Bed Wagon, Range Coop, Utility Trader, Orchard Harrow, Chop Box, Many Articles & Antiques Not Listed. Terms Cash Seller MRS. WILMER (HILDA) REICHARD Auctioneers Gele L. Derr & Associates 784-5413 Lise. #AUOOO2I7 L Member of NAA, PAA, NEAA. Lunch gold com $290. Earl Eash and Bill Mattern, App. were the auctioneers. XXX A Public Sale of 23,000 bushel grain drying bins and equipment from former Zartman’s Roller Mill was sold July 26 by Dennis Pierce, 3 miles north of Lititz, Lancaster Co., Pa. Two grain bins were sold for $575 each and three other gram bins were sold for $5OO each. The Fairbanks-Morse 40,000 lbs. scales sold for $690 and the 42’ portable Cardinal auger brought $3OO. Auctioneers were Carl and John Diller. Tools and Equipment Located at the Fawn Grove Community Hall Bldg m Fawn Grove, Southern York Co, PA Harold Clemens, Estate Arthur C Rutledge, Per sonal Representative Charles W Shrodes & David W Shrodes, Auc tioneers SATURDAY AUG 4 Public Auction ot Union Co, PA Country Real Estate Located 2Vz miles north of Mifflinburg, PA on road leading to Forest Hill Long’s Auctioneering Service SATURDAY AUG 4-930 AM Public Auction of Line Equipment, Trucks, Chip pers, Etc Located adja cent to Niagara Mohawk Power Corp 's garage on Success Dr, Rome, NY Vilsmeier Auction Co, Inc , Auctioneers