Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 28, 1984, Image 1

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    VOL 29 No. 39
tops Del.
dairy show
HARRINGTON, Del. - Though
Delaware’s celebrated state fair
ran throughout the week, Wed
nesday belonged to Gain-View
Farm, with Gain-View Holsteins
dominating the dairy judging at
the state fairgrounds in
Based within walking distance of
the fairgrounds, Gain-View went
home with grand and reserve
grand champion honors as well as
both senior and reserve senior
champion awards Gain-view
Holsteins were also named first in
the aged cow, dry cow, produce of
uam, best three females, best
dairy herd and best of sire
divisions, as well as accounting for
the first three placings among two
Escorted by Billy Joe Heath,
Cam-View Velvet Rose was named
grand champion and senior
champion as well as first among
two-year-olds. She also captured
best udder honors over all breeds
represented at the show.
A September 1981 S-W-D Velvet
daughter, Rose classified very
good-88 as a two-year-old. Her dam
was Cain-View El Last Rose.
And right behind Rose in the
reserve grand champion slot was
Cam-View El Mary Kay. A July
1977 Round Oak Rag Apple
Elevation daughter, May Kay was
also named reserve senior
champion and first in the aged cow
class. Classified excellent-90,
Mary Kay’s dam was Cam-View
Junior champion honors in open
Holstein competition went to
Vossmon Valiant Valerie exhibited
by Norman Voss, Jr., with reserve
going to Dutch-Ayr Paul Shennan
exhibited by Deborah Van
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M r
BELTSVILLE, Md. - The July 1984 USDA-DHIA Sire Summary
was recently released and appears in this week’s Lancaster Far
ming beginning on Page DlB through Page D3l.
The Sire Summary, which lists active AI sires, was compiled by
the USDA and the Dairy Herd Improvement Association. All
transmitting abilities are expressed as deviations from the 1982
genetic bases, used for the first time this past January, and are
labeled PDB2.
Predicted differences are listed for both yield and percentage for
all three milk components - fat, protein and solids-not-fat.
Four Sections
lothe winners’ circle of York Holstein Show are, from the left. Jim York, Sue Beshore
with reserve grand champion, C.E. Hubbard ill with his grand champion of both the 4-H
Roundup and Show, judge Jim Shaw and Fred Myers.
PRV and how it can travel
HARRISBURG - While the
pseudorabies cleanup aimed at
complete eradication is
progressing, an episode earlier
this year demonstrated how the
heavy interstate traffic of hogs mto
and out of Pennsylvania almost
carried the disease mto a neigh
boring state.
Dr. John Cable, of the PDA*s
Bureau of Animal Industry,
reports that some 30 breeding and
finishing operations are still under
quarantine m the Lancaster
County area.
With the last known outbreak
confirmed m late April, state of
ficials are hopeful that
depopulation and cleanup m
breeding operations can be
completed by the end of October.
Depopulation of finishing
operations through marketing
channels -would then follow about
four months later.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 28,1984
Earlier this year, both Penn
sylvania and Maryland officials
were concerned that PVR may
have been earned back from a
Lancaster County finishing
operation mto a large 1200-sow
operation that supplies feeder pigs
on contract between the two states.
Forty-one gilts selected out of a
finished batch were taken back to
the Maryland sow operation as
replacements. All 41 tested
positive for PVR, but fortunately
they had been properly isolated
Preserve the family farm
LANCASTER The future of
the family poultry farm was the
topic addressed by a variety of
speakers at the Pennsylvania
Grange Poultry Meeting on
Thursday night at the Farm and
Home Center in Lancaster.
Poultry and egg producers from
Lancaster, Adams, Cumberland,
Juniata and Mifflin Counties were
on hand to hear presentations on
topics ranging from computer
technology to poultry house
The evening’s first speaker was
Edward H. Krebs, an economic
consultant and farmer from
“The family poultry farm is in
danger,” Krebs admonished,
pointing out that more efficient
poultry and egg producing
techniques continue to increase
production at a yearly rate well in
excess of human population
growth. This situation, Krebs
warned, is responsible for the
current symptoms of over
production plaguing the industry;
namely static product prices
alongside sharply increasing
production costs.
While the small independent
and promptly tested before being
placed into the mam operation.
Thus far, the sow operation has
tested negative for pseudorabies.
This incident illustrates the
problem faced by Pennsylvania
officials in their efforts to
eradicate the disease - an effort
that is complicated by the daily
heavy movement of hogs into and
out of the state.
Hog movement - many into and
out of the Lancaster area - covers
Grange meeting says
farmer may choose the poultry
business simply because he enjoys
this type of farming, Krebs ob
served that his competition may be
involved for very different
reasons. Using large domestic
corporations and foreign com
panies as examples, Krebs pointed
out that such investors may be
motivated by low-cost government
loans or available tax shelters. The
economist warned that the family
farmer will have a difficult time
competing with the large efficient
Penn State's
Ag Progress Days
In a little over three weeks all roads will lead to Rock
Springs and Penn State’s Ag Progress Days
Lancaster Farming’s Special Ag Progress Issue will be
published on Saturday, August 18 It will contain a
schedule of events, list of exhibitors and a map to make it
easy to find them and plenty of features about the three-'
day event scheduled Aug. 21-23.
The deadline for advertisers to get their Ag Progress
message into the special issue is Friday, Aug. 10
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<7.50 per Year
at York
YORK They make quite a
They possess and display a rare
combination of youth and maturity
in the dairy showring.
They move about together with
that sprightly perkiness that is so
typical of the confidence of youth.
At only three her stature, con
firmation and development shows
a maturity of dairyness well
beyond that of many who are
several years her semor.
And at only 15, he displays dairy
savy and showmanship equal to
that of those many years his
While she is only briefly out of
calfhood and he only briefly out of
boyhood, they were unbeatable at
York this week.
The dynamic duo of C. E.
Hubbard 111, of New Cumberland,
and his 4-H cow, Kowraygan Creek
Lmnan Jean, put together back-to
back grand championships in both
the 4-H Roundup on Wednesday
and the York County Holstein Show
on Thursday.
While the successive top wins
may be a bit out of the ordinary,
the winner’s circle has been a
frequent home for the pair, who
have fully arrived in Holstein
competition at both the county,
regional and statewide levels in the
past couple of years.
This week's showing was one
better than last year. As a senior
two-year-old last year, Jean
captured the reserve Holstein
grand championship of the
roundup and the grand cham
pionship of the county Holstein
Other wins in the interim have
included reserve junior division
champion at the past two state
shows and reserve grand cham
pionships at the South Central 4-H
Show and the State Junior Dairy
There were more top wins too for
entnes out of the Beshore family
herd of New Cumberland. A four
year-old, Kerchenhill Creek
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