BUY,SELL,TRADE OR RENT THROIIIiII Mil PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 Mon., Tues., Wed. 8 AM to 5 PM - Thurs. & Fri. 7 AM to 5 PM farmers & Dealers - Your advertising pays lor itself you advertise your equipment in the farm lauipment section 717 394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Combine, Harvester and Corn Head Parts For Sale oil used machines ffenger's 717-866-2135. Farm Tractor Parts, Large Selection. Wenger's 717-866-2135. ysed sawmills for sale We buy and sell. Leroy Wray, 0D 1. Douglassville, PA 19518 215-385-3884 Chisholm - Ryder snap bean harvesters, all machines complete w/hyd. dump boxes, recond. and painted, 609-769-3183 (jd two cylinder John Deere fly wheels rebuilt with our patented steel draw m hub which has the ability to tighten up on new or worn crank shafts Also available new manufactured un breakable fly wheels Allen Machine Works, RD #7, Jonesboro. Tenn 37699, 615 753-5738 day or night Crawler Tractor Parts. New and Used Parts Available for Cat, Allis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others Rubber tired construction equipment parts available for Hough, Michigan, Gallon and Cat Road Graders. Call or write for equip ment & parts brochure. VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC Route 309 Montgomeryville, PA , 18936 Phone 215-699-3533 USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques We ship UPS Hill-T Farm Sales & Ser vice. 4295 Richmond Palestine Road. New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513-548-0718. FOR SALE IHC RECONDITIONED TRACTORS Cub Low Boy w/f ast hitch and snow blade, $2,900 CUB ATTACHMENTS F/H Transplanter, Snow Blower, Sickle bar mower, cultivators, snow plow, dirt plows 717-687-0102. For Sale Bale Thrower Wagons ■ Steel or Wood. Will fit sides onto your flatbed Also Available. Flatbed Wagons stoltzfus WOOD WORK Rt 2, Gap, PA. 17527 (717) 442-8972 Oliver 1850 diesel, dual hydraulics, wide front 814 793 4293 JD 4020 power shift, dual hydraulics 814-793-4293. [H 1466 cab and air, dual hydraulics, like new 814-793-4293 JO 4320 wide front *8 4-38 tires, dual remotes 814-793-4293 Minneapolis Moline G9OO Diesel, ongnal paint, like new 814.793.4293, •ID 4010 Diesel, wide 'rant excellent condition 814-793-4293. JD 4230, 4 post roli suard, dual outlets, ex tent 814-793-4293 10 4020 side console real x'ean, low hours 814-793-4293 iP 7 30 diesel, electric S* wide front, 3 pt 814-793-4293 Dliyer iB6O diesel, dual JMraulics, wide front, 814-793-4293 L H 1D66 cab, dual outlets, apt 814-793-4293. FARM EQUIPMENT Oliver 1750 w/3 speed ' over and under year round cab. 814-793-4293 AC D2l Tractor with T bottom plow; AC F com bine 1974, 13” gram head with generation 3 floating cutter bar; IH model 58 8 row planter; 4 row cultivator for AC tractor back mounted; Farm Fan model 350 batch gram dryer, 609-259-3733 3 PTH EQUIPMENT Ford 5’ rotary mower Ford T disc Lely spin spreader 6' scraper blade Ford 2 row cultivator Int. 7' sickle mower TOM WHEARY Lancaster, PA. 717-687-0102 For Sale - 1983 JD model 8300 gram drill, 1981 JD Pull Type 12' chisel plow, 1978 Farmfan batch gram dryer with bins and augers; 1959 S head Chevy horse van, 1 owner, 44,000 miles, 1970 Owatana haybine All in good condition Must sell Call 717-273-6748 For Sale - Troyer high speed potato grader 717- 367-2633 Cat D9G Dozer w/npper, very good condition 717-933-5734. 8' self contained cinder or fertilizer spreader, IHC 125 C Crawler/Loader, Ford 550 Backhoe/ Loader 717-933-5734 Ford 4500 Backhoe/Loader, Davis Walk-behmd Trencher 717-933-5734 JD 3020 console, stan dard shift, 72 model 814-793-4293 For Sale - Generator, 4 cylinder, O’Keefe Merritt model Nl5, 15 KW, 220/127 volts, 3 phase 4 wire. 49.2 amps per leg, $650 or best offer. 215-542-7980 or 215- 646-9057. IH 80 pull-type combine, good condition, $BOO 717-862-3367. Uni System 702 Diesel w/727 Husker, 735 N head, late model equip ment. 717-872-5267. JD 3010 Diesel 48 Loader, controls, 6' bucket, good working condition, best offer. Call 301-778-5335. For Sale - 1100 MF, nice shape. Blair County. 814- 793-3926. JD 105 corn special 13 ft. platform, 4 row corn head, dual wheels, hill side blower, very good, $6500 or trade. 1974 JD 4400 combine diesel, very good condition, $9500. Both ready to run. Clearfield County. 814-583-5332 JD 3020 D WF Syncro: JD 3020 D 1700 hours 301 582 1927 For Sale - 410 Massey Ferguson combine with 13' gram head, 4 row narrow corn head and 4 row wide corn head. Good condition. International #56, 4 row corn planter 717-658-3518 New StoKzfus 5 ton lime spreader mounted on extra heavy duty military type tandem carrier Spin spreaders are hydraulically controlled for more uniform coverage. Built for coal reclamation work, but never used, $6,500 717- 328-5520. For Sale • 8N Ford tractor, 4 speed with Deer born manure loader. 717-244- 2221 after 5 PM. Used 5 ton center mount hydraulic truck crane Boom is telescopic and reaches from 15-25 feet Unit has right and left controls and includes outriggers, $1,500 717- 328-5520. FARM EQUIPMENT 10 h.p Mix Mill and Blender. 1 yr. old. ex cellent condition, good price 717-637-0192 For Sale - Pre 1930 Farmall F-20, good running condition, $450 or best offer 215-723- 8445 IH 315 combine w/cab, Dickey-John monitor, hydrostatic drive, 3 row corn head w/central lube, 14' grain head, $2,700 or best. 201-782-4439 10' Stoltzfus lime spreader, good condition. Also PUP lime trailer, good condition. 717-524- 7204 For Sale - White 2-105 Tractor, JD 3940 Chopper, 2 RN, used 1 season, 3 pt 4 tooth manure injector, $600; IH 8275 on steel. $B5O 717- 733-0575 FOR SALE Favorite threshing machine and McCormick deenng reaper and binder, good shape. Phone 717-488- 6681 Gleaner combine Model "E" 12' gram head, 2 row corn head-9 1 /! out of 10 all new belts, new bearings, new clutch, brakes Must Sell. Reduced to $3,500 Skanea teles, NY 315- 685-5538 Hesston PT 10 haybine, reconditioned, new paint, $1,500,717-328-2479. MF 304 HD Tractor, front end loader, new tire chains w/cleats, shuttle trans. 814-848-9633 For Sale - Farmall Super A in good condition, $1,895. 717-665-9351. For Sale - Deutz Tractors - 1979 130-06 cab, 130 h.p., 1979 80-06, 92 h p., 1978 68-06,68 h.p , 1975 100-06, 105 h.p Lan caster County 717-426- 2659. JD 3020 DNF, new rub ber, $4,000/offer 301-833-9091 IH hydro 100, 4 WD, air, cab. twin shaft, no 3 pt, 2,100 original hours, $lO,OOO/offer. 301- 833-9091. JD 2030 diesel, »2,500 original hours, 18.4x30 rubber, 1975 model Showroom condition, $7,100/offer. 301- 833-9091 JD 4430 cab, QR. wts , ex tra clean, $14,500. 717- 264-1154 Model 100 Allis Chalmers self propelled combine 10 ft cut, excellent. Call 412- 423-5343 500 PM $3,000 SEE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER PARTS FEVER AD ON PAGES D-20 and D-21 10% REBATE! FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - AC 6080 with year round cab, 800 hours, $15,000 215-766- 7644 For Sale - JD 48 loader with independent valve 717-532-7054 Wanted ■ Hesston field queen 7038, 3 row forage head. 703-721-2150. JO Van Brunt gram drill 15x7, good condition, $795 717-927-6343 For Sale - JD 4320 tractor, very good con dition. 18.4x38 tires 717- 532-7054 IH 1086 tractor, cab, dual 18 4x38 wheels, 1400 hrs , excellent condition Call evenings 301-758- 2930 For Sale • JD 2 row truck bed potato digger 215- 593-5004 JD 4020; 2640. 2840 - IH 1066, 966, 656 hydro - Case 1370; TE 300 Niemeyer power harrow 717-292-1856 Massey Ferguson 175 diesel, late model, good Bl4-793-4293 International 1466 with red cab, $9,500 814-793-4293 For Sale - NH 354 Mixer, $1,600; Hesston 7020 Harvester. $1,200, Gehl 960 Wagon, like new, $5,400 717-733-0575 International 856, dual hydraulics, original paint, excellent condition 814-793-4293. For Sale - 1012 NH auto Bale Wagon, excellent condition. Rocky Mount, VA. 703-483-0733 or 703- 721-2909. For Sale - JD 2840, dual hydraulics. 814-793- 4293 JD 2840 w/hi-low, nice, $8,900,717-264-1154 JD 4320, 38" rubber, dual hydraulics, excellent condition. 814-793-4293 37 or 38 Centura, runs good, good condition, plow and cultivator 717-872- 4733 D4O Caterpillar, excellent condition. 814-793-4293 Gehl 92D forage wagon w/3 beaters, roof and everything, excellent condition. Berks Co. No Sunday Calls Call 215- 678-8274 Used Wood Batwing mowers, $2,200 and up. 301-833-9091 Snap Bean Harvester, Chisholm-Ryder 340 high clearance complete w/hydraulic dump box, good condition, $2,800 609-769-3183 FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS FOR SALE ■ Farmall M. Farmall H, Farmall A, Farmall C, JO 8, Int. 350, Massey Harris 30, JD 430, JD 1010, TD 9, TD 14, TD 18 No Checks Wayne County 717-937-4558 Marion crane w/backhoe & shovel attachment Crane in good condition, shovel and backhoe like new Also clam bucket to go w/crane. For digging pond or ditch work 703-740- 3458 8N Ford tractor, heavy du ty loader with hydraulic bucket. 3 pt blade Ex cellent running, good rub ber, $2,950 717-464-2815 Snowco gram auger, 40'x6” PTO driven with extra tubing and auger parts to expand to 55 feet. 2 Radson moisture testers 215-666 5410 after 6 PM IH 1150 grinder mixer with molasses applicator Very Good Condition $2,500 215-493-3040 FOR SALE ■ 24’ Little Giant conveyor, in good condition For further mformabon call evenings 215-775-3511 Gehl flail chopper 6'. like new. Jack Sunday, Carlisle 717-243-4796. For Sale - 14' McConnel self unloading potato wagon on JD 10 ton running gear, excellent condition 717-656-8449 For Sale - John Bean potato harvester ff 266, good condition Phone 215-837-0545. Owatonna 260 self propelled haybme wm drower, semi cab always stored indoors, gasoline engine. 412-865-2608 before 9 p m 2 Patz barn cleaners, one for 90 cows, one for 60 cows, good condition, priced reasonably. 201- 879-5851 Days. Nights 201-584-5054. 4,000 lb. Hyster forklift truck, solid tires w/side shift. $2,300. Harrisburg. 717-652-1957. Wic bedding chopper, late model, like new condition, $llOO firm, also (2) Dayton 24" circulating fans, $75 each Call 301-271-4139 For Sale - Heavy 12', 6 way Waldron bull dozer blade, excellent condition. Made tor articulating wheel tractors 703-721- 2150 For Sale - JD 24 Skid Steer Loader, only 745 hrs , good condition, $3,600,717-532-8601 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 21,1984—C3 FARM EQUIPMENT 1971 Ford Louisville 9,000 with 24’ Groves Super 15 rollback, 238 Detroit 10 speed RR, air brakes, air steering, new floor and tires, $15,500 Ed Goodrich, Jr 607-642-8688 or 8519 JD 4430, 4 wheel drive tractor Also JD 4230, 4 wheel drive tractor Both in very good condition 717-532-7054 For Sale - JD 3020 diesel power-shift dual hydraulic, narrow front, 2000 hrs, new tires, $7,500 JD 145-A semi mounted 3 bottom 16" plow with 2 hydraulic cylinders and hill side hitch. $1,500 JD 7000 cons no-fall 4 row planter, dry fertilizer, only planted 250 acres, $7,500 IH 234 mounted 2 row corn picker. $1,500 Above machinery like new never left set out Also many new & used parts included Call 717-235- 5090. York Co Day or Night LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 HORSESHOE ROAD - LANCASTER, PA 17601 MANUFACTURER & BUILDER OF QUALITY WET-CAST CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS FEEDING SYSTEMS - BARN EQUIP - SILO UNLOADERS LANCASTER CONVEYORS SUPREME RING DRIVE AND LANCASTER BELT FEEDERS VAN DALE MAGNUM SILO LANCASTER TAPER BOARD UNLOADERS & ACCESSORIES FEEDERS AUTOMATIC ROLLER MILLS LANCASTER HAY FEEDERS RITCHIE CATTLE WATERERS LANCASTER WATERERS STEINER ROLL MIXERS LANCASTER STEEL GATES SHOW EASE COW STALLS LANCASTER FIBERGLAS ZIMMERMAN AND LEISS FANS FEED AND SILAGE CARTS WEAVERLINE' FEED CARTS LANCASTER 36 FANS STARLINE''PARTS “T ANCASTER SILOS BUILT BETTER” LANCASTER SILO CO. HAS CONCRETE STAVE SILOS FOR CORN SILAGE OR HIGH-MOISTURE GROUND EAR CORN. WE CAN DELIVER & ERECT SILOS FOR SEPTEMBER. SILO UNLOADERS PURCHASED W/SILOS WILL QUALIFY FOR 20% DISCOUNT, OR YOUR OLD UNLOADER COULD BE WORTH UP TO $lOOO. ON TRADE (IN WORKING ORDER) the one that keeps roiling when others quit! EARCI BL Mil “BIG-BIG” SAVINGS ON STRAIGHT SALE PURCHASES!!! UNIQUE CRUSHER ROLLS shell the corn crush the cob ahead of the rolls no screens to plug FATIGUE-PROOF DRIVE SHAFTS, ground and polished CARBON STEEL ROLLS hardened to a 56 Rockwell C out perform other rolls in capacity and durability 20-SPLINE, 1 3 « inch PTO shaft with shear pm protection PHONE 717-299-3721 - Mon. thru fri. 7 AM-4 PM FARM EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers snap coupler #BOR twin action rear mounted mower, $275 00. Phone 814-224- 4577 Used 12 ton 20’ Dorsey trailer Unit includes fifth wheel dolly and was previously used for hauling sheet rock Ideal for fertilizer or other heavy loads 10 00x20 tires, $2,200 717-328- 5520 AC tractor model G plow and cultivator, hydraulic, $1,600. Have other parts 215-539-9076 For Sale ■ Sheet rock fork for Prentice loader, new pads, $l,OOO 717-328- 5520 For Sale - Bear-Cat cultimulcher 12', like new, $1,895.00, 70 Coachman 35' trailer, full bath, air condition, expanding living room Asking $3,500 Lebanon Co 717- 273-6018 "LOOK" AT THAT GREAT CORN CROPt DO YOU HAVE ALL THE STORAGE NEEDED? 6-Units In Stock - Rental Units