Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 21, 1984, Image 39
HARRISBURG State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowell recently announced that Pennsylvania has been chosen as one of eight pilot states for a new export project initiated by the Foreign Agriculture Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “The Agricultural information and Marketing Services (AIMS) program should be a major boost for Pennsylvania exporters of agricultural commodities and value added products,” Hallowell said. “Through the new program, we hope to significantly increase the amount and timeliness of export trade leads to Pennsylvania PUBLIC SALE Having sold the farm, and decided to move the undersigned will sell the following at Public Sale on SAT., AUGUST 4,1984 930 sharp Located in Snyder County, at the residence of Amos W. Eicher, 1/4 mile west of Meiserville, just off Route 104, across Bridge from Meiser's Mill. Follow direction signs. HORSE DRAWN MACHINERY I.H. C DVT 573 V-8, 310 h.p.; diesel engine power with electric start, P.T.0., V-pulley, new clutch, new injectors; Bear Cat 1 ton portable grinder-mixer with chain fed 16” mill; Oliver double action hay loader, good cond.; N.H. side delivery rake; I.H.C. No. 9, 5’ mower, nice; Me 2 horse cult; Me 10 single disc grain drill; 2-I.H. com planters; I.H.C. 6’ grain binder, I.H.C. com binder; Papec hay chopper silo filler; N.I. manure spreader; I.H.C. manure spreader; N.H. portable com shelter with elevator, flat pulley, belt driven; old dump rake; N.I. hay wagon; steel wheeled wagon; I.H.C. S’ tandem disc; 2-Oliver 40 walking plows; J.D. hillside 2 way plow; 2 section harrow; single horse, spike tooth harrow; 5 shovel culti.; one horse sleigh; one horse wagon shafts; sleigh shafts; spring wagon shafts; buggy shafts and tongues; new and used double trees and yokes. Whiteman power cement trowel with Briggs-Stratton engine; radial arm saw; platform scales; leg chains; cow chains; hand sharpener; hand tools; garden tools; twin cyl. air compressor; Tecumseh 8 h.p. engine; 2 steel wheeled wheelbarrows; garden cart; dog houses; Echo 315 chain saw; Wards 2.1 cu. in. chain saw; Sears table saw; chunk stove; Dandy stove; 55 gal. drums; salamander; Pride of Farm 25 bu.; 8 hole round cast bottom self feeder, used one season; creep feeder; 4 hole self feeder; en closed supply tank with lid and valve; metal hen nest; 2 rolls Ms” cable; used roofing; horse saddle; pony saddle; 1 roll yard fence; highline poles; snow fence; many items too numerous to mention. 5 yr. old reg. Belgian stallion with papers, white mane and tail, works anywhere, sires mce colts; 8 yr. old Belgian mare, big; team 5&6 yr. old sorrel mares with Belgian horse colt by 5 yr. old’s side; team 2 yr. old blonde Belgian geldings, white mane and tail, green broke, nice young team; 1 and 2 yr. old red sorrel geldings, green broke; 1 yearling blonde Belgian mare, white mane and tail. DRIVING HORSES 8 yr. old registered standardised double gaited mare with papers and all purpose Belgian horse colt by side, traffic safe and safe for women; 1 yearling sorrel standardbred mare (last year’s colt from above mare); 6 yr. old reg. standardbred double gaited bay mare; all horses well man nered, broke to work anywhere and sold with Coggins papars. DAIRY CATTLE 2-second calf Holstein cows, fresh 8-10 wks., milking approx. 50 lbs. daily; 1-white face cow; 1-800 lbs. Angus-Holstein cross bull; 4-600 lbs. Holstein heifers, selling open; 1-600 lbs. white face heifer. All cattle selling with health charts. GOATS 4 Nubian cross milking goats; 1 young reg. Nubian nanny; 1 young half Nubian nanny. Approx. 14 ton alfalfa mixed, first cutting, approx. 4 ton mixed first cutting; approx. 2 ton mulch hay. GUNS Win. 94, 30-30 cal.; Marlin 93, 30-30 cal. with smokeless steel barrel; Western Field M 72 30-30 cal.; Win. 190 auto. 22 cal. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 5 legged oak extension table with 6 boards; library table; 2-Hoosier type kitchen cabinets; 2 Gilbert 8 day clocks; wall clock; black Columbian cook stove; Ig. oak wardrobe; chest of drawers; New Home sewing machine; 2- Smger sewing machines; Royal typewriter; wash tubs; baby bassinette; 2 metal cabinets; s.s. double sink; Maytag washing machine; metal top table; honey extractor with V-pulley and crank; old 180 egg kerosene egg incubator; standard miter saw pat; Aug. 29, 1889; other items too numerous to mention. ORDER OF SALE: Household and Antiques at 9:30 A.M.; Farm Related Items, 10:00 A.M.; Horse Drawn Machinery 12:00 Noon; Hay, Guns and Livestock, 2:00 P.M. TERMS: CASH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Owner AMOSW. EICHER Lyters, Clerks Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L exporters. “The 18-month AIMS pilot project should fit in extremely well with the state’s current efforts to more aggressively market Penn sylvania farm and food products, and help our exporters to be more fully competitive,” Hallowell said. The program is the latest in a series of personal and depart mental initiatives by USDA Secretary John R. Block to win expanded purchases of U.S. food products. Block has called U.S. food export expansion “the number one priority for United States agriculture,” and our ability to trade, “one of America’s FARM RELATED ITEMS LIVESTOCK DRAFT HORSES HAY LUNCH Pa. chosen for new export program foremost strengths.” Under the program, the Foreign Agriculture Service is expanding its tele-communications links with overseas agricultural offices, and hopes to increase the number of trade “leads” by 50 percent. The program will also provide International Marketing Profiles for exporters which will include information on commodities, purchasing and marketing trends, importers in countries and listings of FAS exporter services. A third segment of the AIMS program will provide for the development and testing of a NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES ]l WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1984 12 Noon Complete herd dispersal from Delaware. Milk cows and bred heifers - 55 head. All home raised. Many cows are due for fall milk. 1 load of purebred and grade cows for H.D. Matz. Norman and David Kolb will have a load of cows. Some registered. (3) fresh cows milking 85-90 lb. per day. Several good fresh heifers. 25 fresh and close springing heifers. Real good type and udders, Con signed by David Hurst, Newville, Pa. 1 load of bred heifers from Connecticut. Also several other consignments not mentioned. 1.9110 ACRE FARMETTE FARM EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, AUG. 11,1984 AUCTION TIME; 12:30 P.M. REAL ESTATE' 2*oo P M DIRECTIONS: Take Route 322 West of Ephrata to Clay, in Clay turn north on Clearview Road, go approx. 1 mile to Water St. Turn left on Water St.. Vi mile to property on right, Clay Town ship, with eat-in kitchen, family room, living room, laundry room with Mi bath, and utility room, all on first floor. Second floor has 3 bedrooms with carpet, and full bath. NOTEWORTHY FEATURES • Ephrata School District • Some Storm Windows • Aluminum Siding * Mature Shade • Corner Property • Grape Arbor • Electric Heat • On Lot Sewer Wellw/ Pressure System Small Barn with attached Poultry House; Com Bam and Hog Stable. A golden opportunity to keep a horse, or other animals you and your family have some day hoped to own. SEE THIS FINE PROPERTY AT OPEN HOUSE, SATURDAY, JULY 28th & August 4th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. or by appointment, call 717- 733-6982. Real Estate at 2:00 p.m., Farm Machinery to be sold after Real Estate All herein information is believed to be accurate but is being used for advertising purposes only. Michael P. Kane, Attorney Auction Conducted By: Paul E. Martin, Auct. AU-001601-L Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-3511 John S. Stauffer, Auct. AU-001509-L Lititz, Pa. 717-665-5099 “reverse trade lead” export service. With reverse trade leads, an exporting firm from Penn sylvania can make an offer of a product, including the price and quantity available. This in formation is then electronically disseminated to importers in two pilot countries, England and Japan. “Increasing Pennsylvania’s share of the agriculture and food export market has been a priority in our efforts to support economic development in Pennsylvania,” Hallowell said. “This pilot program should aid our efforts to Sale starts 12 Noon New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Phone 717-354-4341 PUBLIC AUCTION 2Vi STORY FRAME DWELLING • 9,000 Gal. Cistern AND THERE IS STILL MORE! Auction By: LEON P. & LORRAINE G. WEAVER Route 1, Ephrata, Pa. Food At Auction muster Farming, Saturday, July 21,1984—A39 help agribusinesses sell Penn sylvania products abroad.” Additional information on AIMS and Pennsylvania’s work in agricultural exports is available by contacting Gretchen Vreeland, Agricultural Export Division, Pa. Department of Agriculture, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9406, or by calling 717-783-8460. Sale Reports A Public Sale of real estate and guns was held July 14 by Mr. and Mrs. B. Epler, 1 mile south of Sunbury traffic circle, Shomokin Dam. The 25 unit Susquehanna Motel w/2 bedroom living quarters and a 40x48 garage or storage building was sold for $365,000. Other prices were: 15 pcs. 40’ steel roof trusses $l7O each, 1955 Cadillac limousine $2700, Winchester 32 special $lBO, Winchester Model 70 308 cal. $350, Win. Model 70 264 mag. $460, Win. Model 70 270 cal. $675, Win. 410 ga. $525 and Fox Sterlingworth 20 ga. $7OO. Earl Eash was the auctioneer. XXX An Estate Sale of real estate and farm machinery was held July 14 for the estate of Harvey J. Stake, 1.2 miles from Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. The 90 acre farm with a two-story frame house and outbuildings was sold for $70,000. The two parcels of woodland totaled 73 acres and was sold for $42,000. Both tracts are located on the Herringbone Ridge. Other prices were: 1 block of Juniata Co. Agricultural Society stock $l5OO, Farmall Super A tractor $1450, Farmall BN tractor $9OO and gravity box $450. Bryan D. Imes was the auctioneer. XXX A Public Auction of farm machinery was held July 13 by Glenn E. and Ruth Ann Bruckhart, 3 miles south of Montgomery, Northumberland Co., Pa. There were 60 Holstein dairy cattle sold with the top cow bringing $llOO and the next two $875 and $B5O. Other prices were: J.D. 4020 D tractor $6150, M.H. 444 D tractor $825, M.H. 44 tractor $5OO, Case 530 industrial loader $BlO, E-Z trail 12 ton tandem chassis $960 and N.I. 2 row cornpicker $2700. Sale conducted Fraley Auction Co.