Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 21, 1984, Image 33
10 Bulls Over +*loo P.D. Dollar Value 5 Bulls Over +lOOO P.D. Milk 16 Bulls Plus On Test 11 Bulls Plus On Protein 9 Bulls Over + 1.00 P.D. Type With 3 Bulls Over +2.00 P.D. Type HOLSTEIN SIRE PREDICTED DIFFERENCE AVERA 29 Bulls +764m -.01% +2sf +s92. Rpty. 80% PREDICTED DIFFERENCE TYP CODE NAME 9H584 Cal-Clark Board CHAIRMAN 9H625 FivebrooksSTAßFlßE 9H599 Sunny-Craft Chief SPIRIT 9H176 Letters Burkgov TRUMP 9H643 Art-Acres HAGER 9H589 Reu-Hel Farms Chief STANDARD 53 50 0 9H587 Ivajen LONE RANGER 45 41 3 9H626 Brownking SAUL 47 44 5 9H652 Retso LOYAL Kirk 54 42 7 9HBOI RECKERS Freedom 39 25 0 9H692 POTTS Southern Man-Twin 41 30 9H107 Arlinda JET STREAM-Twin 15992 3678 9H658 JungeSTARLITE 78 55 9H1628 Rynd-Home Excel SENSATION 59 49 9H581 Ken-Ric Marcus NEIL 50 45 9H196 Shardale Arlinda Chief JEMINI 8184 2585 9H794 Coldsprings IRA 77 27 9H619 Coldsprings HELIOS 84 56 9H622 Breezyview Job Royal STEWART 82 69 9H653 Pep-L-Lea Milu SPARKY 50 40 9H557 Killdee Astrochief WISEMAN 113 81 5 9H635 Pack-Herd BUNKY 800 94 76 2 9H608 Coldsprings HAMLET 52 46 0 9H657 Bonnyside Coldsprings IAN-Twin 71 54 24 7H58 Round Oak Rag Apple ELEVATION 54843 10280 1 9H576 Remvale Elevation SAXON 84 58 5 9H630 El-Bert Elevation SNOWMAN 104 71 2 9H614 JungeJS SCOUT 84 67 7 9H561 Pack-Herd Elevation TERENCE 83 68 3 All USDA Sire Summaries Based on PDB2 Genetic Base. * (1-R) AM ii * * Preliminary TPI. DAIRY SIRES CODE NAME GUERNSEY 3G161 Holcombs CorpGUNAR 21G247 Dutch Mill Telestars FAYETTE 21G257 Shadylawn King ARTHUR JERSEY 21J337 YANKEE FW Chief 3JIIO Shadewell FASCINATOR 1J205 Hi-Land Empire STATE 78 9J59 Maplelawn Silver AARON AYRSHIRE 9A32 Reidina Dawner GALLANT MAN 3A113 Highview LARRY 9A36 De Ayrs Hi DROPKICK 9A38 Palmyra MAGIC 3A105 Heb-Ayr MAJOR BROWN SWISS 218421 Johann Evilo ROCKET 9862 Bridge View JUBILATION 218414 West Lawn Stretch IMPROVER** 78629 EE Beautician KING** MILKING SHORTHORN 21M515 Korncrest PACESETTER 17M41 Red Cedar DAN All USDA Sire Summaries based on POB2 Genetic Base. * (1-R) AM is the poi * * Limited Semen Availability. ★ POTTS Southern Mon-Twin (Jet Stream son out of an EX2E Elevation) He is a graduate of the Young Sire gold Program The Sir* Power Prof r*m» *r* deslfned with your herd's Profitability In mind Oui |o*l is to Increese your net income, by otlennf hifh Predicted Diflerence sires, relirbly proven knowMwt s cow that tests, is also es Important a* a cow that milk* We stress sound type The dams ol Sir* Power sires are classified Very Good or Escellent with special emphasis on snuffy attached udders, and sound leetandlef* You can aspect sound type from a Sir* Power For Service: Contact Your Professional Sire Power Technician, Direct Herd RspreaenUtlve, or Dtsbid Sales Manager. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE JULY 1984 PROOFS % Ist DIRS HERDS RIP 85 68 12 MUX +ISW ■ 4148 T + m 4 867 +1063 67 52 2 4396 1458 29 72 48 1 ♦ 636 4,11 4 472 4.16 4 619 + 00 4 903 - .03 4 704 4,04 4 839 —,03 41080 -.13 4 m 4,11 4 018 -.09 41141 -J8 4 481 4,10 4 407 +jo7 *»•*+» 4 iW4jBl 4,401 + 03 4 m -.11 t tie « t mi -as + 316 +.06 ♦ I7i 4<lt 4- 992 -.06 * 117 -.17 4 til +.OO is the pounds of PO Milk, plus or minus, due to the bull's pedigree. % li DTRS HERDS Rl 30 110 10 43 267 28 37 2604 15 657 49 121 26 84 1 476 20 51 16 76 161 15 28 10 43 23 2612 2484 620 586 86 23 31 16 308 95 An Outstanding New Bull Added to Lineup: KEEPING AMERICA ON THE GROW 442 4111 446 4100 430 4104 427 4104 432 4100 426 41$ 416 417 4 1 407 404 401 400 486 404 406 411 486 4*l 413 4i3''47t 486 47$ 477 478 466 468 461 +26 -4 7 t 4 4 4 411 +» +ii +l2 +2B 4*4 I 4 1 4%»4 4M: 4*40 +139 m +.Ol +36 +l4O V m 4JO ~M + 8 + S 7 tunds of PD Milk, plus or minus, due to the bull's pedigree 426 4122 #8 413 4106 81 426 4102 88 424 4 06 71 414 4 90 88 77 4.04 74 -.01 73 4.01 71 -.02 67 -.os 61 -ill 424 00 4.02 436 70 -04 4 6 76 -.10 410 76 -41, 420 4 0 4«» ft 483 484 |f 487 *H #i 480 +7» || 411. 478' # ♦aFSS'W 480 481 #$ 432 410 88 417 +« 7S 4.8 486 ft 00*-.08 6$ +.04 il 4.04 83 4.01 71 -.01 U 441 71 4.11 77 -41 91 **4t 4i0,.til it; til <441 fi ts* tit fi tiO t«l' t«- SI 4.01 mt im m -~:M m +.02 „ //A ~4t*p * **•*os 4"ls HK m —iMI +lO + Hfk 4 f + -.06 +2O + 89 WA 4JE&. +l4 + 47 ** 0 ** imcwty Farming, Saturday, My 21,1954-A33 HFA PDT + 1.86 -0.21 +0.95 -0.20 +0.34 + 1.15 + 0.98 + 1.79 +0.22 +0.14 403 58 406 it 480 78 +64 8§ +»0 88 N/A +0.53 +0.82 +0.36 + 1.23 +0.70 + 1.35 +0.21 + 2.05 +0.42 + 2.01 -0.19 +O.OO +O.OO + 2.21 +0.44 +0.55 +O.lB + 1.69 ~OJ 70 +m & +0.6 99 +i.o m 97 + 1.5 90 +l4 76 73 46 Sale Reports A Public Auction of shop equipment and tools was held July 14 for the estate of Grant H. Prewitt, 200 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Oxford, Pa. with over 300 people present. Some prices included: 1946 Cockshutt tractor $lOOO, 3% ton 8 hp wood splitter $950, 14’x20’ barn $ll5O, 2 hp air compressor $550, 6 cyl snow plow $lO5O, Wisconsin engines w/electric start $lOO & $l6O, table saw $lBO, drill press $175, house safe $l3O and H &'W floor jack $135. A Public Sale of real estate and household goods was held July 14 for the Mary Spangler Brown estate at 20 S. Lancaster St., + 767 + 578 +587 + 480 + 510 Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa. 78 +547 75 +519 73 + 581 72 +475 60 +455 The 2V2 story frame dwelling on a lot ap proximately 35 x 200 feet with city water and sewerage hook up was sold for $23,000. Other prices received were: oak dry sink $6OO, drop leaf table $220, schoolmasters desk $625, small egg basket $B5 and tulip quilt $450. N/A 99 +483 78 +475 79 +465 75 + 542 Auctioneers were Ralph B. Heisey and John Cooper. 99 +455 65 +502 80 +425 83 +550 52 +429 A Sawmill Auction was held July 13 by Melvin G. Landis at Montabello Park, Wheatfield Twp. Perry Co., Pa. 84 +536 85 +387 76 +397 76 +3BO 99 +5lB Some prices were; air compressor $l4O, Mellot Electric log cleaner $390, wench, cable & pulley $35, metal cart $6O, Stihl 041 chain saw $l6O, bucket for tractor $lOO, 50” saw blade $l9O and Detroil 471 4 cyl. Diesel Power Unit $3OOO. 75 + 379 72 +399 82 +371 77 +425 Kling’s Auction Service conducted the sale. A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Phone: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164