Afr2—Uncastf inning, Saturday, July Si, 19&4 (Continued from Page Al) and expectations about operations they frequent. Results of the two surveys - one with data from the direct marketers and the other from consumers who buy from them - will then be compared. d STRIKE IT RICH! SELL IT WITH A LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED Direct market survey Additional phases of the research project will include regional workshops for direct marketers, slide programs depicting marketing alternatives and display of products, a direct marketing handbook and operational assistance in such areas as financial management, managing time and people and the the STIHL Wood Boss"— WE SHIP UPS OR PARCEL POST • Monday, Thursday, Friday 'til 9:30 • Tuesday & Wednesday 'til 6:00 ST/HL rue WORLD'S LAMOKMT BMLLIMO CHAIM SAW today ,9' m training of employes. “Pennsylvania is one of the leading states in the direct marketing of ag products,” Vroomen points out. “In our project, we not only want to determine the most up-to-date information to support direct marketing by farmers, but also to help provide guidelines to the state See it • Saturday ’til 5:00 717-665-2407 NEW TIMPTE GRAIN HOPPER IN STOCK Also 3-4 Weeks Delivery On EBY All-American Grain Bodies , 12 9 -24 9 Length BLUE BALL, PA 717-354-4971 in the consideration of loans and other assistance to direct marketing.” The PDA has been operating an approximate $1 million revolving loan fund to provide low-interest financial assistance to direct marketers and these types of operations may also be included in the farm operations to be con sidered under the $lO million ag portion of the bond issue recently approved by state voters. Major sections of the survey going out to direct marketers during the coming week include: -Information on the roadside market such as location, size, clientele, etc. -Economic data - Prices charged and how they’re deter mined, product display, ad vertising, use of “Pa. Grown” logo. -Operational information - When in operation, principal products sold, owner charac teristics. “We urge all direct marketers leceivmg the survey to complete and return it as promptly as possible,” Vroomen said. “The greater the response from direct marketers the better that results will be to help them in their future operations. ’ ’
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