A22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 21,1984 Outstanding vo (Continued from Page Al) that proper coordination of Supervised Occupational Ex perience projects and preparations by students for fairs and shows can be maintained over the summer. Teacher Expenses - Reim bursement for teacher travel expenses baqk to school districts are needed on a separate, specific basis instead of lumping them into a general category. The Vo-Ag Teacher group also wants concentration on how in struction can be kept up-to-date, such as a determination on how the new County Extension Computer Network might be utilized by vo-ag departments as a continuing in structional tool at schools. In addition to Strickler, Robert Fisher took over as treasurer of the association. In new elections, James Kerr, of Willow Street Vo-Tech, was named president-elect; and Larry Red ding, of Bermudian Springs, was named treasurer-elect. In addition to business and professional training sessions, the vo-ag teachers honored their top members with a number of awards. These include: _jgle, new president, Gerald Strickler. is Scanlon ag tc trees in< from the left, John Hummer, Youngsville, Warren County. 23 years; Leßoy Smeltz, Tri Valley, Schuylkill County, 32.8 years; and D. Kenneth Thompson, Oxford, Chester County, 29.5 years. Retirees - John Hummer, Youngsville; Leßoy Smeltz, Tri Valley; D. Kenneth Thompson, Oxford; J. Ray Bickel, Northern Lebanon; Elwood Stoudt, Blue Mountain; Greg Kennis, Marion Center; Bill Laughner, Mohawk; and Lou Ayers, Ephrata. Outstanding Young Teacher - David Gerstenlauer, Danville. Outstanding Ag Teacher - Fred Stillwagen, Lehigh County Vo- Tech. Sound Off for Ag - Gerald Strickler, Eastern Lebanon. Quarter Century of Service - Gerald Kiger, Eastern York. Retiring Executive Secretary - Quentin Hine, Somerset. Thirty-Minute Club for out standing ag communication - Dr. Sam Curtis, Stephen Miller, Donald McNutt, Dennis Scanlon, Brenda Howard, Donald Min cemoyer, Edgar Yoder and George Hamilton. Teacher of Teacher Award - Bronze, Cliff Day; Silver, Dale Gerber. Ideas Unlimited for suggesting better teaching methods or procedures - Don McNutt, Conrad Weiser; David Seamans, State College; and Paul Heasley, Bloomsburg. it’s Award from teachers are honored Outstanding award winners, from the left, are David Gerstenlauer, young teacher; Gerald Strickler, Sound Off for Ag; and Fred Stillwagen, outstanding ag teacher. Thirty-Minute Club winners for ag communications, between Fred Stillwagen Carroll Shry, NVATA vice president, right, are, from the left, Dr. Edgar Yoder, Dr. Sam Curtis, Don McNutt, Stephen Miller, Donald Mincemoyer and George Hamilton. Missing from photo is Dennis Scanlon Past President’s Award - Guy W. Naugle, Red Lion. FFA Award for coordinating Activities Week - Dr. Edgar Yoder, Penn State Ag Education. The more than 130 teachers attending the Institute throughout the state also participated in a number of training sessions. These included sessions on chainsaws, FFA awards, Microcomputers, Corn Management, tree and small fruits. Ten counties were also cited for having 100 percent enrollment of vo-ag teachers. These include Beaver, Crawford, Huntingdon, Jefferson, Lachawanna, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Schuylkill and Snyder. Ideas Unlimited honorees include Don McNutt, left, and Dave Seamans.
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