Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 21, 1984, Image 130
C46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 21,1984 BROILER & ,TURKEY MANURE FOR SALE Delivery anywhere in 23 ton loads 717-582-2352 LIME Colko™ = Lime plus Potash and 1 Sulfur. Compare our , analysis! 77% calcium carbon ate 40% calcium oxide 75 ENP (Effective Neutralizing Power) 3% Potash (K2O) 45% Sulfate US D A Tested & Proven Only $4 60 per ton FO B ■ We Deliver 1 Agri-Dynamics Box 318 ' Martin’s Creek, PA 18063 (215) 588-8150 SERVICES OFFERED Bradford’s Cattle Hoof Trimming. 301-452-8574 or 301-838-5105 (ans ser) Ivan Zook and Co Hauling hay. straw, corn, manure, equipment, lumber, skid loader rental, will haul to auctions R.O. 1, Gap, PA 17527. Call anytime, 717-768-3052 Unloved l Unhappy l Specializing in all matters of love Often you find yourself confused, unable to cope with your problems such as love, marriage, family affairs. At times you feel you have failed 1 You want to know why I can help you! Call or write (919)977-6633 Roxanne Johnson Box 1274 Sharpsburg, NC 27878 Service Offered ■ Will remove chicken cages at reasonable rates. 717- 354-9840 Have forge, will travel, horse shoemg/saddle and draft, keg or handmade, by appointment, 717- 627-1678. HOOF TRIMMING M.D. Herr 717-665-2718 Lancaster and Surrounding Counties DANIELS. SMUCKER BUILDER AGRICULTURAL ■ RESIDENTIAL Specializing in Pole Bldg's r.O 2 717-768-8606 Narvon, PA 17555 717-768-8614 CROP SPRAYING ALL TYPES Soybean - Corn - Hay Will Travel For Large Acreage Hodecker's Crop Spraying RD 3 Lititz, Pa. 17543 717/569-4762 MUSHROOM SOIL 1000 bu. load @ s 9o per load Poultry Manure Also Available 215-376-0938 after 6 P.M. FRUITS AND I VEGETABLES ■ Size B Katadm seed potatoes from 1983 crop, certified seed, 215-286- 9510 FOR SALE-Approx 300 bushel field crates, ap prox 200 bushel apple crates Price $1 each 717-659-5135. SERVICES OFFERED J C Ehrlich Co., Inc Termite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke Control Lawn and Shrubbery Spraying Free esbmates. 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-397-3722 DIVERSIFIED ROOFING CO. Re-Roofing Specialists Shingles. Painted Steel, i Hot Build-Up Roofing Siding & Spouting | End your painting ! worries and install barn siding J Galen Smoker I 215-593-2887 ! A , ATTENTION FORD TRACTOR OWNERS Repairing and servicing of Ford Tractors. Experienced. Low Overhead, Low Rates. Will do other makes as time permits Luther R. Patches 135 Spangler Rd. Lebanon, Pa. 17042 273-3679 PLANTS 1 Cauliflower, cabbage, , brussel sprouts, broccoli, k! cut dill, statica and cut I flowers Wholesale and | retail 717-872-7182 PLANTS FOR SALE Cabbage Cauliflower Broccoli Red Cabbage Endive Kale Savoy Cabbage Paul Breneman 717-859-1662 (2) Super Light Truss Greenhouses 30'x96' free standing, all equipment and benches included: (1) Pipe Greenhouse 24'x96' free standing, all equipment and benches included Call 717-532- 3572 SERVICES OFFERED Soybean roasbng on your farm DaleL Schnupp RD 6 Lebanon. PA 17042 717-865-6611 Custom Liquid Manure Hauling Manure Agitator York, Harford & Surrounding Counties 717-382-4881 custom* BAGGING^-- — GOSSETT PREMIXES CUSTOM BAGGING Professional Service - We stay with the machine to save you TIME & MONEY (Our aim is to keep your chopper IN the field chopping, not at the endrow idling) For prices and scheduling call 717-665-7471 We have liquid preservative avail able for hay baling We have dry mnoculant for ryelage, haylage, & silages These Items Are Priced Right T MOSES B. 1 KING CARPENTRY & REMODELING 158 Strasburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 PHONE (Driver) 786-1455 GOVERNMENT JOBS $16,559-550,553/year Now Hiring Your Area Call 805-687-6000 Ext R 4156 Assistant herdsman for registered holstem herd Northampton Co, PA Milking and herd health work References required, house. Blue- Cross Shield 215-253- 4467 after 7 PM Herdsperson 250 registered herd Del Ex cellent Salary Experience in Al. herd health, record keeping Send resume' to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-32, Lititz, PA 17543 Herdsman for 200 cow dairy. Parlor with automatic take-offs Responsibilities include milking, Al breeding, herd health, record keeping, maintaining dairy and parlor Housing provided. Salary negotiable Six day work week References required. Frederick. Maryland 301-874-5229 Herdsman-Farm Manager ■ small registered Holstein herd Salary, housing, fringe benefits above average Half way bet ween Watkins Glen and Ithaca, NY. J C Dell. Box A. Mecklenburg. NY 14863.607-387-5871 80 Cow modern dairy seeks person with ex penence-milking and equipment maintenance Call 412-865-2608 or 412-865-2569 before 9 PM Person to milk cows on 200 plus holstem herd Would consider man and wife team No field work Housing available plus other benefits. Farm located in Lebanon Co Job available in August Interested persons write stabng experience and other related information to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, K-23, Lititz, PA 17543. Start Immediately Farm work available for aggressive person willing to relocate onto modern poultry facility If in terested call 717-386- 5777. WANTED - Full time Farm Machinery salesman John Deere and Gehl lines Send resume to Harry M Elder, Box 1, Clarks Mills, PA 16114. Help Wanted - Assistant herdsman.'Duties include calf care, some milking, breeding and miscellan eous tasks Call 609- 267-5246 Combine mechanic Com bine service experience or combine operating ex perience required. C B Hoober & Sons, Inc 717-768-8231. CUSTOM WORK Ag Bag custom filling Ernest Kocher, Jr, R D 2, Birdsboro. PA 215- 689-5387 Milker Wanted - 50 cow dairy Prefer single per son Position open im mediately Pleasant work ing conditions 201- 832-2214 Dairy farm help wanted Milking position with some field work available on large dairy farm Trailer and salary provided Some experience preferred Send resume' to Box 394- Barto, PA 19504 Help Wanted- Single per son to work on dairy farm Give reference Board in cluded. Lancaster Co 215-445-6008 Person to work with laying hens and general -farm work. House available 717-786-3740. Unusual opportunity Herdsman and part-time manager 814-445-8054. Experienced Herdsper son/Manager - needed on large 300 cow commercial dairy located in eastern PA. Candidate should have a willing to work in a team environment with participabve management concepts. Prefer someone with a good knowledge of all dairy practices, in cluding mastitis control programs, reproductive management, herd health, etc. Candidate should be well versed in dairy business and dairy economics with the ability to do extensive budgeting and financial planning. Ex cellent salary w/benefits Send resume to Hecktown Dairy Farms, 198 Nazareth Pike Bethlehem, PA 18017 Interested persons who would like to teach horse science at the high school level contact Robert Holley at 215-483-2841 between 830 AM and 2.30 PM W B Saul High School of Agriculture, 7100 Henry Ave , Philadelphia, PA. 19128 Swine herdsman for purebred Yorkshire herd in Lancaster County. Some hog experience needed Call 8-10 PM Willow Glen Farm. R.D 1. Strasburg, PA 17579 717 786-2562 Dairymen Wanted Person should have ex perience milking, detecting heat and health problems and handling good cows. Good salary, health insurance, regular time off, vacations and pension. Fairmount Farms 301-374-2273 DHIA tester needed Montgomery County, part time or full-time Call 215- 256-8774. SALESMAN - JD & NH Dealership needs an aggressive individual to add to our orgarazabon Sales Experience Necessary KermitK. Kistler 99 Kings Highway Linnport, PA 18066 Please answer by letter Assistant herdsman on large registered holstem dairy Duties to include milking, some feeding and AI Must be able to apply good herd health prac tices Send resume to Hickory Hill Farm, Inc, 17011 Pleasant Meadow Rd , Upperco, MD 21155 or Call 301-239-7326 7 PM to 9 PM Person to assist with milking and caK care on 150 cow dairy, housing provided Call 717-278- 3924 Energetic Mormon High School Graduate to be a mother's helper and live in a professional family's country home. Must drive. Room, Board and salary in return for watching 2 young children, dang light housework and occasional cooking Must provide excellent personal references. Reply to 3401 S Green Meadow Lane. Westminster. MD 21157 Help Wanted - Manager of 150 acre farm Cattle, crops and horses Limited housing available Ex perience with machinery References required. Rep ly with salary desired to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-33, Lititz, PA 17543 Gardening maintenance position offered on estate in Princeton, NJ, with separate living quarters provided References requested Write P O Box 348, Princeton. NJ 08540 Wanted - Reliable couple or single man to manage and work small (150 acres) farm Must know farming and be meticulous with animals and equipment Salary, house, benefits Write P.O. Box 176, Harleys ville, PA 19438, Experienced Help For Dairy Farm 80 cows with milking parlor Wife to help part time 1 bedroom house provided. Call after 7 PM 717-529-6640 DEALERS wanted to sell QUALITY minerals, milk replacer and other dairy products Large company Strong growth potential 609-784-0839 Person to assist elderly woman 7 a.m.-sp.m. Send resume to; Box 161 Terre Hill, PA 17581 Well established Fastern Pa Feed Firm seeks person to sell m the Hamburg/Bethel area Sue cessful dairy feed or agricultural sales experience required college helpful Employer pays us 15 000 to 19 000 plus com t mission and expenses Agri Careers, Inc. 515-394-3147 (Pat) New Hampton, lowa 50659 WANTED Dairy person or husband and wife team, must be qualified to help in a concentrated embryo transfer program. Less than 100 milk cows in excellent new facility. Must have Al ex perience, heat detection and herd health. New house, utilities, vacation and extras. Send resume and reference to' Franklin Farms Rt 2, Box 707 Purcellville. VA 22132 DAIRY FARM EXPERIENCE WANTED Strong demand for dairy farm employees' Good opportunities and interesting locations Employers pay us to find the people they need Recent dairy farm experience good references and willing to relocate required Since 1968 Now nationwide Call or write today AGRlcareers, Inc. SIS 394 3145 (Nancy or Sandy) New Hampton lowa 50659 AG SALES OPPORTUNITY Salary - Expenses - Commission Professional sales training provided. Ag sales experience or ag background desirable. Submit resume in confidence to Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366, 0-145 Lititz, PA 17543 Dairy Farm Help Wanted Milking positions with some field work available on large dairy farm. Housing and good salary with profit sharing plan provided. Some experience preferred Send resume' to: Lancaster Farming Box 366 0-148 Lititz, PA 17543 HELP WANTED Farm Help Wanted - (or milking and field work Experience necessary Housing and other benefits Call 215-256- 6831 Help Wanted - to work on dairy farm Work consists mostly of feeding and field work Must be able to milk occasionally House provided, regular time off references required, experience necessary 717-733-1050 Uncaster County WANTED ] Experienced Construction | Carpenters | Backhoe Operators I Cement Finishers j Sales & Service Position Available Poultry Service Experience Required For application Form Contact: Moyer's Chicks, Inc. 266 E Paletown Rd Quakertown. PA 18951 215-536-3155 Crop Management Technician Lehigh Valley Crop Management Association In dividual will work under direction of Association manager and Board of Director and in coordination with County Ex tension Agents Duties Collect soil samples monitor members fields tor weeds insects and diseases collect crop production m formation assist in crop production planning and advise members on cultural practices Qualifications B S in Agronomy or related fields Employment application may be obtained from Lehigh Valley Crop Management Association do Cooperative Extension Service RD 4 Nazareth Pa 18064 Phon« 215-759-6120 CAREER I Opportunity | I Available | I Bowman I I Distribution 1 |a 55 yr old company isl [expanding in many! [areas Our people sell! ithe highest quality! maintenance supplies to| farms, industries and| automotive market] earning, tor the correct, imdividual For ad Iditional information [Calf Toll Free 1-800-321-0580 Send a resume to Larry W Anderson R D #3, Box 3349 Russell. PA 16345