Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 14, 1984, Image 5
“BOAT RACE” PROMOTE MBLK NO ADMISSION CHARGE) Ginger Knutsen serves refreshments to members of the church youth groups who are building boats for the Aug. 12 race of course, white and chocolate milk was served. Contestants inspect the prototype - getting some good ideas on how to construct their boats. Church Youth Groups Interested In Making A Milk Carton Boat and Entering The Race Should Contact Knutsen Bros. 301-658-6325. TO PRIZES AWARDED Fastest Boat Prettiest Boat Most Milk Cartons Used Boat With The Largest Crew Titanic Award Cash Prizes Donated By; Interstate Milk Producers Dairymen Inc. Maryland-Virginia Milk Producers Maryland Holstein Association DIRECTIONS Lancaster k Quarryville \j Risi r % £j t&i —anr I. y i Donna Knutsen paddles the sea worthy boat "Udder's Delight." Md. Rt 273 LovdSl Farm ig Sun, Md SUNDAY AUGUST 12th 1:30 PM COME IN AND HAVE FUN. BRING A LAWN CHAIR 70 milk cartons, baler twine, duct tape, and some waterproof glue and you have a sea worthy boat. THIS AD DONATED BY pennfield feeds PA: 1-800-732-0467 MD: 1-800-233-0202 Quality - Performance - Service l' ,984—i iiy 11 ■4,