Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 07, 1984, Image 8
' AB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 7,1984 FARMERS ALMANAC JULY 9-15,1984 The clouds will give way to a warm, sunny day. Cut back petunias for second blooming . Wiley Post began first round-the-world solo flight in the Wtmue Mae, July 15,1933 Full moon July 12 (Thurs) Average length of days for the week, 15 hours, 3 minutes . Riots in New York City protesting Civil War draff killed 1,000, July 13-15,1863 Author Loren Eiseley died July 9,1977 Women first competed m Olympic Games July 13,1908 Lightning caused widespread blackout in New York City July 13,1977. A bed oyster, like a bad not known until Aik the Old Fanner: Where did the expres sion "green thumb" come from? FK, Kansas City, Mo We believe it originated during the reign of the first Edward of Saxon England King Edward was very fond of green peas and kept half a dozen serfs shelling them during the season The one who had the greenest thumb won a prize of vecame an exp) ji on denoting skill in growing Home Hint A few long slow waterings are better for a lawn than are frequent short sprinklings OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Start of week partly cloudy with warm temperatures, midweek ram with cooler temperatures, end of week sunny and warm Greater New York-New Jersey: Beginning of week ram and warm temperatures, mid through end of week partly cloudy, possible ram Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins with thundershowers and mild tempera tures, midweek sunny and warm, week ends with thundershowers and cool temperatures (Ail Rights Res, rved V.inkee Publishing Incorporated Dublin NH 03444) St. Louis Cattle Thursday, July 5 Receipts This Week 1,700 Week Ago 3,500 Year Ago 1,600 As compared to last week’s close, choice slaughter steers over 1000 lbs. and heifers over 900 lbs. 1.50-2.00 higher; lighter weights and other grades of both classes steady. Cows firm to mostly 1.00 higher. Bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Supply mainly choice and mixed good and choice slaughter steers and heifers, around 10% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Mostly choice, few prime 2-41100-1250 lbs. 66.00. Choice 2-41000-1200 lbs. 64.00- 65.50; 850-1000 lbs. 60.00-63.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1175 lbs. 60.00-62.50. Good 2-3 900-1100 lbs. 58.00-60.00. Mostly good 2-3 1100-1200 lb. holsteins 53.00-55.00. Couple lots high-yielding 57.00- 58.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; One lot mostly choice, few prune 2-4 1100 lbs. 64.00. Choice 2-4 900-1100 lbs. 62.00-63.50 ; 800-900 lbs. 58.00- 60.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 800-900 lbs. 58.00-60.00. Good 4-3 750-900 lbs. 55.00-58.00. COWS: (Closing Week Sales) Breaking utility and commercial 2- mOLD 4 39.0041.00. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 39.0041.00. High-yielding boning utility 1-2 41.00, few up to 42.00. Canner and low cutter 1-2 35.00- Shelly canner 1-2 32.00- 35.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1000-1500 lbs. 47.00- Individual YG 1 1450 lbs. 54.00. Weekly sheep auction held Tuesday, July 3. Receipts 50 head. Not enough of any one class to test market trends. FEEDERS: (Including around 300 head at the regular Thursday auction) Not enough of any one class to test the market. Trading slow on very light receipts. FEEDER STEERS; Medium and large frame 1: Few 300-400 lbs. 63.50-65.00; Few 500-700 lbs. 60.00- 63.00. Large Frame 2 Holsteins: One lot 635 lbs. 47.00. FEEDER BULLS: Medium and large frame 1: Few 400-700 lbs. 50.00-58.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and large frame 1: Few 400-850 lbs. 52.00-56.00. East Coast Carlot Thursday, July 5 Report supplied by USDA ired to Tuesday’s close Comi Livestock market and auction news Prime Special Fed Veal 10.00 lower in limited test and comparison. Good and Choice Boning Veal generally steady. Spring Lamb fully steady. Boneless Beef and Trimmings trading moderately. No sales reported last week for price comparison. m VEALCARCASS Prime (Special Fed) Hide On 130 Head 220-280 lbs. LTD 148.00-150.00, 10.00 lower. Good & Choice Boning Type Hide On Northeastern Suppliers; 65-75 lbs. LTD 88.00, generally steady; 55-64 lbs. LTD 86.00; 45-54 lbs. LTD 84.00 ; 3544 lbs. LTD 82.00 ; 34 lbs. down LTD 80.00. Inshipped: 71-80 lbs. 89.00, generally steady; 61-70 lbs. 87.00; 51-60 lbs. 85.00 ; 41-50 lbs. 83.00; 30- 40 lbs. 81.00. Spring Lamb Carcass Choice & Prime 3-4 38 Loads 55 lbs. down 135.00, all steady; 55-65 lbs. 135.00; 65-75 lbs. 135.00. Boneless Beef (US and Canadian Origin) 10 Loads 90% Chem Lean, Fresh 108.00- 10S.00, no recent comparison. 85% Chem Lean, Fresh 98.00- 101.50, no recent comparison. 75% ( hem Lean, Fresh 86.00, no recent comparison. Beef Trimmings 3 Loads 65% Chem Lean, Fresh 76.00, no recent comparison. | OPEN TO RECEIVE I YOUR MARKET HOGS I AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET 9 RD 4, EPHRATA, PA 17522 | 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA | ON NORTH STATE STREET. I HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, and 5 WEDNESDAY 6:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. * I 215-458-5677 Residence 2 ( 717-733-9648 Office _ | I YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR jj | HOGS IMMEDIATELY ! & Lois Emery, Proprietors f EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO. * Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RD 4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday Your hogs will be weighed and paid for immediately • We will also accept your sows & boars • Your cattle will be received from 12.30 to 5 P M We will either pay you for your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check •You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day MELVIN M. LEHMAN - Owner Danville Buying Station Ph0ne:717.275-2880 50% Chem Lean, Fresh 60.00, no recent comparison. Compared to last week- Prime Special Fed Veal firm early m the week; late sales 10.00 lower. Good and Choice Boning Veal steady to 3.00 lower; inshipped 3.00 to 5.00 lower. Spring Lamb 5.00 higher. Boneless Beef and Trimmings traded moderately, no sales reported last week for comparison. Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Thursday July 5 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report: Fresh Pork Loins 14-17 lbs. $5.00 to $7.00 higher, 17-22 lbs. $2.50-5.00 higher. Retail Trim 14-17 lbs. $3.00-5.00 higher. Picnics weak and Boston Butts firm in light comparison. Skinned Hams $.50- 1.00 higher. Sdls Bellies steady to firm. Trade slow to moderate. Demand moderate to Good for light to moderate offerings. Sales reported on 27 loads Fresh Pork Cuts and 8 load trimmings and Boneless Processing Pork. Fresh Pork Cuts LOINS (Regular): 14-17 lbs. 110.00-112.00, load 115.00, 5.00-7.00 higher; 17-22 lbs. 105.00-109.00,2.50- 5.00 higher; 22&up lbs. 87.00, no comparison. LOINS (Retail Trim): 14-17 lbs. B4ERVS BUYING STATION 121.00, load 125.00,3.00-5.00 higher. PICNICS: 4-8 lbs. 47.00, weak. SPARE RIBS: 3.s&down lbs. 133.00, fresh, no comparison; 5.5 lbs. 86.00 frozen, no com parison. HAMS (Skinned): 14-17 lbs. 75.75, no comparison; 17-20 lbs. 72.00-73.00, PL 75, .50-1.00 higher; 20-26 lbs. 74.00-75.00, no com parison. BELLIES (Sdls - Skin On): 2 mixed weight loads; 16-18 lbs. 55.00-58.00, steady to firm; 18-20 lbs. 52.00-55.00, steady to firm; 20- 25 lbs. 47.00, firm. Pork Trimmings Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) 42% Lean Trimmings Fresh 46.00. 72% Lean Trimmings Fresh 77.00. 72% Boneless Picnics Fresh 75.00. 72% Boneless Picnics Frozen 74.00, firm. Blade Meat 90.00. Compared to late last week: Fresh Pork Loins 14-17 lbs. $B.OO higher, 17-22 lbs. $4.00-7.00 higher, 22/up lbs. steady. Retail Trim 14-17 lbs. midweek comparison $B.OO - higher. Picnics weak and Boston Butts firm in light com parison. Skinned Hams uneven 14- 17 lbs. firm, 17-20 lbs. $2.00 lower, 20-26 lbs. steady. Sdls Bellies not tested late. IMMEDIATE LIQUIDATION PRIVATE TREATYSALE 115 PUREBRED ANGUS COWS WITH CALVES Calves by Benchmark, Landmark, Jet Liner, Shannon, Schrear Brook Shoshone, Power Pack, Power Play, O.G. and Mr. Angus. 15 Yearling Heifers by Above Sires. (5) 2 Year Old Bulls, 1600-1800 Lbs. Priced to sell by August Ist. Herd certified and accredited. Call Bob Nickel 1726 Farm 201-832-5324 FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 OItTHE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale to Start Promptly at 7:30 Every 4 Weeks NOTICE 2 Evening Sales, August 3, and August 31 Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Head Now selling our new hybred gilts representing mostly York & Hampshire & Landrace cross. Bred for easier & Less trouble over farrowing and better weight gains. Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Trucker Available No Hogs Sold Oil Commission CHRIST A. SEILER R.D. 2, Quarryville, Pa JOHN R. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE DATE AUGUST 31