Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 07, 1984, Image 51
1 Year Survey SURGE InFAßMation RESULTS ARE IN!! SURGE Computerized Dair System Users On 34 Amerii Dairy Farms AVERAGED... 1 -146 Cows Per Herd 2 - Received $12.00 cwt for Mi 3 - Increased Butterfat .4353% 4 - Saved $2,857 Per Month On Increased Production & Feed Savings or: 5 - SURGE inFAßMation Users Averaged Close To $20.00 Per Month Savings Per Cow! m 602 Main St. Bally, Pa. 19503 Phone 215 845-2261 SURGE ' 602 Main St., Bally, Pa. Phone 215-845-2261 Split lot feeding with easy maintenance and low investment. • High Volume • Simplicity Plus • Continuous-drive Plow For Information On InFAßMation • Feeds Left or Right Side • One Motor tails Quickly ith Patz dependability " SURGE INFARMATION FEED MANAGER ...flie Muel HiPer Refri Cont &Cle. Syste The Paul Mueller Ci announce the New, I Electronic Refngeratl System This digital ’ Mueller HlPerForm recognized by dairj of-the-line in milk c lucwtf Fiiwhi, Saturday, My 7.1914—111