m J Societies I Lancaster Society 11 Lancaster Society 11 met at noon in the Huffnagle Park in Quarryville for a picnic lunch with County officers, a State Board member, the Lancaster County Dairy Princess and her mother as guests. Lancaster Society 28 Lancaster Society 28 met on June 28 at the Strasburg Am bulance Building for a film on first aid and CPR. Following the film, the group went to the home of Dorothy Kreider for a ’business meeting. Berks Society 3 Berks Society 3 held their monthly meeting at the home of Ruth Renninger, R 4 Boyertown, on June 26. The women enjoyed dinner and discussed the Mystery Trip they took to Baltimore Inner Harbor'on Bobcat Compact & Powerful, 800 lb. Operating Capacity COMPARE THE FEATURES: 0 PERFORMANCE 800 lb capacity with dump reach up to 32" When you work a Bobcat, you'll feel the power at the wheels tor manuverabihty and stability throughout full load cycles 0 SERVICABILITY Tip up rollover protection structure for easier accessability to hydrostatic components & steering linkage 3/8” steel rear door on pm hinges makes routine maintenance a snap, bigger batteries and starters, dual element air cleaners 0 SAFETY EXCITING NEW CONCEPT FOR SAFETY & COMFORT THE SEAT BAR" Multi purpose padded seal bar ism place j at top of cab When operator is seated he fastens seat belt before pulling down i seat bar Rear window serves as emer gency exit if necessary 0 PRICE- CLARK DEALERS: BOBCAT. n #I 13 Models Up To 3700 Pound Capacity President Helen Shaub con ducted a regular business meeting. The next meeting will be on July 26 at 1:30 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center in Lancaster. The group will entertain Society 5. The County picnic is scheduled for August 7 at the Lampeter Community Field at noon. Bring a covered dish. - In May, 11 members and two guests traveled to Baltimore Harbor for a day of fun and shopping. May 16. On July 10 the women will meet at Rax Restaurant, Gilbertsville, at 9 a.m. for breakfast. A clam bake is planned for the next meeting on July 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Boyertown Community Park. Know your needs before selecting e computer MEDIA Unfamiliar jargon and hyped-up advertising cam paigns can make it more difficult than ever to choose a home computer, says Greta C. Vairo, extension home economist with the Penn State Extension Service. To help you make a choice, she offers the following tips: You should have at least a partial understanding of microcomputer technology before you invest in a home computer. These powerful tools are designed to be used in highly individual ways. The more you know about how they work and what they can do, the easier it will be to match a system to your needs. Familiarize yourself with jargon. If you wish to buy ac cessories, learn the strengths and weaknesses of particular devices and how well they work with specific computers. Consider your own requirements carefully. Limitations of an inappropriate machine will only surface once you take it home. Research your choices in trade magazines, books with computer- Green Valley Society 26 Green Valley Society 26 met at the home of Louise Pennay, R 1 Liverpool, for the June meeting. Nine members attended the Spring Rally at Hershey on May 29. Society 11 entertained Society 2b on June 19. The July meeting will be held at the home of Luna Kohler.