Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 07, 1984, Image 38
A3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 7,1984 NEMA egg show BOSTON, Mass. Directors of Northeast Egg Marketing Association meeting here last week enthusiastically endorsed first steps to bring a regional egg industry show to the Northeast in 1985 or before. Atlantic CHy, N.J. is clearly the site of choice for the event ac cording to information given the Board by Chris Bushway, general manager of NEMA. “Samplings of opinion on the value of such an event to the in dustry, taken from producers and potential exhibitors show a very encouraging level of interest,” she said. To assist in launching the project a special committee has been named to assist her. It includes A 1 Wenger, of Rheems, Pa., chair man, Boyce Overstreet of Lakewood, N.J., David Baker of Middletown, Del. and Meyer ESTATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, FARM MACHINERY & FAIR STOCK SATURDAY, JULY 14,1984 12 Noon Sharp The undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Harvey J. Stake, deceased, will sell at the farm, located 47 miles west of Harrisburg, and 1.2 miles from Port Royal, Juniata County, Pa., real estate, farm machinery and fair stock. Farm is located in Milford Township, Junita County. Take Route 333 West from Port Royal, turn on Lions Club Park Road (LR34063), 7/10 of a mile to sale. REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLD AT 1 P.M. SHARP TRACT NUMBER 1: Known as the Harvey Stake farm, 90 acres more or less, majority tillable. With two story frame house and out buildings, most in need of repair. Stream runs through northwest comer of property. The property borders the Tuscarora Creek on the south side and hard top road on the other. Farm has been idle for some time, but has the potential for some of the best producing land in the area. TRACT NUMBER 2; 36.50 acres woodland, 217.8 feet hard road frontage.* TRACT NUMBER 3: 36.51 acres woodland, 60 feet hard road frontage. PLEASE NOTE: Both Tracts 2 and 3 contain good average amount of saw timer and good young growth of timber. No timber has been cut off either tract since the late 19505. Located on the Herringbone Ridge, both tracts have excellent hunting locations. Recent survey of woodland. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: Tract 1 will be offered as one nnit Tracts 2 and 3 will be of fered separately and then together, making a total fo 73.1 acres. Tract Number 1: 10% down at knock off, balance in 30 days. Tracts 2 and 3: 20% down at knock off, balance in 30 days. Other terms day of sale. FOR INSPECTION: For appointment to inspect real estate, contact auctioneer or call 717-527-2381 or 527-4584. Two Shares of Juniata County Agricultural Society Stock will be sold immediately BEFORE Real Estate. FARM MACHINERY & RELATED ITEMS 12:00 NOON Farmall Super A with 2z12” plow and 1x14” plow; Farmall BN with cultivators; N.l. 12A manure spreader; IH 9 mower; Int. 30 running gear with Little Giant grain box; N.H. 66 baler with motor, poor cond.; N.L 44 hay rake; McCormick 2 row corn planter; drag disc; single roll cultipacker; 2 bottom trail plow; flatbed wagon; 11 hoe drill; Clipper seed cleaner; buck saw; feed boxes; platform scales; wagon load of misc. farm items. TERMS OF FARM MACHINERY: CASH Estate of HARVEY J. STAKE, Deceased Darwin Kohler, Adm. Steven V. Manbeck, Atty. Lyters, Clerks Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer R.D.2, Port Royal, Pa. 17082 Phone: 717-527-2449 or 527-4687 AU No. 001656-L NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Kaplan of Glen Wild,N.Y.. With Atlantic City as the focal point, it was felt that the show would be easily accessible from any point in the Northeast and would offer top-flight facilities for service to producers and exhibitors. Ed Houston of Lumber City, Ga., chairman of American Egg Board, provided the Board with an outline of progress made in structuring some changes in the national promotion organization. Houston says that he is already seeing dividends from moves made to put what is termed “movers and doers” on AEB key committees. There has been a reaching out by AEB to all industry organizations to overcome what he termed may have been a feeling that they were “on the outside-looking in” as far as AEB was concerned. Houston said he will not rest until everyone LUNCH in the industry senses that their input to AEB is welcome and that its merits will be properly con sidered. Houston commended Seaboard Foods, of Lakewood, N.J., for initial efforts to rally support for a National Egg Cooking Contest and now that this project has been named a priority objective of AEB he intends to do everything possible to guarantee it a fast track. The Nema Board then had the opportunity to hear Boyce Over street describe plans the A.E.B. Chicken Cooking Contest Com mittee has for all areas of the country. There will be an adult contest and a contest targeted at home economics high school classes across the country. The thought was expressed that such a national effort, aside from its direct stimulus to egg con sumption, could be a means of building more cohesiveness in the egg industry. In other business the Board heard reports that NEMA has had success in dealing with its own budgetary problems brought on by A-I. Pennsylvania directors Jay Greider and John Snader briefed the Board on what, it is hoped, will be the final phases of the quarantine problem in the Lan caster area. They said that producers in the region will be counseling together on what they feel is reasonable, from the producer viewpoint, as regards any course of action the authorities may take in lifting the quarantine. The point was raised, that when producer consensus is reached, NEMA might expect to be asked to give its support to the position that evolves. A good part of the meeting was occupied with discussion on how the UEP Marketing Order Committee and the All-Industry Task Force may meet any obligation to provide infonTiation to producers on the referendum choices they may one day have to make. Here's What You Get For Less Than 15* A Week! i \ - l# *i *2^ \ I THU«St?*>. «^ (MSO W *gm * *—.* *** jl ~r \ ssr -* —' ~ BP^ LATEST INFORMATION from livestock markets and auctions of the East and Mid-West, including futures. OUR MARKET REPORTS are received by phone up to 10 AM on Friday morning...just 2 hours before press time! Our total farm coverage also gives you NEWS (including Dairy & DHIA Reports)... FEATURES . BEST BUYS ON PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT...FREE MAILBOX MARKET...and much, much more! liffififster mm " P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543 • Phone 111*1111 nci 717-626-1164 or 394-3047 r 10:30 A.M. Three miles west of Williamsburg, 20 miles east of Altoona, one mile off Route 866, IVz miles south of Canister along Lower Piney Creek Road, Blair County; Pa., at the Eli H. Rhodes Farm. COMPLETE LIQUIDATION OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY HERD AND MILKING EQUIPMENT 120 Head High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle - 75 Milking Age Cows • 15 to freshen through July • 8 through August • 15 through September • Balance periodically bred. Details given at time of sale. 45 Holstein Heifers • 11 bred heifers for late fall freshening. • 12 open heifers of breeding age. •22 heifers ranging from 3 to 12 months old. This is a very fine herd, large, good type... The kind of cattle that you would like to buy for replacements. Pregnancy checked; individual health charts given day of sale. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Mueller 1000 gal. OH bulk tank, 4 HP pre heater and dual cooling plates, automatic washer; DV 300 milker with 4 units and 5 hp pump (6 hp capacity), double stainless steel wash tubs, feed cart, 2 port, round bale feeders, 4 metal feed troughs, 9 stall calf hutch, 75 rope halters, 80-gal. elec, water heater, water softener. Dairy equipment to be sold at 10:30, Cattle sale starts at 11:30. In case of rain will be held under cover. Lunch by Fairview Church of the Brethren. TERMS: Cash or check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents. ELI H. RHODES, Owner Williamsburg, RD 2 Phone (814) 832-2491 Carl A. & C. Wayne Shultz Auctioneering Service Williamsburg Phone (814) 832-2367 AU-000-848-L AU-000-847-L At LANCASTER FARMING, we think we do a good job of keeping you in formed... and we have over 40,000 paid subscribers who think so too! PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, JULY 26,1964