Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 23, 1984, Image 8
wining, Saturday, June 23; 1984 Vi ' V JUNE 25-JULY 1,1984 The smell of hay on a summer's day. Harvest early peas now United Nations Charter approved by 50 nations in San Francisco, June 26,1945 Average length of days for the week, 15 hours, 15 minutes Great Britain granted indepen dence to Seychelles June 29, 1976 New moon June 28 (Thu ) William of Orange defeated James II in the Battle of the Boyne, July 1, 1690 Remorse begets reform E~ Ask the Old Farmer: 1 recently mher ~~ lte d some fine furniture that is about 50 years old On some parts there is an n ■ V , iS[ if. accumulation that looks like dirty "J I VSWPTJfeIt' i, kitchen-type grease Is there any way 'fi to remove this film without damaging jy. jthe finish’ CD, West Los Angeles, Clean it with a solution Of equal quanti —-I' ties of vinegar, mineral oil, and turpen tine Thoroughly shake to mix and apply by rubbing it vigorously on the wood with a soft cloth Always shake well before using Home Hint Put a bay leaf in a bag of flour to keep insects away OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Week begins dear and hot, changing rapidly to rain and warm temperatures through midweek, sunny and hot to end week Greater New York-New Jersey: Sunny and warm start to week, clear and hot by midweek, showers to end week Middle Atlantic Coastal Clear skies with heat wave at week's begin ning, showers and warm temperatures midweek, partly sunny with hot temperatures and some showers to end week Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Full week of ram with temperatures unseasonably cool through midweek, hot at week s end (All Rights Resini.d \ankn Publishing incorporated Dublin NH 04444) Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, June 19 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 252. One High Choice 1205 lbs. slaughter steers at 66.00, Choice 24 1075-1305 lbs. 62-64.35, Good 55.25-59.50, one at 61.00, Good & Choice Holsteins 52.50-56,25, Standard 50-55.75, Utility & Low Standard 43.5049.75, Choice 3-5 880-1230 lbs. slaughter heifers 57.75-61.25, Good 53-57.25, few Standard 49.25-54.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 44.7547.25, few 48.75, Cutter & Boning Utility 39.7544.75, few 45.50, Canner & Low Cutter 36.50- 40.75, Shells down to 27.25. One Good slaughter bullock at 55.50, Standard 48-53.75, few Utility & Low Standard 46.2547.50. Yield Grade #1 1205-1575 lbs. slaughter bulls 53-55.75. THE OLD tfkfcMElft CALVES 212. Few Choice Vealers 72-82.00, few Good 67-75.00, few Standard 140-165 lbs. 54-58.00, Standard & Good 90-130 lbs. 59- 65.00, few to 68.00, 65-90 lbs. 48- 59.00, Utility 50-100 lbs. 2948.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 65-85.00, mostly 70-79.00. Few Beef Cross Bulls & Heifers 75- 100 lbs. 57-63.00. HOGS 130. US No. 1-2 220-270 lbs. barrows & gilts 52-52.85, few 53.50, few 200-210 lbs. 50.10-51.75, No. 1-3 220-275 lbs. 51.2W2.25, US No. 1-3 290-600 lbs. sows 3843.50, few to 45.00, No. 2-3 270-530 lbs. 33.50- 38.50, one at 40.50. Few Boars 30- 32.00. FEEDER PIGS 11. Few US No. 1-3 2545 lbs. feeder pigs 57-58.00 per hundredweight. SHEEP 11. Few High Choice & Prime 75-100 lbs. 55-58.00, few Choice 80-100 lbs. 44-50.00. Slaughter sheep (2) at 9.00. Goats 1:13.00 per head. I* Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report: Steer and Heifer Carcasses steady. Demand and trading light to moderate on moderate supplies. The gross boxed beef carcass cut-out value declined $.79 to an estimated $100.86 per cwt., 120 loads boxed cuts reported. Sales reported on 84 loads of Steer and Heifer Carcasses. STEER BEEF FOB Omaha Basis 51V2 Loads Choice 3 600-900 lbs. 100.00, steady. Choice 2 600-700 lbs. 100.00-101.00. Good 2-3 600-900 lbs. 93.00, steady. Good 2 & Low 3 600-700 lbs. 91.50- 92.00. Choice 3 550-700 lbs. 97.00, steady; 500-550 lbs. 91.00, steady; 400-500 lbs. 89.00, steady. Choice 4 500-700 lbs. 88.00, steady. Good 2-3 550-700 lbs. 91.00, steady. Good 2 & Low 3 600-700 lbs. 89.50- 90.50. I*.—..—" 1 If y EHKfS I I \ BIWIN6 I ! p m STATION | I OPEN TO RECEIVE * | YOUR MARKET HOGS I i AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET { ! RD 4, EPHRATA, PA 17522 I I 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA | ( ON NORTH STATE STREET. | jKen & Lois Emery, Proprietors Livestock market and auction news Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report Wednesday, June 20 Heifer Beef FOB Omaha Basis 32V2 Loads HOURS: MONDAY. TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 6:00 A.M. to 11:30 AM 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 Office We Will Be Closed Wednesday, July 4th YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR HOGS IMMEDIATELY EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO. Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RD 4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday Your hogs will be weighed and paid for immediately • We will also accept your sows & boars. • Your cattle will be received from 12:30 to 5 P.M We will either pay you for your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight. • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price tor hogs for the day MELVIN M. LEHMAN - Owner Danville Buying Station Ph0ne:717.275-2880 Primal Beef Cuts S Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3: Hinds (H) 120-170 lbs, 117.00-119.00. Boneless Processing Beef Beef Trimmings FOB Omaha Basis 112 Loads 90% Chem Lean Fresh 101.00- 102.00, M 101.00-101.50. 50% Chem Lean Fresh 54.00. FOB Amarillo Basis 90% Chem Lean Fresh 102.00- 103.00. 90% Chem Lean Frozen 104.00. 85% Chem Lean Fresh 95.00. 50% Chem Lean Fresh 54.00. Eighty-Four Livestock Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, June 18 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 312. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to weak. High Choice & Prime 60.50-62.50 slaughter steers, Choice 60.50-62.00, Standard 50-56.00, few Utility 4549.00. Few Choice slaughter heifers 47-59.00, few Good 55-57.50, Standard 49.50- 54.00, Utility 44.50-50.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 4448.00, Individual at 49.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 39.2544.25, Canner & Low Cutter 33-39.50, Shells down to 28.00. Yield Grade #1 1000-1800 lbs. slaughter bulls 50.50-56.50, Yield Grade #2 900-1500 lbs. 45-50.00. FEEDER CATTLE. Medium Frame Ml 350-600 lbs. feeder steers 53-58.00. Medium Frame #1 400-600 lbs. feeder heifers 45.50-50.00. CALVES 252. Choice Vealers 63- 76.00, few to 80.50, Good 58-64.00, Standard & Good 90-120 lbs. 52- 63.00. 60-85 lbs. 47-54.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs. 70-95.00, few 105.00. HOGS 140. Barrows & Gilts 1.50 2.00 higher. US No. 1-2 210-250 lbs. barrows & gilts 49.50-51.00, No. 1-3 200-255 lbs. 48.49.60, few No. 2-3 260 280 lbs. 42-43.00, No. 1-3 119-170 lbs. 42-43.25. Sows: US No. 1-3 300550 lbs. sows 40-44.25, No. 2-3 350-600 lbs. 36.5040.50. Boars 3035.00. FEEDER PIGS 21. US No. 1-3 40 50 lbs. 24.5028.50 per head, few No. 1-3 7075 lbs. 31-36.00 per head. SHEEP 203. Spring slaughter lambs 50 cents to 1.00 higher. High Choice 75-95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 61-62.50, Choice 6090 lbs. 59.5060.50, Good 65-80 lbs. 52-57.00. Slaughter sheep 12-16.50, Good & Choice 6065 lbs. feeder lambs 48- 51.00. LOUIS LYONS & SON Consign your cattle and hogs, feeder pigs & calves to Louis Lyons & Son. They offer choice service, excellent sorting & marketing of your livestock. Charles Diller, Manager Phone 394-7915 Burnell Siegrist - Buyer & Seller Phone 626-8653 per* ooo FRIDAY, JULY 6 ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale to Start Promptly at 7:30 Every 4 Weeks NOTICE 3 Evening Sales, July 6, August 3. and August 31 Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Hoad Now selling our new hybred gilts representing mostly York & Hampshire & Land race cross. Bred for easier & Less trouble over farrowing and better weight gains. 1 1 Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 , 'Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 ' Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Trucker Available No Hogs Sold On Commission CHRIST A. BEILER R.D. 2, Quarryville, Pa JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE DATE AUGUST 3 » e