Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 23, 1984, Image 3
Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Monday, June 18 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts 1.00- 1.50 higher; sows weak to 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 210-245 lb. 53.75-54.50, few 54.50- 55.10. US 1 210-250 lb. 55.00-56.00. US 1-3 200-265 lb. 53.00-53.50. SOWS: US 1-3 300-400 lb. 38.00- 42.00, 400-650 lb. 41.0042.00, few 42.00-43.00. Tuesday, June 19 Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND; Compared to Monday barrows and gilts .50-1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb. 53.00-54.00, couple lots 200-205 lb. 51.00-51.25. US 1 210-250 lb. 54.60-55.50. US 1-3 200-250 lb. 52.00-53.10,250-270 lb. 50.50-52.00. Wednesday, June 20 HOGS: Compared to Tuesday barrows and gilts .50-.75 higher; sows steady to 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb. 53.50-54.75. US 1 210-240 lb. 55.00-55.75, few 56.00-56.25. US 1- 3 200-265 lb. 52.25-53.50. SOWS: US 1-3 350-650 lb. 38.00- 42.00. Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, June 19 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Tuesday feeder pigs 5.00-10.00 higher. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 35 head 16-29 lbs. 110.00- 125.00 ; 49 head 32-37 lbs. 105.00- 114.00; 173 head 40-49 lbs. 91.00- 106.00; 146 head 50-59 lbs. 87.00- 98.00 ; 28 head 60-62 lbs. 75.00-84.00; 19 head 70-85 lbs. 70.00-73.00. US 2: 42 head 33-38 lbs. 88.00- 100.00; 47 head 4049 lbs. 84.00- 91.00; 9 headss lbs. 85.00. US 2-3: 5 head 22 lbs. 120.00; 10 head 36 lbs. 100.00 ; 22 head 4549 lbs. 71.00-75.00; 16 head 60 lbs. 70.00. Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Saturday, June 16 Report supplied by auction 700 head. US 1, 220-250 lb. 53.75-56.00; US 1&2 220-250 lb. 52.85-53.75; US 1&3 220-250 lb. 51.75-52.75. TO ALL VEAL CALF CONSIGNORS We are asking all veal calf consignors to sign the Drug Residue Certificate as requested by the Federal Drug Ad ministration. This is to your benefit and certificates can be obtained either from your trucker or from one of our personnel. FEEDERPIGSALE Every Tuesday - Starting at 1 P.M. CLOSED FOR BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast With The Times New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, June 20 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs 5.00-10.00 lower, extremes 20.00 lower. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 56 head 20-29 lbs. 100.00- 108.00 ; 40 head 31-33 lbs. 110.00- 112.00; 55 head 30-39 lbs. 87.00- 94.00; 151 head 4049 lbs. 80.00- 90.00 ; 52 head 4042 lbs. 64.00-69.00; 142 head 50-59 lbs. 67.00-82.00; 175 head 60-86 lbs. 59.00-71.00. US 2-3; 52 head 36-39 lbs. 60.00- 78.00; 41 head 46-54 lbs. 16 head 81-92 lbs. 48.00-51.00. St. Louis Hogs Thursday, June 21 Report supplied by USDA 4000. Barrows and gilts active, steady to .50 higher. BARROWS & GILTS; US 1-2 210- 260 lb. 53.00-53.50. US 1-3 200-240 lb. 51.50-52.00, 260-270 lb. 51.50, 270-290 lb. 50.50-51.50. SOWS; 300-500 lb. steady; over 500 lb. .50 higher. (About 9%) US 1- 3 300-500 lb. 43.00-43.50; over 500 lb. 4? 60-44 00 BOARS: Over 250 lb. 40.00; under 250 lb. 44.50-45.00.. Peoria Hogs Thursday, June 21 Report supplied by USDA 2000. Barrows & gilts active, .50- LOO, instances 1.50 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US 1-2 220- 250 lb. 53.00-53.50. US 1-3 200-250 lb. 52.00- SOWS: Firm to .75 higher. (16%) US 1-3 350-500 lb. 43.50-44.25 ; 500- 650 lb. 43.00-44.00, mostly 43.50. BOARS: Over 350 lb. 41.00; 250- 350 lb. 38.00-39.00; under 250 lb. 45.00- Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, June 21 Report supplied by USDA 700. Barrows & gilts active, .25- .50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb. 53.00-53.75. SOWS: Moderately active; under 500 lb. steady-. 50 higher; over 500 lb. steady to .50 lower. US 1-2 & Medium 350400 lb. 43.00. US 1-3 400450 lb. 43.50 ; 475-650 lb. 44.0045.00. BOARS; Few under 250 lb. 41.00; over 450 lb. 38.00; 300-350 lb. 34.00. New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables Monday, June 18 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Monday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts 1.00 higher, some late sales 1.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb. 52.25-53.60, late sales mainly 53.25-53.60. US 1 210-250 lb. 55.00-56.00. US 1-3 210-260 lb. 51.00- 52.50. US 2-3 265-290 lb. 48.50-50.50. Joliet Cattle Thursday, June 21 CATTLE: Friday through Wednesday’s salable receipts 1850; 5 days last week 1628; same period a year ago 2832. Trading slow for the week. Slaughter steers ended the week steady to 50 higher. Slaughter heifers steady to 50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice few prime 3-4 1250-1350# 66.50-66.75. Choice 2-4 1050-1300# 64.0036.00, 950-1050# 63(00-64.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 950-1200# 62.50-64.50. Mostly choice 2-3 1300-1600# Holsteins 56.00-57.25 Monday. Mixed standard and good few choice 2 1250-1400# holsteins 52.00- 55.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice few loads with a prime end 2-4 900-1100# 62.00-64.00, with 1 load on Monday 64.25. Mixed good and choice 2-3 850-1000# 60.00-62.00. Good 2 725-950# 54.0060.00. Greencastle Livestock Monday, June 18 CATTLE 524: Butcher Steers - Choice 63.00-67.00, few to 69.00, Medium-Good 52.00-64.00; Butcher Heifers - Choice 58.00-66.00, Medium-Good 45.00-60.00; Butcher Cows - Utility-Good 41.00-46.50, few to 49.00, Canners and Cutters 38.00- 45.00, Shells 38.00 & down; Butcher Bulls, Medium-Good 47.50-59.00; Stock Steers - Medium-Good up to 60.50; Stock heifers, Medium-Good 50.50. CALVES 302: Medium-Good Calves 160-220 lbs. 60.00-85.00,125- 160 lbs. 60.90-75.00, 100-120 lbs. 55.00-65.00, 80-100 lbs. 50.0060.00; Holstein Bull Calves up to 98.00; Holstein Heifer Calves 70.00. Light and Green Calves down to 40.00. HOGS 148: Good-Choice Butcher Hogs 190-225 lbs. 49.00-51.00,225-250 lbs. 50.00-51.00; Good-Choice Butcher Sows 400 lbs., down up to 43.00, 400 lbs., up 44.50; Heavy Boars 32.00; Pigs per Head 9.00- 35.00. Editorials Editorially speaking M. Progressive Thinking Little Pond Jerseys Cam View Holstein Franklin Co Dairy Princess A 35 Dauphin Co DHIA Centre Co DHIA Berks Co DHIA McKean Co DHIA Franklin Co. DHIA Lebanon Co DHIA Bradford Co DHIA Features Pasture Tour Young Cooperators Pa Polled Hereford Machinery Costs Alternative Ag Dl2 Pa Sheep and Wool Growers Dl6 Veteran Spinners Super-yield Scientists Pork Field Day 1473 1411 1686 CATTLE Week to Date (Est.) 542.000 43,000 Same Period Last Week (Est.) 539.000 40,000 Same Period Last Year (Act.) 506.000 39,000 Chicago Grain Futures July 3.53 Aug, Sept. 3.30% 3.62’/4 Nov, Dec, Jan. ’B5 Mar. ’B5 3.18% May ’B5 3.22% Trends - Corn - stronger; Wheat - weaker; Soybeans - weaker; Meal-weaker. Market Provided by Mernll-Lynch Commodities, York July Aug. Oct. Nov, Dec. Feb. ’B5 April ’B5 May’Bs Trends - Cattle - weaker; Hogs - weaker; Potatoes - stronger. Market Provided by Mernll-Lynch Commodities, York **— In Four Sections AlO Farm Women Societies B 8 Craft Corner B 9 Kid's Korner 810 It's Strawberry Time 1 812 Lancaster Dairy Princess 814 A 22 Lebanon Dairy Princess 814 A2O A2l DlB DlB D 25 D 25 D 26 D 26 D 29 A 24 A3B D 2 DIO Dl6 D 22 D3O . Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 23,H U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock CALVES HOGS I Closing Bids as of Thursday, June 21) Soybeai Wheat Soybeans Meal Corn 3.57% 3.77% 3.10% 3.88 7.84% 3.89 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, June 21) Chicago Chicago NY Maine Cattle Hogs Potatoes 63.55 58.25 62.97 57.30 64.77 57.72 65.22 57.97 65.75 53.50 this issue Home end Youth Homestead Notes Home on the Range Cook's Question Corner Family Living Tioga Dairy Princess Dauphin Dairy Princess Horsewoman Departments Farm Calendar Mailbox Markets Classified Ads Livestock Lates* Business News Public Sales Columns Now is the time Ida s Notebook Ladies have you heard 7 On being a farm wife Brockett s Ag Advice Farm Talk 1,138,000 1,212,000 1,183,000 8.07% 8.10 7.84% 194.70 7.61% 7.73 7.93 57.37 3.61 4.84 .984—1 190.50 193.20 192.70 B 2 B 6 B 8 818 820 821 822 AlO 833 C 5 D 2 D 6 D3l AlO B 5 813 826 D2B D3l