Progressive thinking, honesty and common sense are the key BY ROBIN PHILLIPS Staff Correspondent Columbia Cross Roads Dairymen, there is a sale in the works that embraces progressive thinking, honesty in breeding and marketing and a common sense approach to making money with milk. It’s the Smokey Hill Production Sale to be held July 14 at the Troy Fairgrounds in Bradford County. The sale will feature over 50 registered Jerseys, individually selected from over 300 Smokey Hill Jerseys, currently among the best in the state. The sale will be managed by the Pennsylvania Jersey Cattle Club which will retain a 15 percent commission from the sale price of each animal. The money will be used towards the 1985 national meeting of the American Jersey Cattle Club which will be held in Lancaster. Perhaps to know more about the owner of Smokey Hill Jerseys, his philosophy and purpose for this sale, is to discover the opportunity this sale will provide to breeders across the state and nation. Roy Watson began fanning and milking his own cows in 1953. “My dad set me up m business. When I bought the farm, he sold it to me for what that barn cost,” he says, fl , * MEi' Jtt With the help of his parents, Ruth and Ivan Watson, seated in tractor. Roy Watson became a dairy farmer in 1953. adding that the barn had just been built onto the farm by his father. “I owed him alot and I still do. He backed me.” From this beginning and lots of hard work and perservance, Watson developed a registered Jersey herd that for many years stood second to none. When Jersey herds were averaging 9,000 pounds of milk, Watson’s Smokey Hill herd was pumping out 11,000 pounds. In 1960, Smokey Hill Jerseys were the highest in the state. Since then, they have held a place in the top ten herds every year. This past year the herd of Calvin Watson, Roy’s son, received honors as the highest herd in the state with many Smokey Hill Jerseys filling his barn and adding to the herd average of over 14,000 pounds actual production. “I’ve always bred to the top bulls,” Watson says. “I have them (the cows) for one reason - production.” Production must come first and type second he says: “There’s better ‘very good’ cows then there are ‘excellent’ cows.” Breeding with mainly production in mind and only looking for usable type never hurt the Smokey Hill herd. There is a Smokey Hill cow Roy and Parents ' * t m 4 Innovative Ideas A family of farmers, Roy Watson, far right, helped each of his sons, from left, Rodney, Brian, Randy and Calvin, get started in the dairy cattle business. One of the features Roy Watson had his sons include when their dairy barns were remodeled were flagstone floors, pictured left. Another idea were the calf stalls in Brian’s barn, above, which are designed so manure can be scraped out daily. Farming Family currently milking in Vermont that proves Watson’s statements. Smokey Hill Generator Milly, a VG-84, has 24,940 pounds of milk to her credit with a 4.4 percent test and 1,105 pounds of fat. Two of her granddaughters will sell in the upcoming sale. Smokey Hill Baronet Gadget, a VG-86 cow milking over 15,000 pounds of milk with a 5.3% test, will also sell, as well as several “very good” 2- year-olds from excellent and sires that top the breed list. The pedigrees of the Smokey Hill animals match their production. Foundation animals boast sires such as Milestones Generator, Trademark, S.S. Quicksilver of Fallneva. The current daughters are sired by breed leaders Favorite Saint, Top Brass and Quicksilvers Magic of Ogston. Production runs high in these cows and their butterfat tests range from 4.4 percent to 5.7 percent. Roy Watson confesses that he did not accomplish this alone. While he was establishing his Jersey herd, he was also raising four sons who exemplify their father’s thinking and, with his help, are now on their way in establishing their own dairy herds. “I couldn’t have done it without these boys,” Watson says about Randy, 28, Rodney, 26, Calvin, 23, and Brian, 20. “There’s nothing like own sons.” Helping each of his sons on a five year plan to own their own farm and dairy herd, Watson says, “They do deserve credit and a farm m my opinion. ’ ’ Currently Watson and his sons all work together with Watson’s equipment, farming over 800 acres in Bradford County. Each son and his wife milks their own herd at their respective farm. Randy milks 62 registered Holsteins with 120 acres at his Blue Angel Flats farm. Rodney milks 70 registered Jerseys on the home farm, which he will take over sometime after the sale and maintain the Smokey Hill prefix. Calvin operates Little Pond Jerseys, and Brian milks 70 Jerseys at his Butteridge Farm. Each son is married and the wives enjoy helping with the dairy. Watson’s Smokey Hill animals are scattered in each son’s Jersey herd until the son has enough cows of his own. “I do things with pride,” Watson says when reflecting back on his life in dairy farming. His wife, Lucille, also shares his pride in farming and their sons. Each son has a farm sign, with the exception of Brian, that was had painted for them by their mother. The Watson’s knowledge of Jerseys, honesty and support of Jersey programs is widely respected throughout the state and nation. Watson says one of the greatest honors for him was to be elected president of the Penn sylvania Jersey Cattle Club in 1977, when someone was needed to reorganize a faltering club. Admitting that it always made him feel inferior for his lack of a higher education, Watson says that a trip to Europe helped to change his attitude. There, he met a man who told him that a person who can help his four sons purchase their own farms, develop a leading dairy herd and earn respect throughout the nation, didn’t need any more education. He received it throughout life, Watson was told. With this advice, Watson con tinues. He has not only helped his own sons, but assists neighbors in starting their herds, cleaning up their farms and clearing the land. Watson's association with the Pennsylvania Jersey Cattle Club did not end when his term as president was finished. After he lost over $70,000 through Schepps cheese, Watson needed a way to (Turn to Page A 34)