Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 23, 1984, Image 18
NEWARK, Del. - With the end of school and start of the growing season, area farmers are hiring seasonal help. Many of these young workers have limited experience or skills, yet many may use or be exposed to potentially dangerous equipment or chemicals. By teaching them about farm hazards and how to do their jobs properly, employers can greatly reduce farm-related accidents this summer, says University of Delaware extension farm safety specialist Ron Jester. “Looking back over my own boyhood on a farm, operating machines, logging, maintaining buildings, raising broilers, running irrigation systems and much more,” Jester says, “I realize how little safety training we got. And most of that was pretty super ficial.” He says the situation is much the same today on many farms especially family-operated farms. “One tends to assume an em ployee’s or family member’s previous knowledge and skill. But the risks are too great to take these things for granted,” the specialist says. Instead, he urges farmers to make sure all workers do their jobs properly and safely especially when new equipment or a new process is involved. “Some people question the relevance of safety training for “MY COWS LOVE IT AND SO DO WE” SAY JESSE & MARTHA LAIR of 2400 Newark Road, Oxford, Pa. Hannah, Martha, Jesse, Kathryn & David Lair Jesse also has this to say about his W & J Dairy Sales Computerized Feeding System. “Since installing our new feeding system I have more cows milking 90 to 100 lbs. They are also holding better” Martha adds, “I enjoy milking now that the cows are not fed in the parlor. I don’t have to worry about how much feed each cow is sup posed to have. Of Course Both Jesse & Martha Are Pleased That Their Cows Are Averaging 3.5 lbs. More Milk Since The W & J Dairy Service Feeding System Was Installed. I Vhy Don't You Coll WSJ Dairy Service? You'll Love Whot They Con Oo For Your Doiiy Operoiion. Teach summer farm workers safe habits family-operated farms,” Jester says. “But such training has value regardless of how many people you employ. Accident prevention is an individual concern. Actually, it’s even more important in small operations like family farms because a disabling injury affects a larger percentage of the work force.” Child labor laws require training 14- and 15-year-olds who are em ployed in a number of hazardous farm jobs. This law doesn’t include youth working for their parents or guardians, or those over 16. But the need to train them, too, is obvious, the specialist says. A recent study by the National Safety Council shows that workers under 24 years of age suffer a disproportionate number of severe and fatal ac cidents for their representation in the work force and exposure to hazards. “All the evidence points to the need for safety training of em ployees especially the younger ones,” Jester says. Training won’t eliminate all accidents. And it can’t take the place of good safety practices. It’s not a substitute for guards on equipment, efficient ventilation systems, roll-over protection on tractors, well maintained tools or personal protective equipment. Eliminating or minimizing hazards is as important as training workers to do their jobs safely. Monitoring employees’ work habits is also important, the specialist says. “Periodically check to make sure your training is effective that workers are performing tasks and operating equipment correctly. Without monitoring and enforcement, safety training lacks meaning and employees have less incentive to put that training to use.” Agriculture has a poor accident record compared to other in- Conservation awards program announced HARRISBURG - State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowell Monday said that Pennsylvania farmers who demonstrate practical ways to conserve soil and water in their farm operations are eligible to take part in a national soil and water conservation awards program. This year’s second annual awards program is sponsored by the National Endowment for Soil and Water Conservaton and the DuPont Company. Three national winners each receive $l,OOO awards. Hallowell urged Pennsylvania conservation farmers to take part in the program, which is designed to recognize individual farmers Nursery receipts increase u a ddtcdttdp r. • ♦ ~ „„ .The 1983 market value of land, HARRISBURG-Gross receipts percent self-grown; 32 percent structures and equipment used in of the Commonwealth’s 3,930 purchased from other Penn- p ennS yi V ania’s nursery and certified nurseries and dealers sylvania establishments; and 33 landscaping industry totaled $4BlB totaled $315.2 million in 1983, up percent purchased from out-of- million A total of 21,566 acres were three percent from 1981 figures, state concerns. utihzed m nursery operations according to the Pennsylvania Last year, the nursery and d „ the by Crop Reporting Service. landscaping industry provided operators of nursery product T he ™ s !^ tis !. ics show r ! tail ern P'°y™ ent f ° r 3 workers enterprises for all agricultural sales of $233.4 million, accounting with 42 percent of the total em- opera tions, including nurseries, for approximately 74 percent of the ployed in a fulltime basis. In ad- totaled 136 245 acres total receipts. Sales by certified dition, 3,319 unpaid family Greenh o’use area totaled 16.9 nurseries were responsible for 48 members also worked in the in- mdlion arp {eet> w jui e C old percent of the total receipts, while dustry. Salaries and wages paid f rames covered 2.9 million square 52 percent of the receipts were for totaled $91.8 million, and ex- j eet shaded areas covered 2.6 certified dealers in nursery penditures for services such as million square feet and sales arid products. The breakdown by fertilizing, spraying, etc. totaled $7 stor age areas covered 7.5 million product-source sales were: 35 million. square feet Penn Jersey, Exclusive Dealer For The JUNIATA PERRY CUMBER LAND ADAMS YORK dustries. In them, safety training is required by OSHA, though many companies would provide it anyway because they know it pays off. Some even offer off-the-job training because they realize that lost time for whatever reason is costly. Considering this cost, safety education pays big dividends, Jester says. It also shows workers that management has a genuine concern for their well-being, and this benefits morale. who employ sound, innovative and cost-effective soil and water conservation techniques. “Penn sylvania farmers deserve recognition and encouragement for their efforts as stewards of our precious natural resources,” the Secretary said. “Through this program, their initiatives can be brought to the attention of the agricultural community and the general public.” A coordinating committee of farm, conservation and govern ment leaders selects a con servation farmer/rancher from each state. The state coordinator is Vernal C. Miles, Land Im provement Contractors Association of America, 336 West 16th Street, New Cumberland, PA 17070. Hallowell said farmers wishing more information on the program should contact Miles at the above address. The Endowment Technical In Addition To Our Present Sales Area, We Are Covering The Following Counties: I Penn Jersey Products inc. ! ! P.0.80x? New Holland, PA 17557 . Name Address City _ Telephone CompuTrac Computer Feeding System For more information on computer feeders in this new area, mail coupon to; “Safety isn’t a liability that slows you down,” he concludes. “It’s an asset that speeds progress, no matter what you’re doing. Whyu not follow industry’s example and put safety training to work on your farm?” For information on safety training programs provided by the Delaware Cooperative Extension Service, contact extension safety specialist Ron Jester at the University of Delaware Georgetown Substation (856-5250). Advisory Committee reviews the conservation work of the 50 state nominees and selects ten national finalists on the basis of their ac complishments in soil and water resource management and pollution abatement. The national finalists and their spouses receive an expense-paid trip to Washington to attend a national awards ceremony in the fall. Winners in the 1983 awards program were from Kentucky, Oregon and Wisconsin. Other finalists were from Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina and Utah. The National Endowment for Soil and Water Conservation, established in June 1982, is a non profit, privately funded non political organization dedicated to conserving natural resources and fostering a sense of stewardship for the land. Itate