Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 85
The following categories are available for your classified advertising m Section C. Deadline- Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication Farm Equipment Silos A Unloaders Buildings A Supplies Grain Equipment Dairy Equipment Livestock Equipment A Supplies Cattle Horses A Mules Sheep A Goats Swine Artificial Breeding Hog Equipment A Supplies Poultry A Supplies Feed A Seed Fertilizer , Plants Fruits A Vegetables Nursery Lawn A Garden Services Offered Custom Work Help Wanted Situations Wanted Business Opportunity Autos Recreational Vehicles Notice Lost Found Pets Household Miscellaneous Computers The following categories are available for your classified advertising, in Sectionß Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication Real Estate Trucks & Trailers LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20c per word 2 40 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 12 or Less 2.40 5.76 13 2.60 6.24 14 2.80 6.72 15 3.00 7.20 16 3.20 7.68 17 3.40 8.16 18 3.60 8.64 19 3 80 9.12 20 4.00 9 60 KEYED ADS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, do Lancaster Farming)- 50 cents addi tional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inser tion of any advertisement Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FARM EQUIPMENT ■armers & Dealers -- Your lovertising pays for itself •men you advertise your Wipment in the farm iquipment section. 17-394-3047 or 17-626-1164 -ombme, Harvester and -cm Head Parts For Sale used machines "Wger’s. 717-866-2135. l**d Farm Tractor Parts, ■*» Selection. Wenger's [17666-2135. sawmills for sale. We jVand sell. Leroy Wray, inc !’ Douslassville, PA !?518 215-385-3884 llOO diesel dual Wraulics, 38" rubber, •14-793-4293. jKholson Hay Tedders [[tons planters J~wse culti. “M® corn planter Bi S. 4 mower T 2x55 2R cor nplanter JJ* *9 mower T Hay Rake 751 & 752 Crushers •liver 2 row potato planter JOMWHEARY Lancaster, PA. 717-687-0102 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - Complete line of turnip growing equipment: Ceeders, Sprayers, Harvestor, Washers, Graders, Slow Tables, Baggers, Pallet Bins. Call 717-587-1428 For Sale - Transplanter 2 row Nl, Vibra Shank harrow 16 ft.. John Bean air blast sprayer, 500 gallon row crop; Oliver sprayer, 400 gallon. Call 717-587-1428. 3 PT. HITCH EQUIPMENT S Vi' Bn II ion packer/seeder Lely spin spreader 6' scraper blade IHC #lOO blanced mower Ford 2 row cultivator TOM WHEARY Lancaster, PA. 717-687-0102 For Sale - 1983 JD model 8300 grain drill; 1981 JD 12' chisel plow; 1980 Dunhill cultipacker; 1978 Farmfan batch grain dryer with bins and augers; 1970 Owatana haybine. All in good condition. Must sell. Call 717-273-5231. For Sale - Troyer high speed potato grader 717- 367-2633. Cat D9G Dozer w/ripper, B very good condition. 717-933-5734. i* 8' self contained cinder or !■ fertilizer spreader; IHC ■ 125 C Crawler/Loader, '■ Ford 550 Backhoe/ <■ Loader. 717-933-5734. ,■ Ford 4500 Backhoe/Loader; Davis Walk-behind Trencher 717-933-5734. JD 3020 console, stan dard shift, 72 model. 814-793-4293. NOTICE - Buy, sell or trade almost any type horse-drawn equip., mowers, rakes, crimpers, discs, harrows, plows, corn planters, tedders, packers, wagons. Wise, engines, tobacco planters, etc. Wanted 402 N.H. crimpers, Nickolson tedders. Sam K. Zook, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 8 row planter, In ternational Model 58; AC F combine 1974, 13' grain head, w/generation, 3 floating cutting bar, Dryer-Farm Fan Model 350 batch grain dryer. 609-259-3733. Van Dale 185 mixer wagon. Used 1 year Frederick Co. 301-371- 9105 after 8 PM. FOR SALE - Case back hoe attachment, SD-130, will fit skid steer loader, $2,400. 717-537-6258. David Brown 1200 tractor, rebuilt clutch and completely rewired, engine in good shape. Model 1967-68. Daniel Yoder, Rte. 30 East,Ro2, Gap. 17527. WANTED one-row potatoe harvester, in good condition. Call 914-258- 4310. For Sale - Farmall BN; 5' Wood Cadet PTO Mower; NH Baler w/2 cylinder Wisconsin engine in A 1 shape; 2 Horse Trailer. Call after 5 p.m. 717-687- 6640. Oliver 1750 w/3 speed over and under year round cab. 814-793-4293. AC D2l Tractor with T bottom plow; AC F combine 1974, 13" grain head with generation 3 floating cutter bar; IH model 58 8 row planter; 4 row cultivator for AC tractor back mounted; Farm Fan model 350 batch grain dryer, 609- 259-3733. GHL grinder mixer #65 301-833-1847. Used NH 717 W pickup attachment; Used NH 880 N 2 row crop; Used NH 273 Baler w/thrower. 717- 786-2895. ur PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394 Allis Chalmers CA Tractor. New paint, good rubber, runs good, $895. York Co 717-235-2200. 1977 H Catapillar front end loader on tracks, good condition. 717-438-3354. For Sale - Int. 203 Combine, 10' grain head. 717-328-2971 NH TR7O Combine w/6 row 30” corn head and 15 ft. gram head. Call evenings. 301-845-6121. For Sale - 1980 886 D International Tractor with cab, air, radio, like new, 175 hours Phone 412- 459-6684. IRRIGATION PIPE - used 6”x3o', 5,000 feet, ex cellent condition. 717- 532-9108. Bale throwing wagon beds and running gears. All oak lumber. Size 18x8x8. 215- 273-2594. r HANDY CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK IMPORTANT: Be sure to include name, address, and tublish m Please starting with the MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543 NOTE: Please do not use this form tor Mail Box Market Ads, see jhtttructfons in Section B with Mailbox Markets. 13-$2.60 17-$3.40 I I 21-$4.20 I I 25-s§.oo' 29-$5.80 33-$6.60 ' 38-$7.60 v .rf-$7.80 7 4(Fsfl.OO ' | mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmfi 37-$7.40 LL,™ FARM EQUIPMENT IH 315 combine w/cab, Dickey-John monitor, hydrostatic drive, 3 row corn head w/central lube, 14' grain head, $2,900 201-/82-4439. 32" Zimmerman Elevator, like new. JD F 145 14" Bottom Trip-Semi-Mount with a Frame Depth Con trol, JD 660 Rake with Wheel, Like new JD Corn Planter 1240 Plate-type (NO RUST) 38" Rows 4 row w/markers. All equipment - Excellent Cond. Barn Kept. York Co. Lewisberry, PA. 717- 938-3517. AC 6 row no-till corn planter 600 Series, near new liquid fertilizer with insecticide boxes and monitor MF 129 10' chisel plow 3 point hook-up almost new, good 10' offset Miller disc. 717- 995-6155. word count PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY (Number of Words) 14-|2.80 18-$3.60 22-84.40 26-85.20 30-$6.00 34-86.80 IT Til FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - 3020 JD diesel. 65 model, tricycle, good shape, $6400, new clutch. 717-653-5274. Lancaster Co. Combine IH 715 diesel 13' floating gram table 4 row corn head straw chopper. Air over sized tires front 23.1-26 back 12.4-1-16 stored inside, very good condition. 215-269-0855 International 56 4 row corn planter, excellent condition, $1,100; In ternational 4 row cultivator with shields, $400; 6 a reus buds, approx. 500 ids., $250. 215-383-5179 For Sale - Farmall M Tractor with wide front, 110 IH hyd. sickle Mower; Cultipacker. All extra fine condition. 201-741-8109. NH model 346 tank maure spreader, 840 gal., like new 215-723-4798 word ad issue. Classify under DEADLINE: 9 A.M. THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION For ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change deduct 20 percent discount. (See rate chart at beginning of classified section for an example of dis count.) lanceiter Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984—€5 Tl For Lease Or Sale Steiner Rolamix, 80 bushel, 2,000 lb. capacity, $132.50 per month for 3 years. Like new, used 1 year. 717-653-8090 Lancaster Co. Pull behind McCormick Deenng sickle bar mower, dump rake, hay tedder 201-464-4833. For Sale - NH 315 Baler, excellent condition, $6,000 or will trade on livestock. 301-898-5244. Gehl 1090 mower con ditioner, used very little, like new. Lebanon Co. 717-866-7093 MF 410 combine diesel with 4 row wide corn head and 13' grain head Lebanon Co. 717 866-7093 Fi or Sale - Two recon ditioned 250 gal., 25' loldup boom sprayers Completely ready to go. 717-687-0102. (Number of Times) RATES: 20 c Per Word, $2.40 Minimum Charge 15-$3.00 19-83.80 23-14.60 27-85.40 31-86.20 35-17.00 FARM EQUIPMENT JD 2020 diesel, $4,000 or best offer; JD 345 plow, 5 bottom with automatic reset. New mold boards and shins, $1,200 or best offer. 215-965-5692. Ask for Mark. JD 4040 Tractor. Quad range transmission. Has heat and air. Very good condition. 717-532-7(»4. Berg dependable barn cleaners, replacement chains, high discount this month, order Berg 5-tooth spracket if your chain runs off, Pincar PTO alter nators, P&D silo unloaders, silo roofs, pikes. Lane. Co. 215-445- 5309. Gleaner K combine with cab, 10' grain head and 238 corn head. A-l condition Philip R. Kilgore, Box 343, Delta, PA. 17314. 717-456- 7584 times 12-$2.40 ' ‘ 16-|3.20 20-84.00 24-$4.80 28-85.60 32-$6.40 36-87.20 1