Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 78
B3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984 Dairy Farm For Lease: Potter Co., immediate occupancy, 140 acres tillable and pasture, very nice house, large barn plus other buildings, free gas Phone 814-698-2400 Franklin Co. Farms 190 acres w/150 till able acres of limestone land 268 acres modern dairy w/double 6 parlor 210 free stalls 157 acres dairy, 36 tie stall barn & loafing barn 105 acres general farm w/lovely home make offer 95 acres gram farn excellent land modernized brick home Van Cleve Real Estate Phone 717-392-3032 anytime SALE OF FARM BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Farmette containing 16 acres, 11 cropland, 3 woodland, with balance in farmstead and roads. 1 poleshed 60x90 built in 1978, modern 2-story aluminum-sided dwelling, full basement. For merly owned by Kenneth S. and Fay A. Horning, located in Township of Jordon, County of Northumberland, PA. 3 miles NE from Pillow off PA Route 225. BID DEPOSIT: Bid must be accomplished by cash (sent at bidder's risk), certified check, cashier's check, postal money order, bank money order or personal check, payable to the Treasurer of the United States, for at least 5% of the total bid. RATES AND TERMS: Cash or terms of not less than a 5% down payment with the remaining balance amortized over a period not to exceed 25 years at 10 3 /«% interest. TERMS OF SALE: Contact County Supervisor, Farmers Home Administration, 1127 Old Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, for appointment to inspect the farm. Sealed bids are’mvited and will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. EDST, 6-29-84, at the Farmers Home Administration, 1127 Old Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, and will be opened publicly at 9:00 a.m. EDST, on 7-2-84, at the Farmers Home Admmstration, P.O. Box 252, Federal Building, Lewisburg, PA 17837 The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This farm will be sold without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or marital status Further information and bid forms may be obtained at the Farmers Home Administration, 1127 Old Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, Telephone (717) 784-9033 SALE OF FARM BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Farmers Home Administration, 5 East Avenue, Wellsboro, PA. 16901 has for sale the following property: 118 acre farm located approximately 5 miles east of Lawrenceville, PA. Includes a dwelling, dairy barn with milk house, garage and drilled well. Land use breakdown is as follows; 71 cropland, 40 permanent pasture, 3 woodland with balance in farmstead and roads. Formerly owned by Charles R. Monger Jr. located in Townships of Jackson and Lawrence, County of Tioga, PA. Terms: Cash or financing possible on terms of not less than 5% down with the remaining balance amortized over a period not to exceed 25 years at an interest of 10V*%. Property may be in spected by calling Farmers Home Administration at (717) 724- 4812. Sealed bids, with a deposit of not less than 5% of the bid in the form of cash (sent at bidder's risk), cashier's check, certified check, postal money order, or purchaser’s check made payable to Farmers Home Administration may be sent or brought to the Wellsboro office. Bids will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. July 12, 1984 at the Farmers Home Administration, 5 East Avenue, Wellsboro, PA and will be opened publicly at 1:30 p.m. the same date and place. The government reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. The deposit of each unsuccessful bidder will be returned promptly by certified mail with a letter of explanation. The property will be sold without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or marital status. JUNIATA CO. DAIRY FARM All you need to start milking on this 247 acres is a bulk tank and gutter cleaner 40 modern tie stalls presently adapted for beef or heifers 14x50 and 12x35 Fickes silos. 108 Tillable, Class II & 111 in high state of fertility, 9 acres Pasture with spring, and balance woodland, some timber, with pond. 4 bedroom house Seller financing on 2/3 price of $217,000 MARLIN H. FIELDS REAL ESTATE 7 So. Main St., Mifflintown, PA 17059 Don Bashore, Realtor Office (717) 436-8839 Residence (717) 436-9213 Groomed operating beef farm: 113 surveyed acres with approx. 2500 feet frontage on state road. Feeding with storage barn 40’x72’; feeds 74 head; attached shed, framed and penned plus elevator-feeding system. Machine shed with 2 gram bins and attached pole shed Corn crib and hog parlor. All buildings in excellent condition. Approx. 65 acres top-producing cropland, balance fenced pasture with 3 ponds, and spring-fed stream. Good well. 9 room frame farm house. Scenic mountain views. 1 mile from 1-81. $245,000.00 Call: Marty Kamm Pangle Real EstateA Auction Co. 933 South Main Street Woodstock. Virginia 22664 459-2113 or 459-4854 FOR SALE 170 Acre general farm located in lovely, rolling, Aughwick Creek Valley, Hun tingdon County, Penna 90 acres cropland, 66 acres woodland, 14 acre pasture Land borders Aughwick Creek Excellent Hunting. Frame house contains Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room. Four Bedrooms and Bath on second floor Bank Barn (40’x50’), Farrowing House (26'x30') Block garage and shop (18’x20’). Approx x k mile frontage on Route 522, connecting Pa Turnpike and Mt. Union. Twenty minutes to Lake Raystown. Financing Available. $117,900 CENTURY 21 DON RAPP. REALTOR Route 22 Huntingdon, Pennsylvania 16652 (814) 643-1004 NORTHCENTRAL PA Potter 4 Tioga Co. SEARCH NO MORE! 10 acre wooded lot offering seclusion, scenic views & prime hunting in N.W. Tioga Co. Easy access from Twp. road & electric nearby. Affordable with $2,000 down, 10%% int. for 5 yrs. atsl29/mo. Asking $7,950. C-1153 3 BR CAMP & 43 ACRES Only $27,900! Nestled in beautiful setting of hemlock & hardwoods with babbling brook on site. Fieldstone fireplace in Ig. furnished living rm. Perfect for a hunting hide-away. Owner terms. C-1058 EXCELLENT DAIRY Easy working bam w/new milk house & 500 gal. bulk tank. 18x50 concrete stave silo, 2 machinery sheds, 168 acres with 106 well drained tillable & mostly contiguous. Milking 40 but could have 50 plus. Excellent laying farm in Westfield area. $129,000. C-1069 11st alters I \ OF WESTFIELD f 108 Main St. Westfield, PA 16950 Office 814-367-2249 After 5:00 Dick Anthony 814-367-5387 Jim Helper 717-724-3717 Jim Smith 814-367-2305 Outstanding South Carolina Farms Irrigated Farms: 735 acre dairy farm, 6 silos, cattle, feed and machinery. 3 nice homes $600,000 tax shelter. Price $1,500,000 750 acres, one of South Carolina's finest gram farms Highly improved, 600 acres tillable, 2 fine homes, machinery, sale off land, golf course potential. $1,300,000 tax shelter. Price $2,000,000 905 acre dairy, 700 Holstems, 750 acres tillable, all machinery, feed. $1,000,000 tax shelter Price $3,000,000 Non Irrigated Farms; Nice Small Packages 290 acres of excellent soil Price $9OO/A 120 acre dairy farm, very modern, 2 homes, double 8 Price $225,000 100 acre dairy farm, all tillable, 180 Holstems, double 6 Price $350,000 335 acres heavy black land, nice house, 300 acres tillable Price $950/A We have the farms you are looking for at a price you want to pay l Call us with your specifics Century 21 Associated Brokers, Inc. James C. Kees 803-534-1552 or 803-245-2068 A new , Pennsylvania realty, inc_ _ ____ Schuylkill 717-386-5000 office MODERN BEEF FARM! ISO ACRES. 2 Harvestores. Feed Lot For 350 to 400 Head! WE NEED 50 ACRE (m/l) FARM! Stone house preferred, good location with buildings set back from the road. Berks or adjoining counties. Will pay up to $250,000. mean CARL JOHNSON 215-367-6160 WOODEDACREAGE 32 wooded acres within walking distance to State Land, excellent deer, turkey hunting area Springs, could be subdivided, terrific spot for secluded cabin, owner financing with 25% dn , 12% int, 15- 20 yr. amort, 3-5 yr balloon. W-755 $28,800 CAMP Hills Creek area hunting camp and retreat, 15'x20' log camp. 5 acres mostly wooded, privy, stream, secluded, close to State Lands $ 11,500 W-751 SMALL RANCH Farmette on 40+ acres, good views, 3 bdrms, V/> baths, fireplace and bar in bsmt family room, barn in gooid shape for storage, cattle or horses, close to town, but on dirt road, great for privacy W-778 $59,500 JUST REDUCED 40 ± secluded & wooded acres Ideal for a weekend or hunting camp. Close to two new dams, fishing, boating, swimming. State & Federal land for hiking & hunting Owner will finance for qualified buyer with 25-29% DN at 11% int. variable terms with 5 yr balloon Reasonably priced at $17,500.00 W-761 OnhJflk. ' lf~r~i ml L rnmm® THE REAL ESTATERS OF WELLSBORO 120 East Ave., Wellsboro, PA 16901 717-724-5921 Call or write for free list. * - • BUCKS COUNTY * HORSE FARM - Prestigious & spacious \ house and barn. This 6 year old colonial ' home offers a large entrance, foyer, , gracious dining room, pleasant-size family room and lots more. Plus a super % horse barn with heated tack room and fenced (split rail) pasture. On 10 acres by v a quiet country roaid. Real Opportunity at | $225,000. TOWN Si COUNTRY REALTOR Route 313, Dublin, Pa. 18917 849-0400