Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 66
B26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984 Lancaster Society 6 Lancaster Society 6 met on June 2 at the apartment of Edyth Brubaker at Brethren Village in Neffsville. The speaker ws Joyce Peacock, director of volunteer work at the retirement home. She gave the history of volunteering in the CultaC PRODUCTS PRODUCTS SILO DRY HAY I IKIEDC TREATMENT LIPIEI%9 Hay stays green baled up to 30% moisture __ SILAGE aG-BBG ADDITIVES Extended shelf life BALE Needs no refrigeration BAGS ANIMAL STRESS CUSTOM treatment . _ _ CULBACfor AG-BAG CALVES FILLING »ed TREATMENT MAY-CO SUPPLY CO., INC. 430 Biscayne Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 717-569-1011 FEED TESTING SOIL TESTING Ration Balancing Fertilizer Custom Generic Recommendations. Mineral . Trace Mineral, Balancers Clod Buster cfa/im Hilomen Societies United States and told of the many hours volunteered in the nursing center, the crafts room and other areas of Brethren Village. Under the direction of president Sara Myer, the group will make ice cream for the nursing center patients on June 24. On Sunday, June 10,40 members and husbands from Society 19 went to Founder’s Hall in Hershey for morning services, where they enjoyed a program given by a group of young people from the Evangelical Free Church of Hershey. After the service, everyone enjoyed a delicious brunch at Hotel Hershey. (?bD Lancaster Society 19 Here’s The Easiest *5O BUCKS You’ll Ever Make! TRIAL OFFER! Try A New Oswalt Ensilmixer For 30 Days... We'll Give You A •SO 00 BONUS! Offer Good To Qualified Buyers - No Obligation! STATIONARY & PORTABLE MODELS IN STOCK TO MEET YOUR NEEDS! BUTLER ...thebetter way QUALITY BINS MADE IN U.S.A. •w ■ft • Lancaster D . c . . Berks Society 4 Society 25 Lancaster Society 25 met on June 9. Dr. Pauline Zimmerman gave a program on nutrition. There will be no meeting in July. The next meeting will be held on August 11 at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Stekervetz, Conestoga. Call Now For This Special Offer... K.C. DAIRY SERVICE RD 2, Box 2332 Mt. Bethel, PA 18343 (717) 897-5141 • 3 Servicemen • 3 Service Trucks • 24 Hr. Service Berks Society 4 held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Fern Kulp, Boyertown. The Berks Heim picnic will be held this Sunday at the Heim. Three members of the group'will work at the refreshment stand. The evening’s program was a talk by Aleatha Rothenberger on teaching child evangelism. Miss Rothenberger showed slides and coins used in her work. Money maker Ensilmixer® feed weigher/mixer by Oswalt makes precisely blended rations that can help you get more milk or meat on less feed from your cattle. It's ideal for Total Mixed Ration (TMR) feeding. Three augers thoroughly mix all ingredients fast Choice of electronic scales permits accurate weighing. Choice of models too—from 180-600 cu. ft. capacity. There’s no better way than Butler... see us for systems and service. OSWALT® feed weigher/ mixer NEW From GSI (The #1 Bin Company in the U.S.A.) HEAVY DUTY 2'A' CORRUGATED FEED BIN n i i\ : 'l 7 ' r jih|pk' \ Featuring The New Flex Auger Boot & Straight Auger Boot