Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 37
BY JACK HURLEY MAUGANSVILLE, Md. - Local swine producers gathered in Maugansville on Tuesday for a liver and lung show sponsored by the Beacon Milling Company and Martin’s Elevator. Held in conjunction with Pfizer Inc., the liver and lung demon stration showcased the firm’s Banminth/Mecadox feed sup plements and featured presen tations by veterinarians and specialists on all phases of swine production. The liver and lung demon stration was the culmination of a 28-day trial in which three groups, containing three pigs each, were fed rations containing different combinations of wormers and antibiotic supplements. The test was supervised by Dr. Jerome Harness of Franklin Veterinary Associates, using pigs and facilities provided by producers Clair Miller and Dan Clark of Williamsport, Maryland. Following the posting of a pig from each group, Dr. Homer Connell, Pfizer research veterinarian, examined the liver and lungs of the animals and discussed how worm migration damages the organs. Dr. Connell explained that an tibacterial agents such as his firm’s Mecadox have been shown to be excellent growth promoters in the absence of disease. This is accomplished by increasing the absorption of proteins, amino acids and nitrogen, thus improving feed efficiency, Connell noted. Though Mecadox is a recognized control for salmonella and dysentery, Connell pointed out that the drug will not cure or prevent atrophic rhinitis. Since Mecadox does permit pigs to grow even in the presence of rhinitis, however, Dr. Connell advocates occasional slaughter checks to locate the disease in its early stages. On the subject of dysentery, Connell underlined the importance of controlling potential carrier HONDARTC A AwA vMs mm mm Wmm* rw* now *1748.00 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 AM - 8 PM Saturday 9AM -3 PM Beacon, Martin’s hold swine meeti animals around the hog operation. The veterinarian pointed out that dogs may carry the dysentery organism for up to 13 days, and the disease has been known to survive in mice for more than 200 days. Pigs, themselves, may carry disentery for up to 70 days without outward manifestation, he added. After listing six types of worms capable of causing trouble in a swine operation, Connell stated that roundworms are the biggest offenders, accounting for 72 per cent of the worm damage in hog operations. Connell reviewed the life cycle of the round worm, stating that after a pig swallows the eggs, the larva hatch and penetrate the gut wall where they enter the bloodstream and travel to the liver. The feeding larva cause tearing and bleeding in the liver, resulting in an influx of white blood cells and the formation of scar tissue. After a few days, the larva molt, travel to the heart and then to the lungs where the most severe damage results. Once in corporated into lung tissue, the worms cause lesions which admit bacteria. Stressing the tenacity of the roundworms, Dr. Connell stated that a single female may lay up to one million eggs a day, which can survive for years away from a host organism. Though swine kept on a dirt lot will experience the most severe infestations, Connell cautioned that roundworm eggs are found on slats, as well, and even the most thorough washing will not eliminate them entirely. Speaking on the subject of swine herd health management, Dr. Jerome Harness stressed the importance of preventive medicine in increasing quality, efficiency and profit. Stating that pigs are prone to a greater variety of diseases than most farm animals, Dr. Harness said that the farmer’s goal should be to reduce disease, thereby reducing drug usage necessary for treatment. FOLLOW THE LEADER WORKING CLASS HERO HONDA "HONDA AT ITS BEST" Two important management techniques in a disease sur veillance program are slaughter checks performed at least twice a year, and blood testing, Harness said. On the subject of herd additions, the veterinarian urged farmers to know what they are buying and to quarantine new animals for 30 days. He urged farmers to maintain a closed herd, if possible, and added that artificial in semination techniques may facilitate this goal by providing the necessary outside genetics without the introduction of the animals themselves. Dr. Harness encouraged far mers to schedule regular visits by qualified veterinarians or swine specialists in an effort to discover and checkmate potential problems. Scott Hodgson, Beacon swine When wortfs the game. Big Rad* lathe name. For 1984 the ultimate utility machine haa gotten even batter. Already brtetllngwtth functional faatunaa that put it at tha top of the working claaa. Big Rfd* haa now gained additional varaaWßy with shaft cfeive end ravara# cepebßity. Other tried-and-true faaturaa Include • 192 cc four-atroke engine with dual-range fwa tpeed tranamJaaton and automatic dutch, easy alactric starting, hydraulic fork* heavy duty front and rear rack*, a standard trailer hitch, and much more to aasa your worft load. ALSO ATC 200 S WAS $1398.00 NOW • 1298.00 OFFER GOOD ONLY TIL JUNE 30,1984 Dr. Homer Connell, (right) Pfizer research veterinarian, explains how worm migration in swine damages the liver and lungs, and retards growth rate. Held in.Maugansville, Maryland on Tuesday, the demonstration was part of a swine meeting staged by Beacon Milling Company, and Martin's Elevator, in conjunction with Pfizer. specialist, spoke at length on baby pig. improving weaning weights and Points stressed concerning identifying finishing inefficiencies, finishing included cleanliness of Hodgson stressed the im- feeders, adequate water intake, portance of record-keeping, proper ventilation and close at stating that the producer needs to tention to pen densities. Hodgson know his weaning weights and how recommended the use of snout they compare to the average. The coolers and advised farmers to following average weaning reduce the number of pigs per pen weights were provided: 21-day during the summer months, weight, 12 pounds: 28-day weight, The specialist encouraged 16.50 pounds; 35-day weight, 21 farmers to sell their hogs at the pounds. proper weight, and to find a In order to improve weaning market for pigs that are sub weights, the specialist instructed standard, farmers to pay attention to how “About two percent of those hogs their sows are milking. aren’t going to do well, and the key “The more frequently you feed is to identify them and sell them that sow early in lactation, the right away,” Hodgson advised, better off you’re going to be,” Hodgson concurred with the Hodgson asserted, adding that speakers proceeding him on the during the first week, sows should importance of a comprehensive be fed four to six times daily. He record-keeping system, said the daily amount should total “The producer needs to know at least two pounds for the sow exactly what it costs him to herself, plus one pound for each produce a pound of pork,” Hodgson said. AVAILABLE All Natural New York State Cheddar Cheese or higher Moisture Cheese Like Longhorn or Colby 42 Lb. Blocks Medium Sharp *1.90 per Lb Mild *l.BO per Lb Prices Postpaid Please send Check or Money Order to: ADIRONDACK CHEESE CO. RD 1 Box 74, Newport, New York 13416