Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 162
03#—Lancaster rarming, Saturday, june ib, iso# Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1984 (RAIN DATE JUNE 30th) 9:30 AM (DST) LOCATION: 3803 Aldino Road, Aberdeen, Md. From Battimore-Take US 95 towards Aberdeen, Exit on Rt#22 toward Churchville. Go to Rt#ls6, turn right, Go to Aldino Road. From Harve DeGrace Bridge (west side), turn right on Rt#lss (cross US 95) Go to Rt#ls6, turn left at Gas Station, follow to Aldino Road. Due to failing health, I have decided to sell my complete lifetime collection of Gas Engines, Steam Engine, Tractor, Shop Tools, Old Guns, Household Collectibles, Etc. STEAM ENGINE (To Be Offered at 12 Noon) PORT HURON Steam Engine 32-90. Wolf Compound. Serial #5525, Built approx. 1904; Has new plumbing, excellent wheels. Plow/Road Engine (Catalog#l3); One set of Original Decals for Port Huron; (On the above item the seller reserves the right to accept or reject any bid) TRACTOR & TILLER F-12 Tractor Flat Head, Complete, Waukesha Motor, Serial #FL6D-303208; 5-HP Rotary Tiller. 15-HP AC Thomas-Braford, Pa-2 cycle-complete-Dismantled & Primed, Lawn Mower Engine Rad. Cooled w Mag., LB Inti., Cushman 4-cycle, Fairmont 2-cycle, 6-HP Bull Dog, McCormick-Deering, Schramm-Double Air Compressor-Engine Type-made in West Chester, Wittie Engine, Fairbanks-Morse Z type, Cushman 2-cycle, 13/4-HP Sattley, 7-HP Fuller & Johnson, Old Motor 5-HP & New Coil & Battery Box. SHOP TOOLS Drill Press, Mortise & Tennis drill, Leather Sewing Machine, Small Wall Drill Press, Original Ford Wrenches & Taps, Fordson Screw Driver, Wood Pulley, Complete collection of old hamdmade tools, Wood Bit w. T-handle, Vert. Air Compr., 2” Flu Roller, Upright Air Compr., Sandblaster with Assc., Lead pot w/laddle, Pipe wrenches, 12-ton Jack, 3/4” Socket Set, Winches-V-i” & 3/8” cables, Lg Wheel puller, Bolt cutters, Chains & Bin ders, Cable cutter, Railroad Jacks, Sledge-Hammer & Wedge, Cham Come-Along, Drill Press, Champion Blower, 225 AMP Welder with assc., Set of Box & Open wrenches. Pipe wrenches, Welding Table, Elec. Chain Saw, C-Clamps, 1” Pipe taps & dies, Complete Air Tool Set, lot of pipes & fittings, Bits for 3/4” shaft, Wilton Bench Vise, Bench Grinder, Tool Cabinets w/Drawers, Disc Sanders, % Drills, Drills, 7V«” Saws, Pipe Reemer, 3/8” Hammer Drill, Masonary Bits, Pipe Cutter, 3/4” Drill, Ton Chain Hoist, Set Torch Gauges w/75-ft hose, 8-amp Battery Charger, Metric Socket Set, Airhose, Sears 4HP Elec. Air Comp., Paint Sprayer, & Two Gas Chain Saws. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & FURNITURE Pine Chest, Desk & Straight chair, Book Shelf, Wooden Cabinet, Wiskey Cabinet, Two Mantle Clocks, Glass Coffee Table, Light made from Russian Machine Gun wheel, Potrtype stove igniter, Repr. Ben Franklin Stove, Cast-iron Tea Kettle, Ironstone Crock, Brass Lamp, Three Elec Sewing Machines, Complete unit BMM Camera, Projecter, Screen, Spicer & Editor, Oak Cabinet, Old chairs, Set of Japanese Dishes, 4-pc Livingroom Suite, Closet w/Shelves, Wooden Bed, Nightstand, Pole lamp, Rocker, Desk Chair, Chair, Bureau, Library Table, Floor Lamp, Doll Baby Hi- Chair, Oak Stand, Coffee Table, Coo Coo Clock, Copper Kettle & Stand, & House Fan. Army Medals & Artifacts, Silver German dagger, German Helmets, 800 Rounds Assorted Ammo, Bayonets, Knives, Gun Salesman’s Sample Case for shells, Guns, Rifles, Pistols 1914 Custom Musket, 300-Mag Windchester, 12-G Trap gun, 22-G Lever Action, French Carbean, Combination gun & rifle, Italian Army gun, Japanese Army gun, Sears 410 bolt action, 12-G Wall Guns, 20-G Eastern Arms, Foreign Army knife, Army Pick, Gas Masks, Power Scales, Gas Pistol, French Flit-lock Pistol, German Calvery Pistol, Gun Cases, & 12-G Loader. Children Books, Fisher-Price Wooden Toys, Lg. Hunting Suit, Cross-cut Saws, Grain Cradle, Buck Saws, Sausage Stuffer/Lard Press, Bread Grinder, Butter Chum, Hand sausage stuffer, Railroad Switch lock, Ice tongs, Apple Pealer, Cherry Seeder, Carriage Light, Fishing Rods, Peas & Bean Scales, Railroad Lantern, Tin Can Sealer, Milk cans, Old Radio, Reference Books for Engine Collection Hobby, Iron Man Magazine Collection 1973-84, Duck Decoys, German Mugs, German Beer Keg, Old Fruit Jars, Stone Jug, Reprint of Lincoln Death, Meat Grinder on stand w/Pulley, Pitcher Pump, Wooden Beer Keg, Suitcase, Cabbage Cutter, Stereo & 2 speakers, Kitchenware, Canning jars, Two sets H.O. trains & tables, Mini Covered Wagon, cast-iron hog trough, Dinner bell, 10” Tredle Wood Saw, Hand Cultivator, Wheel Barrel!, Anvil Block, Inti Burr Mill, Black Smith Vise, Lot Oil & Greese cups, Hay fork & track & head com plete, Single com shelter, Belt-type upright fan for Forge, 10” Pappac Hammer Mill, lot of belting, Firestone outboard motor, Two Med. Wall drill press, Railroad spike hammer, Pump jack, Lot of brass valves, Wheel Barrell, Two Railroad signs with reflectors, Log tongs, lg. vert, saw blade, lot of chain, tool cart, Pony saddle, Lot garden tools, Old Gas Station sign, Clay pigeon machine, Nearly new Weed Eater, Hayfork, Lot of fire wood, many other things too numerous to mention. Auctioneer’s Note: All items in collections are in excellent condition. Will have to be seen to be appreciated! TERMS: Cash or Good Cks. Register Early lor Buyers’ No. Sales Manager; Col. Ross Rhodes Church Hill, Md. 301-556-6261 Auctioneer; Norman Hunter SIGNS POSTED GAS ENGINES OLD GUN COLLECTION MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Lunch Served WED JUNE 20 10 AM Public Auction Bankrupt cy Sale of Farm Equip ment Located on Little Elk Creek Road, take Rt Owner: RAYMOND OH Aberdeen. Md. 301-734-7798 472 South in Oxford, take Service, Inc on the left on Little Elk Creek corners of Rt 38 and 388, Road to farm Watch for £) e^ ar h, *Y? direction signs Auction Goodrich Auction Service, by order of Frederick L Inc , Auctioneers Reigle Estq .trustee m THURS JUNE 21 Mon bankruptcy EM Murry thly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Associates, Auctioneers lnc Maryland Farm, WED JUNE 20 6PM Woodsboro MD, Vi mile Tractor and Machinery ' North West of Woodsboro Auction To be held in the on Rt 550 in Frederick yard at Goodrich Auction Co r^uSwNoiSe^ $ EVE. PUBLIC $ AUCTION { APPROX. 40,000 INDIAN RELIC’S, } IMPLEMENTS, ARROWHEADS ETC. 5 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,1984 y Sale Time 4 P.M. w Preview 2 to 4 P.M. y Indoors at the Carnival Grounds just off to Rt. 73 bet. Reading & Boyertown in Oley y Berks Co. PA. to Indian History by Brunners, lodge badges, A Indian mill, anything one can imagine in J stones, arrowheads & whatever else a person Y could find in a lifetime of Indian relic hunting. y This is a top quality collection about 75% local, tf If you are a collector of Indian articles be sure y to attend this very large fine sale, to Terms-CASH or guaranteed funds. Auct. to David S. Allgyer J #AU-000009-L / R.DJ2, Oley, Pa. \ App. Shirley I. Moyer f Refreshments PUBLIC SALE OF MOBILE HOME AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1984 12 NOON Located along Laurel Hill Road and Bridge, IVz miles East of Rt. 625 south of Bowmansville in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. 2 ACRE LOT on which is erected a 2 car garage with shop area and 12x60 NASHUA MOBILE HOME with 10x24 additional room, good well and sewer system. This is a partially wooded lot with some started fruit trees. Lovely location. WINGET NO. 42 DIESEL GARDEN TRACTOR with wheel weights and attachments, has 3 point hookup and hydraulic lift; David Bradley 7 H.P. Riding Mower, gang mowers; Un finished Steel Frame; 2 Wheel Trailer could be suitable for snowmobiles or motorcycles; 5 H.P. Go-Cart; Rubber Tired Wheelbarrow; 2 Storage Sheds, 1 metal, 1 wooden; Screened Enclosed Room; 3 H.P. Sickle Mower; 225 amp Lincoln Welder; Rakes, Fork, Shovel; lot of 4 ft. Chain Pieces; Pile Scrap Metal; Auto Vacuum; lot of Nails; Aluminum Jalousie Windows. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Automatic Washer and Dryer in good con dition; Elec. Kitchen Range; Gas Range; Hotpoint Freezer-Refrigerator Combination; Whirlpool Chest Freezer; Homesteader Air Tight Wood and Coal Heater; Breakfast Set and 4 Chairs; Fireplace Ring; Wooden Bench; Floor and Table Lamp; Single Bed, Box Spring and Mattress; Upholstered Chair & Rocker; Record Cabinet; 2 Refinished Dresser Stand with Drawer; 2 Royal Typewriters; Kitchen Utensils; Weight Lifting Bench and Weights; Small Chest of Drawers; Child’s Upholstered Rocker; Hand Blown Blue Pitcher and Glass Set; Sunbeam Kerosene Heater; Table and Tool Shelves; Wood Chunk Stove; Metal Office Desk; Motorcycle Helmet; Camp Stove; Lawn Chairs; 3 pc. Wooden Lawn Chair Set; Picnic Table; Swing Set. Sale of Real Estate 2 P.M. For appointment to inspect property call 445-6064. Not responsible for accidents if any should occur Terms By ENOS S. WEAVER and DOROTHY M. WEAVER Auctioneer Leßoy S. Horst, License AU-000-436-L Refreshments will be served BANKRUPTCY AUCTION TUESDAY EVE., JUNE 19,1984 At 6:00 P.M. Located at Bommies Halfway Tavern. Between Lebanon and Myerstown along Rt. 422. RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE North Lebanon Township License # R 12356 will be sold subject to approval of Pa. Liquor Control Board and approval of Bankruptcy Court U.S. Middle District. DEPOSIT of $3,000.00 required at time of Auction, in cash, certified or cashiers check. Balance due upon approval of applicant and acceptance of Court. For information contract Trustee: Leon Haller 717-234-4178. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 4 Ft. & 6 Ft. Bottle Coolers, 3 & 4 Bosh Stainless Steel Sinks, TEC MA-136 Electronic Cash register, Fngidaire Ice Maker, Hotpoint Electric Grill, Deep Fryer, 24 Chairs, 10 Tables, 20 Bar Stools, Glasses, Small Refrigerator, Pitchers, Signs, Electric Stove, Kenmore Washer, Other Items!! MOBILE HOME 1973 Deßose 12x60 Mobile Home. Must be Removed. Property of RALPH H. & KATHRYN M. BOMBERGER Case #l-83-00759 Leon P. Haller, Trustee K? KERRY PAE AUCTIONEERS 327 N. Front Street Harrisburg. PA 17101 (717)236-3752 LIC. NO. AU1367 PUBLIC BANKRUPTCY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,1984 10:00 A.M Located on Little Elk Creek Road, take Rt. 472 South in Oxford, take left on Little Elk Creek Road to farm. Watch for direction signs. Consists of John Deere mdl. 4240 diesel tractor with cab, John Deere 3020 diesel also loader to fit, John Deere 5 bottom plow, John Deere 490 corn planter “rough”, John Deere portable disc, John Deere scraper blade, New Holland 479 haybine, New Holland 56 side rake, New Holland elevator, hay wagons, Gehl 920 forage wagon, Badger forage wagon, Gehl 99 Ensilage blower, New Holland 770 harvester narrow head 2 row with pick up head, Ford rotary mower, home made tank spreader, New Idea manure spreader, Badger barn cleaner, plywood calf pen, John Deere grain drill “rough”, flat wagon, feed carts, also small lot of misc. items. Real Estate consists of 68 acre farm M/L in Nottingham Twp. Chester Co. with gentle rolling farm land, arch bank bam, suitable for dairy use, Ig. farm house, open equipment shed. Real Estate to be sold at 10:00 A.M. equip ment to be sold following the Real Estate. NOTE: Real Estate subject to prior sale. Auction by order of FREDERICK LREIGLE ESQ. Trustee in Bankruptcy RE: David Glenn Kauffman Donna P. Kauffman Donna P. Kauffman H/W case #B4-00954 (£ ;A( .jSiLiluJljjodakj 287 Lime Rock Road Lititz. PA 17543 Elmer Murry 626 5244 626 2636 Richard Murry 626 8175 949 2280 Ken Miller 665 2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953