I Public Auction Register PUBLIC SALE OF AUTO REPAIR EQUIP. TOOLS - HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES and COINS Farmersville SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1984 At 9:30 A.M. (Tools to be sold first) - Coins & Deeds at 3 P.M Located along South Farmersville Road (between Farmersville & Bareville) West Earl Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. Directions - Rt. 222 to Rt. 772 turn left at restaurant continue 4 miles to Far mersville. Oak Bowed Front China Closet; 3 pc. Oak Bedroom Suite (Wash Stand), Box Spring and Mattress; Oak Dressers; 2 Pine Blanket Chests; 3 Beds; Oak Library Table; Set of Spindle Back Chairs; Wooden Rockers; Wash Stand; Sideboard; Sq. Extension Table & Boards; Waterfall Wardrobe; Oak Parlor Table; Cane Rocker & Chair; Clothes Trees; Wooden Drying Rack; maple Set; “G.E.” & “Fngidaire” Refrigerators; Maytag Wringer Washer; Porch Swing; Franklin Wood Stove; Mantel Clock; Singer Sewing Machine; Trunk; Roll-a-way Bed; Iron Crib; Bassinette; Record Player; Coal Heatrola; New Perfection Kerosene Heater; Aluminum Porch Furniture. LINENS: Quilts; Blankets; Comforts; Fancy Work; Shawls; Lace Table Cloths; Feather Pillows; Sewing Items; Rug Material; Dolls; Antique Doll Cradle; Tin Toy; Iron Bank; Lionel Electric Train (Rio Grande); Crocket Set. BOOKS - 1848 GROFF DEED (West Earl Township) 2 -1855 & 1859,1865 Groff Deeds. China & Glassware Pitcher & Bowl Toilet Set; Water Sets; Ironstone China; 2 Water Sets; Pressed & Pattern Glass; Serving Dishes; Relish Dishes; Glass Baskets; Pitchers; Cake Plates; Compotes: Horseshoe Tumblers; Carnival (Rose) Bowl; Vase; Candy Dish; Fruit & Flower Serving Dishes; Chicken-on-Nest; China Berry Set; Salts; Milk Glass; Set of Dishes (service for 14); Depression Glass; Flow Blue Bowls & Plates; Goofus Glass; Candy Boot; Ruby Souvenir Creamer; Dated canning Jars; crocks; Earthen Mixing Bowls; Copper Wash Boiler; Slaw Boards; Meat Saw; Cigar Boxes; Flat Irons; Canning Jars; Wooden Advertising Box; Baskets; Apple Peeler; Pictures & Frames; Tupperware; Roast Pans; Pots & Pans; Misc. Small Kitchen Appliances; Ice Cream Freezer. COINS: 6 Silver Dollars 1879,1883,1887,1889, 1922,1923 ; 5 Silver Half Dollars - Part Silver; 3 Silver Quarters; Buffalo & V Nickles; In dianhead Pennies; 3 California Gold Coins 1852, 1855,1857. 1973 Chevrolet Pick-up Truck (Good Condition) TOOLS - MASSEY HARRIS 44-6 TRACTOR; CUMMINS DRILL PRESS; MURPHY ENGINE CRANE; Mechanic’s Tool Chest (Upper & Lower Cabinets); Wrenches; Vz Drill; Jig Saw; Hand Tools; Electric impact Wrench; Chain Breaker; Drill Bits & Shar pener; Brake Bleeder; moister Trap; Paint Gun; Portable Air Tank; 4 Engine Blocks (Chevy., Dodge, Fiat); 1970 I.H. 392 Engine; ’69 Ford Auto Transmission; Transmission Jack; Ridgid (Versatapper); Auto Creepers; Vise; Tool Cupboard; Misc. Auto Repair Tools; Roof Rack; Grinder Stand; Grease Gun; Solder Gun; Reamer Set; Ace Portable Heater; Micrometers; J.D. Disc Harrow; Perry Harrow; Trailer; Push Mowers; Hay Rack; Adz; Misc. Carpenter Tools; Mitre Saw; Nails; Bag Wagon; Open Tank; Garden Tractor Wheels; Disc & Cultivator; Stone Fork. Chicken Equip.; Scythe & Sickle; Wood Wedges; Buck Saw; Iron Troughs; Wash Bowls & Fountains; Tobacco Shears & Sizing Boxes; MOTO GUZZI MOPED; Pick-up Capper; Axles; Tire Studding Machine; Snow Fence; Used Lumber; Doors & Windows Sash; Wooden Beams; Aluminum & Wood Ladders; 10 House Radiators; New & Used Tires; Wheels; New & Used Auto Parts; File Cabinet & Safe; Cash Register; Chilton Auto & Motor Manuals (1957 to 1983); Vacuum & Wiring Diagrams and many other items to be sold! Terms J. MARTIN GROFF & MARY EDNA GROFF T. Glenn Horst, Auct. AUOOO43BL Timothy G. Horst, Auct. AU001767L 738-1245 SAT JUNE 16 -10 AM tors, Etc Located at Public Auction of 60 Old Calvert, 18 miles N of Engines, Antiques Trac Williamsport Auction SI PUBLIC m*- AUCTION MODERN FARM MACHINERY, 51 HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE, 2 BULK TANKS, GUTTER CLEANER, ETC. Due to health reasons located on farm 12 miles NE of Bloomsburg, Pa. 4 miles E of Millville along Rt. 254. (Col. Co.) WEDNESDAY EVE. JUNE 20 starting 7:30 P.M. w/large machinery. 3 JD diesel tractors: 4430 wfe w/cab, syncro shift, AC, 20.8-38 rubber, fully loaded; 4040 wfe powershift, 18.4-38” rubber w/JD 158 loader sells 3 ways; JD 3010-syncro shift; NI 704 G self-propelled Uni-combine w/cab, 4 row & 13’ heads-only 900 hrs; 70 Peterbilt CO tractor truck, 318 Det, 13 spd RR; 74 Fruehauf 32’ tandem alum, dump trailer-road ready; 67 IH 180010’ dump truck - 30,000 GVW, good; JD 2350 6-16” onland hitch plows; JD 700 grinder mixer; JD 1209 haybine; JD 640 rake w/rubber teeth; JD 336 pto baler; Moridge 275 pto batch dryer w/augers; JD 38 & Fox harvesters; JD 16A chopper; 2 JD 12’ harrows; JD 335 pickup mount FG tank sprayer-40’ booms, Bhp gas pump; Ontario 14-8 hoe drill on rubber; Lamco 16’ SU wagon w/roof; Lamco 16’ green feed wagon; NI 214 M spreader - new apron; Gehl blower; 1000 gal fuel tank; JD 2 row cultivators for B; 2 Girton 500 gal. bulk tanks w/com pressors, D-2 Deluxe, D-4 Diplomat; Clay gutter cleaner w/286’ Starline reversable chain-2 yrs. old; 51-HI-GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE-51 Herd consists of 36 milking age, over half Ist, 2nd, 3rd calf; 8 due July, Aug. balance various stages. Herd presently averaging 42 lbs. 3.7- 3.8% test. 7 bred heifers, 4 yearling heifers, 3 heifer calves. 1 service age bull. Basically a young herd w/good udders, health charts, preg. checked. Auct. Note; Be on time no small items. Owners, RONALD &LESTA KILE Conducted by Fraley Auction Co. (717) 546-6907 AUOOII94L PUBLIC AUCTION Carrie Spangler Estate WOODED REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1984 On the premises, along Sunnyside Road at corner of Woodcock Road, near Clyde Martin Memorial Speedway. Real Estate consists of a tract of land ap prox. 10 acres mostly wooded, some mature trees, 4 room bungalow type dwelling. Well on premises, also small shop. For more in formation & inspection of Real Estate Call 626- 8414 or 949-2369 for appointment. Round ext. table w/3 boards, drop leaf table w/drawer, old sideboard, 4 half spindle plank bottom chairs, bookcase w/sliding glass doors, old high back cupboard, oak chest of drawers, blanket chest, dresser base, small B.W. T.V., sofa, 3 metal wardrobes, double metal beds, Rayo & other kerosene lamps, including small Cresolene, leather & other old picture post cards (some movable), small appliances, washbowl & pitcher, early tin baby nurser, 7 pc. orange Carnival beverage set, picture of Cock fight, Lebanon slaw cutter, nice old china teapot, other asst. China & glassware, large decorated milk white egg, asst, shakers, old violin, buttons, political badges, Big Ben alarm clock, Easy Spin Dry washer, elect, dryer, crocks, jugs, demijons, asst, hand tools, wooden plane, shoe maker outfit, alum, step ladder, rolls of roofing, butcher knives, kerosene space heater, G.E. canister sweeper, old pictures, old feedbag (Kalbach, Richland), other items not mentioned. Sale Time 9 A.M. Real Estate 12 Noon RICHARD W. SPANGLER (Executor) Aucts. Weik & Weik AU-000988-L Clerks Hoover & Agurcak Attorney - Steiner & Sandoe Lunch Available arrows otf Trout Run, Bodines Rt 14 hwy Dave Albert Estate David L C Albert, Jane Gregg & Lillian M Fitch, Ex ecutors Fraley Auction Co , Auctioneers SAT JUNE 16 11 AM Public Auction of Dairy Herd and Machinery Located at Lake Wmola, PA, Wyoming Co On Jemyn Hill Rd , 1 mile from Rt 307 at Lake Wmola, 4 miles East of Rt 92 at Ousterhout, 9 miles southeast of Rt 6 at Tunkhannock to Rt 307 Robert & Barbara Matylewicy, Owners Wayne Weaver Auc tioneer MON JUNE 18 11 AM Public Auction of farm machinery, trucks, and misc equipment Located at Harry Rudmck and Sons, Inc, Galena, PUBLIC AUCTION WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1984 At 11:00 A.M. West of the Village of MALTA; 2 miles South of Dalmatia in Lower Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County, Pa.; 6 miles North of Millersburg; 18 miles South of Sunbury; mile off Rt. 147 along Mahantongo Creek Road (watch for auction sign the day of sale) FARM EQUIPMENT Int. 766 Diesel Tractor; Int. 656 Gas Tractor; 510 Int. 5x16 Plow; Brillion 12’ Harrow; Case 10’ Transport-type Disk; Int. 990 Haybine; Int. 435 Baler w/No. 15 Thrower; Gehl 700 Forage Harvester w/2-Row Com & Grass Pickup; New Holland & Gehl Self-unloading Wagons; (2) Flat Bed Wagons w/Hay Sides; Huskee 165 Gravity Flow Wagon; Int. Fast Hitch; 7’ Sickle Mower; Ferguson 3-Pt. Side Delivery Rake; Ford 3-Pt. 2-Row Planter; Int. 234 2-Row Mounted Corn Picker; Int. 550 Manure Spreader w/End Gate; Weed Sprayer w/200 Gal. Tank; N.H. 38’ Elevator; 3-Pt. Scraper Blade; Model 500 VG Mojonnier Milk Tank; approximately 100 Tons Silage. NOTE: Be Prompt! No Small Items. Sale ordered by: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION (717)425-3313 Mike, Auctioneer AU-001599-L George, Realtor & Auctioneer AU-000209-L DEIBER PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACH. HOG EQUIP. HOUSEHOLD FORMER BRUNNER FARM SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1984 9 A.M. On route 663 between Spinnerstown & Pennsburg turn north onto Geryville Pike for Vi mi. JD 50 tractor, Int. 460 wide front end w/loader, JD 45 hay baler, side rake (like new) NI manure spreader, AC round baler, NH harvester green chop, 8’ off set disc, 4 sect, harrow, JD 2R corn planter, 2 & 3 B. plows, 3 grain wagons, auger grain wagon, RT wagon, 2 wheel trailer, 36’-6” augers w/5 H.P., 2-6”-18” augers, scale auger, 2-4 T. feed bins, 5000 bu. grain bin, bale elev., buck saw for tractor. HOG EQUIP. Self feeders, farrowing crates, port scale, preg. tester, nurser, elec. & gas heat lamps, panel wire, piglet carts, pans, gas heat burners, gas hot water heater, 5 truck bodies, 25-3 Way cross bred sows some due by sale day, 1 Yorkshire 1 Spot boars, 6 milk goats, 1 Billy, goat stands, calf crates, cattle gates, wire, horse feeders, RT wheelbarrows, AC B 1 42” ride mower, port air comp., Delta jig saw, 60” wood lathe, elec, cement mixer, lumber, nails, fans, poultry equip. & lot misc. items, 1970 Chev. pickup, 600 egg incubator. HOUSEHOLD; Decor, settee, Marbletop dresser, cupboard, chests, refrs. like new, gas range, table, chairs, sofa, occ. chair, single bed, Reacliin S.S. refr. (w/comp. like new), Toledo elec, scale, cookware, dishes, jars, quilts, quilt tops, material, other items. GOATS & HOUSEHOLD 12 NOON TRUCK & HOGS 1 P.M. Conditions-Cash or good check WALTER & MARY LICHTENWALNER 679-7852 James W. Mohr AU 000627 L Harold Billmeyer Aucts. Refreshments Haycock Fire Co. This ad will only appear once Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984—D33 Maryland harm equip ment consigned by Ed Anderson Harry Rudmck and Sons, Inc, Auc tioneers MON JUNE 18 10 AM Public Auction of Dairy Herd, Milk Tank, Milking Equipment & Farm Machinery Located near Alpha, NJ, Rt 519 in Warren Co, NJ 5 miles southeast of Easton, PA Mr & Mrs John Gercie, Owners Arthur Hanna, Auctioneer TUES JUNE 19 - 10 AM Public Auction of the Ter mmated Nuclear Project Located in Forked River, NJ at the Forked River Construction Site on Rt 9,1 Vz miles south of Fork ed River Vilsmeier Auc tion Co , Auctioneers TUES JUNE 19 4PM Farmersville Auction in Farmersville, 3 mi East ot Brownstown, Lancaster County, Pa John J Rutt, Auctioneers TUES JUNE 19 6 PM Bankruptcy Auction of restaurant liquor license restaurant equipment and mobile home Located at Bommies Halfway Tavern Between Lebanon and Myerstown along Rt 422 Ralph H and Kathryn M Bomberger, Owners Kerry Pae, Auctioneers TUES JUNE 19 - 7 30 PM Public Auction of Farm Machinery and Dairy Equipment Located from Rt 17 in Corning, take Rt 225 to redlight in South Corning Rear left on Co Rd 44 (River Road) Con tmue to Brown Hollow Rd turning right Go 19 miles and bear right at fork, Ist farm Mr & Mrs Richard Lightfoot, Owners Pir rung Auctioneers, Inc TUES JUNE 19 3PM Public Auction of Household Goods Located R D 2 Catawissa, off Rt 42 south of Catawissa, Past Abrac zmskas Farm Equipment to Numedia Rd Raymond Strausser Estate Joye Garrison, Executrix John Autotore & John Jr Auc tioneers WED JUNE 20 5 PM Public Auction of a Com plete Closeout Collection of Antiques and Collec tibles including over 100 miniature wagons, miniature horses, over 100 old brass and copper tools, household goods, china, glassware, agate and tinware Located at Martins Sales pavilion, 2 miles east of Intercourse, PA on the corner of Rt 340 and New Holland Rd Paul Z Martin, Sr, Owner 3 Martin Sons and 2 Spencer’s, Auctioneers WED JUNE 20 9AM Public Auction of the Ter mmated Nuclear Project Located in Forked River, NJ at the Forked River Construction Site on Rt 9, 11/?I 1 /? miles south of Fork ed River Vilsmeier Auc tion Co , Auctioneers WED JUNE 20 - 4 PM Outstanding Public Auc tion of approx 40 000 Indian relic’s, im plements, arrow heads, etc Indoors at the Car nival Grounds just oft Rt 73 between Reading and Boyertown in Oley Berks Co , PA David S Allgyer, Auctioneer Shirley I Moyer, App