Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday SOO P M of each week s publication SAT JUNE 16 - 11 AM Public Auction of Real Estate Located in Somerset Co , NJ, 8 miles from Princeton Gnggstown Farms. Owners Max E Spann, Inc , Auctioneers SAT JUNE 16 9 AM Public Auction of a Far mall 200 Tractor, Farm Machinery, Tex Tan Western Saddle, Craft sman 10" Radial Arm Saw, Magna 6" Belt Sander. UMC League Shuffle Alley, Blind Front 2 Door Corner Cupboard, Etc Located indoors at the Carnival Grounds just off Rt 73 between Reading & Boyertown in Oley, Berks Co , PA David S Allgyer, Auctioneer SAT JUNE 16 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Lawn Mowers, Tools, Posts, Etc Located in Oxford, PA Mr Millard G McDowwell, Jr, Owner Hunter's Sale Barn, Inc, Auctioneers SAT JUNE 16 10 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Antiques & Household Goods Located at 203 E Third Ave , Lititz, PA Cora Ritz, Owner T Glenn & Timothy Horst, Auc tioneers SAT JUNE 16 - 10 AM Public Auction of 60 Old Engines, Primitives, Anti ques, Etc Located at warehouse, 18 miles N of Williamsport, PA at Calvert David F Albert, Owner Fraley Auction Co , Auctioneer SAT JUNE 16 10 AM Public Auction of real estate, household goods, tools and antiques Located along Route 272 2 miles north of Ephrata, next to Hess Foods, East Cocalico Township, Lan caster County, PA Edna N Nolt, Owner Paul E Martin and John D Stauffer, Auctioneers SAT JUNE 16 9 AM Public Auction of Household Goods, Anti ques, Store Items, Tool, Lawn, Garden & Misc Items Located at ESTATE OF LaROCA FAYE SATURDAY. JUNE 23,1984 REAL ESTATE—ANTIQUES—HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Starting 10:00 A. M.-Real Estate offered 12:00 Noon Loc - 2Vi miles North of Blossburg, Pa. on Rt. 15,7 miles south of Mansfield, Pa. on Rt. 15. ANTIQUES-HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Oak library Table, 4 oak rockers, 1 cherry rocker, 1 maple rocker, Victorian dresser with candle shelves and handkerchief boxes, 2, 5 legged dining room table, oak side board buffet with mirror oak fiddle back chair, wicker rocking chair, side by side secretary with bow glass side, secretary, < cane bottom chairs, birds eye maple dresser with mirror, birds eye maple 1 wash stand, oak mirror, camel back trunk oak 11 drawer working cabinet, yam winder, wicker basket, rag weaven loom, Victrola player with cabinet, old general electric radio, old books, lantern red globe, wooden i clothes dryer, rinse Tub rack, old railroad car, 1900 cenus map of Pa., few I old clothes, plank bottom chairs, living room suite, kitchen cupboard, plant stands, lamps, suite cases, singer treadle sewing machine, old incubator, some hand tools, carpenter tools, 21” lawn boy mower, Rogers silverware service for 12, wheel barrow, one horse plow, Oliver horse drawn mowing machine. Many items to numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE Real Estate consist of 56 acres approx. 20 acres woodland 2 story house, full basement, small bam with cement floor. House consists of kitchen, living room, full bath, pantry, and 3 other rooms that could be made into bedrooms upstairs, 4 bedrooms, walk in attic, forced hot air gas heat, dependable spring water. For more information call (717 ) 324-6781. Watch for future listing. Terms -10% down day of auction balance in 30 days. Estate reserves the right any or all bids. Auctioneer Note: Would make nice farmette or hunting cabin borders state game lands, in Covington Twp., Tioga Co. Auctioneer; Ron Mase RD 1 Box 78 Liberty, Pa. 16930 (717)324-6781 AU-002082-L 'Attorney: Larry Linder Wellesboro, Pa. xv, nvf ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 14 at 10:00 A.M. East side of the Village of LAVELLE, Butler Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. 6 miles N. of I*Bl, Exit 35; 2 miles W. of Ashland. (Watch for auction sign along Main St., Lavelle the day of sale) 28 ACRE FARM 3-BEDROOM DWELLING, BATH, ELECTRIC HEAT, SMALL BARN FOR INSPECTION CALL: (717) 3394)749 TERMS: 10% down the day of sale, further terms and conditions to be announced when real estate is offered at 11:00 A.M. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS including: Whirlpool Continous Clean 30” Harvest Gold Electric Range; G.E. Refrigerator, both nice condition; Wooden Dinette; Zenith B&W TV; Living Room & Bedroom Furniture; etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES including; Seller’s Kitchen Cabinet w/Flour Sifter; Kitchen Coal Stove w/Warming Closet; Early Crosley Console Radio; OAK Rockers, Chairs, Sideboard, Bureaus & Stands; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; (2) Violins; Accordion; Guitar; JOHN DEERE GASOLINE ENGINE; King Grain THRESHER model 576 built by Schaeffer & Merkelson, Fleetwood, Pa. FARM EQUIPMENT including: Dump Rake; Harrow; McCormick Grass Mower; Potato Plow etc. ESTATE OF JUSTINA STEPANCHICK Co-Executors, ROBERTS. SACAVAGE & JOHN STEPANCHICK Esq. Robert L. McLaughlin Auctioneer Mike Deibert, AU-001599-L (717)425-3313 Realtor & Auctioneer George Deibert, AU000209-L Lunch Available DEIBERT AUCTION Lunch Held Under Tent Bring Chairs Wagenselli Store Warehouse along Rt 522 at East End of Middleburg, PA (Snyder Co) Gene Wagenseller, Owner Ken Smith & Gene Goss, Auctioneers SAT JUNE 16 -630 PM Middleburg, PA 5 miles Feeder Pig and Cattle west of Selmsgrove, PA Sale Located Keister’s Don & Walt Keister Middleburg Auction Sales, Owners Ray Long & Dave Inc Rt 522 3 miles east of Imes, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Sale By Order Of Secured Party LUMBER YARD REAL ESTATE, INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT TUES. & WED., JUNE 26 & 27- 10 A.M. EACH DAY ONPREMISES MILLER BROS., INC. 1620 WILLOW ST., LEBANON, PA. DIRECTIONS FROM ROUTE 422 IN LEBANON. PA . TURN NORTH ON 16TH ST (TRAFFIC LITE GOODYEAR/AGWAY CORNER) 1/8 Ml TURN WEST ON WILLOW ST . 1/8 MILE TO SALE SITE REAL ESTATE +5 8 Acres With Welt Planned And Constructed Modern Improvements MAIN BLDG 27 400 Sq Ft Concrete Block Frame Wood Roof Joists Corrug Metal Roof Cement Floor Incl 4000 Sq Ft Mezzanine & 10,940 Sq Ft Air Conditioned Offices A Showroom STORAGE BLDG 7 500 Sq Ft Same Construction With (4) 18 Wide x 14' High Overhead Doors STORAGE SHED 1 704 Sq Ft Same Construction With Stoned Floor Open One Side, CANTILEVER SHED 5 632 Sq Ft Steel Frame Open Sided A Ends, With Concrete Block Corners Concrete A Macadam Floor Improvements A Site Well Maintained A In Excellent Condition Site Improvements In elude Storm Sewer 72 297 Sq Ft Macadam Paving, 1 494 Lin Ft Cham Link A Wood Botton Fence A Gates Yard Lighting Land scaping A Parking In Front For S 8 Cars Rear of Property Adtacent to Railroad Property Ideal For Lumber Yard Warehouse Mfg , And/Or Distribution Facility Transportation And/Or Repair Depot LUMBER, PLYWOOD, HOOFING, PINE 48 000 BF Dimensional Lumber 2'x4 to 12 x 8 to 16* 4'x4xB to 20 20 500 SF Vz' x4'xB’ Sheetrock 12 000 SF 3/8 *x 4xB Sheetrock 15,000 SF 5/8 & 1/2x4x12 14 500 SF Wood & Masonite Paneling 1050 BF 5/4x4 to 12x8' to 16’ Redwood 9 575 BF Ix 4 to 12’x8’to 16'Yellow Pine 15 8758 F 5/4x4’to I2'xB to 16 Yellow Pine 25 000 S F 1/2” to 1 x4xB Owens Corning Foam Board Foil Faced 4800 SF Till 42 000 SF 1/4’ to 3/4’ Plywood Int & Ext 1.600 S F SFS 3/4' Birch Plywood 6,000 S F 7/16' Aspemte 7 000 SF 1/8 & 1/4 Pegboard 4 Hardboard, 4 200 S F 3/8 3/4 ’x4xB Particle Board 25 xR/L Particle Board Shelves 1600 BF Ix 3 Furring Strips 8 500 SF Ceiling Tile & Panels 12 x!2’ & 2 x4' 925 Bdles Owens Corning Fiberglass Roof Shingles 210 Bdles Asphalt Root Shingles 245 Rolls 19 S E Roll Roofing 100 Bdles Red Cedar Shingles Roof Coating & Cement Flashing & Flashing Cement INSULATION, WINDOWS, DOORS, NAILS 400 Rolls Kraft Faced Insulation 428 Batts 24 Insulation 144 Bags Zonolite Attic Insulation Styrofoam Insulation 75 Anderson & Malta Vinyl Clad Preftn Basement & Casement Wood Window Units Andersen Bay Window Peachtree Oble Door Unit Wood Entrance Doors 110 H C Luan Doors 80 Luan & Birch Bifold Doors 6 000 L F Vinyl Mldgs 15 500 L F Wood Mldgs Casing Base Cove Stop Etc 12 500 Lbs Nails Common Finish Roofing Sheetrock Masonry etc Sakrete Sand Mix Black Top Black Top Sealer Joint Compound Wood Dowels Wood Jamb Sets Ceiling Grid 130 Bides Shims PVC Pipe Stockade Fencing & Fence Posts Gutter Downspout Fiberglass Sheets Pine Stair Treads, Poly Wrap TRUCKS, FORKLIFTS, CANTILEVER & PALLET RACKS 1977 Chev 16 C 65 Custom Deluxe Stake Body Truck 1972 Ford 600 14' Stake Body Truck, 1981 Pontiac Grand Pnx 1975 Ford Econolme 100 Van Pettibone 7250 Lb Dual Tire Gas Forklift Clark 3000 Lb Gas Forklift Dewalt 790 12 Radial Arm Saw Pane) Saw 55 Sections H D 14 High Cantilever Pallet Racks 45 Sections H D 14 High Pallet Racks Pallet Jacks Push Carts Hand Trucks 16 Roiling Utility Ladder Fairbanks Scale 12 Alum A Ladders A Extension Ladders THE ABOVE LUMBER A PLYWOOD INVENTORY A FIXTURES A EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD ON TUESDAY. JUNE 26th STARTING AT 10 AM THE FOLLOWING HARDWARE INVENTORY AND OFFICE FURNITURE A EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD ON WED NESDAY. JUNE 27th STARTING AT 10 A M PAINT, GARDEN SUPPLIES, PLUMBING 1200 Gal Enamel Latex Flat 6 Housepamts by Glidden & Olympic in Pts Qts & Gallons 565 Gal Stam Wood Finishes by Olympic & Mmwax in Pts Qts A Gals Sandpaper Sheets S Belts Tape Putty Knives Strippers, Steel Wool Paint Brushes Rollers Trays Buckets Spackle Turpentine Caulk Guns Paint Mixers & Dispensers Garden Tools & Products Wheelbarrows Hose Reels 6 Hangers Lawn Edging Spreaders, Rollers Elec Trimmers & Hedge Clippers Hoes Rakes Spades, Shovels Post Hole Diggers, Edgers Pitch Forks Pruning Shears Sprayers Lawn Food, Fertilizer Weed Control Hose Access Gas Cans Clothesline Electrical Switches Outlets Covers Bxes Lamp Kits. Wall Plates Fuses Batteries Flashlites 12/2 & 14/2 Romex Extension Cords Plumbing Traps Tubes Fittings, Strainers SS Sinks Solder Kits PVC Fittings Bath Accessories, Toilet Outfits Delta Faucets Thresholds Weather stripping Fireplace Equipment Shelving, Shelf Brackets, Stan dards, Supports, Shutters Wood Ladders Spindles Mirror Tile Design Brick Vanities HAND & POWER TOOLS, CARDED HARDWARE Hand 6 Power Tools Hammers, Screwdrivers. Pliers Vise Grips Wrenches Levels. Knives Saws, Snips, Punches. Chisels, Planes Clamps Axes Crow Bars Router Bits. Drill Sets Saw Blades, Circ Saw Blades Brushes Elec Drills Bench Grinders Jig Saws Routers Sanders Circular Saw, Glue Gun BAD Workmate Quantity of Carded & Boxed Hardware A Fasteners Hooks Bolts Screws Hinges Braces Rivets, Pulls Lifts Panel Board Nails, Cabinet Hdwe Locksets, Deadlocks. Bolts Door Latches, Staples A Staple Guns Deck Hdwe . Sliding Door Hdwe Mail Bxs Number Garage Door Opener Socket Sets, Mason Tools Trowels Taping Knives Gutter Guards Gutter Fittings A Access Wallcovering Kits Vinyl Paste Adhesive Cement Glue Floor Jacks OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT Service Desks Counters, 10' Conference Table Executive Wood Desks w/lsiand I Credenza, Leather Arm Chairs Swivel Chairs DP Desks, Dinette Sets, Bookcase Units Couch Coffee Table, Sentry 2‘ Combination Safe Sanyo Memo Scnbers, Calculators. VSP Micro Catalog Systems 2 IBM Typewriters 2 & 4 Dr File Cabinets 6 Fireproof File Cabinets 4 Dr Lateral File Cabinets Costumers Office Supplies Bogen Sound System 120 Sections Gondola Shelving INSPECTION MONDAY, JUNE 25th -9AMTO4PM TERMS CASH OR GUARANTEED FUNDS 25% DEPOSIT REQUIRED SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1984 Starting at 10 A.M. Location - Coal Twp., Pa. off Route 61 South of Shamokin, to Logan & Tioga Streets. (Follow Auction Signs) Filling’s Summer Clearance of the following: app. 10 Fiber Glass 8’ pickup caps (new* seconds); Fiber Glass Van Tops for Dodge 127” wheel base 1978-84, Ford 138” wheel base 1976- 84, Chev. 125” wheel base 1970-84, Fiber Glass CJS Jeep one pc. bodies, Fiber Glass CJS Jeep one pc. front ends, 3 E-Z-GO riding Golf Carts, Fiber Glass Canoes 16’. 5” to 17’, app. 5955 gal. drums, oil burner motor, plumbing, elec. & windows for Recreational Vehicles. Motorol Base Station transmitter w/transformer & mobile unite (range 30 miles), Gestetner Duplicator w/Geste Fax #456 Electronic stencil maker (color change), 14’x30’ 2 room trailer suitable for office, shop or garage. 30’ Mobile trailer, 82 Ford pickup (Auto-6 cylinder), 81 Dodge Van 12 passenger-sleeps 8 (Sharp), 80 Plymouth Voyager Van (Transport Type), 79 Olds Chassie, 79 Olds (Scrap), 78 Chassie complete w/16’ flat bed (54,000), Mini Dodge Home Chassie (78), 76 Dodge 26’ Travel Motor Home w/generator-front end damaged (as is), 76 Olds (Scrap), 76 Olds Toronado Chassie wrecked (good engine). Plus many unlisted items. Terms- Cash or Good Check Seller EARL PILLING Auctioneers - John Autotore AU-000031-L 717-784-3506 John Jr. 717-784-0381 COMPLETE LIQUIDATION ABSOLUTE AUCTION MONDAY, JUNE 25,1984 At 2:00 P.M. PERKINS PANCAKE AND STEAK HOUSE RESTAURANT 902 North Front St, (Rts. 11-15), Wormleysburg. Just North of Harvey Taylor Bridge near State Legion Headquarters, across river from Hbg., PA. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT CMC 6 Ft. Upright Stainless Steel 3 Door Freezer, Manitowoc 600 lb. Ice Cube Machine, Victory Upright S/S Freezer, Garland 36” six Burner Stove/Oven, US Verkel Sheer, 8 Ft. three bosh S/S Sink w/Drain Board Ends, Hobart Dough Mixer w/Attachments, Amana RS-7 Microwave Oven, 48” Golden Chef Sand wich Table Unit, 8 Ft. S/S Work table w/Shelves, Wearever Carbroil Grill, 3 Ft. S/S Freezer on Wheels, GE 2 Drawer Warmer Unit, Hobart Dishwasher Center w/Sprayer, Sinks & Disposal, 6 Ft. S/S Electric Grill & Stand, 2 Four Ft. S/S Electric Grills, 3 Ft. Star S/S Sandwich Unit, Table Top Steam Table, 2 Four Ft. S/S Reach-In Coolers, 2 Electric Deep Fryers, Anets Infra-Red Warmer on Wheels, S/S Plate Warmer on Wheels, 3 Ft. S/S Cart, 3 Ft. S/S Work Table, 16 Ft. Waitress Station Back Bar, 10 Ft. Back Bar, 16 Ft. Counter w/Rack Storage, 12 Ft. Formica Counter, 6 Ft. Salad Bar, 4 Ft. Salad Bar, 17 Booths/Tables, 13 Rectangular Tables, 42 Stacking Chairs, 50 Ft. of Shelving, 3 Toastmaster Toasters, 2 Bus Boy Carts, Mhk Shake Machine, Bunn Coffee Maker, 2 GE Freezers, 3 Wells Waffle Makers, Candy Stove w/2 Kettles, Star 4 Ft. Refrigerated Pie Case, S/S Shelves, Silver King Milk Dispenser, Cigarette Machine, NCR Cash Register, Display Counter, 4x6 Sign w/Letters, Asst. Utensils, S/S Pots, Pans, Booster Chairs, Time Clock, Restaurant China, Salad Bowls, Plasticware, Sugar Racks, Hostess Sign, Fire Extinguishers, Office Desk, 4 Drawer File Cabinet, Coat Rack, Highchairs and Other Related Equipt. NOTE: Items can be seen day of Auction only, from 9:00 A.M. until sale time. No out of State Checks. Complete removal must be by Friday, June 29,1984 at NOON. GEORGE FRADISHKA Owner ■ KERRY PAE AUCTIONEERS 327 N. Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 ■ (717)236-3752 " Lie. No. AU1367
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