Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 15

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    Livestock market and auction news
Woctminqfpr Westminster, Md. BUTCHER COWS: Steady
w esumiiaici Tuesday, June 12 prices. High Yield 45.00-47.75;
LiV6SIOCK AllCtlOn Report supplied by auction Standard & Utility 41.00-45.00;
Contact us at Hershey Equipment Co.
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Finishing Nursery
Systems Systems
are designed using top include pig rearing cages
quality penning or penning equipment,
and feeders.
McAdam Ditk/Harrows
Super strength construction, capable of excellent
tillage under various soil conditions. Unique bearing
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3-point hitch
Performance designed to give the fine seed bed
preparation desired by the demanding grower. The
operator can till close to obstructions or crops without
danger of catching and injuring vines, trees or bushes
or damaging your harrow. Pull-type or 3-point hitch
models are available with 2 to 4 section sizes from
5' 4” to 17’ widths.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984—A15
Canners 38.00-41.00; Shelly 30.00-
38.00. Bulls- Few Good 1000-1400 lb.
50.00-51.00. Steers- Good run. High
Choice & Prime 63.75-66.00; Low
Choice 59.00- 63.00; Good 55.00-
60.00. Heifers- Choice 57.50-59.50;
Good 53.00-57.00.
BUTCHER HOGS: $l.OO higher.
US #l&3 215-245 lb. 49.75-50.00.
Sows- 400-550 lb. 40.00-44.00. Boars-
One3solb. at 34.50.
VEAL CALVES: $5.00 to $B.OO
lower. No Choice offered; Good
140-190 lb. 60.00-67.00; Killers 80-100
lb. 52.00-62.00; Weak & Rough 45.00
FARM; $lO.OO under last week.
Holstein Heifers 95-120 lb. 65.00-
75.00; Holstein Bulls 95-135 lb.
LAMBS: 75 head. Choice 40-115
lb. 54.00-60.00; Good 45-90 lb. 45.00-
50.00; Few Lambs 125-133 lb. 50.00-
56.00; Sheep 14.00-18.00.
STOCK CATTLE: Lighter run.
Steers- 300400 lb. 51.00-61.00; 900-
1000 lb. 54.00-58.00. Heifers- 300-750
lb. 38.00-46.00. Bulls- 300400 lb.
PIGS AND SHOATS: 140 head.
$3.00 to $5.00 lower. By the Head
-15-30 lb. 23.00-26.00; 30-50 lb. 25.00-
34.00; 50-70 lb. 33.00-35.00. By the
Lb. St. Boars 175-290 lb. 32.00-38.50.
HAY SALE: 3 loads. New Alfalfa
103.00 per ton; Orch. Grass &
Timothy 77.00 per ton; Fence Posts
2.10 each.
Leesport Livestock
Leesport, Pa.
Wednesday, June 13,1984
Report Supplied by PDA
CATTLE 272. Compared with
last Wednesday’s market,
slaughter steers 1.00-2.50 higher.
Slaughter cows steady to 1.00
higher. Choice Yield Grade 2-4 900-
1350 lbs. slaughter steers 62.75-
66.00, few Choice Holsteins 56.50-
59.00, Good 58.25-62.25; Holsteins
52.50-55.25. Few Good slaughter
heifers 52.75-59.00, few Standard
50-52.00. Breaking Utility &
Commercial slaughter cows 43.75-
47.10, Couple 47.85, Cutter &
Boning Utility 42.50-45.10, Canner
& Low Cutter 39.75-43.00, Shells
down to 35.00. Individual Choice
slaughter bullock at 61.75. Yield
Grade #1 985-2085 lbs. slaughter
bulls 49.50-60.50.
Medium Frame #1 310-755 lbs.
feeder steers 50.50-62.00, one lot
Large Frame §2 360 lbs. at 49.75;
few Medium Frame #1 700-610 lbs.
feeder bulls 50.25-55.25.
CALVES 163. Few Choice
Vealers 70-80.00, few Good 60-69.00,
Standard & Good 70-105 lbs. 48-
60.00, Utility 60-80 lbs. 35-45.00.
FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls
90-130 lbs. 60-81.00.
HOGS 304. Barrows & gilts about
steady. US No. 1-2 215-250 lbs.
barrows & gilts 52.75-53.85, No. 1-3
205-260 lbs. 50.50-52.75, one lot No.
1-3150 lbs. at 43.25. Sows: US No. 1-
3 315-580 lbs. sows 40.25-44.00, few
Medium 240-380 lbs. 38-41.00. Boars
FEEDER PIGS 324. US No. 1-3
20-38 lbs. feeder pigs 71-100.00 per
hundredweight, No. 1-3 40-62 lbs.
58-66.00 per hundredweight.
SHEEP 33. Choice 30-80 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs 5565.00,
Good 45-80 lbs. 4567.00. Few
slaughter ewes 15-20.00. Goats 24:
Large 2543.00. Kids 12-24.00 per
CATTLE: Friday through
Wednesday’s salable receipts 1600;
5 days last week 1548; same period
a year ago 2932. Trading moderate
for the week. Slaughter steers
ended the week 1.50-2.50 higher
compared with Wednesday of last
week. Slaughter heifers ended the
week 1.00-2.00 higher.
few prime 3-41200-1450# 64.50-65.00,
load 65.50 Monday; 65.00-65.50,
load 66.50 Wednesday. Choice 2-4
1000-1400# 62.50-64.50 Monday;
63.0065.25 Wednesday. Mixed good
and choice 2-3 9501200# 61.5062.50
Monday; 61.5063.00 Wednesday.
Mixed good and choice 2-3 1300
1600# Holsteins 57.75 Monday.
Choice 2-4 9001100# 61.5063.25
Monday; 61.5063.75 Wednesday.
Mixed good and choice 2-3 825-1000#
59.0061.50 Monday; 60.0061.50
Wednesday. Good 2 750950# 54.00
Greencastle Market
Greencastle, Pa.
Monday, June 11,1984
450 CATTLE: Butcher Steers-
Choice 61.0067.00; Butcher Steers-
Medium-Good 52.00-63.00; Butcher
Heifers-Choice 57.0062.50; But
cher Heifers-Medium-Good 45.00
60.00; Butcher Cows-Utility-Good
42.00-47.50; Butcher Cows-Canners
and Cutters 40.0046.00; Butcher
Cows-Shells 40.00 & down; Butcher
Bulls-Medium-Good 48.5058.00;
Stock Steers-Medium-Good up to
61.00; Stock Heifers-Medium-Good
287 CALVES: Medium-Good
Calves-160-220 lbs. 65.0065.00;
Medium-Good Calves-125-160 lbs.
60.00-75.00; Medium-Good Calves
-100-120 lbs. 55.00-65.00; Medium-
Good Calves-80-100 lbs. 50.0065.00;
Holstein Bull Calves up to 101.00;
Holstein Heifer Calves-70.00; Light
and Green Calves down to 40.00.
62 HOGS: Good-Choice Butcher
Hogs 190-225 lbs. 45.0049.00; Good-
Choice Butcher Hogs 225-250 lbs.
48.0049.00; Good-Choice Butcher
Sows 400 lbs., up to 44.00; Good-
Choice Butcher Sows 400 lbs., up
45.00; Heavy Boars 34.50; Pigs-Per
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Joliet Cattle
Thursday, June 14