Livestock morket and auction news Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, June 13 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report; Fresh Pork Loins steady to $l.OO higher, advance on retail trim. Boston Butts steady. Spareribs firm. Skinned Hams $1.50 to $2.00 higher. Sdls Bellies $l.OO to $2.00 higher. Trading slow to moderate. Demand light to moderate on moderate offerings. Sales reported on 27 loads of Fresh Pork Cuts and 4 loads of Trimmings and Boneless Processing Pork. Fresh Pork Cuts LOINS: (Regular) 14-17 lbs. 96.50-97.00, steady to firm; 14-17 lbs. 98.50 frozen, no comparison. LOINS: (Retail Trim) 14-17 lbs. 107.00-109.00,1.00 higher; 14-17 lbs. 110.00, ship next week, steady; 14- 17 lbs. 113.00 short cut, 1.00 higher. BOSTON BUTTS; 4-8 lbs. 78.00, 5 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR DAIRY PROFIT PICTURE WITHOUT SPENDING A FORTUNE Even If you can’t see your way clear to build all new facilities, you can upgrade your existing facilities with a Cnore-Time system. Call us or come by today and let us help you modernize at low cost. COMPLETE SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, SALES, INSTALLATION, SERVICE FOR CATTLE. HOG, POULTRY AND GRAIN steady. SPARERIBS: 3.s&down lbs. 133.00, firm. HAMS SKINNED: 17-20 lbs. 69.50, 2.00 higher; 20-26 lbs. 67.50- 68.00, 1.50-2.00 higher; 26-34 lbs. 62.50, no comparison. BELLIES: (Sdls-Skin On): 10-12 lbs. 59.00, 1.00 higher; 16-18 lbs. 62.00, 2.00 higher; 18-20 lbs. 58.00, 2.00 higher. BNLSCTBUTT: 1.5-3 lbs. 115.00,. steady. Pork Trimmings Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) 42% Lean Trimmings Fresh 44.00,2.00 higher. 42% Lean Trimmings Frozen 42.00 early, no comparison. Bnls Picnics Fresh 75.00, no comparison. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, JuneS Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Prime Special Fed Veal steady AGRI" weak in limited test. Gopd and Choice Boning Veal steady to 1.00 lower; inshipped not tested. Spring Lamb slow to develop as both buyers and sellers adopt a wait and see attitude, steady to weak un dertone. Compared to last week, Boneless Beef steady to 1.00 higher; Beef Trimmings 1.50 to 4.00 higher. Hide On ISO Head 220-280 lbs. LTD 170.00-175.00, steady. 65-75 lbs. 92.00-94.00, steady-1.00 lower; 5504 lbs. 90.00-92.00 ; 45-54 lbs. 88.00-90.00 ; 3544 lbs. 86.00- 88.00; 34 lbs. down 84.00-86.00. Inshipped; 71-80 lbs. no sales reported. ' Boneless Beef (US and Canadian Origin) (Loads Compared to last week: Chore-Time’s genuine FLEX-AUGER’ is available in 5 models, with capacities ranging from 15#/min. to 220#/min. Two systems also available for High Moisture Corn. m Increased milk production and feed savings from auto mated multiple daily gram feedings. EQUIPMENT, INC. 2754 Creek Hill Road, Leola, PA 17540 (Lancaster Couny) (717) 656-4151 VEAL CARCASS Prime (Special Fed) Good & Choice Boning Type Hide On Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 16, 1984-aij 90% Chem Lean, Fresh 106.00, steady. 75% Chem Lean, Fresh 85.00, 1.00 higher. Beef Trimmings 11 Loads Compared with last week: 65% Chem Lean, Fresh 75.00, 1.50 higher. 50% Chem Lean, Fresh 57.00- 59.00,2.004.00 higher. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Monday, June 11 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 286. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows uneven, 1.00 down to 1.00 higher. Choice 2-4 slaughter steers 950-1400 lbs. 62.25-65.75, Choice Holstein 55.25-59.00, few Good 58.25-62.25, Standard & Good Holsteins 49-54.50, few Utility 43- 45.50. Few Choice slaughter heifers 59-64.25, Good 52-56, Individual at 58.00. Breaking Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 44-47.25, to pes CBEUGItO FERTILIZER Bttkt!* East Petersburg, PA 17520 Phone: {W) 569-32% Cutter & Boning Utility 40-43.50, Couple to 45.00, Canner & Low Cutter 36-40.00, Shells down to 30.00. Couple Choice slaughter bullocks 57&57.75. Yield Grade #1 1000-1915 lbs. slaughter bulls 48- 53.00, Individual at 57.85, few 785- 1000 lbs. 45-47.75. CALVES 238. Good & Choice Vealers 55-70.00, Standard & Good 70-105 lbs. 52-60.00, Utility 60-85 lbs. 25-45.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 75-109.00, few Holstein Heifers 90-140 lbs. 61-70.00. HOGS 111. Barrows & gilts uneven, mostly 1.00 higher. US No. 1-3 210-250 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.85-49.90. Sows: US No. 1-3 275- 600 lbs. sows 37-43.00, Couple to 45.00. Boars 30-37.00. FEEDER PIGS 105. US No. 1-3 10-20 lbs. feeder pigs 16-20.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-45 lbs. 27-30.00, No. 1-3 50-80 lbs. 35-40.00 per head. SHEEP 8. Few Choice 90-95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 54-55.00. Few slaughter ewes 10-13.00. • 12 Tractor Spreaders • 4 Spreader Trucks • 2 Bulk Nurse Trucks • 2 Crop Spraying Trucks WE PONT SELL SERVICE... IT COMES FREE WITH THE SALE CO.
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