HELP WANTED SWINE FARM MANAGER Delmarva Farms Corp. has an opening for a manager of a total confinement, 750 sow, farrow to feeder pig operation on the eastern shore of Maryland (Snowhill Area). Full benefits plus housing. Ex cellent salary for right person. Please send resume to: Delmarva Farms Corp. P.O. Box 32, Selbyville, 0E19975 Gardner for small beds around home in Lititz area. 627-2718. Gardening maintenance position offered on estate in Princeton, NJ, with separate living quarters provided. References requested. Write P.O. Box 348, Princeton, NJ 08540. Person To Work on Poultry Farm - must be qualified equipment operator and truck driver and mechanically inclined. 717-582-2352. Couple willing to work on thoroughbred horse farm in Monkton, MO. House and utilities included. Call 301-771-4625 or 301- 666-0531 evenings. Wanted - married couple for sizable commercial dairy. Jobs include; feeding herd, replacements and taking care of calves. Preferably experience in Al, animal health. Must enjoy (working with other em ployees. All regulars provided. Lebanon area. 717-933-8622. HELP WANTED Silo unloader repair person and help wanted for silo building construction. 717-838-5754 ilfe ■ O U CARS EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND WELL MAINTAINED OUR CUSTOMERS ARE 100% SATISFIED 11984 Buick [ REGAL LIMITED _ 2 door Coupe 3 8 Litre2 BBL V/6 Eng . Auto Trans , P/S P/B A/C Tilt | Wheel Cruise Control AM/FM Stereo Radio w/clock, Power Antenna, m Rear Window Delogger. Steel Belted Radials Brown Ext Brown Cloth | Int 11983 Chevrolet ICamaro Berlinette I Coupe 25,000 Miles | 5 0 Litre 4 BBL, V 8 Eng, Auto Overdrive Trans , P/J-L P/B, A/C AM/FM Cassette Tinted Glass. Int Wipers Power Hatch Release. Rear Win I dow Oefogger Cruise Control Steel Belted Radials, Aux Ltg Pkg m Silver Metallic Ext. Sand Gray Vinyl Interior ■ (3) 1982 Chevrolet J Citations 18,40,49,000 Miles " 4 door Hatchback Sedan, 2 8 Litre 2 BBL V 6 eng, A/T, P/S, P/B, A/C, | Tinted Glass. AM Radio, Rear Window Delogger. Steel Belted Radials, B Full Wheel Covers. Lt Brown i Camel. Silver & Redwood Dark Blue A | Dark Blue. All vinyl interiors 11981 Chevrolet I Citation 53,000 Miles 14 door Hatchback Sedan. 2 8 Litre V 6 Eng A/T PIS. PIB /VC Tinted ■ Glass AM Radio Rear Window Delogger Steel Belted Radials Aux Ltg Pkg Lt Camel Metallic Ext Light Camel Vinyl Int 1 1981 Cadillac I Sedan Seville 40,000 Miles I 350 Cu In Diesel Eng . A/T PIS PIB P/W A/C AM/FM Stereo Tinted ■ Glass Rear Window Delogger Steel Belted Radials Full Wheel Covers Dark Blue Ext Dark Blue Velour Int >1978 Cadillac I Seville 6R569 114,000 I 350 V 8 Eng . A/T. A/C PIS P/B P/W Power Seats Tilt Wheel. Power I Door Locks AM/FM Stereo Cruise Control Rear Window Delogger Wire wheels. Reclining Pass Seat, Controlled Circle Wipers. Steel (Belted Radials, Sun Rool w/Cover. Lt Blue Ext w/White Vinyl Roof. Lt Blue Leather Int '4l Chevy Coup, basket case, $BOO.OO. 215-646-9057 or 215-542-7980. 1973 Eldorado con vertible. Very fine, $5,700.215-356-5305. Dual post car lifts in good condition, $6OO. Complete Units. 215-542-7980 or 215-646-9067. 1951 Studebaker Land- Cruiser VB, auto, sun viser, skirt's, radio, 60M miles. Dauphin Co., $1,800.00. 717- 362-8795. Lancaster Dump Body w/6 ton hydraulic hoist, $2,000; 350 Chevrolet gas engine, 60,000 miles, $4OO, w/trans., $500; 327 Chevrolet gas engine, 67,000 miles, $4OO, w/trans., $5OO. 717-665- 5827. 81 Buick Skylark, light blue, V 6, 2 door coup, PS, auto, trans., air con ditioning, AM-FM tape player, 65,000 miles. Asking $4,500. 215-286- 5530 or 215-286-9708. 1980 VW Rabbit custom, 10,000 miles on new engine, 4 door, AM-FM, 4 speed, like new. Call 717- 872-2579. FOR SALE • 'BO Chevette 4 cylinder, 4 speed, air conditioning, 4 new radial tires, $1,850. 717-865- 3488. LANCASTER 1710 Rohrerstown Rd 717-569 2648 YORK 1116 Roosevelt Av 717-848-6400 10,000 Miles Pul Time Farm Help. Truck and tractor ex perience necessary. Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366. L-23. Lititz. PA. 17543. DAIRY FARM EXPERIENCE WANTED Strong damandlor dairy *arm employees! Good opportunities and interesting locations Employars pay us to find tha people they naad. Racant dairy farm experience, good references and willing to relocate required Since 1969 Now nationwide Call or write today AGRlcaiws, Ik. 515-394-3145 (Nancy or Sandy) New Hampton, lowa 50659 HERDSMAN position opening, 60 cow reg. Holstein herd, seeking top herds man qualified in all phases of herd management. Pre vious experience in same capacity a must. Reply to Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 K-20 Lititz, PA 17543 (BUSINESS ■ OPPORTUNITIES I WANTED - Condemned Poultry House. We will lease our joint venture for breeding rabbits. Call John. 215-343-9020. Septic tank pumping truck, very good con dition; 550 Ford cab-over, rebuilt motor, equipped with 1,150 gal. tank M 3 vacuum and pressure PTO pump 140 CFM of air 85 feet, quick couple hose. Richard Winegardner, Box 43, Schellsburg, PA. 15559. Phone 814-733- 2948. Suzuki 400, very fine, $800.215-356-5305. 'B3 Holiday Rambler travel trailef, 28’. Center bath, twin beds, air, awning. Many extras. Garage kept. Call alter 5 PM. 215-968-2503. COMPETITIVE PRICES ON THESE BLOWING INSULATIONS * CELLULOSE * FIBERGLASS * ROCKWOOL * INSULTEC * I NODE ALSO BATT & ROLL INSULATION ATTENTION CHESTER COUNTY - Experienced apiculture! professional and spouse looking for country house/apt. to i' rent. Willing to give 1 assistance in care of animals, maintenance ol equipment and pounds in exchange for reduced rent Call Mon.-Fri. 8:30- 4:30.215-436-4338. Try Before You Buy. Working Software Demos. ! Available. Farm Software Services, Bemville, PA 215-926-3167. Wanted Distributors tor Apple & IBM-Type com puters w/Farmplan Soft ware, minimum invest ment, fuN training, sup port, excellent return, na tionwide company. AC&CS. Box 2008, l Syracuse, NY 13220. 315-475-1084. Computer applications. Cash Flow, Business Analysis, Livestock & Farm Management. Dairy Program Management. Call 717-867-4936. Newton Bair, 200 S. Spruce St., Annvitle, PA 17003. 2 registered Boarder Collies. 2 and 3 year old females. Wiston cap breeding. 2 year old is started on stock. 717-289- 4733 after 5 PM and weekends. AKC Labrador Puppies, $125; AKC Samoy Puppies, $l5O. 717-529- 6704. 5 Purebred German short haired poiter pups, 5 weeks old, 4 males, 1 female. Gideon K. Smucker, North Weaver!own Rd., Runks, PA. 17572. FOR SALE 1 male boarder collie puppy, 10 weeks, must go. 717-626- 4840. Charles Hackett Puppy Buyer. Needs pups star ting early August. Call 215-924-8882. Breeding stock for sale all AKC yellow Labrador Retrievers, $350 a pair. Buff Cocker Spaniel, Male, $75, Yorkshire Terrier female, $2OO. Wanted - female Cocker Spaniel around 1 year 'old. 215-459-1244. WE OFFER PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE ON SELECTION AND INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS CALL US ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND LEAVE YOUR NAME AND NUMBER WITH MY SECRETARY. Wanted: Puppies, all breeds. Jack's Dog Farm, Rt 611 Plpersville, PA 18947.215-766-8802 Wanted - puppies for pets. AKC purebred mixed litters. 717-442-4259. Stud Service - AKC St. Bernard. Ben Esh. Jr, West Eby Rd„ Rt. 1, Bird- In-Hand, PA. 17505. PUPS WANTED July 30 and 31 by Jo Jo I will pick up pups in Terre Hill area - 12 Noon, New Holland -1 PM Georgetown - 3 PM Kirkwood - 4 PM on Monday, July 30 and on Tuesday, July 31 - at Root's Farm Market off Rt. 72, Manheim, PA, From 8-10 PM New Summer Hours For details contact JoJo after July 25,1984 at 609-452-8903 or 301-778-6666 For best results call early mornings Keep trying. P.S. Pup stand closed at Root’s until July 31st MISCELLANEOUS Faquare steamboiler 32 flues. 65 HP steam engine, good condition, $1,200. Negotiable. 215-484-2694. Refrigeration units -3, 5, 10, & 25 HP; refrigeration units w/condensors, 3 face 15,000 gal. water tank 215-286-5239. Wanted - Good used 36" or 48" hydraulic cider press. David M. Swarey, Star Rt., Box 224, Allensville, PA. 17002. WE RENT HIGH VOLUME BLOWERS AT REASONABLE RATES WHEN YOU BUY THE INSULATION FROM US I WILL PERSONALLY RETURN YOUR CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE CALL COLLECT 301-790-1303 SILAS MARTIN Mgr. "SERVICE TO YOUR POOR'* Uncattw Fanwkn, Saturday, Jwm It, IN4-G47 FOR SALE • New and used automatic washers, dryers, gas and electric refrigerators, ranges, us ed wringer-engine washers, new bedroom furniture. Open 7:30 to 4:30; Satunuy, 7:30 to 12:00;' '<>nii >, eveninas by apoint ment. Myers Washer- Dryer, Rt 772, between Brow ns town and Leo la. 717-656-7169 2" new boiler flue pipe, exc. for pies or fencing. 717-872-9152 days. 872- 2579 eves, and weekends. One hive or 50, some with honey crop. Call 301-838-7648. Bought and sold new and used cardboard boxes; drums, plastic scrap, Reliable Recyclers. 178 Greenfield Road, Lane. PA, 17601, 717-397- 7695. Locust post, fully seasoned for fencing, landscaping, etc. Wholesale quantities. 717-755-5587. evenings. Wood shavings with some dust. S ton loads. Keller Sensenig. 215-445-6164. Front End Wheel Align ment Machine, Bear Model 624, $250.00. 215-646-9067 or 215- 542-7980. For Sale - Welded wire mesh in 10' lengths. 14 gauge, 1" by 2 mesh, iVt' wide, $3.00 per AVt' W by 10' L sheet. Delivery available. 717-354-9840. Old Parker 12 gauge, 32" double barreled shot gun. 717-966-1848. 1979 Liberty 14x70 Mobile Home - fireplace - garden tub- excellent condition, must be moved, $12,500 negotiable. 717- 776-7672. Weaver Blow in Cellulose Rock Woll or Fiberglass insulation. Ivan Weaver, Lititz (717) 627-1724 D.L. Weaver, Mt. Aetna (717) 933-8818 ATTENTION FARM MARKETS Kuntzelmcm's Penn Dutch Ice Cream Premium Lancaster County Ice Cream ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. Rear 519 S. Market St. 717-367-1389 Suburban Rentals Inc. Hagerstown, Maryland B l-or Sale - French try truck and equipment, propane as Frymaster fryers three small one large walk in Dodge van, needs work. 215-488-6767 evenings, $lOOO, farm. Berks Co., .ShartiesviNe. Available - Existiiw large barn to be dismantled and removed from site in Shillington, Berks County. 215-777-1887. FOR SALE - 73 Ford 750 cab over truck w/20' cattle bed VB, 5 speed w/overdrive, 2 speed rears, PS, PB, truck runs like new. $3,850. 717- 865-3488. FOR SALE - 79 Ford pickup, Mack, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, radial tires, $2,650. 717-865-3488. FOR SALE - IH 1610 A cab over truck w/16' band body, V 8 engine, 5 speed, roll rear door, side door, truck in excellent con dition, $2,850. 717-865- 3488. We Pay Top Prices For Standing Hardwood Saw Timber Weaver Bros. Sawmill Beaver Springs, 717-658-3447 collect after 5 PM nsulators
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