Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 108
C2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1984 For Sale - Excellent Condition 750 Combine w/354 Turbo 15 ft. table 63C Corn Head. Will Trade For Sale - Clean Case 960 Combine . 13 ft. Table & 402 Corn Head *5,000 Reasonable Offer HAY TOOLS Used IHC 241 Round Baler Gehi 1450 Demo Baler New 36' Hub Elevator Gehl 880 - 9 ft. Mower Conditioner . New - White Planters - No Till 6 Row 543 w/Monitor, Pert, Insecticide Att 6 Row 543 w/Deluxe Monitor, All Accessories 6 Row 5100 Complete.. Other New Planters In Stock Gehl 920 Wagon w/3 Beaters Demco Sprayer -T railer Type w/500 gal. & Ground Drive For Accurate Spraying. 40 Ft. Boom Special *s f 495 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, Pa. 215-273-3131-273-3737 NH #4BB Haybine (Demo) NH #3ll Engine Baler, Hitch & Chute, Steel Wheels NH #3ll PTO Baler, hitch and chute NH #256 Steel Tine Rake NH #256 Rubber Tine Rake NH #456 Mower NH #3O Blower NH #2B Blower NH #7lB Harvester (1 only) Rental NH #782 Harvester, manual controls NH #782 Harvester, electric controls NH #77OW Pickup Head NH #8 Forage Box, 3 btr. and roof w/234 wagon and 13:50 tires, adjustable tongue NH 363 Tank Spreader NH 519 Spreader, 11:20 Tires NH #425 Skid Loader 60" bucket, 10:50 Tires Pittsburgh 4B 18” Semi Mtd. Auto Reset Plow Pittsburgh 12’ Field Cultivator, 1 only Butler Nesseth Trail Manure Pump (Rental) Hutchmaster Disc 22xV*" blades D.O.T. Flex Gang 5600 lbs... Dunham 3 Bar 8 Tooth Chisel Plow Spring Loader 32" Shanks PLUS MORE EQUIPMENT IN STOCK - CALL TODAY • SPECIAL DEALS ON THE ABOVE PLUS FREE FINANCE ON NEW & USED NEW HOLLAND HAY EQUIPMENT TILL SEPT. 1,1984 & FORAGE EQUIPMENT TILL SEPT. 1,1984 OR SPREADERS AND GRINDERS TILL OCT. 1,1984 flmco < ’butler^ NH 717 N 2 Cora Head NH 477 Haybine uu 717 pi,.k lln hmh T 3 pt. hitch York Scraper Blade w/100 h.p. u > Md West Harrow ™SIS£, S{S, E “" nl ” r NH 770 R 2 Com Head DEPENDABLE is more than our name ARNETT'S Hagerstown, MD 301-733-0515 NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS ;SPER3V=S-I\EW HOLLAND DEALER FOR Livestock TERRE HILL SILOS Systems HUTCHMASTER USED EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT *35,000 *3,995 *8,995 *2.164 *2,995 •8,085 *8,600 *12,411 \ ONE /ONLY of hay in one package Up to 15 tons per hour Solid from the core to the outside wrap ■ 25% heavier than other large round packages 25% less spoilage ■ A pale that retains its shape and nutn tionat value better than any other hay package m the held ■ Five different models to hr your needs ■ The best part 7 It s the most competitive ly priced baler m (he held today l 'ermeer The one man hay system includes disk and drum mowers, tedder rakes (twin rakes which can rake 3-9 ft. swaths into 1 adjustable width windrow) New and Used Balers, Bale Movers and Bale Busters JOHN MCGILL Western PA 412-352-3582 *7lOO >B7OO *7120 >2145 $ 2300 *2470 *2865 *2915 *5600 *9350 *9890 *1925 *7240 *4295 . *4725 *12,675 .*5275 .*1295 . *4550 *6200 .*1695 Glencoe' - * ' 1969 5000 Ford diesel, 15.5x38 tires, $4,500 1972 MF 175 diesel, 15.5x38 tires, independent PTO, multi-power, $4,500 Cub Cadet 1450 riding mower, hydrost atic, 48” mower, $1,375 JD 111, 11 HP, 36” cut riding mower, $925 NH 770 harvester w/770 R 2, 540 RPM w/electnc control, $2,350 Gehl 600 harvester w/TR 3038 com head, $1,650 1H 1200 fast hitch mower, $425 IH 1300, 3 pt. hitch mower, $550 Gehl 800 harvester, 1,000 RPM w/pickup and 2 row narrow com head, electric control, $3,650 Doin 3 beater wagon nice, $2,475 White 543,4 row com planter $7OO NH 355 grinder mixer $3,100 Gehl 100 Grinder mixer, hydraulic drive, nice $3,800 JD cab, fits on JD 4020 $350 2 JD 716 wagons, 3 beaters Horning's Farm Machinery Ephrata, PA 717-733-7408 USED EQUIPMENT MF 65 Jkta 1 Tractor w/SaSflerLoader MF 235 Di&3Swactor MF 35 DieignQjJictor MF 285 Diesel Tractor, Ex. Cond., w/8-mo. Unexpired Warranty Remaining -170 Hrs! MF 510 Diesel Combine w/MF 44 Comhead MF 410 Combine MF 440 Cultivator Oliver 419 Plow NIIO6 Fert. Spreader NH 280 Baler w/Thrower MF 12 Baler w/Thrower (Good Cond.) Caldwell Cutafflß Riding Mowers Push Mowers NEW EQUIPMENT MF 205 Tractor MF 240 Tractor I MF 294-4 Tractor MF 298 Tractor MF 1010 TraciSsHS MF 1020 Tractor MF 698 Tractor MF 3525 Tractor MF 224 Balers MF 228 Balers MF 216 Loader MF 725 Mower Cond. MF 925 Mower Cond. MF 233 Disk MF 880 Combine MF 1163 Cornhead NI 660 For. Harv. NI 351 Spreader NI 352Soreader NlCggSMwer Snapper Mowers Dixon Mowers Century Sprayer Grimm Tedders Woods Mowers Herd Fert. Spreader N.H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Box 68 Maxatawny, PA 19538 215-683-7252 TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT MF 20 Tractor w/Loader MF 308 Tractor w/loader & cab M c 40 Diesel Tractor w/Loader Backhoe AC Dl7 Dsl. Tractor MF 50 Tractor w/Loader & Backhoe Ford NAA Tractor NEW M.F. EQUIPMENT MF 50 F Tractor w/Loader & Cab MF 285 Tractor MF 245 Tractor MF 1030 Tractor MF 1010 Tractor MF 20 Turf Tractor MF 236 Loader MF 236 Loader to fit MF 184-4 Tractor MF #43 2B Plow MF 820 Disc Harrow S.G. LEWIS & SON, INC. 352 N. Jennersville Rd West Grove, PA 215-869-2214 WENGEUS 11VC. 251 S uth ~-l Str—t wn. ~.17 "7 (717) '"'-2135 E ra DISMANTLING FOR PARTS AC HD3, HD4, HDS, HD6,1600 Case 310,320,530, 580,680 Cat D 2 5U Cat D 4 7U Cat 933 11A Cat 955 H 60A Cat 977 20A Ford 4500 IH TD6, TD9, TDI4A, T 6 IH 340,100 C, 125 C, 175 C, 500 IH 350, 3444, 3400, 3600 JD 420, 440. 350, 450 JD 540,5408 Skidders JD 5448 Loader JD 300, 400, 500 Oliver HG, OC3 Over 3000 Farm Tractors Over 1000 Farm Implements & Combines MF 760 Combine w/At tchs. IH 440 Baler Bale'r NH 320 w/thrower Baler NH 269 w/thrower NH 510 Manure Spreader Nl 213 Manure Spreader MH 35 Combine MF 320 Disc Harrows MF 226 Scraper Blade MF 227 Scraper Blade MF 18 Scarifier Scraper Blade MF 124 Baler w/Thrower MF 218 3 pt Rotary Cutter MF 222 Blades Scraper [=3 El El El El $ 0 IS S A A