Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1984, Image 106
C26—Lancaster Farming, INTERNA! HAL HARVESTER I I KUBOTA I Available -10.5% Financing On All New Kubotas 1% Fin. Rate For 12 Months on New Holland Equipment Used 1440 Combine - 3 Years Old, Low Hours, We sold New, Waiver of Finance until Jan. 1,1985 New IH 3388 2 + 2,300 hrs. ALL ABOVE USED EQUIPMENT IN EXCELLENT CONDITION NEW TRACTORS IH 3088 Myers Hay Wagons 1H884.4WD „ f°r% IH 784, 2WD, w/TA Sides. IH 584 90 Wheel Tread, IH 234, k-y.TTr. E-Z Trail Wagon, Priced Right 1H484* Call For Price On New NH 489 Haybines, NH 258 Rake, NH 488 Haybine, Kubota L 275 4WD Tractor These Items Are Priced to Sell JD 3800 forage harvester both heads, jd 2 row 3 pt. planter good for parts or fix it yourself (2) Flat Bed Hay Wagons Oliver 15 row grain drill, good cond. jd 3010, very good JD 110 disc IH 56 Planter. 4 Row, Disk openers IH 480 disc, new blades, w/cyl. IH 440 Baler w/thrower NH 717 Chopper Set of complete Deluxe fenders for '74 NH Super 717 Chopper and 'B4 Series Utility Tractors NH 368 Flail Spreader, $950 JD 2510 diesel, in good cond., fresh 105 Cub Cadet, hydrostatic engine IH 350 Diesel, last hitch, power steer- ih 2400 Ind. tractor w/6 way heavy duty ing front mtd. blade - ideal for snow NH 425 Skid loader, like new, 450 jq 50 tractor w/corn picker, power hours steering Farmall "M" w/1701 loader JD 34 chopper, new knives IH 850 Grinder Mixer JD A. new crank shaft IH 990 Haybine JD 1209 haybine, late model, exc. ... IH B 414 Diesel, 3 pt. COMING IN ■ IH 815 DIESEL COMBINE, EXCELLENT, FULLV EQUIPPED, WE SOLD NEW BRICKERVILLE EQUIPMENT SALES * SERVICE * PARTS 537 E. 28th Div. Hwy. Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-6198 Outstanding Features Thick walled lor extra strencth Nospread er on the market has thicker walls 30 to 70°o thicker steel than competitive \ ard on 2 600 3 150 3 600 and 4 600 gallon models (Optional on 1 500 & 2 100 gallon models; Front & rear wheels on each team follow contour of the ground provides a smooth level ride _ _ _ _ Sizes - 800 gal. thru 4600 gal Both vacuum & augermatic spreaders for truck mount or trailer type SPECIALS 1 - Used JD 430 Tractor,gsSfttxle, Nice Cond. 1 - Used Better Bill plow down attach, to fit a 1500 gal. liquid spreader CALL US FOR YOUR NEEDS OF • Farrowing Crates < • High Pressure Pumps Saturday, June 16,1984 Primary Shut Off Big 512 cubic inch valve plus a second displacement Adjustable relief valve maintains urn ary shut off provide pressure vacuum form pressure Pre more than adequate pump is standard vents over pressur piofeclion against equipment Conser vati 'fatedat 135 15 Jo soil compaction let you spread on soft ground early in season ion in the wrenching twist mg jolting shocks of hard field usage year after year • Lagoon Pumps TAKE YOUR PICK ON A USED TANDEM AXLE MANURE SPREADER - Put 30% Down & Pay Balance 1-1-85, No Finance Charge N. Idea 218 8 Ton, Endgate $2900 *ENTAi spEciAis nmwmmm Landoll Soil Controller | Amco Fl 7 Disk Harrow 7 Shank *4500 I 12’ Cutting Width *5700 TRACTORS White 4-150 Ford 3000 AC 015/Loader Case 730 Case 1390 Case 1090 18.4x38 (New) Power Shift Case 1170 Cab-Heatß Spd.-20.8x38 Case 900 w/Pulley Case 2090 Cab Agri Power 9000 AC-B, plow, cultivators A.L. HERR & BRO. PARK AVE., OUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 PHONE: 717-786-3521 [JJJJ z^COIMEWIDEA SEE RED AND SAVE. ih urmuumoMiU. MAmrasnn o • 782 Cadet Twin Cylinder Kohler Gas Engine Air Cooled Hydrostatic Drive, Hydraulic Lift, 50 In. Rotary Mower • 782 Cadet 3 Cylinder Water Cooled Diesel Engine Hydrostatic Drive, Hydraulic Lift, w/50 In. Rotary Mower - • 582 Cadet Special 16 Hp Twin Cylinder Engine 000 I Four Speed w/44 In. Rotary Mower $3,549 ? • 482 Cadet 11 Hp. Single Cylinder Engine Four Speed A _ J w/38 In. Mower $3,198 2,5V0 I CALL US TODAY.. WE HAVE MORE MODELS IN STOCK • Gas Or Diesel Engines Offer Ends June 30, 1984 R.S. HOLLINGER & SON, INC. PARTS & SERVICE 113 W. Main St. Store Hours: Mountville, PA Mon - ’ Fri - 7am - 8 PM; Ph: 717-285-4538 Tue * Vat"' AM*2 PM 3O N. idea 224 10 Ton, Endgate $3500 USED EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIAL LOADERS MF 20 Diesel MF 2200 Diesel Case 480 Gas White Backhoe Case 1737 Umloader Hough HFH FORAGE Gehl 99 Blower Gehl 910 box/roof Kasten Box IH 56 Blower Grove box JD 3800 Harvester Gehl RC 800 Recutter N. Idea 224,10 Ton, Endgate New Graetz Web, Top Beater $3700 NEW IDEA 325/314 Picker Shelter 323 Pickers 325/327 Pickers 702 G Power Unit 702 D Power Unit 710 Combine 743 N Head 767 Harvester 738 4RN Head 272 CutDitioners 763 Head SPREADERS MF 205 Nl 218 Nl 206 Nl 224 Nl 213 NH 371 Flail Nl 214 C3EML. i Gwta into your ayattm List $5,010 $5,608 MISCELUNEI Martin 2000 Liquid AC6OO4R Planter Ml 404 Rake JDI24O4RN 2 Row Hershey Transplanter 2 Row 3 pt. Mechanical Transplanter Wetmore 878 Grinder Mixer Arts Way 420 Grinder Mixer JD4 Bot. Plow Moridge 400 Grain Dryer P.Z. 2 Swath Tedder BUSHHOG SALE J *4,099 I *4,459