Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 09, 1984, Image 73

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For Sale - Bags for Forage
Bagging, Black & white
two ply York Co 717
For Sale - Nubian milking
goat, good stock $240 00,
white cast iron sink
$25 00 Berks Co 215-
777 45 79
For Sale - New Reese bolt
on receiver hitch 10,000
lb torsional design
$125 00 North Co 215-
837 0418 or 837-7318
For Sale - Set of
cultivators for Farmall C
York Co 717-244-0695
after 4pm
For Sale - 1964 Olds
Cutlass 330 Cl 4 BLL PS,
AM-FM 76,000 miles,
inspected $lOOO, Chester
Co, 215-593-5854 eves
For Sale Int mower,
stem crusher com
bination Int baler PTO
#45, Boggs picking table 2
in x6’ bagger Lehigh Co
For Sale - 410 MF com
bine gram + 4R wide corn
head will sell corn head
experts Lehigh Co 215
For Sale - Ml manure
wagon, Inter baler, rake,
Bush Hog mower, Honda
XLIOO dirt bike, Chester
Co 215-869-3128 bet
8 30 a m
For Sale - JD #5 sickle 7'
rigged for late model
tractor, Cunningham hay
crimper, working cond,
Chester Co 215-593-
For Sale - 1975 6 3 /» ton
Inter P U utility body
345 engine all heavy duty
only 32,000 mile. 717-
For Sale - St Bernard
pups 7 wks old Samuel
S Ebersol 3104 W
Newhort Rd , Ronks, RD
1, Pa 17572 Lane Co
For Sale - Reg Jersey
bull, 18 mths old, exc
bloodlines, proven
breeder Wayne Co
before 7am (717) 253-
For Sale - Romney-cross
white ram, 2 yrs long
wool, proven, gentle Ewe
lambs Cornedale
crosses, Chester Co (215)
For Sale - 74 Artie Cat 295
panther $4OO 00, Harley
Davidson golf cart gas
engine needs piston
$2OO 00, Cumb Co (717)
For Sale - Yamaha 350, 2
cyl 1 owner 1975 model
cycle $6OO 00 Lane Co
For Sale - 1975 Gleaner
KKS combine, 12' gram
head & 2 row 38" corn
head 9500 00, Col Co
717 683-5007
For Sale - AC Model WD,
good Mechanical & good
tires $lOOO 00 Lane Co
For Sale - Int 656 D Hydro
engine & transmission
lust gone over, rear
weights Asking $6200
Col Co 717-384-3492
For Sale -1 strong hive, 2
empty hives, veils, books,
smokers, stands - must
sell, allergic best offer
Leb Co 717-949-2238
Notice - Trade AC-B for
young belgen mare team
with harness, equipment.
Specialized Services 100
Skippack Pk Ambler, Pa
For Sale - 1950 Int truck
model 160 GW 21,000
funs, 240 12' sheets
channel dram roofing,
good Franklin Co 717-
or Sale Ear corn
♦lOO 00 by the ton You
haul York Co, 717 432
w Sale - 150 HP, Oliver
Diesel, self propelled,
w/hydraulic pump, 125
Hp, PTO shaft Tioga Co
717 376-4411, eves
or Sale Hunting cabin 6
rooms w/basement best
peer & turkey hunting &
Jfout fishing Huntingdon
?o_. 717-987-3181
r Sale 609 tobacco
Plants Benuel B Fisher
°ox 285, RD #l,
Millersburg, Pa 17061,
Dau Co
For Sale JD 4 row front
mount cultivator for 50-
60 70, JD $350 00, Lane
Co 717-733-6802
For Sale - 609 tobacco
planter Benuel S King
RDI Box 156-A, Paradise,
Pa 17562 Mine Rd
For Sale - 1936 Ford pick
up good cond , w/extra
parts, $2,500 Purebred
Arabian mare bred to
morafic son $1,500 Berks
Co 215-369-1210
Wanted Post hole digger
tor IH 504 w/FH also 3pt
adapter for FH Chester
Co, 215-383-1721 eve
For Sale - A good large 5
yr old Sorrel work horse
blond Henry G Fisher 26
S Kmzer Rd , Kmzer, Pa
For Sale - York Landrace
cross boars Pseudorabies
& Brucellosis free herd
Ivan M Sensentg 215-
For Sale - 22 ft x 24 ft
corncnb & 34 ft x 75 ft
barn to be removed
Montg Co 215-754-7229
Wanted - Used kitchen
appliances Must be in
good cond White
preferred Berks Co 814-
238-4664 eves
For Sale - 1975 Chevrolet
cab-over truck, 65 series,
very good cond., 717-532-
2535 Cumber Co
For Sale - AC No 66 PTO
combine $4OO, WD
cultivators $lOO 290 JD
corn planter $lOO
Franklin Co 717-263-
For Sale - Horse equip
Hay tedder $lO, side
delivery rake $l5O, riding
cultivator $25 Montour
Co 717-275-4725 or 717
For Sale - Ingersole Rand
UDI4A Inter air com
pressor Lane Co call
after six p m 215-445-
For Sale - Hillsboro 16 ft
gooseneck dump trailer
Leb Co 717-865-4395
For Sale - Horse tread &
Frick Sawmill, Tioga Co,
For Sale - 6 new mobile
home tires w/$l5O Front
wheel weights for Farmall
A $4O/pair Sch Co 717-
345-8179 eves
For Sale - F-20 tractor
parts - 4 sleeves $24 00,2
pistons $l2 50, 4 piston
pins, clutch shaft $5 00
Sch Co 717-345-4489
For Sale - Int 430 baler
good cond , 1500 00, Sch
Co 717-943-2390
Notice - Pick strawberries
starting June 15th,
behind Bard’s Hardware,
175 W Mam St, LeolaßT
-23, Mon -Sat 7 30-7 30
p m
For Sale - NH 451-3 pt
mower, Nl mounted corn
picker 12 rolls husking
bed Lane Co 717-354-
For Sale - A two horse box
type corn wagon, Lane
Co. 215-445-4177
For Sale - 1937 Farmall F
-20 ex running cond.,
good rubber, completely
restored $995 York Co
For Sale - Solar calf hutch,
4 unit, never used,
complete, costs new
$385, $335 Sussex Co ,
N J 201-875-4730
For Sale - Timothy hay
$1 60 bale, wheat straw
$1 00/bale, at the barn
Pine Grove, Sch Co 717
For Sale - 609 Maryland
type tobacco plants
Ready by June 11 Henry
R Miller 2714 Creek Hill
Rd , Leola, Pa 17540
For Sale - 5,000 Tob lath
10 cents ea 3 pt 2 row
cultivator w/tob hoer's
$2OO 00, Lane Co 717
For Sale - 1969 Ford
pickup 4x4-4 spd w/tool
box York Co 717-235-
4026, after 7 30 p m 717
For Sale Cut-Ditioner
York Co (717)235-1320
Notice Don't let your
wildfowl eggs, go to waste
Will pay for good eggs
717 687-8017 or 717
768-8086 after spm
For Sale - Chattanooga
roller harrow 13' for
$950, Manual tire
changer $75 Hunterdon
Co, 609-397-3571 or
For Sale - 100 beehive
frames any size $4O 00,
also strong 5 frame nucs
$35 00, Dau Co 717
Wanted To Buy 6”
Suction irrigation hose, 6’
to 15' Snyder Co 717
For Sale - Late Model 28
in Frick Thresher
$5OO 00, F2O Farmall
Tractor $3OO 00, Fred Co
For Sale - IH 7' fast hitch
balanced head mower,
new belt VG cond $3OO
Cambria Co 814-495
For Sale - 4 white female
lambs $25 00 ea 717-
For Sale Case 28”
Threshing machine good
cond , $325 00, 13 disk
Ontario gram drill
$275 00, #9 Int mower
$lB5 00, 717-653-4839
For Sale TB/Draft mare
161 h, quiet, willing
jumper, some dressage
training, $l5OO, Chester
Co 215-932-4728
For Sale - 5 truck tires
8 25-20 also 2 tractor
tires, rims & tubes 18 00-
26 Adams Co 717-528-
For Sale - 30’ NH elevator
w/ l /j hp motor Exc
cond , 6000 good tobacco
lathe, cyclone seed
cleaner w/motor, 717-
For Sale - 2-gasolme
powered Beneke
Christmas tree trimmers,
1-JD 7' tool bar North'd
Co 717-286-6060 after 6
p m
For Sale - JD #5 mower, 7
ft cutter bar, w/hyd cyl
$2OO 00 Lane Co 717-
Wanted - Ford BN-NAA or
600 w/back hoe & loader,
workable cond ,
preferred Morris Co 201-
For Sale - Angus cattle • 8
steers (900-950 lbs), 4
heifers, 4 young cows/calf
at side Balto Co 301-
For Sale - Ice machine
makes 1200 lbs a day
good cond , Lane Co , Pa
For Sale - Two female
doberman puppies 50 00,
9 wks old Lane Co Pa
For Sale - Burch egg
cooler, Plasson water
fountains, Chore-time
chicken feeders, good
cond , Also Canadian
goslings Lane Co 717
For Sale - Eskimo pups
Benuel L Fisher, 2816
Cherry Lane, Ronks, Pa
17572 (Lane Co)
For Sale - 609 tobacco
plants Jonas King first
farm right behind
Mechanic Grove Store
RD #1 Box 487
Quarryville, Pa 17566
For Sale - AKC Reg
Keeshond puppies
Females $B5 00, males
$75 00 Lane Co 717-
For Sale - NH 354 grinder
mixer good cond , 2,200
Lane Co 717-859-3283
For Sale - Green canvas
tack room w/white scallop
binding Very good cond ,
Ten pieces reasonable
Lititz, Lane Co , Pa 717
For Sale - Refng com
pressor 4x4 York 10 hp
motor ammonia $5OO 00
& parts, 717-244-6692
after Bpm
For Sale - Chester White &
Duroc boars will deliver
validated brucellosis &
pseudorabies free herd
Rodger Bankert, 717 632-
For Sale Avco Nl #620
blower mechanical
transplanter 1 row, 2 JD
chuck wagons #125&115
York Co 717-637-8172
For Sale - 68 NH PTO pick
up baler, good cond
Lane Co 717-284-4921
For Sale 12’ flatbed
truck body, steel floor,
plywood sides, parts from
1971 Ford F 350, 1
7 50x16 tire Berks Co
For Sale - Calumet 1150
gal vacuum tank $2lOO
VH4D Wisconsin engine
good cond, Lane Co
For Sale 130 A
Mountain farm, secluded.
E Waterford area Also M
Farmall, York Co E
Thoman Railroad, Pa 1
For Sale Morgan &
Saddlebred cross Five
yrs David S Zook Jr,
RD#l Box 384 Am
sterdam Rd , New
Holland, Pa 17557
For Sale - Used D-2 Cat,
D-6 IH crawler parts, plus
other farm tractor parts
York Co, 717-766-3007
For Sale - Kerosene
refng , 275 gal fuel tank,
2 yellow female, 1 black
male Labrador retriever
Cumb Co 717-776-2812
For Sale - 40 bu Buck
wheat Gleaner C-ll
combine cab, 4 row
narrow corn head & gram
head, Luz Co 717-788
For Sale - Well-started
purebred bull calf by
Ivanhoe Star dam by
Elevation-easy milker
w/mce udder 717-687-
For Sale - Model 6DT317
35 Bxs 1/8 D 27748
Wakosha Motor Model
XAH2S4 35 Bx 4 1/8, 3
Nanny goats milking
50 00 ea Elizabethvtlle,
Pa 717-362-8827
For Sale - Two row
cultivator to fit JD
Cyclone B or A, $6O 00,
Lane Co (717)653-5332.
For Sale - 2-114 ton
Chore-time feed bins (like
new), 25 KW belt driven
generator (3-phase),
Lane Co 717-354-9760
For Sale - AKC Yorkie
pups for sale-Small size
mother & father about 4
lbs Lane Co 717-656-
For Sale - Reg Belgium
stud colt one yr old,
Mifflin Co , Pa 717-543-
For Sale - NH#6B hay
baler $475 00, F-12
Farmall 1937 Model on
original steel wheels,
recently restored, Union
Co 717-922-1060
Wanted Started Autohte
611 series case, for parts
Sale 1000 bu ear corn
narrow cribs Best offer,
Thomasville, Pa 717-259-
For Sale - Oliver 70
w/cultivator, small
pulltype AC 60 PTO
combine, 1971 Ford FlOO
pickup needs repair,
Berks Co 215-488-1762
For Sale - Pomeranian
Male, Reg 3 yr old, Lane
Co 717-626-5503
For Sale - 609 tobacco
plants 717-733-4919
For Sale -1977 Hartman 2
horse trailer, needs a
little work, $450 717-
For Sale - JD 14T Baler,
New Idea Crimper both
good cond , 1500 tobacco
lathes, Lane Co 717-626-
For Sale Gehl 1080 disc
type haybme, same as
vicon Like new, 215-445-
5697 between 6 & 8 a m
or pm
Wanted - Type 41 tobacco
plants, call between 6 and
Sam or p m , 215-445-
For Sale Improve your
flock w/Proven, beautiful
Shropshire Ram Also 2
very nice ewes w/twms
Dau Co, 717-545-7005
For Sale - JD hay Flutter,
$lOO 00, Kelly front
loader for 3000 Ford
$BOO 00, Berks Co 215-
777-9515, after spm
Notice Custom Pea
hulling Locust Grove Rd ,
1 Vi mile north of Penryn &
Newport Rd Lane Co
For Sale IJD #45 loader
w/bucket & snow blade
Sch Co 717-739-4635
For Sale - Little Giant 30'
elevator good cond
$875 Cumberland Co
For Sale - 74 Honda
C 8360, road ready, top
cond, extras included,
trunk, helmet $450 best
offer Franklin Co 717-
For Sale - NH Super 23
blower $6OO, 4 Surge
pipeline milkers w/2
vacuum liner $75 ea
Cumb Co 717-776-5735
For Sale ■ 2 overhead
fiberglass doors,
14’Hx20'W w/door
opener, good cond $lB5
& 10'xlO' $B5 Lane Co
For Sale - Open buggy
w/hydraulic brakes, good
cond $650 Aaron S King,
441 A Herr Rd, Ronks, Pa
For Sale ■ Reg Appaloosa
yearling illy, should
mature at 15 2 h h bay
w/white & brown spots
$l2OO Lane Co 717-
For Sale - Reg polled
heretord bull, 2 yr old son
of Dividend 904, exc
bloodlines 717-965-
For Sale • JD combine 42
pull type 9' gram head
$7OO JD #8 mower $350,
both m exc. cond Monroe
Co 717-992-2963
For Sale - #2OO Int 2 row
cultivator 3 pt $2OO/best
offer Also wire corn crib,
Perry Co. 717-567-6183
For Sale - Oliver 3 btm
hyd lift plow $3OO. JD
Cyclone A parts, head,
block, radiator, ect
Montgomery Co 215-679-
For Sale - Baler NH 66
w/engme $3OO firm
Milton Repa, RD
Buakertown, Pa Bucks
0. 215-679-2349
Wanted - Hay pickup head
for Papec model 151 D
chopper Monroe Co 717-
For Sale - Cub tractor
w/side dresser, cultivator,
tool bar, 1 row planter,
sickle bar mower
Cumberland Co NJ 609-
For Sale - One 3 pt 4 row
IHC 53 cult tool bar
$9OO 215-932-8108
Wanted - Dairy farm to
rent w/option to buy,
approx 50 cow tie stalls &
100 acres Call daily 215-
For Sale - American Alpine
ADGA good milker, very
tame & friendly $75
Bucks Co 215-536-7303
For Sale - Oliver Cletrac
model DO 9’ blade w/over
head boom 1948, Her
cules diesel, runs good
$lBOO Lane Co 717-
For Sale - Parts from
Farmall 450 Wanted -
50” mower for Cub Cadet
129 or trade w/38" Berks
Co 215-683-3094
For Sale - Good used
storm front carriage John
R Allgyer, 324 S Bonsall
School Rd Coatesville,
Pa 19320
Notice - Free to a good
home, 8 mo old AKC reg
female Weimaraner
Adams Co 717-334-1525
For Sale - Brady grinder
mixer 20” hammermill
fair cond $6OO Lane Co
For Sale - 844” 6 cyl AC
diesel, runs good, clutch,'
shaft w/10 groove 13"
pulley, 10 belts 120”
West Chester 215-696-
For Sale JD 336 baler
brand new, never used
$5OOO Lane Co 215
For Sale - IH 125 combine
w/gram head $l3OO
Oliver manure spreader
$450 seed cleaner $2OO
Northumberland Co 717-
For Sale - 3 beef bulls 1
Hereford, 2 Hereford
cross, approx 1 yr old,
nice, Cumberland Co
For Sale 28 acres of
Mixed Hay, you make it
Dauphin Co 717 532-
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 9,1984-833
For Sale 2 ton Stationary
feed mixer, 20" Bearcat
Hammermill/50 HP motor,
molasses blender, 20'
Freight conveyor Berks
co 215-488-1762
For Sale - 8' Landscapers
leveling box $BOO (2) 5'
International adjusting
spike tooth harrow & bar
Balto Co 301-252-0365
Wanted - Gram-saver for
MF 750-860 combine For
Sale - 24 5-32 12-ply
diamond tread tires
| Lane Co 717-464-5296
' For Sale - Open carriage
roller, bearing needs
some repairs, Enos B
King, 2065 Horse Shoe
Rd lane Pa 17601
Wanted - V? hp shallow
well jet pump, good cond
Lane Co 215-445-7191
For Sale - Standardbred
carriage horse, safe &
sound David S Blank
211-A Amish Rd , RD #l,
Kmzers, Pa 17535, Lane
For Sale - 609 tobacco
plants Christian L Riehl,
kmzers #l, Newport Rd
3 miles east of In
For Sale - Bale thrower
NH 50 good except shaft
from flywheel to thrower
broken, make offer York
Co 717-225-4317
For Sale - 1967 Ford 250
Ranger pick-up, 44,000
miles 8' bed $l4OO fuel
oil tank $25 Berks Co
For Sale - 80 gal AO
Smith hot water heater,
600 gal Mueller milk tank
w/automatic washer,
Chester Co 215-933-
For Sale - Reg Holstein
cow fresh w/second calf
milking over 90 lbs Lane
Co 717-442-4842
Lancaster Farming
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For Sale - Holstein heifers
fresh & close springers,
66 passenger school Dus,
Perry Co 717-567-3891.
For Sale - 3 MC gram
binder canvaser $l5 ea
Pennbell tobacco plants
Enos K Stoltzfus, RD 3,
Box 437, Quarryville, Pa
For Sale - Detroit 353
motor $BOO 77 Oliver
diesel, good tires, new
injectors, broken
crankshaft $7OO Perry
Co 717-444-3968
For Sale • McCormick #6
horse mower 5’ cut $5O ,
food cond Bucks Co
For Sale Choice
Shropshire yearling rams,
ewes, lambs start at the
top w/select dual pupose
stock Leb Co 717-949-
For Sale - Case 400 eagle
hitch live pto live hyd PS
55 hp exc cond $2200
Perry Co 717-834-3882
For Sale - 1977 Honda
750 motorcycle, good
cond garage kept Lane
Co 717-367-8271 or 717-
For Sale - FBB 15-7 JD
gram drill $lOOO, NH 68
baler $BOO, JO combine
York Co 717-259-9922
no Sun calls
For Sale - 2 wheeled horse
cart Aaron M Reift, RDI,
Box 300 East Earl, Pa
17519 Lane Co 897
behind Goods Mill
For Sale - Pr black work
horses l5Vz h mare,
gelding, 8&9 yrs, also
stage coach York Co
For Sale - JD 1020 tractor
1800 hrs has all extras
exc cond also NH super
26 blower Lane Co 215-