Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 09, 1984, Image 63
Search begins for Lackawanna daily TUNKHANNOCK, Pa. - The search for a 1984 Wyoming/Lackawanna Dairy Princess has begun, according to the newly organized Dairy Prin cess Committee in those joint counties. All single young women between the ages of 16 and 22, who are from a dairy farm background, are eligible for the title. The contest covers Wyoming and Lackawanna counties. The winner of the Wyoming/Lackawanna Dairy Princess Pageant, to be held at the Moose Lodge on Rt. 309 in Tunkhannock on Friday, June 29, will be eligible to vie at the state Individualized computer k feeding system \‘ \ . * N.E. REG. NY.PA.NJ.Cr, NORTHWEST PA & MA, VT. Rl. ME, NH NY ROBERT E. TURNER TOM MOORE R.D. »1, Box 11 28 Petrolia St. Aspers, PA 17304 Bradford, PA 717-677-9301 16702 814-362-3933 level for the Pennsylvania Dairy Princess title. Wyoming/Lackawanna counties need to be represented by a Dairy Princess for promotion of the dairy industry. This contest hasn’t been held for the last couple of years, but the newly organized committee encourages participation in the event. Young women interested in entering the local pageant should contact: Mrs. Audrey Naylor (Lackawanna County), phone 945- 5091, or Mrs. Madeline Harding (Wyoming County) 836-1921 by Saturday, June 16. % ♦ u I SALES ENGINEERS Wyoming/ princess COCutmu To be successful in dairying today, you know how im portant it is to be in complete control of your feeding pro gram and to have all the information possible on each and every cow That's why Westfaha has developed the Codatron Individualized computer feeding system With Codatron, milk production and profits can be max imized while minimizing health problems thanks to an early warning system And unlike many other units, Codatron is an expandable system that won't become obsolete The feeding system is quality built and basically fool proof and automatic You'll have dairy reports of •oogi.# herd conditions and performance Ration adjust F * ments can be made quickly and easily You’ll be sr»« H alerted to problem cows fast The Codatron is available in two basic models The F 26 with feeding capabilities to 999 cows, up to 26 feeders, double ration capability with dairy consumption reports The Model L offers feed- PTOG " H mg Pl us breeding management capabilities And that’s not all Westfaha’s Codatron is ’"n designed for expansion into parlor data milk functions and home computer interfacing Watch for new breakthroughs to be intro coomm cm® ST WO • MD.DE&VA DAVE PATTERSON P. 0.246 Upperville, VA 22176 703-592-3845 Osteoporosis plagues many older women who have not been getting enough calcium. Current findings indicate large daily amounts of calcium - 1000 milligrams - from food or supplements may help prevent osteoporosis. One cup of whole milk, skim milk or buttermilk provides about 300 milligrams of calcium. So does one cup of plain yogurt*, ounces of cheddar cheese, 1% cups of cottage cheese and IM> cups of ice cream or ice milk. Skim milk is the lowest calorie source of calcium (about 86 calories) followed by buttermilk (99 calories). At the other end of the scale is ice cream with about 330 calories for an admittedly large- IVz cup serving. The same amount of ice milk would run about 300 calories. YORK “I’m sure I didn’t trip,” said Nancy McKay. “My leg just seemed to go out from under me.” Nancy, a retired school teacher, didn’t trip. Her left hip broke because her bones had become extremely fragile. Nancy McKay is a victim of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a major health problem for postmenopausal women, says A. Joan Lamberson, Extension home economist at the Pennsylvania State University. It results in a decrease of the total bone mass, making the bones extremely fragile and susceptible to breakage. It is the reason why some older women grow shorter. It may also result in “dowager’s hump” as duced soon 1 Contact your Westfalia Sales Centei today Find out why Westfalia is truly the leader in high tech dairy equipment For the name and location of your near est Sales Center, call or write WESTFAUA INAL headquarter; NATH WESTFAUASYSTEMAT DIVISION of CENTRICO 1862 Brummel Or Elk Grove, 111 60007 1-800-323-6723 312-437-8660 vertebra collapse. The most likely cause of osteoporosis is not getting enough calcium and vitamin D over a long term period. Milk and milk products are the main dietary sources of calcium. Most milk is fortified with vitamin D, which comes from sunshine. Adult women need 800 milligrams of calcium every day. Yet a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture survey showed that the average women over 45 was only getting about 450 milligrams - about half the recommended amount. There are many reasons why women don’t drink milk - the cost, fear of gaining weight, lack of awareness of its importance in the adult diet or just plain dislike. It may not be too late for women w so Thanks So Much Dairy Farm Families For Your High Standards And Work In This Important Industry Westfalia Sales Centers Cumberland Farm t Dairy Supply, Inc. Larry Hughes Gary Walton, Sales Mgr. 717-263-0826 COCHRANVILLE Farm Construction & Equipment Robert L. Janney 215-593-2365 JERSEY SHORE Tom L. Dunlap 717-398-1391 COLUMBIA. MONTOUR & NORTHUMBERLAN CO'S Williams Farm Systems Dave Williams 717-398-2692 LITITZ Fisher A Thompson Assoc. Amos Fisher Rick Thompson 717-627-1530 SYSfIMAT. Wohr’s Dairy Equipment Mark Wohr 717-966-1396 FOR THE AMISH DAIRYMAN PARADISE Uoyd Ranch 717-687-6361 BELLEVILLE KIRKWOOD Bylor's Most) A Elam S. Stoltrfus REBERSBURG Refrig. Service 717-529-2623 Tim’s Diesel Service Daniel Byler 717-529-2668 TimStoltzfus 717-483-6446 Answering Service 814-349-5110 Answering Service Answering Service Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 9,1984—823 THE DAIRYMEN MT. BETHEL K.C. Dairy Service Kevin Correll 717-897-5141 NEW WILMINGTON Chuck Moose, Inc. 412-533-3077 SCHWENKSVILLE Penn Valley Cropstore, Inc. Dale Stutzman 215-287-9650 215-944-0126 SPARTANSBURG Brenner Dairy Equipment Albert Brenner 814-654-7309 TROY Dairyland Sales A Service Jim Kelley 717-297-4128 SYKESVILLE. MO Dairyman Inc. Mid-Atlantic Division William Stauffer 301-795-2727 301-781-7020