Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 09, 1984, Image 59
474 & 489 Mower-Conditioner 4. Full Lateral Header Flotation Th .™“3 h WAIVER OF FINANCE 1964 1984 TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 r%e\i .„„ <xn/ .„„ financing for 12 months. It 10 A.P.R. J/O A.P.R. (Monthly payments required) OR financing for 18 months. i ■«■■■ 5% a.p.k. 6% a.f.r. l“£S ,y 25- . . ~ , h CASH DISCOUNT IN LIEU OF financing for 24 months. _ _ OOyL Ap n Q(ML *p ■» (Monthly, quarterly or semi- SPERRY NEW HOLLAND FINANCING " •*" '•.lilli annual payments required) LIGHTWEIGHT HEADER PLUS DELUXE FEATURES 10. Standard or Stub-Guards Available Heavy Conditioning Rolls Located In Main Frame - This Makes The Header Much Lighter Compared To Others So It Easily Floats Over Obstructions And You Get A Closer More Even Stubble. Heat Treated High Carbon Steel Guards That Last Longer Enclosed Wobble-Drive For Smooth Vibration Free Cutting Exclusive Chevron Intermeshing Rubber Rolls Which Crack Stems Lengthwise And Crimp Every 3 or 4 Inches For Proper Drying 5. Wide Large Diameter Rolls So The Crop Is Conditioned Over The Entire Width Of Cut. - THE QUALITY HAY PRODUCERS - SPERRY NEW HOLLAND HAVBINE* MOWER CONDITIONERS Todays farming requires efficiency. You need to get the most feed value out of your crop. Sperry New Holland Hay bine* Mower Conditioners have the features shown below that will allow you to produce top quality feed. Whether you choose the standard 472 or 488 (seven and nine foot models) or the Deluxe 474 or 489 you’ll get a quality machine that delivers a quality product. PROVEN DEPENDABILITY 1. Exclusive Chevron Intermeshing Rubber Rolls Which Crack Stems Lengthwise and Crimp Every 3 or 4 Inches For Proper Drying. 2. Wide Large Diameter Rolls So The Crop is Conditioned Over The Entire Width Of Cut. 3. Change From Swath To Windrow Without Tools 5. Equal-Angle PTO For Smooth Trouble Free Operation 6. Exclusive Torsion Bar Roll Pressure Control Which Can Be Changed Without Tools 7. Standard or Stub-Guards Available 8. Gear Driven Rolls For Quiet Dependable Operation AND ECONOMY 6. Change From Swath to Windrow Without Tools 7. Full Lateral Heater Flotation 8. Equal-Angle PTO For Smooth Trouble Free Operation 9. Exclusive Torsion Bar Roll Pressure Control Which Can Be Changed Without Tools 11. Gear Driven Rolls For Quiet Dependable Operation 472 & 488 Mower-Conditioner , r sw. a