// I Public Auction Register | fUES JUNE 26 4PM i Large Holstein Dispersal, Farmersville Auction in, 182 head of Holsteins Farmersville, 3 mi Eastofi Located on the farm on grownstown, Lancaster Beatty Road off Houck's County, Pa John J Rutt, Mill Road three-fourths of Auctioneers a mile west of Route 146 TUES JUNE 26 10 AM '[> Harford Co MD From Jarrettsville take Route PUBLIC AUCTION Having decided to discontinue farming I will sell at Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc. Galena, Maryland. MONDAY, JUNE 18,1984 ll:OOA.M. farm MACHINERY: JD 7700 D Combine w/843 Corn Head & 16’ Grain Table; JD 4020 D Tractor new tires and rebuilt; Farmall “A” tractor w/1 row cultivator; I.H. 140 tractor w/5’ Woods Belly Mower; Bolen HT2O tractor w/60” mower; JD 1710 Chisel Plow w/disc and buster bar; JD 3 section Spike Harrow; JD 15’ Cultimulcher; JD Mounted Rotary Hoe #614; JD 709 Gyro Mower; JD 15’ Road Disc w/Ram; JD 16’ Roto Mower (stalk cutter); JD 23H0.2 Subsoiler; Lilly 3 pt. PTO Spreader; N.I. Manure Spreader (small); I.H. Cycle Mower; 15’ Lime Drill; I.H. 34’ Elevator (electric motor); Kingwise 32’ Elevator (gas motor); Pair of Aluminum Tanks (250 gal. ea.) for JD 4440; Brillion Field Cultivator w/Midwest Rake; I.H. Rolling Cultivator 4 Row (30”); Brillion Cultipacker; 50’6” Augar Elevator (PTO). TRUCKS: 1977 Chev. #lO Pickup (Ins.); 1962 Ford F6OO w/dump (Ins.); MISC. EQUIP.: Williams Crusher and Pulverizer for mulch w/40 h.p. 3 phase motor; JD #l6B Loader w/8’ Bucket (new); 8’ Rhino Super Blade; 40’ Sprayer Booms; Post Hole Digger. Plus many other small items too numerous to mention. This complete line of farm machinery con signed by Ed. Anderson, Millington, Maryland. Plus other equipment will be accepted. Sale held at Galena, MD. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC, Auctioneers & Sales Managers Galena, MO. 301-648-5601 COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF METAL WORKING MACHINERY Directions: Located in the village of Prescott 1 mile south of 422 halfway between Lebanon & Myerstown, Lebanon County, PA. Federal 8’ 16 ga. manual brake; Barth 3’ 16 ga. hyd. shears; Hysoing 4’ power roller; 20 ton punch press; Airco mig welder; Systematics mig #l5O welder; Lincoln welder; 30” ft. operated shears; 15” lathe w/6’ bed; 2 acetylene torches; Central 16 sp. drill press; Craftsman drill press; Carolina 8”xl0” band saw; 14” cut off wheel w/% hp. motor; 8 ton bulk feed tank; Welding table w/vise; 3/8,1/2, and 3/4 socket sets; misc. punches; hammers; chisels; wrenches; grease guns; electrical testers; belts; pulleys; sprockets; chains; gear boxes; temp, controls; water pumps and propane heaters; 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2” drills; skill & sabre saws; Black & Decker cut saw; new & used electric motors fractional hp. to 13 hp.; asst, bearings; copper tubing; angle, channel and flat iron; G.S.I. grain drying fans Ito 13 hp.; grain bin flooring; 4, 6 and 8” auger tubing and flighting; 40’ Mix Mill elevator w/dump hopper; portable air compressor; stainless steel tank; feed handling equip.; Mix Mil Roast-A-Tron roaster; bale conveyor; Modem Mill feed blower w/5 hp. motor; Hunter chain conveyor, concrete trowel machine. filing cabinets; desks; swivel chairs; calculator; copier; % ton Ford van; ’72 Chevy 1 ton walk-in van; ’7O CMC Boom truck; ’7SIH Transtar tractor w/350 Cummings 13 spd. roadranger twin screw; 70 Ford Cabover tractor w/250 Cummings 10 spd. roadranger twin screw; ’69 Ford tractor w/477 gas engine single axle 5 spd. trans w/2 spd. rear; 40’ Fruehauf flatbed trailer; (2) custom built tandem axle trailers; 4,000 lb. Clark fork lift & many more items too numerous to mention. For appt. to see any items call (717) 866-4928. PRI. EVE. SALE ON JUNE 15 AT 6:00 P.M. will consist of small items such as hand tools, timers, fans, motors, auger tubing, belts, pulleys, sprockets, chains, etc. All Ig. machinery, office supplies & trucks will be sold on Sat., June 16 at 9:00 A.M. DON’T MISS THIS SALE, LOTS OF ITEMS ARE NEW. Hems are subject to daily business routine. Not responsible for accidents. Terms Cash or Good Check. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS. Terms by: MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS INC. Aucts; Sylvan B. Witmer (717) 933-5328 Arthur E. Nolt [AU-001807-L PUBLIC AUCTION - FRIDAY JUNE 15,600 p.m and SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 9 oo am The Properties Will Not Be Sold As Indicated On Last Weeks Ad. SHEET METAL & SHOP MACHINERY OFFICE EQUIP. & TRUCKS 23 west to Madonna, go Auction ot Building oU p south on Route 146 to plies, Fixtures, Hardware. Houck's Mill Road From Equipment, Trucks 1964 the Baltimore Beltway Dodge 400 Flat Bed Truck take Route 146 north 16 & a 1974 Ford F 250 miles to Houck’s Mill Camper Special Pick up Road Frankß and Philip Truck Located at the cor L Ober, Owners Sale ner of Goodspring Rd (Rt manager Remsburg Sale 125) and Chestnut St, Service Hegms Schuylkill Co , PA I’' HURS JUNE 28 & SAT Herman H Miller Building UNE3O 930 AM Public S' es . H h er , ma " „ H Miller & Mabel Miller, PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY EVENING, NINE 15,1984 5:30 P.M. Located 1 mile West of Blain, Perry Co., Pa., off route 274 (turn left at Church of Brethren Sign), go across bridge - Ist farm on left: HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES Wedgewood Edme (Queensware) - Complete Service for 8; Chestnut Drop-leaf Round Table; 2 Twin Mattress & Box Springs; Victorian Rocker; 3-pc. Bedroom Suite; Drop-leaf Cherry Ext. Table; 10x15 Wool Rug; Asst.of Household & Kitchen Utensils; Sofa & Chair; Maple Desk; Oak Upholstered-seat Rocker; 2 ladder-back Rush-seat Chairs; 3 Hollywood Bed Frames; Some Pressed & Depression Glass: Coffee Table; Ironing Board. EQUIPMENT & GUNS Farmall Cub with Side-mt. Sycle-bar Mower; Belly-mt. Reel Mower; 1-bottom Plow; Cultivators; Front-mt. blade (Will be sold as individual pieces); Wheelhorse Raider 10 Lawn Tractor - Mower, sprayer & snow blade. Rototiller, Old 38 Revolver; 12 Ga. Single-Barrel Quick-shot (Hammerless); Remington 30 Pump Rifle; Ithaca Double barrel-12 ga. Not Responsible for Accidents. I.D. Required for Bidder’s No. NED BOOK, Owner R.D. 1, Blain, Pa. 536-3273 Sale Managed By: UliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmiHimiiiiiiiiimimiiiiimmiiiiiiiimiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii R D 1. Landisburg PA 17040 tel 717-789-3883 Lie. #AU-000500-L Refreshments Will Be Served >wners Mike'and George Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 9,1984—D35 Deibert Auctioneers THURS JUNE 28 930 Trailers & Line Tools Wyoming Industrial Elec- AM Public Auction of Located in Casper, Wyom trie’s Shop & Yard Facility, Power Line Erection ln B on Rt 20/26, approx Owners Vilsmeier Auc Equipment, Trucks, 5 miles east of Casper tionCo , Auctioneers PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1984900 a m Located 4 Miles North of Northumberland, Pennsylvania. 6 Miles South Of Danville. Turn Off Route 11 Onto Ridge Road, Then 1 Mile West To Oornsife Road. Watch For Sale Signs Day Of Sale Along Route 11. ESTATE OF ANNA OORNSIFE ANTIQUE CAR 1907 CAMERON, COMPLETELY RESTORED; 1903 WALTHAM ORIENT, COMPLETELY RESTORED; Selection of Misc. Car Parts - Claxton Horns, Lights, 1914 Cadillac Manual, Etc. FURNITURE Cherry & Curly Maple Case 8-Day Grandfathers Clock With Painted Moon Dial; Walnut Case 3-Day Grandfathers Clock; Mahogany Case 8-Day Grandfathers Clock With Painted Dial; 5-Pc. Walnut Victorian Marble Top Bedroom Suite With High Bed; 3-Pc. Walnut Victorian Marble Top Bedroom Suite With High Bed; Ornate Walnut Victorian Marble Top Sideboard With Carved Lions Heads Top; (2) Walnut Victorian Marble Top Stands; Walnut Marble Top Washstand; Walnut Victorian Comer Cup board; (2) Plank Bottom Porch Settees -1 Arrowback; 6-Legged Dropleaf Table; Bench Table; Walnut Oval Extension Table; Dovetailed Blanket Chest; Tramp Art Chest; (2) Spinning Wheels; Walnut Dough Box on Legs with Dovetailed Drawer in Base; Maple Night Stand with Dovetailed Gallery; Dough Box on Legs; Lg. Schoolmasters Desk; Mahogany Spinet Desk; Mahogany Liquor Cabinet; Soft Wood Panel End Blanket Chest; Square Oak Table with Claw Feet; Oak Round Glass China Closet; Oak Hall Seat with Mans Head Carved on Back; Oak Gun Case with Glass Door & 10 Drawers: Oak Wardrobe; Dovetailed Cradle; (2) Harness Benches; Walnut Hanging Hall Rack; Round & Flat-Top Trunks; Empire Bureau; Asst, of Early Wooden Caskets; Walnut Cane Seated Rocker; Half Spindle Plank Bottom Chair; (3) Plank Bottom Boston Rockers; Early Ladder Back Chair with Rush Set; (4) Barroom Chairs; Double Wicker Chair; Oak Rocker; Plank Bottom Rocker and Assorted Chairs; East Lake Wall Mirror; Etc. REGINA FLOOR MODEL MUSIC BOX WITH 49 BRASS DISCS (SERIAL #67000-) LARGE FLOOR MODEL DOUBLE-DOOR SAFE MISC. ITEMS (3) Early Bicycles - 1 High Wheel, 1 Tandem; WWII Paratroopers Motorcycle; (12) Thomas Edison Graphophones - Such as CYGNET #lO, Fireside, Amberqla, Etc.; Edison Coin-Operated Floor Model Victrola in Oak Case; Victor 78 RPM Record Player; Several Hundred Edison Records & Selection of 78 RPM’s; 8-Air Rosewood Case Music Box; Reed- Pipe Clariona Crank Organ; (2) Wooden Gem Roller Organs; Organita Crank Organ; Lester Accordion: Hanging Hall Light with Pink Hobnail Opalescent Shade; Gone with the Wind Lamp with Original Shade; (3) Brass Hanging Lamps -1 with Prisms; Banquet Light with Ball Shade; Tiffany-Type Table Lamp (shade damaged); Selection of Gas Light Shades; UNUSUAL TRAMP ART- TYPE CATHEDRAL CLOCK DEPICTING THE APOSTLES; Cuckoo Clock; (6) Mantel Clocks -1 An sonia China, 1OG; Wooden Minute Hand off Old Courthouse Clock Marked 1872, Sunbury, Pa.; Candle Box; Asst, of Picture Frames - Including Deep & Square Walnut; 1805 FRAKTUR BY HENRICH OTTO, NOR THUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA.; 1803 Valentine; “Art Work of Nor thumberland & Montour Counties” Dated 1894; 1874 Harper’s Bazaar; 1895 Visitor’s Register of Sunbury Steam Fire Engine Co.; Printed Baptism Certificate; 1696 Indenture Issued by Wm. 11l of Great Britain; Assortment of Civil War Newspapers - Such as The Watchman-Danville, The Daily Age-Phila., New York Herald, Shamokin Herald, Democratic Guard- Sunbury, Phila. Inquirer, Etc.; 1860 Poster of the Day of Celebration, Lewisburg, Pa.; 1872 Atlas of Pa.; 1889 Atlas of the Boroughs of Shamokin & Sunbury; 1901-02 Scrapbook of McKinley’s Funeral & Anthracite Coal Strike; History of Wyoming, Pa. by Miner; Old Time Notes of Pa. II Vols.; History of Northumberland County by Bell; Blue Decorated Cowden & Wilcox Crock; Blue Decorated Sipe & Son Williamsport Crock; Ku Klux Klan Hood; Assorted Old Clothing: Quilt Tops; 1840 Lewisburg, Pa. Coverlet: Assorted Buggy Robes; (2) Buffalo Robes; Old Ammunition; (2) Cast Iron Pot Belly Stoves; (2) Lg. Cast Iron Farm Bells; (2) Brass Buckets; Iron Skirt Crimpers; Iron Squirrel Nut Cracker; Iron Mush Kettle; 1935 Harrisburg Huckster’s Licenses; Misc. Ceremonial Lodge Swords; Coffee Grinder; Assortment of Pattern and Pressed Glass, Blue Willow Buffalo Pottery, Jim Beam Bottles & Other Whiskey Decanters, Ironstone China, Majolica - Some Etruscan, Green and Pink Depression Glass, Royal Vista Ridgways, England China, Etc.; Handled Mocha Bowl; Japanese Vase; Carnival Glass; Cranberry Opalescent Coin Spot Basket; 5-Pc. and 6-Pc. Toilet Set; Pitcher and Bowl; Castor Set; Numerous Other Items. TERMS: CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED ONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT WITH AUCTIONEER OR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DAY OF SALE. OVERNIGHT LODGING AVAILABLE IN SHAMOKIN DAM & DANVILE AREAS. AUCTIONEERS: DOCKEY #AU-000229-L, DOCKEY ffAU-001683-L & DEEPEN #AU-001957-L FOOD AVAILABLE ON PREMISES EXECUTOR, WILLIAM K.SHIPE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers