Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 09, 1984, Image 161
PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTOR, COMBINE, FARM AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1984 Location: Wilson's Auction Sales, Inc., Rt. 113, 1 mile south of Lincoln, Del. Case 2390 tractor w/duals, a.c., heater, AM/FM stereo, 1200 hrs., I.H. 1440 combine, Axial-Flow, a.c., 16’ 820 flex table & monitors, 1101 hrs., IH 863,6 row 30” com head, 6 row com saver, A.C. 6 row 30” 330 air champ, no till planter w/fert. attach., J.D. 20 spout grain drill 206-B, set hyd. markers, Case 5-16” semi-mount plows, Brady 18’ field cultivator, Case 3 p.h. rotary hoe, Mayrath 5”x35’ grain auger, Case wagon running gear, Case 4 section spring tooth harrow, 2-150 gal. poly saddle tanks w/mounting brackets, hydraulic pump, Auger 6”x2o’ w/3 hp el. motor, John Blue ground driven pump, John Blue agitator pump, John Bean agitator pump, Work Horse model front end loader (by Johnson Mfg.), 1000 gal. tank, wall drill press, 2 Kelly Duplex feed mixer, Kelly Duplex feed grinder, switch panel 50 hp., 3 ph. motor w/starter switch, 12 hanging brooders, lot of misc. box and content items. IRRIGATION PUMPS & EQUIPMENT Detroit 453 diesel w/Hale 6”x6” pump, w/primer, 1484 hrs. (under warranty), Detroit 453 diesel w/Berkeley pump, 6”x16” w/primer, model B-4-J pump, 2 Hobbs Beel Ram w/1200’ 3%” hose, model RR 2375, Water Winch Ag-Rain (Propane) 660’ soft hose, Race & Race (Racebilt) irrigation pipe, 49 pcs. 6”x4o’ alum, pipe, 11 pcs. 6”x3o’ alum, pipe, 4 pcs. 6”x2o’ alum, pipe, 2 pcs. 6”xlo’ alum, pipe, 1 pcs. 6”xs’ alum, pipe, 6 - 90° - 6” ells. TERMS: Cash, certified check or approved check w/current letter of credit from your bank. Auctioneer’s Note: All equipment is in good condition and has been moved to our auction facility for the convenience of our customers. Make plans to attend today. For further information: Wilson's Auction Sales, Inc. Dave Wilson Auctioneer and Sales Manager (302) 422-3454 or 856-2110 HUNTER’S SALE BARN, INC. PUBLIC AUCTION SATUBOAY. JUNE It 1984 10:00 A.M. JUNE FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Many More Items For Auction Not Advertised Due To Late Consignments Inviting: Farm Equip. - Lawm Mowers - Tools - Posts - Etc. Featuring In This Auction - Complete Line Of Farm Equipment From The Farm Of Mr. Millard McDowell Of Oxford, PA Having Decided To Discontinue Farming Will Sell His Farm Equipment At This Auction AND On Aug. 3rd. Will Sell 150 High Bred Bows w/13,897 Lb. Herd Average 4.2 Test On D.H.I.A. For 10 Years. Watch For Ad In Late July On Cows & Heifers From The Farm Of Mr. McDowell. Equipment Is In Very Good Condition. J.D. 2840 Diesel 1400 Hrs. Good Rubber Very Clean, Oliver 1850 Diesel 3 Pt. Hitch Less 100 Hrs. Since Major Overhaul, Hydro Power Drive w/Front Double Rear Hyd. Good Rubber, J.D. Grinder Mixer Model 700, Farmall Super C Good Rubber, J.D. Model B Antique 1934, Good Cond., Wind Power Generator, J.D. Chuckwagon Model 714 10-ton Gear, Gehl Chuck Wagon N.I. Gear 8 Ton Gear, 2 Bail-King Hay Wagons Pipe Racks 18’ 8-Ton Gear, 2 Flat Wagons, Gehl 99 Hi-Throw Blower, N.I. Cutditioner Model 270 7’ Cut, N.H. Haybine Model 489 9’ Cut Good Condition, N.H. Baler 315 w/Thrower 3 Yrs. Old Like New, N.I. Spreader #214 w/Hyd. Gate, J.D. 4 Bottom Plow w/Hyd. Reset, Brillion 9’ Chisel Plow Like New, Brillion 14’ Field Harrow Transport Like New, Badger 1000 Gal. Tank Spreader w/Self Contained Vacuum Pump Almost New Cond., Oliver 252 Transport Disc 12’ Ex. Cond., N.I. 5 Bar Rake Belt Drive, N.I. Wheel Rake 5 Wheel, Gehl Chop King 2- Row Chopper Wide Or Narrow, J.D. 38 Chopper 1 Row Com Head & Com Head, J.D. Trail Mower 7’ w/Hyd. Lift, Oliver 4-Row Cora Planter, N.I. 35’ Elevator, Brillion 14’ Cultipacker, Century Sprayer 300 Gal., 20’ Bunk Feeder By Fry Bros. On Wagon Gear, Dan Huser Post-Hole Digger 12” Auger Cardinal 20’ Small Grain Elevator on Wheels, Set Of Pipeline From Double Parlor w/4 DeLaval Milkers, Homemade Cattle Trailer, J.D. 5 Bottom Plow Semi-Mount, White 8600 Combine, (2) 12’ Heads, (1)4 Row Narrow Com Head; NH 455, 3 pt. Mounted Sickle Bar Mower; 6’ 3 pt. Mounted Cultivator. Terms: Cash or Approved Check Only. Auctioneers Norman E. Hunter Parkes T. Williams Auction Held At: Hunter’s Sale Barn, Inc Rt. 276, Rising Sun, MD 21911 Phone 301-658-6400 Restaurant On Grounds Plus Many More consignments Take Daily Not Listed. Phone List Your Equipment Now! HAULING AVAILABLE “CECIL COUNTY’S LEADING AUCTION SERVICE” 10:00 A.M GEORGE BRIGGS FARM, INC. Owner Lunch Served AUCTION SERVICE '/yjftf 9 RT 276 - BOX -427 RISING SUN, MD 21911 301-658-6400 Above Equipment Sold For MR. MILLARD fi. McDOWELL, JR. Oxford, PA 19363 Public Auction Register EXTRA BIG AUCTION ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & OUTSTANDING GUN COLLECTION SATURDAY, JUNE 16,1984 at 9 AM Sale to be held in the Stewartstown Fire Co. Hall, along Rt. 24 north of Stewart stown, York Co., Pa. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES For Miss Hazel Hess of Taneytown, Md. Lg. natural finish kitchen cabinet w/flour bin, etc;. lg. oak buffet w/clock shelf & candle rests & beveled glass mirror; sq. oak drop leaf ext. table w/6 boards; 6 oak st. bk. chairs; jelly cupboard; set of 4 dec. boot jack plank bottom chairs; 2 nice oak rockers; set of 6 dec. cane seat chairs; library table; lg. double dr. wardrobe w/2 drawers; dough tray on legs w/hd; very fine 3 pc. soft wood B.R. suite w/washstand; wicker rocker; tloverleaf stand w/ball & claw feet; fancy wood clothes tree; oak chest of drawers w/mirror; desk; stands; music rack; nice O.G. frame beveled glass mirror; trunks; 4 sec. dressing screen; cane seat sewing rocker; very old rush seat rocker; ant. lamp table; very old swing type butter churn; crocks; jugs; stoneware pitcher w/blue flowers; kerosene stove; store baskets; washboard; iron kerosene heater; coffee grinder; ironstone china; Noritake & German dishes; satin glass & hobnail pcs.; iron skillet; old cookware; pictures; frames; old clothes, etc. 25” Sylvama color console TV; Kenmore double dr. refrigerator; Sears Kenmore elec, stove; 4 pc. maple B.R. suite; Electrolux sweeper; maple table & stands; elec, sewing machine; sofa; chairs; 3 pc. wooden porch rocker set; metal lawn chairs; 2 iron single beds; Speed Queen wringer washer; folding chairs; daybed; elec, heater; fans; lamps; sm. appliances; lot of linens; doilies & bedding; phone stand; magazine racks; books; dishes; pots; pans; tools; step ladder; garden worker; lawn spreader; wheelbarrow, etc. OUTSTANDING GUN COLLECTION AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION ANTIQUE AND MODERN Allen & Thurber 36 cal. bar hammer; Albion 30 cal. Army rev.; Bacon & Co. 34 cal. un derhammer; Bel Browning 9mm HiPower auto.; Bel Browning 7.65 cal. auto; Becker & Holland 7.65 cal; Colt 44/40 Rev. New Service; Colt 32 cal auto; Colt 455 cal. Rev.; Colt 45 cal. Rev.; L. Colt 38 cal. Rev.; Defender 22 rev.; French Double bl. pm fire pistol; Gold color 22 cal. antique; German 45 rev.; Tver Johnson 32 rev. hammerless; Iver Johnson 22 target rev.; Indian Sales 25 auto; Italian Starter 22 rev.; Kalb 22 antique rev.; Lebel 36 rev ; Manhattan 22 top up; Red Jacket 32 nmfire pistol; Sharps 25 rim fire pistol; S & W 22 tip up; S & W 44 spec. Russ rev.; Stevens Favorite 22 single shot target long bl.; Stevens Favorite 22 single shot target short bl.; Spanish 32 rev; Sohn Henner 38/o/u German spy; Remington 41 o/u derringer; 2 Webley 455 Mark V rev; Hopkins & Allen 32 rev. forehand mdl; Brescia 6.5 military rifle; Baker 12 ga. double bl. (Damasscus); Enfield carbine 570 cal.; J.D. Higgins 22 rifle; Excelsior 12 ga. folding shotgun; Iver Johnson 44 single shot rifle; H&R 10 ga. shotgun; Japanese army rifle 30 cal; German 9mm carbine; Mossberg 22 rifle w/scope; J.V. Needham Bingham 12 ga. shotgun; Mossberg 22 rifle; Polish Army Bmm rifle; Spanish Army 25 cal rifle; Remington 22 rifle; Richard 10 ga. double bl; Win. 22 single shot rifle; Win. 22 cal. rifle w/scope; Win. 22 semi-auto rifle; Win. 25/20 Model 92; Win. 22 model 61 pump; Win. 30/30 model 94 1951 un fired; U.S. Springfield 1861 musket; U.S. Springfield 1844 musket; Kentucky 58 cal. rifle; H. Pieper 12 ga. &30 cal. double bl.; Percussion 10 ga. double bl.; 36 cal. Army cap & ball replica in case w/flask & mold; bayonets; belts; holsters; WWI gas mask for horse; old Army metals; hundreds of NRA-Rifleman books; shooters Bibles; Gun Digests; mysteries; novels, etc. Misc. Items: old piano bench; chairs; mission furniture; book shelves; 40 ft. ext. ladder; Hilton 14 Kt. solid gold watch; John Deere 17” chain saw; old locks & keys; Ig. oak desk; etc. Sale Order: Gun collection at 12 noon. Lg furniture at approx. 1:30. NATIONAL LUTHERAN HOME Robert Lucas, R. 0.1 Stewartstown Bob & Tom Sechrist, auctioneers Lie.# 820-L & 821-L 'Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 9,1984—D33 FRI JUNE 22 700 PM Dairy Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L yocum and Ron Gilligan, Auctioneers FRI JUNE 22 530 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41. Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers SAT JUNE 23 Colonial World Class Sale 2 Located at Adams Charolais Farm, Spring field, OH Sponsored by Colonial Charolais Association Managed by Garey Cattle Sales, Inc , 100 Walnut Lane, Mor nsville, PA 19067 SAT JUNE 23 10 AM Public Auction of a Registered Heifer Sale Located at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles East of Lancaster, off Rt 23 Abe Diffenbach & Norman Kolb, Auc tioneers S IAT JUNE 23 10 AM ’ublic Auction of Line iquipment, Chipper, PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS - LITITZ SATURDAY, JUNE 16,1984 SALE TIME 10 A.M. REAL ESTATE 2 P.M. Located At 203 E. Third Avenue, Lititz, Pa. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Cherry Dropleaf Table & 5 Chairs; Closed Cherry Hutch; Pine Blanket Chests; Cherry Rope Bed; Open Wash Stand (Spool Rack); Child’s Roll Top Desk; Child’s Antique Rocker & Chair; Duncan Pfyfe Card & Coffee Tables; Tapered Leg Table; Round Oak Extension Table; Oak Chest-of-Drawers; Oak Buffet; Oak Dresser; Twin Maple Beds; Massaging Box Springs & Mattresses; Maple Night Stand; Mahogany End Tables; 18 Cu. Ft. G.E. Refrigerator; Norge Automatic Washer; 15 Cu. Ft. Coldspot Chest Freezer; RCA B&W TV; Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner; Kneehole Desk; Braided Rugs; Small Burroughs Clock; Brass Bucket; Iron Tea Pot; Tin Box; Sleigh Bells; Antique Locks; Brass Carnage Light-Brass Bell; Collection Pencils; Large Collection 78 R.P.M. Records; Cast Iron & Post Office Banks; Penna. Railroad Torch; Telegraph Key; Kerosene Bracket Light; Antique Egg & Other Baskets; Lead Animals & Toys; Steam Engine; Small Wooden Toys; School Slate; Mechamcal Monkey: Black Doll; German China Head Doll (Cries); Celluloid Doll & Santa; German Granny Doll; 2 Victor Chalk Dogs; Double Barreled Pop Gun; Stuffed Horse; 2 Hummel Figures; Figurines; COLLECTION OF CHRISTMAS ITEMS (All Over World & Antique); Brass Games; Figurines; LARGE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL ITEMS - Cloisonne; Oriental China; Teapots; Johnson Bros. China “Devonshire”; Earthen Bowls; Bavarian & Germany Bowls; Blue Hobnail; Turquoise Swirl Blown Pitchers; Demijohn; Spittoons; Crocks & Jugs; Mercury Vase; Hob Nail; Weller Pottery; Planter Peanut Jar; Antique Salt & Peppers; Silver Sewing Chest; Sterling Antique Jewelry; Gold Watch; Costume Jewelry; Antique Fans; Aviation Tapestry; Linen Duster; Tablecloths; Lederhosen; Baby Shoes; Beaded Purses. Moravian Bill. JACOBSEN SNOWBLOWER; Toro Rotary Mower; Push Mower; Wheelbarrow; Lawn Seeder; Garden Tools; Large Iron Kettle; MANY MECHANIC TOOLS - Socket Sets, Gauges, Adjustable & Other Wrenches; Calipers; Files; Mechanics Tool Cabinet; Carpenter Tools; V Electric Drill; Bench Grinder; Brass Locks; Bolt Cutters; “C” Clamps; Aluminum Extension Ladder. GUNS .22 Model 34 Remington Rifle; Shattuck 12 Ga. Shot Gun; .22 Cal. Geco Rifle; Daisy Air Rifle. T. Glenn Horst, Auct. AU-000438-L Timothy Horst, Auct. 738 1245 AU-001767-L William Howard, Atty, Trucks & Trailers Located in Madison, NY at the in tersection of Rt 20 & Rt 128 Onskany Falls Telephone Corp' Facility Vilsmeier Auction Co, Auctioneers SAT JUNE 23 9 AM Public Auction of Wooded Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods, Etc Located along Sunnyside Rd at corner of Wood Cock Rd near Clyde Martin Memorial Speed way Richard W Spangler, Executor for the Carrie Spangler Estate Weik & Weik Auctioneers SAT JUNE 23 11 AM Public Auction of Real Estate Located in Asbury, Hunterdon Co NJ River Farm, Owners Max E Spann, Inc , Auc tioneers SAT JUNE 23 Public Auction of a Mobile Home 2 Acre lot & Personal Pro perty Located along Laurel Hill Rd and Bridge, 1 miles off Rt 625, 3 miles southeast of the village of Bowmans ville Brecknock Twp , Lancaster Enos S Weaver & Dorothy M Weaver, Owners Leßoy S Horst, Auctioneer TERMS BY; CORA RITZ