Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 09, 1984, Image 144
DlG—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 9,1984 Cumberland County Dairy Herd Improvement records show that 7,503 cows in 126 herds were on production testing in April according to Duane G Duncan, County Agent Of the 105 herds on DHIA, 31 herds had an average fat production of 600 pounds During the month 100 completed their 305 lactation with 650 lbs of butterfat The following are the highest of actual butterfat in 305 days or less in the county during the month The age listed is her age at the time of freshening OWNBt NAME Oft NO. Nevm Shughart Sissy J Shephard Wolff Fay Ashcombe Farms 206 Ashcombe Farms 257 Milk Way Farms 126 Galen&Linda Smith Picture Fred B McGillvray Ellen Thrush Brothers 48 Ashcombe Farms 25 M Thomas Sheaffer Jan HARVE BONUS YIELDS WITH* AGRIPRO^ SOYBEANS. AGRIPRO AP-250 • Group 111 variety. • Good emergency. • Fights Phytophthora root rot. • Resistance to iron chlorosis. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN. PA America’s No.l Best Seller. CUMBERLAND COUNTY DHIA Monthly Report April Report LBS. MILK 20,161 21,574 23 573 20,051 19,746 21,289 22,778 21,095 26,359 22,627 H2l AGRIPRO AP-330 • Group 111 variety. • Excellent shattering resistance • Good field resistance to phytophthora • Top yield potential • Suitable for narrow or wide rows AGRIPRO A P-350 • Group IV variety. • Excellent resistance to iron chlorosis. • Fights Phytophthora root rot. • Outyields Williams and Woodworth. John F Stamy 111 28 Carl Kelso Jr 126 M Thomas Sheaffer Lizzy Berkheimer Farms 64 John F Stamy 111 85 Robee Acres Vada JB Brymesser&Sons 218 Paul Strock Jenifer Milk Way Farms 106 Ashcombe Farms 77 Ferman L Landis 7 Kenneth E Zeigler Allen Allen B Martin 45 Galen&Lmda Smith Hillmar Glenn W Myers Sally * Denotes 3 times a day milking OWNER Nevm Shughart Fred B McGillvray M Thomas Sheaffer Ferman L Landis Ashcombe Dover Dairy Ashcombe Farms Norman Hertzler Sundays Vallilea Farms Carl Kelso Jr 941 888 *BB7 *875 Berkheimer Farms Kenneth E Zeigler Paul Strock John F Stoltzfus J David Martin 857 837 822 817 •802 799 PH; 717-299-2571 NO. SORTS ■REED COWS IN MILK B 3 32 3 33 3 58 B 3 40 B 3 236 B 3 241 3 34 B 3 161 B 3 59 B 3 145 3 46 3 120 3 46 B 3 42 SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL PERMA BUILDINGS 40x80 *8945 Perma Dome Includes; 1 - 14x20' Sliding Doors 1 - service door 10 yr, i stamp guarantee. Available engineered I I I I I I P 1 steel buildings 1 we've got it 796 21,007 794 18 898 792 22,146 791 22 476 786 21,654 780 24 682 21 563 779 22,447 776 771 17 299 22,778 *761 21,106 760 20,975 760 18 716 759 23,535 758 19,995 758 IRS. S IRS. MILK FAT FAT 19.269 17,983 19,466 17,729 19,056 19,122 19,040 18.950 18,948 17,912 17,877 17.951 19,034 17,901 2 WEEKS ONLY YOUR CHOICE Daniel L Martin Jr J Shephard Wolff Alfred Gaisler Donald&Dave Lehman Herbert B Shughart David Gettle Thrush Brothers Milk Way Farms Clifford Chamberlain Robee Acres Leroy Showaker&Son Marlin Miller&Sons Samuel D Shenk Ed-Kathy Kuntzelman Paul B Sensemg Mervm E Ruppert * Denotes 3 times a day milking Mark Naugle Janet Robee Acres Vada Sundays Valhlea Farms 55 100 62 43 Freshair Dairy Farm Mindy JB Brymesser&Sons 218 381 491 204 CreedinCCornman Mistle Ashcombe Farms 206 257 25 77 29 396 267 Lee G Davidson Sunny Galen&Lmda Smith Picture OR Perma Web Straight Wall Don't Wait - Call Today (215) 593-2511 Perma Building Systems Box 35, Christiana, Pa. 17509 City B 3 B 3 B 3 G 3 B 3 18,998 24,682 19,423 21,315 20,397 18,300 17,466 21,563 20,011 17,985 21,522 19,985 23,573 20,051 26,359 22,778 19,237 18,629 19 879 20,017 4 21,289 (Turn to Page Dl7) 40x80 *8945 State 17.709 17,123 17,977 18015 17 720 16,262 16,543 16.710 16,387 16,860 16,333 17,180 16,514 15,110 16,317 17 520 685 780 744 708 665 659 38 3 3 33 36 661 779 733 707 652 36 3 7 39 30 663 721 837