C6—Uncatter Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984 FARM E UtPMENT B Int. hydro 544 tractor; Int. § hydro 70 tractor, lit. corn lanter 800, 4 tow, air; urge mifcers, 8 unit, automatic takeoff complete. 304-267-8887. Acorn Monster manure pump complete 10 H motor and controls, three Jamesway Shuttlestroke barn cleaners with new gutter rod. 717-529-2822. For Sale - David Bradey hay rake, $100; also 3 pt hitch two row cultivator. 717-682-9391. FOR SALE - Hesston 1010 hydro swing haybine, 9' cut; NH 256 Rake; New NH 488 haybine, 9’ cut. 717-933-8134. _ F tch or Safe - Twin-disc dui 11” No. 2 Ml housing. 215-683-7230. For Sale • 60 KW generator, low hours. Cal 301-885-5368. For Sale - Case 1000-D Terre Trac loader, working, (1) for parts buy (1) free. 215-598- 1978 Dodge 150 SE- Prospector. Loaded. Excenent Condition. 717- 426-3135. For Sale - 1984 Honda ATC, big red, new con dition. 717-426-3135. 2 used Myers Mity-Mist sprayers. 1 good, 1 very good condition. Lester A. Singer Ronks, PA. 717- 687-6712. AC 185 D new 100 hrs., 38" tires, excellent condition; AC 170 G with loader, very good con dition. 201-875-9805. AC 7060 1981 400 hrs., power shift, 20.8 tires, with large bucket loader. 201-875-9805. AC 220 2000 hr., cab, good condition, 18.4-38 tires, 18.4-38 clamp duals. 20.8-38 J-Bolt duals. 201-875-9805. New Holland Baler with kicker and power aim. Good condition. 717-582- 2352. For Sale - Int. 56, 4 row com planter, real nice, $1,900; Little Giant 28' transport grain elevator, real nice. $5OO. 607-748- 4283. For Sale - JD chopper 3940, 2 heads, excellent condition. 717-864-3792. For Sale - Like new Badger bale chopper, 3 HP, electric. 717-789- 3070. Wanted 1 Oliver Side Dresser, complete. 609- 461-6041. Grimm hay tedder ground drive, 3 yrs. old, excellent condition. 717-949-3074. FOR SALE - Far mall 504, gas; JD 60; IH 47 baler w/thrower; IH 7' haybine; MF 5 bar rake; NH 36' elevator. 215-562-4464. MF 510 diesel combine, 4 row, 30", 15' grain, new rubber & motor, sealed ready. North Cumberland Co. 717-648-0027. For Sale - Two recon ditioned 250 gal., 25' foldup boom sprayers. Completely ready to go. 717-687-0102. 708 Uni, 717 combine, 713 flex head (did 140 acres), 744-W com head with feeder house. 717-637-2251 day, 637-5270 nites. Oliver OC4 tracks in ex cellent condition. Also rebuilt rails. Stratford, CT. 203-375-7491. For Sale >931 New Idea stripper plate corn head, 4 row. aood condition. Wanteo93B, 4 row strip per plate corn head. Call 304-249-5694 after 7 p.m. FOR SALE - 1160 Case Combine; 13' grain table; 4-row 30" corn head in operating condition 717- 682-3666. McCormick Hay Con ditioner - A-C roto-baler, McCormick 80 combine, all stored inside and in sood condition. 717-398- 459. 955 L Cat/85 J 7846/good undercarriage, GP bucket, askine $357)00. Call Nick 301-8790563 or after 6. 717-456-7497. IH 500 crawler loader; Farmall 200; Bearcat grinder mixer; Field sprayer; 12' harrow Lane Co. 717-733-005 P rARM EQUIPMENT MF 65 gas, new rubber, $2.700.814-793-4293. MF 65 diesel, excellent condition. 814-793-4293. Oliver 1955 cab and air. 814-793-4293. JD 2020 diesel w/48 loader, power steering, new clutch, nice outfit, $6,900,717-264-1154. Oliver 1755 diesel, 3 speed over and under, dual hydraulics. 814-793- 4293. NH 354 mixer grinder, good condition, $2,600; JD 4020 fenders. $225. 215-756-6259. Ingersoil Rand pump, 4SC, G.P.M. 600, T.H.I. 323, RPM-3550, Hyd T 375, $6OO. 215-273-2612 after 4 PM. For Sale - Cat D9G Dozer w/Ripper; 8 Spreader gox: JD 450 rawler/Loader. 717-933- 5734. Nl 710 Combine; 713 Grain Head; 729 A Shelter; 730 Com Head, excellent condition. Best offer. 301- 922-5180. Patz left hand gutter cleaner, good shape. Kelly Wasser, Benminster, PA. 18910. Bucks. 215-795 2396. FOR SALE - Balers Ford 532 with T5OO thrower MF #lO, Berks Co. 215- 682-7075. Massey Harris 30 parts for sale. Wayne Co. No Checks. 717-937-4558. Farmall H parts for sale. No Checks. Wayne Co. 717-937-4558. JD 430 Loader Parts For Sale. No Checks. Wayne Co. 717-937-4558. FOR SALE - NH 77 Baler: good condition, Wisconsin Morto., $4OO. Hershey. 717-533-7021. JD 227 corn picker with 50 sheller; JD 3 pt. hitch 150 gallon boom-sprayer. 215-489-7044. 2 hay feeders, $75 each; 1 JD A-20 com cultivator, $350; 1 10' E-Z flow spreader and 1 9' offset transport disc with cylinder. $4OO. 215-356- 5305. FOR SALE - 2-row JD tool bar. $250.814-487-5139. For Sale - Horse drawn 456 New Holland mower, 310 New Holland Baler. Adam Byler, R 2, Box 187 C, Howard, PA. 16841. For Sale -JD 6600 Sidehill Combine, cab, a/c monitor, weights, straw spreader, bin extensions with 213 grain and 444 corn head. Always shedded, field ready, priced to sell. 215-298- 2774. 6600 Ford Tractor. 231 Ford LCG mowing tractor, 674 IntemattonalTractor, Brillion Cultipacker Mulcher. Phone 215-646- 2096 or 215-646-2090. Dunham 7’ cover bucket for manure bucket; 400 egg incubator. 717-532- 9570. 1850 Oliver diesel wide front dual hydrauics, 7- tooth chisel. 3 pt. 215- 589-5394. round baler. Beat the rain; try some round bale haylage. Bags available. Clip and save this ad, bale your fodder this fall. Prefer to stay within 20 mile radius of Quarryville. 717-786-3964. Case 1070 diesel, 400 hrs. since complete overhaul, cab, turbo; Gehl CB6OO chopper; hay pick up; 2 row com head; Gehl 72; Flail 10 KW generator; 20 ft. steel dump trailer; Ford F7OO tractor; Woods CBO rotary. 609-298- 9289. Wanted - used wide front end for Ford 6000 Commander. Call 717- 596-2966. For Sale - John Deere 620 tractor, 3 point hitch. Rower steering, live ydraulics. Asking $2,350,717-248-2763. For Sale - 12' Bear-Cat cuKimukher, like new, $1,900; trailer to haul car with ramps, $995. Leb Co., 717-273-6018 after 5 PM. For Sale - Farmall Super A tractor with hydraußcs, $1,200 717-768-3197. For Sale - MF 750 combine w/four row com head. Perkins Diesel. AC c OO hours. Just overhaulea. A honey ot a machine. Ask ing $39,000. American fully automatic grain bu./day. Just load it up and let 'er rip, $2500. MF 1085 Diesel tractor. 81 HP, 2187 hrs. Needs front tires, otherwise in ex cellent shape, $7900. White model 543 four row pull type planter w/monitor. Adjustable, now at 38", liquid fert., corn discs replaced 400 acres ago. Priced to sell at $2500. Tye drill, 8 row, 440 acres. A steal at $4OOO. Only 42,000 miles on 1968 IH 10-wheeler. Dump, Harsch hoist. 44,000 tbs. cap. V 345 Int. gas engine. Great farm truck. Asking $7200. Three transport augers. One 41' Allied 6" w/PTO, $450. One 42' G.T. 8” w/PTO. $675. One 35’ Allied 6" w/3 HP motor. $5OO. Stainless steel tank. 500+ gal. cap, $275. Plastic nurse tank. Make an offer. Call (717) 589-3826 after 6:00 PM or on week-ends. Ask for Rosemary. For Sale - Generator, 4 cylnder, O'Keefe Merritt model Nl5, IS KW, 220/127 volts, 3 phase 4 wire, 49.2 amps per leg, $650 or best offer. 215-542-7980 or 215- 646-9057. JD 494 corn planter with disc openers. 301-833- 1847. JD 4320, side console, dual hydraulics, diff. lock.il bar, nice, $8,900. 717-264-1154. JD 4430, cab, air, new 38 rubber, 3400 hours, nice, $12,900. >l7-264-1i54. JD 3010, wide front, tur bo. new paint, dual hydraulics, real nice, $5,900,717-264-1154. For Sale - 2 IHC 295 com planter units, tool bar mount, like new, $250 each. 717-687-0102. For Sale - JD 2640 hi-low rollbar canopy, 1700 hours, excellent condition, $11,500.301-833-9091. T-D 14 Parts- For Sale. Wayne Co. 717-937-4558. TD-9 Parts For Sale Wayne Co. 717-937-4558. For Sale - JD heavy duty plow disc model 1640, 16', nice shape. $4,800; 24' Gooseneck stock trailer, $2,200. 201-859- 2616. For Sale - Tractor White 2- 135, 137 h.p., cab, a/c, AM-FM, 540/1000 PTO, dHf. lock, 20.8x38 duals, fuH weights, quick hitch, field ready, excellent For Sate ■ New H & S BxlB bale rack with 8 ton gear, complete. $1,250. 717- 768-3191 IH model 1486; IH *55 chisel plow; IH 315 packer mulcher; IH offset cut harrow 13' 8" wide; IH wing cut harrow 17' 5" wide; IH 1460 combine 15' grain head. 609-299- 5045 or 609-678-5606. FOR SALE - Vebler electric silage cart 25 bushel capacity with battery charger. Good condition. 301-865-3593. FOR RENT - IHC 5-16 bottom automatic reset moldboard plow. Call now to assure availability when needed. Quarryville. 717- 786-3964. JO 224 T baler with kicker and chute: IH 990 haybine 9' cut; 2/5 gallon gas tank with hand pump; Mathieson irr. pump with VG4D Wise, engine on 2 wheel trailer. Call after 6 p.m 215-932-3266. For Sale - NH *3lO baler with thrower and hydraulic angle. Excellent condition. Also 2 hay wagons, 18' & 20' beds, with front and side doors. Oliver 77 Diesel, new paint and tires. Live PTO hydraulics, in top con dition. Call Lancaster Co 717-733-3305. BRILLION EQUIPMENT. 8' packer/seeder, used; 8' cultimulcher; 9' sprocket cultipacker. Tom Wheary Lancaster Co. 717-687-0102 FARM EQUIPMENT Chisholm - Ryder snap bean harvesters, all machines complete w/hyd. Old two cylinder John Deere fty wheels rebuilt with our patented steel draw in hub which has the ability to tighten up on new or worn crank shafts. Also available new manufactured un breakable fhr wheels. Allen Machine Works, RO 17, Jonesboro, Term. 37699, 615-753-5738 day or night. Crawler Tractor Parts. New and Used Parts Available lor Cat. AHis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others. Rubber fired construction equipment parts sidd ment & parts brochure. VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Me, PA., 18936 Phone: 215-699-3533 USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt dutches and torques. We ship UPS. HilPr Farm Sales & Ser vice, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison. Ohio 45346. 513-548-0718. FORSALE IHC RECdNDmONEO TRACTORS Cub with cultivators and hydrauics Cub Low Boy w/snow plow, sickle bar and 4' Woods beHy mower Tractor repainted. new rings and valve job, $3,200. CUB ATTACHMENTS F&H 4' Mott-Mower, F/H Transplanter, Snow Blower, Sickle tar mower, cultivators, single gars disc, snow plow, dirt plows. 717-687-0102. For Sale: Bale Thrower Wagons - Steel or Wood. Will fit sides onto your flatbed. Also Available; Flatbed Wagons. STOLTZFUS WOOD- WORK Rt. 2, Gap, PA. 17527 (717)442-8972 IH 856 Diesel with roll guard, original paint, like new. 814-793-4293. JD 3010 Diesel, complete ly over-hauled, new paint 814-793-4293. Oliver 1850 diesel, dual hydraulics, wide front 814-793-4293. JD 4020 power shift, dual hydraulics 814-793-4293. IH 1466 cab and air, dual hydraulics, like new. 814-793-4293. JD 4320 wide front 18.4-38 tires, dual remotes 814-793-4293. Minneapolis Moline G9OO Diesel, orignal paint like new 814-793-4293. JD 4010 Diesel, wide front excellent condition. 814-793-4293. JD 4230, 4 post roll guard, dual outlets, ex cedent. 814-793-4293 JD 4020 side console real clean, low hours 814-793-4293. Ford 5000 Diesel, dual outlets, standard trans mission, late model 814- 793-4293. MF 1080 diesel, wide front, multi-power, dual hydraulics. 814-793- 4293. IH 656 wide front 3 pt. 814-793-4293. JO 730 diesel, electric start, wide front. 3 pt 814-793-4293 Oliver 1850 diesel, dual hydraulics, wide front. 814-793-4293. IH 1066 cab, dual outlets, 3 pt 814-793-4293. JD 4430 power shift, dual hydraulics, 4 post roll Suard, 38" rubber, 14-793-4293. For Sale - JD 2020 diesel utility tractor, hydraulic remodes and 16x28 rubber, high/low, good condition. Lancaster Co. 717-354-6712. FOR SALE - rotary mower, 6’ trail type with over running clutch, new condition, $BOO. York Co. 717-938-6318. FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - JD Side In II combine. Hydro, Air, Monitors, Duals, 643 corn, 215 grain heads available. 21 £827-7105. For Sale - Farmall M Tractor with wide front 110 IH hyd, sickle Mower; Cultipacker. All extra fine condition. 201-741-8109. For Saw - Gleaner modelE combine, $2,500. Far mhand forage wagons, $6OO. Oliver 4x16 reset plow, $1,050. 215-682- 6429. JD 327 haybaler with kicker; 279 Ml con ditioner; Deutz Fahr hay rake, model KSBO. 717- 836-2788. MF 1100 diesel dual hydraulics. 38" rubber, 814-793-41293. Nicholson Hay Tedders Nl transplanters IHC horse culti. JD 999 cornpla nter JD #7 Big 4 mower 7' IHC 56 2R cornpla nter IHC «9 mower T NH 55 Hay Rake Nl 751 & 752 Crushers Oliver 2 row potato planter TOM WHEARY Lancaster, PA. 717-687-0102 Oliver 1750 w/3 speed over and under year round cab. 814-793-4293. AC D2l Tractor with T bottom plow; AC F combine 1974, 13” grain head with generation 3 floating cutter bar; IH model 58 8 row planter: 4 row cultivator for AC tractor back mounted; Farm Fan model 350 dryer. 609- GHL grinder mixer #65. 301-833-1847. Used NH 717 W pickup attachment; Used NH 880 N 2 row crop; Used NH 273 Baler w/tnrower. 717 786-2895. Bale throwing wagon beds and running gears. All oak lumber. Size 18x8x8. 215- 273-2594. For Sale - Complete line of turnip growing equipment; Ceeders, Sprayers. Harvester, Washers, Graders, Slow Tables. Baggers, Pa let Bins. Call 717-587-1428. For Sale - Transplanter 2 row Nl; Vibra Shank harrow 16 ft.; John Bean air blast sprayer, 500 gallon row crop; Oliver sprayer, 400 gallon. Call 717-587-1428. 3 PT. HITCH EQUIPMENT 5Vz ' Br i 111 o n packer/seeder Lely spin spreader 6' scraper blade IHC # 100 bla need mower Ford 2 row cultivator TOM WHEARY Lancaster, PA. 717-687-0102 For Sale -1983 JD model 8300 rain drill; 1981 JD 12' chisel plow; 1980 Dunhill cuttipacker; 1978 Farmfan batch grain dryer with bins and augers; 1970 Owatana haybine. All in good condition. Must sell. Cal 717-273-5231. For Sale - Troyer high speed potato grader. 717- 367-2633. Cat D9G Dozer w/ripper, very good condition. 717-933-5734. 8' self contained cinder or fertilizer spreader; IHC 125 C Crawler/Loader; Ford 550 Backhoe/ Loader. 717-933-5734. Ford 4500 Backhoe/Loader; Davis Walk-behind Trencher. 717-933-5734. JD 3020 console, stan dard shift, 72 model. 814-793-4293. NOTICE - Buy. sell or trade almost any type horse-drawn equip., mowers, rakes, crimpers, discs, harrows, plows, corn planters, tedders, packers, wagons, Wise, engines, tobacco planters, etc Wanted 402 N.H. crimpers. Nickolson tedders Sam K. Zook, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. For Sale - 2 row Hers hey Transplanter w/hydrauic control, late model, like new. 717-733-4516. 4440 JD w/cab & air; 4430 JD w/cab & air; 4320 JD; 4020 JD; 4230 JD; 1086 Int. w/cab & air; 170 JD skid steer; 24 ft. leveling disc. 717-547-2387. FARM EQUIPMENT IH hydro 70 diesel, good condition, $5,750. 301- 833-9091. WANTED 1 Engine for ?fSiWSB9 , "“ H JD 2940 4 wheel drive tractor. Like new con -71^532^7(^43004 300 h ° UrS Combine For Sole - New Holland 975, good condition, tires V* plus, good paint. Always under cover, $3,500; JD plateless, 4 row, no-till corn planter, very good, $2,000 Lancaster County 717-529-2528 1 NEW 7 TOOTH, 9’ GLENCOE SOIL SAVER, $5,200 JD34 HARVESTER W/ PICKUP & CORN HEAD $l,OOO NH 352 GRINDER MIXER, EXCELLENT SHAPE $2750 SHOVER'S Loysville, Pa 717-789-3117 FOR SALE JD 3010 w/wide front Same 70 w/4 WD jNH 325 Skid loader JD 2440 w/146 loader MF 1135 w/duals, cab & air MF 1155 w/cab& air IH 3200 Skid Loader MF 550 combine w/1143 com head Ford Round Baler Bushhog 12’ Chisel plow 418 Automatic reset plow 4 irrigation pumps 8,000 feet 6 inch irrigation pipe 6 field cultivators from 10’-24’ L&M BURKHOLDER Ephrata, PA. 717-859-2960 717-859-2712 AC 200 Tractor w/Cab AC 160 Dsl. Tractor w I Loader ACC Tractor &Culti- vator AC CA Tractor w/ Cultivator AC 4 row 600 No till cornplanter NH #479 Haybine Nl #2lB Spr w/Upper Btr & End Gate Nl #2lB Spr w/Upper Btr. Nl #213 Spreader Nl #709 Hydro Power Unit OMC 235 Swing Tongue Mower Conditioner 12' OMC 2209’ Mower Conditioner OMC 540 Stacker & Mover 8C Hydra-Mac Skid Loader ROY H. BUCK INC. Ephrata 717-859-2441 FARM EQUIPMENT JU 3020 DNF, new rut ber, (air condition, <4.000.301-833-9091. Farmall 544 D w/2250 quck attach, loader, new rubber, 2 outlets. $6,850 301-833-9091. HO/ NEW & USED ENGINES • Used Deutz Diesel, Model F2L-410, 2 Cylinder w I electricals *7OO • Wisconsin Model TFD 14 H.P., Rebuilt, 2 cylinder, hand start. guaranteed *475 • Wisconsin Used Model VF4,27 H.P, power unit, electric start and clutch *BOO GOOD SELECTION OF NEW & USED SMALL ENGINES LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT • Used New Idea (G.E.)IOH.P Electric Garden Tractor w/Mower ‘695 Excellent • Used Yazoo High GOOD SELECTION OF NEW & USED LAWN MOWERS WES STAUFFER SALES & SERVICE RD3, EPHRATA PA 17522 (717) 738-4215 Tractors Equipment TRACTORS (1) Ford 8700, no Cab & Roof j Ford 8000 Ford 4000 SU Tractor Ford 5000 w/Gas . (1) Ford 555 14’ Tractor/, Loader/ Backhoe Ford 750 Tractor,/ Loader,/Backhoe, cab Ford NAA w/Loader Case DC AC WD AC Dl7 Tricycle 900 SOS Gas 1H784 AC 5040 6600 w/Cab 6600 w/Factory Cab 7710 lyr. old, 400 hrs. 1700 4WD EQUIPMENT (1) NH 328 Spreader (3) NH 518 Spreaders IH 830 Fg. Harvester, Com & Hay Heads NI & Farmhand Wheel Rakes NH 320 Baler w/Thrower IH #27 Baler w/#W Thrower IH 440 Baler w/Thrower IH 203 Combine w/Grain Head IH 315 Combine 3 R Narrow Head & H’ Grain Head Bearcat #72 Flail Chopper (2) Ford 9 tooth Soil Saver Lawn & Garden Tractors w/Mowers & Snow Blowers CHARLESS. SNYDER INC. RD3 Tamaqua, PA 18252 Phone: 717-386-5945
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