The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section C Deadlme- Thursday morning at 9 of each week’s publication Farm Equipment Silos & Unloaders Buildings & Supplies Grain Equipment Dairy Equipment Livestock Equipment & Supplies Cattle Horses & Mules Sheep & Goats Swine Artificial Breeding Hog Equipment & Supplies Poultry & Supplies Feed & Seed Fertilizer Plants Fruits & Vegetables Nursery Lawn & Garden Services Offered Custom Work Help Wanted Situations Wanted Business Opportunity Autos Recreational Vehicles Notice Lost Found Pets Household Miscellaneous Computers The following categories are available for your classified advertising, in Section B. Deadlme- Vednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication Real Estate Trucks & Trailers IBOMBERGER'S Buff off • Monday, Thursday, Friday 'til 9:30 • Tuesday & Wednesday 'til 6:00 • Saturday 'til 5:00 717-665-241 WE SHIP UPS OR PARCEL POST PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394 ■"ssressr ADVERTISING RATES 20c per word 2.40 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 12 or Less 2.40 5 76 13 2.60 6.24 14 2.80 6 72 15 3 00 7.20 16 3 20 7.68 17 3.40 8.16 18 3.60 8.64 19 3.80 9.12 20 4 00 9.60 KEYED AOS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents addi tional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inser tion of any advertisement Lancaster Farming PO Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 DON'T BE SLOW Call Now To Place Your CLASSIFIED AD Ph: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 with a ity Mac jssure hose lets you ir lawns, gardens and small orchards, and reach tops of 25 foot trees Modtt PS 322 T SELL, in FARM EQUIPMENT 8 row planter, In- 32” Zimmerman Elevator, ternational Model 58; AC like new, JD F 145 14' F combine 1974,13' grain Bottom Trip-Semi-Mount head, w/generation, 3 with a Frame Depth Con floating cutting bar; trol, JD 660 Rake with Dryer-Farm Fan Model Wheel, Like new JD Com 609 259 37 3 f ra,n dryer WWl^S^ow 4 ?'’* 609-259-3733. row w ,markers. .All equipment ■ Excellent Cond. Barn Kept. York Co. Lewisberry, PA. 717- 938-3517. JD Rollover Plow 5-16 semi mounted, $4,750; JD F 1450 5-16 semi mounted, $2,000; JD 1630 plow disc. $2,300 609-737-9317. FOR SALE - Lockwood 2- row potato harvester model Mark 6. 609-448- 1370. Cultivators to fit Farmall- H with hydraulics, good condition, $2OO. Wayne Co. 717-937-4558. For Sale - 1100 MF with dual outlets. 540 and 1.000 RPM shafts (powershift rims). Also #35 John Deere harvester with 1 row com head, 1.000 RPM shaft. Blair County. Phone 814-793- 3926. FOR SALE - Ford Flail Mower 6' wide, very good condition. 215-693-3483 or 215-376-7664. For Sale - JD 40 combine with pickup; JD 95 com bine grain head, 3 row narrow corn head; Owatonna 35 self propell ed windrower. Lyle Hobart. Tully, NY., 13159. Phone 315-696-5645. For Sale - Rosenthal corn husker/shredder; 7’ On tario drill; JD 2 bot. disc plow; JD 2 row planter; JO corn binder; McCormick grain binder; Nl rake; Nl hay tedder. 301-824- 2193 FR. Co. PA. After 5 PM. yer versatile, and easy i for spraying lawns, ibbery or trees with isticioes, fungicides fertilizers, great for control. Heavy doty 50 gallon tanks are non and scale proof engine with piston delivers 3 gpm at 300 psi through ijustable nozzle for ipray or jet. 25 toot n RENT AC 6 row no-till corn planter 600 Series, near new liquid fertilizer with insecticide boxes and monitor MF 129 10' chisel plow 3 point hook-up almost new, good 10' offset Miller disc. 717- 995-6155. For Sale - 930 lease tractor 4 bottom plows, 12' Oliver disk; Mojoinner milk 400 gallon tank; Marrieta Silo 14-40, $12,000. Howard T. Long Sr., 1020 Leds Road, Elkton, MD. 21921 Cecil County. Wanted - usable used 100 fallen orchard spray. Cal om Poulos. 201-361- 6368. Allis Chalmers CA Tractor. New paint, good rubber, runs good, $895 York Co. 717-235-2200. 1977 H Catapillar front end loader on tracks, apod condition. 717-438-3354. Allis Chalmers 4 row, no till corn planter w/fer- tilizer and insecticide boxes. $1,200. 717-532 2599. For Sale - Int. 203 Combine, 10' grain head. 717-328-2971. NH TR7O Combine w/6 row 30” corn head and 15 ft. grain head. Call evenings. 301-845-6121. For Sale - 1980 886 D International Tractor with cab, air, radio, like new. 175 hours. Rhone 412- 459-6684. IRRIGATION PIPE - used 6”x3o', 5,000 feet, ex cellent condition. 717- 532-9108. Bobcat Skid Loader, $4,750. DENNIS M. MILLER Rt. 22, Grantville, PA 717-838-1888 arytime 717-469-0937 daily For Sale - JD 2940, 2 yrs. old w/dual remote and roll guard, 1500 hrs. 215-932-2753. Zimmerman 8-ton tag aktng equipment trailer; Tandem axle w/electric brakes, nod condition, $2,400; NH 268 Baler, very good condition, $1,500.302-239-5043. For Sale - 3020 JD diesel. 65 model, tricycle, good shape. $6400, new clutch. 71/-6&3-5274. Lancaster Co. 384 Leyland turbo diesel 92 PTO horsepower, overhauled 4 years, Rea rend and transmission gone over last year, all good tires, weights, ex cellent condition, $5500. Also Allied Loader, good condition, $lOOO. Prices negotiable. 4/65 Nuffiled diesel with heavy duty loader, $3500; Kver naland 4-16” bottom plow, $450; 10' transport disc. $600; 2 roller cultipacker, $200; Ford 4 row 3 pt. hitch corn planter with new shovels, $450; John Deere 4 row corn planter on rubber. $300; Coop E-3 40 ho just overhauled new., clutch, remote hydraulic, in dependent PTO, $800; International Papec portable feed grinder, good condition, $lBOO. Phone 717-865-2202. Case 350 Diesel Dozer 6- way blade, 1973, nice condition, $7BOO. 215- 837-6606 or 215-837- 7516. Combine IH 715 diesel 13' floating grain table 4 row 1930 John Deere GP, corn head straw chopper. $l5OO (G00d)j1937 John Air over sized tires front Deere L. SIOOO (Good), 23.1-26 back 12.4-1-16 restored*painted2years stored inside, very good ago. Phone 717- condition. 215-2690855. 746-1337. HR Gooseneck 24x8, top con dition, low mileage creep feeders. 609-921-1777 or 921-1743 For Sale - Gooseneck tandem axle trailer, Bxl4, 10,000 GW, $1,500 717- 463-2394. For Sale - JD 1209 mower conditioner, $2,500. 717- 463-2394. New Vermeer Round Balers 504 G, $9,200.00, 504 H, $10,200.00, 605 H, $11,500.00. Franklin County. 717-597-3364 or 717-597-4296. Int/ 7’ fast hitch sickle bar mower, complete. Cultivators for Super C. Cal Hambrug. 215-562- 4225. Tandem 9000 Ford tractor w/290 Cummins 9 speed road ranger transmission. Smithco 25- ton trailer w/removable goose neck; 76 mag tri axle dump, w/8,000 front axle, 44,000 rear axles, 6 speed transmission, low mileage. 977 H Cat loader w/ripper. Package Deal. IHC tractor single axle & 25 ton heavy duty Rogers Loßoy trailer. Onan 50 KW generator w/only 260 hrs., near new, runs on city gas. By changing carborator, you can use regular gasoline. 717-922- 1437. Super A Farmall tractor with cultivators, good condition, $2,595 or best offer. 717-665-9351. For Sale - JD 3800 forage harvester, new knives, two heads. Lehigh Co. 215-298-2381. For Sale - JD 1050 diesel tractor, 1980 model, 325 hours, $6,900. 717-463- 2394. 5 HP single phase, 80 gal. tank air compressor, $1,200. 717-397-1186 or 717-872-4762. JD 4010 gas tractor, rebuilt engine, good condition. 71/-532-7054. Van Dale 185 mixer wagon. Used 1 year Frederick Co. 301-371- 9105 afterS PM. Cultivator for AC G Tractor: IHC 4-row, front mounted, cultivator Model 68; Nl Crimper; 56 4-row IHC planter w/dry fert.: IHC 100 3 pL mower, 5 bar; tobacco planter; Ford 8N; JD M w/ptow & cultivator. 717-786-3087 JD 3010, wide front, tur bo, new paint, dual hydraulics, real nice. $5,900.717-264-1154. New Equipment For Sale. Landoll 10' chisel plow, 3 pt. hitch; Glencoe 10' and 12' fieU cultivators. Call 215-395-2102. FOR SALE - Case back hoe attachment, SD-130, will fit skid steer loader, $2,400.717-537-6258. Gehl Silage blower model FB-87, excellent condi tion, priced right. Call 814-632-8542 or 814- 684-2438. For Sale-JD 6600 Side hill ss»t a corn. 215 rind grain heads. 215-827-710^ For Sale - Vermeer twin bar rake model R2l i never used). List 7,350.00. Sale price $5,500.00. Bence's Farm Equipment, R.D. $2, Bedford, PA. Phone 814 623-8601. David Brown 1200 tractor, rebuilt clutch and completely rewired, engine in good shape, Model 1967-68. Daniel Yoder, Rte. 30 East, RD 2, Gap. 17527. WANTED - one-row potatoe harvester, in good condition. Call 914-258- 4310. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 2,1984—C5 FOR SALE - White 4-row air planter, liquid fert, real nice condition; 2 Vermeer 605 round balers, 1,000 lbs. & 1,500 lbs. Phone 301-334-9060. NH 852 round baler, new still in dealer warehouse Phone Carlisle 717-243-1281. York 8' stone rake w/2 pt. fast hitch adaptor. 215- 666-6726 Sat. & Sun Only. For Sale - 1469 self propelled haybine with Wisconsin motor, ayg. condition. $2,800. No Sunday Calls. Lane Co 717-786-3782 WANTED • Cobey forage wagon for parts. Need gear box, IHC 31 manure spreader wheel. 301-334- 9060 or write Ernest Schrock, Rte. 1, Box 32, Oakland, MD. 21550. AC 190XT cab, heat, new paint, beautiful new clutch, rebuilt power director and hydrauic pump. With or without great bend 880 loader, HD bucket. Evening calls O K 717-376-2116 Tioga Co. LANCASTER SILO CO. 2008 HORSESHOE ROAD LANCASTER. PA 17601 WE MANUFACTURE AND B “T ANfAQTirn” CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS DID YOU KNOW’ The Economic Tax Recovery Act of 1981 makes it more advantageous than ever to buy a new con Crete tower silo this year l Now you, can completely depreciate the structure in only 5 years l Not over 12 or 25 years as in the past Faster depreciation means Uncle Sam takes less of your hard earned profit And a lower tax bite means more money in your pocket And a new concrete silo qualifies for a IQ° O investment tax credit, too LANCASTER SILO CO. OFFERS MORE FOR SILO CUSTOMER IN 1984 - EARLY ORDER SAVINGS - EARLY DELIVERY SAVINGS - EARLY PAYMENT SAVINGS CALL US - WE WILL SAVE YOU MORE ON SILO AND SILO UNLOADER PURCHASES. VAN DALE AND SUPREME SILO UNLOADERS PURCHASED DURING SPRING SEASON - CASH DISCOUNT -or- WILL TRADE YOUR OLD UNLOADER IN WORKING ORDER. WORTH UP TO $lOOO.OO DEALER INQUIRIES FOR LANCASTER SILOS AND LANCASTER EQUIPMENT-CALL NOW FOR QUOTATIONS-CALL 717-299-3721 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - Farmall BN; 5' Wood Cadet PTO Mower; NH Baler w/2 cylinder Wisconsin engine in A 1 shape, 2 Horse Trailer. Cal after 5 p.m 717-687- 6640. 1 American automatic grain dryer w/3 phase electric converter, cheap, 1 - 3 pt hitch snaper, $9O; 1 flat hay wagon, $125. Lehigh Co. 215-298-2529 IH 315 combine w/cab, Dickey-John monitor, hydrostatic drive, 3 row corn head w/central lube. 14’ grain head, $2,900. 201-782-4439. Super C 2 pt. fast hitch; 721 H blade front or center mount; 2C-32 IH loader; York 8' stone rake w/2 pt fast hitch adaptor. 215- 666-6726 Sat & Sun. Only. Int. 440 custom hay baler, $3000; MF 6 bar hay rake, $9OO. Both in good condition. 201-875-4355. No Sunday Calls. Allis C. 190-XT gas. 1685 original hours, mint condition. Must be seen to arfSYfWMfiTCf 717-345-8434 riLD 4 ,
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