The Dairy Farmer's A-B-C BY ROXANNE LEA GABEL 1983 Perry County Dairy Princess When you were little children Your teachers taught you your let ters; And I’m sure at that time You thought nothing could be any better. But I’ve got a surprise for you If you’ll just listen to me. Today I’m going to teach you all The Dairy Farmer’s A-B-C. fhinj KU A 52.2 cubic inch, 15HP diesel tractor with 12.5 PTO HP that’s bred for performance. w so THE DAIRYMEN Your participating Kubota dealer invites you to come in and see the full line of Kubota tractors and implements. PENNSYLVANIA AVONDALE Thomas Power Equipment 215/268-2181 BIGLERVILLE O.C. Rice, Inc. 717/677-8135 BLOOMSBURG Tractor Parts Co. 717/784-0250 DOVER NEW p ARK Straley Farm Supply Inc. ? * L E !! U j!!? 1 . ent ’ lnc -717/292-4443 or 292-2631 717/993-2511 HONESDALE Marshall Machinery, Inc. 717-729-7117 HONEY GROVE SPRING MILLS CHESTERTOWN HAMMONTON Norman 0. Clark & Son, Inc. Rishel’s Sales & Service W.N. Cooper & Son, Inc. Rodio Tractor Sales, Inc. 717/734-3682 814/422-8826 301/778-3464 609/561-0141 A is the grade of dairy products That are the best your money can buy. If you want the best in quality Give grade A dairy products a try, B is for butter, That tasty, golden spread. It’s great when used in cooking; Or terrific, just butter and bread C, of course, is for the cow; Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Milking Shorthorn; They give us milk that’s oh-so-fine. IRWIN STATE COLLEGE Laspina Equipment Rishel’s Sales & Service 412/864-5147 814/238-7788 LEBANON Keller Bros. Tractor Co. 717/949-6501 LITITZ Keller Bros. Tractor Co. 717/626-2121 REYNOLDSVILLE RISING SUN HAINESPORT McGarvey Equipment, Inc. AG-IND Equipment Co., Inc. Material Handling Systems 814/653-9637 301/658-5568 or 398-6132 609/267-6100 D is for the dairy Where the cow’s milk is then ship ped to; Pasteurized, packaged and delivered fresh From the dairy straight to you. E is for eggnog, That traditional holiday drink, Made with eggs, REAL milk and nutmeg, And Christmas spirit, I should think. F is for the farmer Who works from dawn till dim. For milk and dairy products We owe a lot of thanks to him. (Turn to Page C 4) TRMTOR 86200 i'WMEVIT’I Nothing like it on earth? WELLSBORO Benedict’s Ford Tractor 717/724-2839 WEST CHESTER M.S. Yearsley & Sons, Inc. 215/696-2990 FLEMINGTON Poniatowski Bros., Equip. Co. MARYLAND 201/782-3514 I® OTB HAGERSTOWN Arnett’s Garage 301/733-0515 NEW JERSEY ELMER Roork’s Farm Supply, Inc. 609/358-3100 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984—C3 Farm Talk (Continued from Page C 2) problem of getting the pollen from one plant to another Unlike corn pollen, soybean pollen is not carried by the wind, so another means of transportation must be found One hope for this that is being explored involves tran sferring pollen by insects, such as honey bees The Illinois researcher has produced data on 37 hybrid combinations The best single year increase was less than 30 percent, and Nelson says the samples were 100 small to produce conclusive results In producing soybean hybrids, the plant expert points out that breeders are striving for in creased yields Traits like disease resistance are often controlled by a single gene and are relatively easy to transfer in plant breeding Yield Is a very complex trait and is more likely to be improved in a hybrid Potentially, he says, every gene in the plant has an effect on yield. The way the seed is produced is dependent on the overall efficient functioning of the plant from the extracting of carbon dioxide from the air to water and nutrition from the salt, to the final conversion into complex carbohydrate oil and protein in the sea. Nelson says parents should be elected for their ability to produce good hybrids an<J not for their ability to yield as a pure line. In other crop areas, researchers are working with hybridization and some are being grown com mercially But Nelson thinks researchers are still down the road quite a ways from a commercial hybrid soybean.
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