Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 02, 1984, Image 57
i 7 \ Master of Ceremonies Bob Honda! stands between newly crowned 1984 Somerset Dairy Princess Amy Baer left, and 1983 Dairy Princess Angie Brant. Most Advanced Feed Management System On The Market Tod | THE INTERROGATOR Ruggedly constructed and mounted ■ to the front of the feed manger. X Takes identification from the re sponder and sends it to the computer ' for instant recognition and feeding ’ per the program to the proper cow. ' . FEED MANGER Stainless steel for rugged field con ditions. All power sources to the feed * manger are safe 24 volt AC. Fea ' tures a cone-shaped feed bowl that fitsihe contours of the cow’s muzzle therefore allowing no spaces for food to buildup and spoil. o|ial (2) ration feeder to better meet herd needs on an individual basis - ideal for high moisture corn application. Ffeed rate @ maximum of 12 oz./min. keeps cows content white feeding - No over feeding and wasting feed. • 1 to sleed periods programable per day with carry over within : the f|»d periods/6 lbs. maximum % intaw by animal per visit to a • feed* - helps maintain a | unifcpn pH in cows rumen. I Keytmard Ipck-out to prevent I I tampering with system. Jt Large, multi-function keys are easy totiseand reed. Eaehkey makes an audible sound when depressed. • Cow number is assigned to a tag number allowing manager to use numbers which are familiarto him. aflcfces Silo Newville 717 77&3m J.B. Zimmerman ZERO West of Blue Ball 717-354-4955 Annville 717-867-5143 Serial Port to tie into home computer for more than feed capability - communication is two-way, allowing up-date to each system NOW AVAILABLE: (Communicates With Home Computer) This Makes The Beta4soPC Expandable To These Management Programs: • Cow Calendar (Breeding Wheel) • Cow Heifer Inventory • Mastitus Records • Health Records • Milk Production • Feed Costs & Consumption Records • Work Schedules • Other Programs With History Reports Available PENNSYLVANIA Howard Martin Refrigeration UUtic 717-626-6355 An*. Serv, 717-733-1224 W & I Dairy Sales O*lor* 717-520-2669 Tom Dunlop Jersey Shore 717-398-X391 Draw On Us For Free I Hot Water 1 The Zero 1 v super Saver i * uses the heat -I removed by your f refrigeration > system to make „ you money. Amy Baer crowned Somerset Dairy Princess SOMERSET Somerset Area Senior High School senior Amy Baer was recently crowned the 1984 Somerset County Dairy Princess during a coronation ceremony at the Oakhurst Tea Room. Amy, 18, is the daughter of Allen and Sandra Baer of R 3 Somerset. Following a smorgasbord dinner and entertainment by the Roof Garden Chorus, a barbershop quartet from Somerset, Master of Ceremonies Bob Hondal presented Amy with the crown. Last year’s dairy princess, Angie Brant, was also on hand to greet the new princess. BETA-150 PC RESPONDER COLLAR Each cow is identified by a responder worn around the cow’s neck. The responder is sealed to tough polyurethane plastic-with no batteries or working parts for an unlimited useful life. Each responder transmits a unique digital code to the inter rogator unit. It offers positive cow identification. The re sponder is built to operate under severe farm conditions, -20 degrees Fahrenheit, and high moisture conditions. The unit is completely sealed. Matt A Dan Itle Loretto (Altoona) 614-686-2928 MARYLAND Laurel Run Farm Supply Qrantcvttte 301-895-5567 Roger Hornbaker Williamsport 301-223-9005 The Only Thing We Didn't Put Into Our New Super Z Milk Zero’s Super Z. It's the complete bulk milk tank At least a great improvement on any you’ve seen before, certainly a revolution in des^n^>dj>erhag^sver^hyltirnaje^^^ Amy helps her parents with their herd of 60 dairy cattle on the family’s 220-acre dairy farm. Her school activities include acting as treasurer for both Y.E.A. and FHA, and a course of study in business. She is a mat maid and was chosen this year’s wrestling queen. She was a member of the prom queen’s court and is a member of the Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team. When Amy’s not busy with her school activities, she spends some of her time working as treasurer of the Steaks and Chops 4-H club. She is also a member of the Sipesville Clovers 4-H club and a former • Self-diagnostic program for interrogators and CCU for easy service analysis - shortens down time. • Exception list prints out every 24 hrs. alerting manager of cows not meeting expected feed con sumption • Lighting protection superior to most systems available today. • User friendly - take Utile time to learn operation of C.C.U. • Thermal printer for clear, con cise written reports - very reliable • Set-up for 255 cows; Add-on memory for additional cows or capability. OHIO Zimmerman Sales A Service Columbian* 216-482-5190 DELAWARE Hiott Refrigeration Dover 302-697-3050 Lancaster Fairing, Saturday, I— 2,1X4 117 member of Dairydells 4-H. Some of her other 4-H activities include; Fashion Revue, Foods Revue, Club Congress, 4-H County Council and the 1982-83 exchange trip to Phoenix, Ariz. She also competed in the Fair Queen contest this year. Her hobbies include volleyball and swimming. While Amy says her plans for the future are undecided, one thing she can be sure of - she’ll be spending plenty of time promoting dairy products in the coming year. Outgoing 1983 Somerset County Manager Ray Kuhns 67 RpMAw. Ctomfcertbiirf. PA 17201 717-264-3814 We Salute The Dairy Industry You’re a boost to our economy and fitof "l nutrition. Thanks, Dairy Farmers! (Turn to Page B 18) g ZERO