Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 02, 1984, Image 181
Only J.l. Case offers the most intelligent high performance over-1 00-hp tractors Genius Case brings you WHEEL DRIVES (Including The Ultra-Modem 4994) From 231 HP to 400 HP vm ~ locaJdealer ■ [SS STOUFFER BROS., INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA <717)263-8424 C.H. WALTZ SONS, INC. RDI, Cogan Station, PA (717)435-2921 PEOPLES SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills, PA (717)463-2735 BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Rd. Lititz, PA (717)626-4705 From the Tractor Specialist... Case. new 2 wheel drive traders with intelligence FOUR NEW 4 ? L': ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel, PA <717)933-4114 A.LHERR&BRO. 312 Park Ave. Quarryville, PA (717)786-3521 E.W.BILEWICZ EQUIP., INC. Elmer Rd., Richwood, NJ (609)881-2692 C.&P. FULTZ EQUIP. RD 1, Spring Mills, PA (814) 422-8805 5 new 110-180 hp* with an on board computer that opens a new line of communication between tractor and operator ‘ ' ’n I i PAUL SHAVER’S, INC. 35 East Willow St. Carlisle, PA (717)243-2686 Loysville, Pa. (717)789-3117 CASE POWER & EQUIP. Montgomeryville, PA (215)699-5871 New Castle, DE (302) 652-3028 THE WARNER CO. "Per Tw The Parmer" Troy, PA (717)297-2141 r This radar sensor records true ground speed “15 TONS OF RELIABILITY.” = jav = m “THE BEAUTY OF THE BEAST IS BRAINS.’’ Try A BHi ■■■They ........ Love Your Woric! ■■■LwlvJ «• V Nnl V and the computer calculates wheel slippage rtr.EE] sbsl ■ II , asn| „,Uj aaa [ “QUIET COMFORT, COMPLETE CONTROL. YOU’RE ON CLOUD 94.” 2-Wheel Drive Tractors You change gears to compensate “ARTICULATED TRACTORS CAN STEER YOU WRONG. STEER YOURSELF RIGHT WITH CASE.” J I Case Agricultural Equipment Division 700 State Street Racine W! 53404 USA