Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 02, 1984, Image 13
Livestock market and auction news Leesport Livestock Leesport, Pa. Wednesday, May 30,1984 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 321. Supply included 59% feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter cows 50 cents to 1.50 lower. Slaughter bulls mostly steady. Choice slaughter steers 1000-1270 lbs. 63.35-65.25, Good 58.75-63.75, Good & Choice Holsteins 1250-1640 lbs. 55.85-58.85, Standard 50-56.75, few to 58.50, few Utility & Low Standard 43.25-48.50. Choice slaughter heifers 900-1100 lbs. 58-60.75, Individual 62.60, few Good 55-58.00, few Standard 49.50- 54.75. Breaking Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 43.50-45.00, few 52.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 4044.25, Canner & Low Cutter * * $ I# 4 When the mercury goes appetite goes down. So does milk S fat production. The dramatic reduction in feed intake, especially the roughage portion, is the primary problem dairymen must cope with during heat-stress periods to keep their cows producing at an economically profitable level With high-producing herds, / cobalt zinc and iron will bring the higher the production level, back the appetite of your the greater the toss in intake stressed cattle When they get because of production stress back to eating they will do their These highest producers will producing TRY U 5 MOW under also be the first ones with their these stress times Our « ofpetmmmi* tongues hanging out "Production Plus" dairy product fast Reduced consumption will dramatically convince you m?; ?aoo Oet the details from your nearest hutri-K dealer today: Hagerstown, MD Mifflintown, Fft Shippensburg, RK Zollinger, R* Martin's Elevator, Inc * Raymond Millard Criders Dairy Equipment James Ritchey (501) 733-2555 (717)436-9349 (717)532-2196 (717) 762-7800 37.25- Shells down to 32.00. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 58.50-62.50, Good 54-59.00, Standard. 50.25- Yield Grade #1 1300- 2250 lbs. slaughter bulls 49.10-58.35, mostly 53-55.00. FEEDER CATTLE. Medium Frame HI 325-670 lbs. feeder steers 60.50-67.00, Large Frame H 2 335-560 lbs. 52-58.00; few Medium Frame HI 450-520 lbs. feeder heifers 39.50- 44.50; few Medium Frame #1 380 420 lbs. feeder bulls 6048.00, few 600-750 lbs. 45.50-52.00. CALVES 182. Vealers grading Standard & Low Good, steady to 5.Q0 higher. Few Choice Vealers 80- 92.00, Good 73-83.00, few Standard & Good 110-120 lbs. 66-78.00, 90-110 lbs. 6048.00, 7045 lbs. 45-58.00, Utility 55-40 lbs. 2540.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 85-130 lbs. 82.50-110.00, some down means imbalance of critical trace minerals and insufficient energy intake This inevitably leads to low milk and butterfat production Our biologically-available forms of trace minerals to 65.00, few Holstein Heifers 85-110 lbs. 66-76.00. Beef Cross Bull & Heifers 75-130 lbs. 69-103.00, mostly 75-94.00. HOGS 414. Barrows & gilts unevenly steady. US No. 1-2 215-250 lbs. barrows & gilts 48.75-50.00, No. 1-3 200-260 lbs. 4749.00, mostly 48.5049.25, one lot No. 1-3185 lbs. at 45.25. Sows; Steady 1.00 lower. US No. 1-3 295-500 lbs. sows 3841.50, 500-615 lbs. 41.2544.25. Few Boars 32-35.00, few Light Weights 33.50- 38.00. FEEDER PIGS 285. US No. 1-3 20-30 lbs. feeder pigs 8048.00 per hundredweight, No. 1-3 35-60 lbs. 70-92.00, No. 1-3 6045 lbs. 5346.00, one lot Utility 30 lbs. at 78.00, few Utility 65-95 lbs. 47-50.50. SHEEP 91. High Choice & Prime 2545 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 7341.00, 70-115 lbs. 65-66.00, few V v that you don't have to take summer slump as inevitable We can get those tongues back into your cows and the milk into your tank Dealer inquiries welcomed Contacttlutr H of Pennsylvania (71?) 762 7800. nutrhk! Monday markets not covered by USDA & PDA Choice 45-55 lbs. 68-70.00, few Good & Choice 85-110 lbs. 46-53.00, one lot Good 45 lbs. at 56.00. Slaughter sheep 8-25.00. Goats 35; Large Adults 24-36.00 per head, few to 47.00, few Small Adults 16-22.00, Large Kids 16-28.00, small Kids 8- 10.00. up. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984—A13 holiday due to Slaughter Steers and Heifers through Wednesday were fully 1.00 to 1.50 lower. Cows weak to mostly 1.00 lower. Bulls 2.00 lower. Trading moderate and demand generally light. Continued slow beef movement and liberal slaughter for last week were weighing on purchase requirements a live prices. Receipts this week about 1523 as compared to 1594 a week ago and 1476 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2- 1100-1250 lbs. 63.50-66.00, few to 67.00, late 63.50-64.50 including load 3- 1235 lbs. Wednesday at 64.50; 1000-1100 lbs. late 62.50-63.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1000- 1150 lbs. 61.50-62.50. Good 58.00- 62.00. Few Good and Choice 2-3 1200-1350 lbs. Holsteins 56 00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-4 925-1050 lbs. 61 50-63 50, mostly 61 50-63 00, few low dressing 3 900 lbs 58 00 Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 875-975 lbs 59.50-61.00. Good 850-975 lbs 55 00- 60.50. COWS. Breaking Utility and few Commercial 2-4 41.00-44.00. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 39.00-42.50 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 35.00- 39.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-1885 lbs. 46 00-51.00. Li 1 1 _t | | | • Liquid Manure Pumps til Li LL * electromix • Barn Cleaner Chains ■■■■■■ • Bedding Choppers ■■■ lIS • Silage Carts " • Manure Tanks From FORSHEYS INC. 814-793-3792 deluxe field SOLAR-PAK Model DF-SP-SS, 6 V. Battery Operated America's first solar-powered electric fencer is now 100% solid state construction, no moving parts Increased output, longer life Solar- Pak eliminates the need of ex pensive battery replacement or inconvenient recharging For the first tune you can have power line convenience in a battery fencer Solar-Pak will operate for 21 days in total darkness Weatherproof, outdoor model Charges up to 20 miles of fence Complete with sealed 6-volt Gel battery UL listed Prices As low As *144.95 Made in U S A 2 Year Warranty, Including Lightning Damage, With Prompt Local Service Available • Other models available, including Hi-Line Fencers. SALES AND SERVICE If Your Loco! Pooler Poos Not Hose It, Contact PEQUKA BATTKRIKS Ronks, PA 17572 Distributor & Warranty Station tor Parmak m T lL T [T tL E m 0 Peoria Cattle Thursday, May 31 Report supplied by USDA E E