Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 02, 1984, Image 128
C44—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984 P ULTRY ft SUPPLIES B More Good News, From Elmtree Fumigation We not only "Kill" the Viruses in your Poultry and Swine, Turkey Houses. We now can assure you complete Rodent control. We now handle "Parapet" from Sterwin Laboratories Inc. 25 lb., 50 lb., 100 lb. containers With Fumigation and Parapel You Will Cut Down On Outside Traffic On Your Farm, And Disease Call 717-665-5688 QR 717-367-2189 Galen Young Bernell Swords Or Write To: Elmtree Poultry Service Fumigation Division P.O. Box 127 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Now! Control Your Rodents With The New Parapel, Paraffinized pellets. Ideal for Dairy Operations. Fanner Automatic 4 deck cage systems, for pullets & layers. No pits needed in building. Reynolds & Yellott, 12800 Gores Mill Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136.301-833-1840 Cornish-Giant meat chicks, Hubbard Leghorns, Golden Comets. Barred Rock and other breeds. Also turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas. Weekly delivery to your farm in quarantine zone CASE HATCHERY. Brodbecks, PA. 717-235- 2050. For Sale - Used 11" wooden chicken coops. Good Poultry Services, Inc. 717-684-2228 or 285-3628. FOR SALE - Discontinued Egg Business. Items for sale include; 2, 8 - ton metal feed tanks. Choretime automatic feeding system; Hart-cup watering system for 16,000 birds; triple-deck cages; feed troughes, automatic egg gatherers; manure scraper; gutter cleaners; 2 motors & pumps for vacuum lift; 1 KuN egg washer, 1 Model SR 30 Eggomatic egg grader w/candler & automatic counters; 4 automatic packers-Model SR 30, conveyor belts, cross belts; carton closer, round table; coolers; com pressors & 12, 42" direct drive fans, never used. 301-775-7475. 20 week old pullets for Aupist. Available Local. Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, D-142, Lititz, PA. 17543. Standard and fancy bred chicks plus ducks, geese, turkeys, and game birds for sale Write for free brochure: HELMLINGERS CHICKS R D 1 Box 741 Hill Rd Allentown, NJ 08501 609-758-3892 POULTRY tt SUPPLIES Division. Wanted - Will pay premium for double yoke eggs. Contact Esh Egg Farm. 717-768-8542. EGO 1215 G Kuhl egg washer dryer; Candler and grader SR-2 eggomatic; 8 ton Brock bulk bin with flex auger. 215-799-3378. WANTED Condemned Poultry House - We will lease or joint venture for breeding rabbits. Call John 215-343-9020 Sen direct to us for cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chuckers * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY 215-267-4784 ft SEED | For Sale - Top quality corn silage. 215-827-7105. Available - far corn, good qualty, $l3O per ton at crib. Wheat straw. Lehigh Co. Cal Evenings or Mornings. 215-6798921. WANTED Ear Corn & Shelled Corn RONALD S. KEENER Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-6309 ■,■ ytj,'/. ■ . ,v■■ ■■■ POULTRY £f SUPPLIES FEED & SEED For Sale - Oyster shells, Contact Nelson Weaver & Son, Inc., Lititz, PA 717- 626-8538 ProLasse 8% All Natural Molasses Base Liquid Protein. Make sweet feed with aty PTO mixer. Wholesale, retail from manufacturer, dealer inquiries invited. Call collect. 301-343-0343 Will buy moldy grain, 301-833-1847. Wanted - chicken litter out of silo, will pick up, 301- 833-1847. 32% liquid protein, wholesale/retail from manufacturer. Dealer inquiries invited. Call collect, 301-343-0343. For Sale - Com silage and alfalfa, good quality. E.M. Herr Farms, Willow Street. PA. 17584. Cal 717-464-3321 or 1-800- 732-0053. Wanted Mulch hay. Current prices paid. Hudson Farms, Inc. Call 215-869-2408 or 869- 2409. CORN SILAGE FOR SALE 717-872-4058. For Sale - Hay, Straw, Corn, trailer load lots. We will deliver. 717-494- 0550 For Sale - Quality Hay and Straw by trailer load, new Hay available soon. We buy too. 717 524-9223. For Sale - Alfalfa-Perwilate Orchard, first cutting, priced at the field, $75 - $lOO per ton. Hauling can be arranged. Preston Boop. 717-966-3565 or 717-966-1658. FOR SALE - 1200 bushel Astro oats. Clinton Co., PA. 717-745-3319. T r ~ FEED tt SEED Wanted - Ear com, good quality only. Will pickup at your farm. Ken Miko, RD 3, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 717-739-4586 FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shavings Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged - Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-6305 WANTED Large Quantities of MULCH HAY for 1984 prefer 4x4xB Bales others considered Prompt Payment BODMAN FARMS Gerald Bodman & Son 717-799-5306 I* *IF youTJav?gKliT I WE BUY IF YOU NEED GRAIN WE SELL | Ear Corn - Shell Corr. | Soybeans 9 Custom Drying - Contracting NELSON L. ROHRER f Lancaster, PA Xt 717-569-4383 I Nobel oats. Will deliver in 400 bushel loads. Berks Co. 215-488-1965. For Sale - Top quality corn silage. 215-827-7105. For Sale - Corn Silage, good quality, near Ephrata. 717-733-6333. WANTED ALFALFA. TIMOTHY & MIXED HAY t EAR CORN Will pickup JAMES G. KREIDER 717-786-3936 Lancaster Co Choice Timothy & Alfalfa, Timothy & Clover and Timothy Hay ; 717-324-2841 WANTED All kinds of hay Will pick up Harvey Z. Martin 21S-445-5303 Lancaster County Wet Brewers Grain - Sawdust Ernest J. Tomer Trucking, Inc. Box 168, R.D.2 Philipsburg, NJ 08865 201-475-2578 Hay Straw Wanted Call 717- 354-3119 FEED ft SEED Eighteen units Piper Sudan grass seed, Hoff mana, $l7 per unit. Chester Co. 215- 933-6670. Buying and Selling High Moisture Corn Air Blown, whole kernel corn 3000 tons storage Stern Farms Call for price. Trucking Available. 717-748-2563 HAY BAG™ 50” dia. x 11’ *4.70 ea.4B lbs. 10 roll 60" dia. x 13' *5.20ea.57 lbs. 10 roll 5.0 linear low density plastic for strength White, reusable with care. Lancaster 872-7160 Hagerstown -791-7323 Shippensburg 423-6110 Rising Sun 668-5568 N Enterprise 766-3490 Needmore 573-2393 Lewisburg 524-2410 Madison, VA 948-4260 For Free samples call or write Order Soon Hay Bay & Cover Portersville, Pa. 412-368-8188 BUYING EAR CORN AND SHELLED CORN Picked up at your farm or delivered to Marietta Spot or contract prices available CUSTOM DRYING AND STORAGE R.K. VOGT GRAIN RD #l, Marietta, PA 717-653-2510 “Customers make our day” WANTED SHELLED CORN AND EAR CORN 340,000 Bushel Storage Fast Unloading Trucks Available SHOOP GRAIN CENTER RD 1 Milton, PA 17847 717-524-0325 SHELLED CORN FOR SALE »149« s per ton laqrainl Pennington, NJ. 609/737-2800 ■ I FEED ft SEED For Sale - 19 acres alfalfa for haylage or baling. Brow ns town, Lititz area. 717-354-0465 or 717- 354-9573. 60 ft. scale